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Originally Posted by yuji22:

This thread should read:


The reason why people should not Vote for a racist AFC.


Gerhard could not stand the racists in the AFC.

Gerhard said no such thing and true AFCites are the LEAST racist people inn Guyana.  It is the refugees who learned their nasty behavior while they were in the PPP who carry it around. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Most Guyanese men with money in his pocket or some education in his brain thinks he is a political heavyweight. Gerhard and Glen Lall are two such persons.

Yes thanks to gold and remittances and to an extent rice.


Get back to me if Venezuela reneges on its rice purchases or gold drops to US $ 800.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Even with an exodus of skillful people from Guyana to the attractive job markets of North America the Republic of Guyana has been able to increase the number of doctors, qualified teachers, lawyers, and other professionals. This has been openly acknowledged by international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the CDB.

90% of the new nurses failed their exam.  Reason.  The quality of teaching s poor because the best Guyanese nurses have left for Trinidad, Barbados and Antigua where they replace nurses who have left for North America and the UK.


Ditto with the teachers, which is why Guyana has among the LOWEST pass rates in CXC.  It is now a land where only kids whose parents can afford extra lessons will have a chance in life.  Even students at QC and Bishops, two of the best schools, are forced to do this.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You are a wise man. What good is your wisdom when you lock yourself away in your cockroach infested Brooklyn apartment postulating and pouting only about you matty blackman. Get off your black rass and go to Guyana and do something and save us your verbal diahorea. You are no spoke person for the black man. You man Granger turned against them when he voted with the PPP to raise the electricity rates in Linden. Look at how yuh matty black man screwing he own matty blackman. Go drink beer and play dominoes.

Oh I see, further proof that the AFC is now Indo party II, as they engage in the same vile racism which have become accustomed to from the PPP.


But then what can I expect from Mitwah who is still a PPP man, just vexed with who currently runs it.


Still waiting for why you all claim that Nagamootoo so loves black people, but all I got was a vile racist rant.  Of course because I am black you assume that I live in a basement sharing board with cockroaches.  So PPP of you.  Rev, and the other PPP racists will be proud of you.



Haul you rass. Take off your myopic racist blinker. AFC is for the Guyanese populace. You are no spoke person for the Blacks in Guyana. Go race your cockroaches and free yourself for your chronic racist bondage. Your verbal garbage is boring. Insanity is saying and doing the same things over and over again and expecting the results to be different. You are predictable and boring.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
. You are no spoke person for the Blacks in Guyana.

And I guess you think you are.


2006 blacks didn't like Corbin yet Corbin got way more black votes than Trotman.  Respond to that fact instead of engaging in your usual racist vulgarity.  That is a FACT!


FACT.  Nagamootoo spent years in the PPP when it was harassing blacks.  He had NOTHING to say about that, so why should he now be trusted simply because he has a brawl with PPP leadership because he is angry that the Jagans picked Jagdeo instead of him? 


That is an internal PPP brawl and most Afro Guyanese are staying well away from it.  Were they really interested in the AFC they would be demanding a response for the AFc reneging on its promise for ethnic rotation.


Indeed but for the fact that Nagamootoo and Ramjattan are in charge of the AFC you would still be in the PPP, so your hypocrisy is interesting.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Even with an exodus of skillful people from Guyana to the attractive job markets of North America the Republic of Guyana has been able to increase the number of doctors, qualified teachers, lawyers, and other professionals. This has been openly acknowledged by international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the CDB.

Health care is the pits and the legal profession contributes to the judicial system being among the worse in the world. Magistrates are ill red and try cases as though the received their training from a mullah or a panchyat and not one with centuries long legacies in British and commonwealth jurisprudence. Further they are lazy and their inability to manage their case load increased out wait time from 5 years to 8 years for a case to be tried. Lawyers are not better. There is no sanctioning body that actively maintain their ethical behavior and there are many who take money and do not turn up in court or are hardly well read on the matter before them. Out teachers are not any better. 



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

CariBT I can assure you, Nigel Hughes, Trotman and Patterson will get more black votes than Granger.


Ask the people of Linden if Granger winning 2 seats there again.........ask them.

Carib"J" is  

De Black Racist Sakiwinki 

who was recently exposed on GNI

for (1) calling Indians...... Refugee

       (2) Calling AFC......A Coolie Party


Is CaribJ also known as..... Cari"BT" 



Can anyone explain why Black People

From the PNC .....

