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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

be quiet Granger is a tool of the PPP, the people of linden seh suh.

They said the same thing about Corbin and the PPP romped home with 54% of the votes as blacks stayed home.


They are rubbing their lips in the hope that this happens again in 2015/16.


What has Nagamootoo done to indicate to blacks as to why he had nothing to say about their situation when he was in the PPP.  Why should they trust him now when he was part of the PPP cabal which continues to marginalize them now?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC had great ideals but it went awry by it dominance of Indians who hated the PPP.  The Afros saw the ignoramous attitude and piggy-backed on it as a strategy to get the PNC back in power.   I still remember the latest PNC convert deleting my anti PNC comments from the AFC website while giving Granger's nephew administrative powers.

The AFCs problem prior to 2011 is that they were seen as a bourgeois "red and potagee people" party.  They weren't comfortable with the black grass roots and this showed.    So while in 2006 they pulled support from the black and mixed middle class, they didn't get to the black grass roots. 


Granger has similar issues and what we see within the PNC is a class conflict.  Granger is aloof and condescending and this is why he has turned off many people.  This inter class warfare has been a feature of the PNC since Hoyte and Hammie Green parted. 


This is HM Redux's problem.  He doesn't even begin to understand issues in Guyana as they relate to Afro Guyanese.  He also doesn't understand the Afro Guyanese mentality.  If he thinks that Kissoon and Solomon are going to walk into the AFC and be meek and bow to Nagamootoo he is in for a surprise.


Those people will have to deliver something to people in Linden, and the grass roots blacks elsewhere.  Its beyond Nagamootoo's frame of reference as he comes from an old Indian dominated PPP and so sees blacks as the "other".


Guyana is a DIVIDED nation and those who deny that are foolish.


The AFC can get black support but selecting Nagamootoo isn't the way to do so.  They should be grooming younger leaders who bring new ideas and who aren't stained by the stench of PPP/PNC race based politics.  Nagamootoo smells quite foul given that his entire adult life has been with the PPP.


I wil give Gerhard his due.  He listens to people, analyses what they say and then offers his opinion. When Gerhard and I had our argument in August 2011 he didn't damn me as a racist when I said that the AFC was ignoring blacks.  He said that the AFC lacked resources and so felt that it had to concentrate them in PPP strongholds to break their vote. He said that he hoped that I was wrong, and then conceded after the AFC lost much of its urban vote, that I was right.

Caribny, you do not know Nagamootoo. You do not know Nagamootoo's relationship with Black people. You will be best served in removing that biased notion of Nagamootoo, and may discover other dynamic that explain the truth about who can get whom to vote for them.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Caribny, you do not know Nagamootoo. You do not know Nagamootoo's relationship with Black people. You will be best served in removing that biased notion of Nagamootoo, and may discover other dynamic that explain the truth about who can get whom to vote for them.

And funny thing none of you seem to be able to explain what exactly is his relationship to blacks? 


Start with telling me what Nagamootoo did when he was in the PPP when blacks began to scream that the PPP was excluding them.


I know that many of you think that all blacks are simple and childish and are happy if you drink beer and play dominoes with them.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

My gut feeling tells me that Moses Nagamootoo will leave AFC and join PNC. Even though he would consider a two timing deserter like GR, it will be his best move away from Ramjattan. AFC is Ramjattan party and he alone will have to run it. 

My gut feeling with you low breeds is that all you can do daily is flip flip back and forth between APNU hates AFC, AFC in love with APNU back to APNU hates AFC daily.


This is to be expected though you're like a rice eater chasing its tail daily - low Breed.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Caribny, you do not know Nagamootoo. You do not know Nagamootoo's relationship with Black people. You will be best served in removing that biased notion of Nagamootoo, and may discover other dynamic that explain the truth about who can get whom to vote for them.

And funny thing none of you seem to be able to explain what exactly is his relationship to blacks? 


Start with telling me what Nagamootoo did when he was in the PPP when blacks began to scream that the PPP was excluding them.


I know that many of you think that all blacks are simple and childish and are happy if you drink beer and play dominoes with them.

You are a wise man. What good is your wisdom when you lock yourself away in your cockroach infested Brooklyn apartment postulating and pouting only about you matty blackman. Get off your black rass and go to Guyana and do something and save us your verbal diahorea. You are no spoke person for the black man. You man Granger turned against them when he voted with the PPP to raise the electricity rates in Linden. Look at how yuh matty black man screwing he own matty blackman. Go drink beer and play dominoes.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

My gut feeling tells me that Moses Nagamootoo will leave AFC and join PNC. Even though he would consider a two timing deserter like GR, it will be his best move away from Ramjattan. AFC is Ramjattan party and he alone will have to run it. 

