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HOW THE PPP AND GECOM RIGGED THE 2011 ELECTIONS  by Malcolm Harripaul –  Commentary

 The election that was held on 28th Nov 2011 was rigged by the PPP and GECOM. When one rigs an election from a minority base he has to take large blocks of votes away from the majority and so his rigging is easily detected. On the other hand when one rigs from a large base he does not have to take away votes from the minority. He only has to keep his base numbers high and this not easily detectable. That is why observers have a difficulty catching the PPP at rigging.

During the elections campaign the traditional PPP supporter stayed away from PPP meetings so much so that the PPP had to “rig” crowds at its rallies. When PPP supporters stayed away from the polls the PPP had to rig the elections. 

The report that follows is my own finding which are based on my personal experience on elections day.

Voter Turnout

The voter turnout in APNU strongholds was very high as was evident from the large crowds seen at the polling places throughout the morning. That was in stark contrast to PPP strongholds where only small groups of voters were seen. Yet according to the Statements of Poll the turnout in PPP areas was high. How is such a contradiction possible? The answer lies in the rigging process such as multiple voting and phantom voting.

Multiple Voting

Multiple voting was facilitated through several mechanisms and those were as follows:

As many as 8 polling stations were located in a building. The voters list for that polling place was split alphabetically which meant each station was supposed to have just a section of the list so that a voter’s name can only appear once at the entire polling place. However each station had the entire list which meant that a voter’s name appeared at each station. The situation was created where by a voter could vote at each station, as many as 4 to 8 times depending on the size of the building.

The indelible ink that was used to stain voters’ index finger was found in many cases to take as long as 15 to 20 minutes to be effective. In other cases the stain was easily removed. Again the situation was created for an elector to vote multiple times.

I dealt with one case on elections day where at Timehri Primary School on the East Bank Demerara a group of 26 PPP supporters were detected voting at least twice. Their names appeared on the lists of all the polling stations located in the building and the ink was slow to stain the finger. So multiple voting did take place and it was widespread.

I saw a group of PPP supporters being briefed outside West Demerara Secondary School. I got reports of groups of young PPP supporters being moved around on the East Bank Essequibo.

Buying Voters ID Card

At West Demerara Secondary School I saw PPP activists with a briefcase full of Voter ID Cards. They were distributing the cards to a group of PPP supporters. Voters also received a slip of paper which they had to present later for payment. The same set of PPP activists also went to Vreed En Hoop Primary School where they distributed ID cards to their supporters. Many voters later complained of receiving some counterfeit notes with their payment. Some shopkeepers also said they received counterfeit $1000.00 notes.

GECOM Created Obstacles to Polling Agents.

Since 1992 it was always the practice of GECOM to issue Letters of Employment to Polling Agents to enable them to vote at the station they were working at rather than where they were registered. Two days before elections GECOM aborted that practice by refusing to issue Letters of Employment. It meant that polling Agents would be late, would leave the polling station, or don’t show up at all if they had to work outside of their registered districts. That created a window of opportunity for PPP allied polling officials to mark up ballots for the PPP. Opposition polling agent were absent from most stations in the Amerindian communites.

Polling Places Located At Homes Of PPP Supporters.

Although our population has been declining, and as a consequence our national list of electors has stagnated or declined, GECOM increased the number of polling places, especially on the East Coast of Demerara, Region 4. There, newly created polling places, most a few days before elections, were located at the homes of known PPP supporters. This was done to facilitate phantom voting to counter APNU strongholds in Region 4.

PPP Controlled GECOM.

In PPP strongholds the GECOM polling staff comprised PPP members and supporters. The Rural Constables who provided security at polling places were also under the control of the PPP. The PPP utilized the structure and resources of the Neighborhood Democratic Councils (NDC). The NDC chairmen were the persons who were in command of the rigging operation. In every report I got of irregularities and breaches of the law the main culprits were the NDC chairmen.

At Silk Cotton Dam, Zeelugt, EBE, a NDC chairman had a gang of young PPP supporters whom he used to threaten to kill APNU officials if they did not leave the polling places. At Diamond EBD it was the NDC chairman who supervised the tampering of ballot boxes and the removal of the envelopes containing Statements of Poll on Wed 30th Nov. That was the EBD area where the PPP had called for a recount.

PPP Phantom Voting.