Alexander, Norton, Grenidge, Hardine

From the PPP.....

Hinds, Luncheon, Collymore, Evans

From the WPA....

Dr Rodney, Omawalli, Kuyana, Clive Thomas

From The AFC....

Nigel, Patterson, Trevor Williams....

are Decent Black people????


and why

"Decent Black People"

do not have a Collie/Black Race Problem

and they love Indians


and Never behave like


....... "De Black Racist Sakiwinki"



CaribJ want to know

Why Rodney  

Call Burnham....

De Original Black Racist


Why People Calling 

CaribJ .......

De Current Black Racist



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Carib"J" is  

De Black Racist Sakiwinki 

who was recently exposed on GNI

for (1) calling Indians...... Refugee

       (2) Calling AFC......A Coolie Party


Is CaribJ also known as..... Cari"BT" 



Can anyone explain why Black People

From the PNC .....

Alexander, Norton, Grenidge, Hardine

From the PPP.....

Hinds, Luncheon, Collymore, Evans

From the WPA....

Dr Rodney, Omawalli, Kuyana, Clive Thomas

From The AFC....

Nigel, Patterson, Trevor Williams....

are Decent Black people????


and why

"Decent Black People"

do not have a Collie/Black Race Problem

and they love Indians


and Never behave like


....... "De Black Racist Sakiwinki"



CaribJ want to know

Why Rodney  

Call Burnham....

De Original Black Racist


Why People Calling 

CaribJ .......

De Current Black Racist



difficult to contemplate the feeble mind that will double down with a post so racist and dripping with contempt for black people


talk about digging a hole to fill a hole

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

CariBT I can assure you, Nigel Hughes, Trotman and Patterson will get more black votes than Granger.


Ask the people of Linden if Granger winning 2 seats there again.........ask them.

Sitting down in North America you know more about what black people will do than black people living in Guyana.


Any way you said that those people were selfish and I am sure that they are aware that some of you have that opinion of them.


I invite you to look at 2006 Region 10 when Corbin was in a similar position that Granger is now in.  What happened?  Compare 2011.  Clearly many Lindeners in 2006 just didn't even bother to vote.

Originally Posted by Jalil:


Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

CariBT I can assure you, Nigel Hughes, Trotman and Patterson will get more black votes than Granger.


Ask the people of Linden if Granger winning 2 seats there again.........ask them.

Carib"J" is  

De Black Racist Sakiwinki 

who was recently exposed on GNI

for (1) calling Indians...... Refugee

       (2) Calling AFC......A Coolie Party


Is CaribJ also known as..... Cari"BT" 



Can anyone explain why Black People

From the PNC .....

Alexander, Norton, Grenidge, Hardine

From the PPP.....

Hinds, Luncheon, Collymore, Evans

From the WPA....

Dr Rodney, Omawalli, Kuyana, Clive Thomas

From The AFC....

Nigel, Patterson, Trevor Williams....

are Decent Black people????


and why

"Decent Black People"

do not have a Collie/Black Race Problem

and they love Indians


and Never behave like


....... "De Black Racist Sakiwinki"



CaribJ want to know

Why Rodney  

Call Burnham....

De Original Black Racist


Why People Calling 

CaribJ .......

De Current Black Racist



Jalil I was told tonight that most blacks and Indians will vote race in the coming election.  Reading your filth it is easy to see why.


BTW you called the AFC a "collie" party and referred to PPP refugees as Indians.  I said that the AFC is seen as an ALTERNATE Indian party, calling it Indo party II.  You have not furnished evidence that I am wrong.


In any case Jalil the vast majority of Indians will continue to vote PPP and you know that fully well!

Last edited by Former Member


Originally Posted by Jalil:

CaribJ you know I am not a Racist.

You are certainly behaving like one now.  I really don't care because I know that any black man who speaks to black issues is called a racist, Nigel Hughes having been called one many times as have David Hinds, Eric Phillips and others.


If you have a problem with me deal with it intelligently.  I made points and you DELIBERATELY misinterpreted them because you didn't want to deal with the issues that I raised.  I didn't say "collie" party.  And refugee is a fact.  People had disagreements with Jagdeo, had to leave the PPP and found their way to the AFC.  They were as much refugees as any one now leaving Syria.