My gut feeling with you low breeds is that all you can do daily is flip flip back and forth between APNU hates AFC, AFC in love with APNU back to APNU hates AFC daily.


This is to be expected though you're like a rice eater chasing its tail daily - low Breed.

Kwame teach how to deal Back & Front.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Caribny, you do not know Nagamootoo. You do not know Nagamootoo's relationship with Black people. You will be best served in removing that biased notion of Nagamootoo, and may discover other dynamic that explain the truth about who can get whom to vote for them.

And funny thing none of you seem to be able to explain what exactly is his relationship to blacks? 


Start with telling me what Nagamootoo did when he was in the PPP when blacks began to scream that the PPP was excluding them.


I know that many of you think that all blacks are simple and childish and are happy if you drink beer and play dominoes with them.

You are a wise man. What good is your wisdom when you lock yourself away in your cockroach infested Brooklyn apartment postulating and pouting only about you matty blackman. Get off your black rass and go to Guyana and do something and save us your verbal diahorea. You are no spoke person for the black man. You man Granger turned against them when he voted with the PPP to raise the electricity rates in Linden. Look at how yuh matty black man screwing he own matty blackman. Go drink beer and play dominoes.

Mits cool down .....lef de cussing to me and Cainster.

I know CaribJ.....but I had to explode lastnite....Because CaribJ Calling Decent Indian people Refugee....

This Stale Bread mouth Purple Shoes Pick-Pocket Choke-n-rob Thug calling coolie names.


He just like Kwame.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Mits cool down .....lef de cussing to me and Cainster.

I know CaribJ.....but I had to explode lastnite....Because CaribJ Calling Decent Indian people Refugee....

This Stale Bread mouth Purple Shoes Pick-Pocket Choke-n-rob Thug calling coolie names.


He just like Kwame.

well mr Jalil . . . calling caribny a "black racist sakiwinki" re-tells me all i need to know about u and what u are (essentially) about


nah suh bai?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Caribny, you do not know Nagamootoo. You do not know Nagamootoo's relationship with Black people. You will be best served in removing that biased notion of Nagamootoo, and may discover other dynamic that explain the truth about who can get whom to vote for them.

And funny thing none of you seem to be able to explain what exactly is his relationship to blacks? 


Start with telling me what Nagamootoo did when he was in the PPP when blacks began to scream that the PPP was excluding them.


I know that many of you think that all blacks are simple and childish and are happy if you drink beer and play dominoes with them.

You are a wise man. What good is your wisdom when you lock yourself away in your cockroach infested Brooklyn apartment postulating and pouting only about you matty blackman. Get off your black rass and go to Guyana and do something and save us your verbal diahorea. You are no spoke person for the black man. You man Granger turned against them when he voted with the PPP to raise the electricity rates in Linden. Look at how yuh matty black man screwing he own matty blackman. Go drink beer and play dominoes.


This is blatant racism !

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Caribny, you do not know Nagamootoo. You do not know Nagamootoo's relationship with Black people. You will be best served in removing that biased notion of Nagamootoo, and may discover other dynamic that explain the truth about who can get whom to vote for them.

And funny thing none of you seem to be able to explain what exactly is his relationship to blacks? 


Start with telling me what Nagamootoo did when he was in the PPP when blacks began to scream that the PPP was excluding them.


I know that many of you think that all blacks are simple and childish and are happy if you drink beer and play dominoes with them.

Anyone assocaited with the PPP, past and present were never too concerned about the common people. For them, it was all about power. Jagdeo was their RUDE awakening. There is this line, "Jagdeo's hard nose towards Ramjattan, Moses and RamKarran meant it for evil, but God in His own way is going to turn out the PPP to pasture."

Last edited by seignet
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Caribny, you do not know Nagamootoo. You do not know Nagamootoo's relationship with Black people. You will be best served in removing that biased notion of Nagamootoo, and may discover other dynamic that explain the truth about who can get whom to vote for them.

And funny thing none of you seem to be able to explain what exactly is his relationship to blacks? 


Start with telling me what Nagamootoo did when he was in the PPP when blacks began to scream that the PPP was excluding them.


I know that many of you think that all blacks are simple and childish and are happy if you drink beer and play dominoes with them.

You are a wise man. What good is your wisdom when you lock yourself away in your cockroach infested Brooklyn apartment postulating and pouting only about you matty blackman. Get off your black rass and go to Guyana and do something and save us your verbal diahorea. You are no spoke person for the black man. You man Granger turned against them when he voted with the PPP to raise the electricity rates in Linden. Look at how yuh matty black man screwing he own matty blackman. Go drink beer and play dominoes.