PPP phantom voting is a phenomena whereby an elector votes without ever setting foot in the polling station or signing a proxy form. Phantom Voting is done by PPP allied polling officials who mark ballots for the PPP in the absence of polling agents, or in many cases by simply conning the agents. Care is taken not to exceed the numbers on the polling station list as that would raise a red flag with the Local and International Observers.

Due to lack of opposition polling agents the PPP captured the Amerindian votes through phantom voting.

Ballot Box Tampering

On Tue 29th Nov concerned citizens reported that ballot boxes were being tampered with at North Ruimveldt Multilateral School in which all the ballot boxes for District 4 South Georgetown were stored by GECOM. APNU was able to obtain 11 broken ballot box seals from someone who smuggled them past heavily armed police. That was the same district that the PPP wanted a recount after its agent “fixed” the votes.

Ballot Boxes Found On The West Demerara.

On Wed 30th Nov one ballot box was found at Vreed En Hoop, West Coast Demerara, and another was found at Versailles West Bank Demerara, Region 3. The finds were made after Police had searched the homes of 2 PPP activists in the area for ballot boxes. Homes were also searched for ID cards. It was clear that PPP personnel were involved in nefarious activities with ballot boxes and ID cards.

PPP Calls For Recount

The PPP had called for a recount of ballots on the West Demerara, South Georgetown, and East Bank Demerara. Those were the locations where ballot boxes were tampered with after polling and after being secured by GECOM. It was clear that the PPP called for a recount after it had “fixed” the ballots in its favour.

Statements Of Poll.

The Statements of Poll (SOPs) are the most important document generated during the electoral process. They are a count of the votes and are the basis on which the election results are tabulated and declared. The SOPs do not reflect multiple and phantom voting. Those have to be detected on the ground and objections must be raised immediately to stop the fraud. If multiple and phantom voting are not detected then the elections appear to be good and so the rigging cannot be detected on the SOPs, especially when, as is the case of the PPP, you have the largest bloc of traditional voters and you just have to keep your numbers high but do not exceed the list.


The APNU won the elections. Our supporters came out early in large numbers to vote all over Guyana. The PPP traditional supporters turned out in small numbers. In Jagdeo’s home village of Unity, Mahaica, ECD, out of 484 electors, only 184 showed up to vote. I saw people straggling to vote in the PPP traditional strongholds, but just as the PPP “rigged” its rallies, it had to resort to multiple and phantom voting to rig the numbers in their strongholds and the Amerindian communites, and so rig the elections. The regime has stolen the elections and the government from APNU.

We want justice. We want our election that we won. We want the Presidency and the Government which we won by the ballots. But we are willing to share the Government in the interest of peace and unity, and so we demand POWER SHARING.

Malcolm Harripaul

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Pointblank posted:


The report that follows is my own finding which are based on my personal experience on elections day.


Mister Shooting Blank....

This is an interesting rendition, but as this dude admitted (I guess he is a supporter of the coalition), but its not from an official source...

I have learn to be very careful when reading what people post...Guyana is a small place and if you look long and hard, everyone have an agenda and a bias of some sort...we can tell what is yours ...

Thus dude is suspect...whats your reason for posting it?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

What is house to house registration and why is it necessary?

you seem quite ignorant about basic GECOM stuff and elections

but feel privileged enuf to bray loud and insistent with righteous emptiness on these matters in furtherance of jagdeo's dishonest political agenda

mussbe nice . . .

ronan posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What is house to house registration and why is it necessary?

you seem quite ignorant about basic GECOM stuff and elections

but feel privileged enuf to bray loud and insistent with righteous emptiness on these matters in furtherance of jagdeo's dishonest political agenda

mussbe nice . . .

Shut your rass and play with yourself  , gay boy.

kp posted:
ronan posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What is house to house registration and why is it necessary?

you seem quite ignorant about basic GECOM stuff and elections

but feel privileged enuf to bray loud and insistent with righteous emptiness on these matters in furtherance of jagdeo's dishonest political agenda

mussbe nice . . .

Shut your rass and play with yourself  , gay boy.

you stalking me banna?

kp posted:
ronan posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What is house to house registration and why is it necessary?

you seem quite ignorant about basic GECOM stuff and elections

but feel privileged enuf to bray loud and insistent with righteous emptiness on these matters in furtherance of jagdeo's dishonest political agenda

mussbe nice . . .