FACT.  The AFc is trying to woo people from the PPP because they are the incumbent party and are much stronger than the PNC.


FACT.  To do so the AFC has to wear an Indian face as most rural Indians are insecure about African leadership.


So why deny that fact?  The only people who are worried about this is the PPP.  As far as black people are concerned many will not support the AFC at this time because of this, and will vote APNU, and that is IF they vote,  which is in doubt.  But they certainly don't have a problem with Nagamootoo as he has his uses by splitting the Indian vote,


You know full well that APNU isn't a threat at this time.  They cannot win more than 40% because they are too lazy to figure out how to expand their appeal beyond their base.  They are filled with stupid people who have no ideas so they rely on the AFC to be their intellectual bank.  So in the UNLIKELY event that they do win the AFC will exercise tremendous power over them, and can use this fact to leapfrog APNU when they screw up, which you know they will because they are stupid and many are eager for an opportunity to steal.


So cease your racist screaming.  You are angering Redux who is an ardent AFC supporter. You are intelligent enough to know that any discussion of politics in Guyana will involve race, and if you deny this then you are dishonest. 


The majority of the population still puts their racial anxieties in front of the issues.  While this is changing with the younger folks, many of them don't vote, so the over 40 crowd are still very important.


Carib J if I was a Racist

How could I get

a Black Queen from Brooklyn

as one of my best friends....


So go figure that out....


Stop yuh Collie/Blackman stories...

If we think like you

We can never heal the PPP/PNC Race Politics.


CaribJ would you like to play some dominoes

but I do not drink Rum....


but I can show yuh some nice Guyanese

Coolie & Black girls who would

chase yuh rass away

if yuh only mention yuh race shit.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Carib J if I was a Racist

How could I get

a Black Queen from Brooklyn

as one of my best friends....



Don't you know that every white slave planter had some black "friend".


The fact that you deny that the PPP is a racist party openly contemptuous of blacks is very suspect.  Apparently you don't object in how it, and much of the Indian dominated private sector treat Afro Guyanese, and you refuse to listen to their complaints about this.


Nigel Hughes speaks often about issues concerning Afro Guyanese including the openly discriminatory practices of the PPP.  He was the lawyer defending Freddie Kissoon when Jagdeo tried to sue him when he called the PPP a racist regime, which was very hostile to Afro Guyanese!


Is Hughes a racist?

Last edited by Former Member

"Use yuh Mind"

Stop behaving like a Black Racist Sakiwinki

Come on J .... you can do Better..



J if I did not know you

I would have really cuss you out....


How many times must I tell you

both PPP & PNC preach and practice race....


Look the PPP using People like you, Kwame & Lamumba

for say Moses aint know what he saying....


J .....Nigel say ...."Use Yuh Mind"

But in stead....YUh talking like Kwame...

Yuh Attacking Moses & AFC....



Originally Posted by Jalil:

"Use yuh Mind"

Stop behaving like a Black Racist Sakiwinki

Come on J .... you can do Better..



J if I did not know you

I would have really cuss you out....


How many times must I tell you

both PPP & PNC preach and practice race....


Look the PPP using People like you, Kwame & Lamumba

for say Moses aint know what he saying....


J .....Nigel say ...."Use Yuh Mind"

But in stead....YUh talking like Kwame...

Yuh Attacking Moses & AFC....



Eh eh JALIL you giving dem bais crayon wuk. LOL! Wey yuh bai Sase dey. Like he get some now name yasuh? 

Originally Posted by Jalil:

"Use yuh Mind"

Stop behaving like a Black Racist Sakiwinki

Come on J .... you can do Better..



J if I did not know you

I would have really cuss you out....


How many times must I tell you

both PPP & PNC preach and practice race....


Look the PPP using People like you, Kwame & Lamumba

for say Moses aint know what he saying....


J .....Nigel say ...."Use Yuh Mind"

But in stead....YUh talking like Kwame...

Yuh Attacking Moses & AFC....



Nigel Hughes speaks of discrimination against Africans what say you of this?


Africans report that they are unfairly treated in the PRIVATE sector.


USE YOUR MIND AND STOP BEING DISHONEST!  Show that you aren't a mere PPP racist pretending to be otherwise. Afro Guyanese have issues and if the AFC wishes to get their vote they need to address them.  Just as how Walter Rodney addressed issues specific to Indians being illtreated by an African dictatorship.