This is blatant racism !

Yuji when CaribJ call Indians Refugee

Yuh Chat-3 Sk*nt could not say anything....

Because it will offend yuh Boyfriend Kwame....

But the moment a Indian Stand up to Purple Shoes...

Yuh Hallowing Blatant Racism...

Yugi, Kwame & CaribJ....Aya got no shame


Moses Nagamootoo turned his back on jagdeo's criminal cartel masquerading as a political party and catalyzed the change in Guyana's political landscape that may yet lead to justice knocking at PPP doors and a proper future for all Guyanese


caribny's standard of worthiness for aspirants to political leadership would postpone real change in Guyana for at least another generation, and represents the pouting navel-gazing of the committed unserious

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Mits cool down .....lef de cussing to me and Cainster.

I know CaribJ.....but I had to explode lastnite....Because CaribJ Calling Decent Indian people Refugee....

This Stale Bread mouth Purple Shoes Pick-Pocket Choke-n-rob Thug calling coolie names.


He just like Kwame.

well mr Jalil . . . calling caribny a "black racist sakiwinki" re-tells me all i need to know about u and what u are (essentially) about


nah suh bai?

Redux.... you choose yuh bed....

yuh love Monkey Mountain....enjoy.


When CaribJ calling Decent Indians Refugee....

What did Redux do?....

Pose fuh wan picha with Granger...


Look CaribJ ......might fit into your scheme....

but when he cross the line like you....

Do not expect us to hang Mala pun yuh Neck....


CaribJ got off easy by being referred to

as a "Black Racist Sakiwinki".


Rodney ....A Blackman...

Call CaribJ Idol..... ODO



So Haul yuh ass

back to Monkey Mountain

with De "Black Racist Sakiwinki"

Originally Posted by redux:

Moses Nagamootoo turned his back on jagdeo's criminal cartel masquerading as a political party and catalyzed the change in Guyana's political landscape that may yet lead to justice knocking at PPP doors and a proper future for all Guyanese.


Before I tell you what Moses do...

We want yuh tell us what Redux do before

he Pose for Picture with Granger?


caribny's standard of worthiness for aspirants to political leadership would postpone real change in Guyana for at least another generation, and represents the pouting navel-gazing of the committed unserious.

So Haul yuh ass

back to Monkey Mountain

with De "Black Racist Sakiwinki"




soooo, let me get this straight . . . Walter Rodney calling Burnham "King Kong" makes it OK (more digestible?) to call Afro-Guyanese "black monkeys"?


well, herr Jalil, sounds to me like your predilections ranging mighty far into the nether precincts of absurdland in search of 'rationales' for alyuh racism


nah suh bai?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

soooo, let me get this straight . . . Walter Rodney calling Burnham "King Kong" makes it OK (more digestible?) to call Afro-Guyanese "black monkeys"?


When yuh gon Quote some body....

You do not have to lie.....

I said CaribJ is a "Black Racist Monkey"


well, herr Jalil, sounds to me like your predilections ranging mighty far into the nether precincts of absurdland in search of 'rationales' for alyuh racism.


I do not care how some Monkey 

who pose with Granger thinking....


I am responding to CaribJ

attacking Indians and calling them

Refugee from a Coolie Party


So Haul yuh ass

back to Monkey Mountain

with De "Black Racist Sakiwinki"

nah suh bai?


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

My gut feeling tells me that Moses Nagamootoo will leave AFC and join PNC. Even though he would consider a two timing deserter like GR, it will be his best move away from Ramjattan. AFC is Ramjattan party and he alone will have to run it. 

Nagamootoo is fundamentally a PPP man.  He left because you all humiliated him and since his arrival with other PPP refugees the AFC is now Indo party II.  The old AFCites seem to have lost hope, and some like GR and TK have left for APNU.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by redux:

soooo, let me get this straight . . . Walter Rodney calling Burnham "King Kong" makes it OK (more digestible?) to call Afro-Guyanese "black monkeys"?


When yuh gon Quote some body....

You do not have to lie.....

I said "Black Racist Monkey"


well, herr Jalil, sounds to me like your predilections ranging mighty far into the nether precincts of absurdland in search of 'rationales' for alyuh racism.


I do not care how some Monkey 

who pose with Granger thinking....


