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  • The Spurs version of Lance Stephenson outdo Lance
  • Tim Duncan shows his age
  • Tony Parker gets a hamstring injury like last year's Game 5 finals. He was on pace to become Series MVP as Norris Cole and Chalmers couldn't guard him. By the time LeBron got to him he was hampered by the hamstring. That was huge in not making the Spurs close out Game 6
  • Kawi Leonard's defense on LeBron sucks
  • Bosh keeps hitting outside J's and spread the floor
  • DWayde plays like he's 24 years old
  • The 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 finals format does not bother Miami. Last year they had home court to win the last two games to win the Finals. Think if they were on the road in either of those games. That was another huge factor.

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Originally Posted by Kari:
  • The Spurs version of Lance Stephenson outdo Lance
  • Tim Duncan shows his age
  • Tony Parker gets a hamstring injury like last year's Game 5 finals. He was on pace to become Series MVP as Norris Cole and Chalmers couldn't guard him. By the time LeBron got to him he was hampered by the hamstring. That was huge in not making the Spurs close out Game 6
  • Kawi Leonard's defense on LeBron sucks
  • Bosh keeps hitting outside J's and spread the floor
  • DWayde plays like he's 24 years old
  • The 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 finals format does not bother Miami. Last year they had home court to win the last two games to win the Finals. Think if they were on the road in either of those games. That was another huge factor.

Good points.

Originally Posted by Stinger:
Even in praising de HEAT yuh downplayed our accomplishment by stating how we won cause auntyman Parker played hurt. Like he alone woulda single handedly been de difference

Go back to last year Game 5 when Tony Parker's hamstring became a problem. Then look at how he played in the series up to then and in Games 6 and 7. He makes the Spurs hum. Without him healthy they had no shot, well except when the Heat were down 6 point s with about a minute to go in Game 6 and Pops decided to take Tim Duncan out of the game and then the Miami Big Man Bosh got crucial offensive rebounds off of Miami's misses, including a Lebron miss.


Basketball is a game of bounces. sometimes they go in and other times they don't. That can not really be controlled. What can be controlled is having talent and having those talents performed as they should. In that case, the Heat has the better assembly of talents so I have confidence in them. But they still have to play the games. 


So far the Spurs version of Lance Stephenson - Manu Ginobli - has not pulled off a Lance.


Kawhi Leonard finally stayed out of foul trouble to make an impact on LeBron - can't stop LBJ just slow him down and get him tired to the pointhwere he forces things and causes turnovers.


Tony Parker's legs seem ok.


Wade and Bosh have played well so far but the point guard play has let Miami down. This was one area I think didn't matter with LBJ and Wade on the court with all those deadly shooters in allen, Bosh, Battier, and Rashard Lewis.


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