Originally Posted by Jalil:


Yuh Attacking Moses & AFC....





Kwame (your love lust) claims that there is no racism against blacks, so how can I be talking like Kwame when I say that there s LOADS of discrimination against blacks?


Nigel Hughes, Carl Greenidge, Eric Phillips, and David Hinds have all spoken on issues impacting blacks in Guyana, both those self inflicted as well as the larger issues of institutionalized racism directed against them by Indian elites.


THEY are using their minds why don't you, and why is Nagamootoo afraid to take that issue head on?


Last edited by Former Member


23 mins Â· Edited Â· 

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan in addressing his parliamentarians moments ago declared that President Ramotar's recent move is an abuse of the proclamation system. He said there would be a 'lawful' sitting of the National Assembly called by Speaker Raphael Trotman during which the AFC would make all of its statements from the floor.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Moses saved the people of linden when Granger sold them out on electricity with that other louse Rotten Ropenarine.


Isn't that a FACT?

How did he save them.  They are still poor and Linden still has massive unemployment?  Indeed it was people like Solomon and others who played a far greater role.  All Nagamootoo did was to chase that ambulance.


What has he done concerning Linden since then?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Do you think that this scares the PPP?


Why doesn't the AFC go to PPP strong holds and host meetings to educate the people, listen to their concerns and to work with them to get solutions?  Or is it that it is too much work?  Easier to just arrive, make a speech and then leave?


Want Ramotar to panic.  Have the AFC showing massive meetings in Regions 2 and 3!

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

What has granger done since? Has he held Ramotar accountable for any deals he signed with the PPP regarding linden?


Who is the opposition leader moses or Granger?



Unless you are about to tell us that the AFC has merged with APNU I see no reason why what APNU doesn't do should prevent the AFC from doing what it ought to do.


If the AFC wishes to improve upon their dismal showing in Linden a scant two years ago, the PPP getting DOUBLE the vote that they got, then they have to spear head real initiatives to develop Linden.  Not just show up when Solomon began mobilizing people to complain and then attempting to take credit for it.


And yes in 2011 the PPP got DOUBLE the votes that the AFC got in Linden.  The AFC lost 55% of the votes that they got in 2006.


Who do you think people in Linden will credit?....SOLOMON because he organized the protests, and has remained ON TOP of the issue, and many others faced by Lindeners. INCLUDING THE BEHAVIOR of Bosai and other Chinese entities.


So quit ambulance chasing.  The AFC arrived to capitalize on the problem and then moved on.  Ditto with the rice farmers!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

As usual you are talking pure tripe. Who will join Granger when his own party doesn't want him?



Did you read Gilbakka's response to me.  It is HIS opinion that APNU will hold on to most of the votes of the blacks who bother to show up.  He therefore implies that the AFC will NOT benefit from what ever issues that they have with Granger.


YOU need to hang your head in shame about the lies that you are telling about Nigel Hughes. In 2011 he did campaign for the AFC and redux shamed you into that fact!  You indicted BLACK AFC leaders!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

As usual you are talking pure tripe. Who will join Granger when his own party doesn't want him?



Did you read Gilbakka's response to me.  It is HIS opinion that APNU will hold on to most of the votes of the blacks who bother to show up.  He therefore implies that the AFC will NOT benefit from what ever issues that they have with Granger.

Your Granger is a has been. You claim to be of the high breed Mandingo. That means you are built like a donkey. Keep beating your chest with your iron and bray. Your PNC is impotent. What have they done for Lindeners?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You and Gilly are entitled to your opinion what is happening on the ground is a different story....



What is happening on the ground is that Nagamootoo is out to get revenge against the PPP, so focuses on their support base.  Blacks will either not vote or will vote PNC, just like what they did in 2006.


Unless you speak to the SPECIFIC problems of grass roots black voters who feel attacked by the PPP and abandoned by the AFC and APNU, no votes from them, except for the usual race votes, which APNU gets of course.


What you are hearing is what the AFC folks are telling you.  Well they told you in 2011 that they will beat APNU, and we all saw what happened.  APNU 40%, AFC 10%. 


There is not one person in Guyana who thinks that the AFC will win the next election.  Not when the AFC is as inept as APNU allowing PPP criminals to rampage over the land.


Why haven't any PPP officials been brought up on charges? 

Last edited by Former Member

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