I am responding to CaribJ

attacking Indians and calling them

Refugee from a Coolie Party


So Haul yuh ass

back to Monkey Mountain

with De "Black Racist Sakiwinki"

nah suh bai?

ow jalilbai . . . i truncated the quote to its essence and didn't punctuate correctly with ellipses; meh sarry


suh den, wuh is the qualitative difference between calling Afro-Guyanese "black racist monkey" and "black monkey" eh?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You are a wise man. What good is your wisdom when you lock yourself away in your cockroach infested Brooklyn apartment postulating and pouting only about you matty blackman. Get off your black rass and go to Guyana and do something and save us your verbal diahorea. You are no spoke person for the black man. You man Granger turned against them when he voted with the PPP to raise the electricity rates in Linden. Look at how yuh matty black man screwing he own matty blackman. Go drink beer and play dominoes.

Oh I see, further proof that the AFC is now Indo party II, as they engage in the same vile racism which have become accustomed to from the PPP.


But then what can I expect from Mitwah who is still a PPP man, just vexed with who currently runs it.


Still waiting for why you all claim that Nagamootoo so loves black people, but all I got was a vile racist rant.  Of course because I am black you assume that I live in a basement sharing board with cockroaches.  So PPP of you.  Rev, and the other PPP racists will be proud of you.



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Comrade low breed don't you have a Phd in racism? you and CariBT?

Wow the Indo party II (PPP refugees) are angry that I exposed their complete disinterest in Afro Guyanese.  So they now descend into vulgarity.


HM I mistook you for Jalil a few days ago when I called you vulgar.  You now have earned the title.  You, Jalil and Mitwah......all PPP refugees. 


I don't know if you know this but many people who google information on Guyana find GNI posts.  Now how does it help the AFC is some of its most prolific posters engage in such vulgarity?


Now go join Jalil as he pines for Kwame.  With every post of his he shows his love for that person, and is angry because apparently Kwame has no time for him.

Originally Posted by redux:

soooo, let me get this straight . . . Walter Rodney calling Burnham "King Kong" makes it OK (more digestible?) to call Afro-Guyanese "black monkeys"?


well, herr Jalil, sounds to me like your predilections ranging mighty far into the nether precincts of absurdland in search of 'rationales' for alyuh racism


nah suh bai?

As I long suspected PPP racists, who have an internal brawl within the PPP, have left and infected the AFC and will soon destroy that once fine party which had lofty, even of a bit naÃŊve goals.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You are a wise man. What good is your wisdom when you lock yourself away in your cockroach infested Brooklyn apartment postulating and pouting only about you matty blackman. Get off your black rass and go to Guyana and do something and save us your verbal diahorea. You are no spoke person for the black man. You man Granger turned against them when he voted with the PPP to raise the electricity rates in Linden. Look at how yuh matty black man screwing he own matty blackman. Go drink beer and play dominoes.

Oh I see, further proof that the AFC is now Indo party II, as they engage in the same vile racism which have become accustomed to from the PPP.


But then what can I expect from Mitwah who is still a PPP man, just vexed with who currently runs it.


Still waiting for why you all claim that Nagamootoo so loves black people, but all I got was a vile racist rant.  Of course because I am black you assume that I live in a basement sharing board with cockroaches.  So PPP of you.  Rev, and the other PPP racists will be proud of you.



CaribJ as in Jonestown

I will be happy

to continue a Discussion with you

after you apologize and withdraw

your Racist Remarks about 

"Coolie Refuge belong to De Indian Party"


I will support any other Indian

Including Rev or Mits to expose your

hatred & Scorn for all Indo Guyanese.


So Haul

yuh "Black Racist Sakiwinki" ass

back to Monkey Mountain...


This world is a Better Place because

All Blackpeople are not Racist &

they do not behave like CaribJ.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
.....Because CaribJ Calling Decent Indian people Refugee....


You left the PPP because 10 years ago you were a huge PPP man based on your posts in GNI.  You have infected another party bringing your basic racist attitudes towards black people, so well illustrated here that even Redux has to challenge you.  And challenge you he should, because what ever weaknesses the AFC had racism wasn't one of them.


You my dear sir are playing into the hands of people who call the AFC Indo party II.  Rather than engaging in vulgarity (and displaying your rage that Kwame dumped you.....maybe this is why you left the PPP) your response should have been to explain exactly how Nagamootoo, despite his involvement in the PPP, with its much deserved reputation for hostility towards Afro Guyanese, does indeed show deep concern for the anxieties which many blacks in Guyana have about their declining socio economic and political position within Guyana.  You could have also shown what steps the AFC itself is taking to recognize the concerns of blacks in Guyana.


You didn't.  You engaged in vulgarity and now extreme anti black racism.  Clearly you have no answer to the questions raised, because being the bigot which you are, it never dawned on you that within Guyana's political space exist two major groups and the AFC will only grow if it is able to attract support from BOTH!


Now run off with your anti black bigotry, which you obviously picked up in your years in the PPP.  Even the PPP racists are laughing at your hypocrisy.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You are a wise man. What good is your wisdom when you lock yourself away in your cockroach infested Brooklyn apartment postulating and pouting only about you matty blackman. Get off your black rass and go to Guyana and do something and save us your verbal diahorea. You are no spoke person for the black man. You man Granger turned against them when he voted with the PPP to raise the electricity rates in Linden. Look at how yuh matty black man screwing he own matty blackman. Go drink beer and play dominoes.

Oh I see, further proof that the AFC is now Indo party II, as they engage in the same vile racism which have become accustomed to from the PPP.


But then what can I expect from Mitwah who is still a PPP man, just vexed with who currently runs it.


Still waiting for why you all claim that Nagamootoo so loves black people, but all I got was a vile racist rant.  Of course because I am black you assume that I live in a basement sharing board with cockroaches.  So PPP of you.  Rev, and the other PPP racists will be proud of you.



CaribJ as in Jonestown

I will be happy to continue a Discussion

with you after you apologize and withdraw

your Racist Remarks about 

"Coolie Refuge belong to De Indian Party"


I will support any other Indian

Including Rev or Mits to expose your

hatred & Scorn for all Indo Guyanese.


So Haul

yuh "Black Racist Sakiwinki" ass

back to Monkey Mountain...


This world is a Better Place because

All Blackpeople are not Racist &

they do not behave like CaribJ.

After the most vile screams from you so loud that even Redux, a fellow AFC supporter had to reprimand you it is YOU who have to apologize to Afro Guyanese people.


Your behavior in fact makes my point.  You and your fellow buddies had a falling out with Jagdeo.  Because of the way the PPP is structured you couldn't conduct your brawl with in its structures, so you infect the AFC.  That party desperate to build a permanent base allowed you PPP refugees to take over that party, and now you are building PPP II/ Filled with all your bigotry towards Afro Guyanese which is deeply evident in your rant.


I have no need to dialogue with you as you have proven my point.  This is why the possibility of the AFC gaining grass roots African supporter, and regaining the middle class black vote that it lost in 2011, is remote.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

your Racist Remarks about 

"Coolie Refuge belong to De Indian Party"



And when you engage in your in vulgar rant quote me properly.  I stated that the AFC has had an over focus on the Indian vote, and that Nagamootoo is not suitable if they want to build a broad cross ethnic base.


Rather than engaging in a decent response, you, HM and Mitwah engaged in vulgarity which in your case and Mitwahs displays your embedded latent disrespect for black people.


Now you need to go and apologize to Redux for making comments which are universally used to demean blacks.  I am not an AFC supporter and clearly will never be once this PPP racism which you PPP refugees now openly display remains a fact.  Indeed I am deeply grateful for you and Mitwah for deeply exposing your latent hostility to blacks.  You made my point more eloquently than I did with your vulgarity.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Reminder #2

CaribJ as in Jonestown

I will be happy

to continue a Discussion with you

after you apologize and withdraw

your Racist Remarks about 

"Coolie Refuge belong to De Indian Party"


Jalil I will NOT apologize to you and in any casde you are NOT capable of any reasonable conversation. All you are capable of is showing your latent homosexual tendencies by your incessant rant about Kwame. Why one can ask do you incessantly rage against him when he is a pathetic black Uncle Tom soup licker who will be jailed the minute that the PPP loses power, and his Indian friends will NOT protect him.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

your Racist Remarks about 

"Coolie Refuge belong to De Indian Party"



And when you engage in your in vulgar rant quote me properly.  I stated that the AFC has had an over focus on the Indian vote, and that Nagamootoo is not suitable if they want to build a broad cross ethnic base.


Rather than engaging in a decent response, you, HM and Mitwah engaged in vulgarity which in your case and Mitwahs displays your embedded latent disrespect for black people.


Now you need to go and apologize to Redux for making comments which are universally used to demean blacks.  I am not an AFC supporter and clearly will never be once this PPP racism which you PPP refugees now openly display remains a fact.  Indeed I am deeply grateful for you and Mitwah for deeply exposing your latent hostility to blacks.  You made my point more eloquently than I did with your vulgarity.


Carib is on Fire, Mitwah and Jalil are now in hiding with Moses in the AFC Toilet.


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