Shut your rass and play with yourself  , gay boy. this language necessary...? why you people cant have a conversation w/o cussin each other?

VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:
ronan posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What is house to house registration and why is it necessary?

you seem quite ignorant about basic GECOM stuff and elections

but feel privileged enuf to bray loud and insistent with righteous emptiness on these matters in furtherance of jagdeo's dishonest political agenda

mussbe nice . . .

Shut your rass and play with yourself  , gay boy. this language necessary...? why you people cant have a conversation w/o cussin each other?

Are you addressing KP or Snowy or both?

skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:
ronan posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What is house to house registration and why is it necessary?

you seem quite ignorant about basic GECOM stuff and elections

but feel privileged enuf to bray loud and insistent with righteous emptiness on these matters in furtherance of jagdeo's dishonest political agenda

mussbe nice . . .

Shut your rass and play with yourself  , gay boy. this language necessary...? why you people cant have a conversation w/o cussin each other?

Are you addressing KP or Snowy or both?

KP....and you.

VishMahabir posted:
Pointblank posted:

The report that follows is my own finding which are based on my personal experience on elections day.

Mister Shooting Blank....

This is an interesting rendition, but as this dude admitted (I guess he is a supporter of the coalition), but its not from an official source...

I have learn to be very careful when reading what people post...Guyana is a small place and if you look long and hard, everyone have an agenda and a bias of some sort...we can tell what is yours ...

Thus dude is suspect...whats your reason for posting it?

KIddo..VishMahabir, always seem to find some label for posters, are you a follower or does think for yourself ? how much have you know about Malcolm Harripaul to declare him a suspect ? lastly why the the question of Pointblank post, is the PPP squeaky clean regarding rigging of elections ?

Take your time to give the answers, i am aware you have to attend classes.

Last edited by Django
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Shut your rass and play with yourself  , gay boy. this language necessary...? why you people cant have a conversation w/o cussin each other?

Are you addressing KP or Snowy or both?

KP....and you.

For a while there you fooled some on GNI that you were attending college. Did you feel offended that you were not addressed as "gay boy" or told to go play with yourself?


Question for all who don't support House to House Registration.

Why was it necessary for the 1992 Elections and not for the upcoming elections ?

After Burnham's death in 1985, President Hoyte took steps to stem the economic decline, including strengthening financial controls over the parastatal corporations and supporting the private sector. In August 1987, at a PNC Congress, Hoyte announced that the PNC rejected orthodox communism and the one-party state.

As the elections scheduled for 1990 approached, Hoyte, under increasing pressure from inside and outside Guyana, gradually opened the political system. After a visit to Guyana by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter in 1990, Hoyte made changes in the electoral rules, appointed a new chairman of the Elections Commission, and endorsed putting together new voters' lists, thus delaying the election. The elections, which finally took place in 1992, were witnessed by 100 international observers, including a group headed by Mr. Carter and another from the Commonwealth of Nations. Both groups issued reports saying that the elections had been free and fair, despite violent attacks on the Elections Commission building on election day and other irregularities.

Cheddi Jagan served as Premier (1957-64) and then minority leader in Parliament until his election as President in 1992. One of the Caribbean's most charismatic and famous leaders, Jagan was a founder of the PPP, which led Guyana's struggle for independence. Over the years, he moderated his Marxist-Leninist ideology. After his election as President, Jagan demonstrated a commitment to democracy, followed a pro-Western foreign policy, adopted free market policies, and pursued sustainable development for Guyana's environment. Nonetheless, he continued to press for debt relief and a new global human order in which developed countries would increase assistance to less developed nations. Jagan died on March 6, 1997, and was succeeded by Samuel A. Hinds, whom he had appointed Prime Minister. President Hinds then appointed Janet Jagan, widow of the late President, to serve as Prime Minister.

In national elections on December 15, 1997, Janet Jagan was elected President, and her PPP party won a 55% majority of seats in Parliament. Mrs. Jagan had been a founding member of the PPP and was very active in party politics. In addition to becoming Guyana's first female president, she had also been Guyana's first female prime minister and vice president, two roles she performed concurrently before being elected to the presidency.

The PNC, which won just under 40% of the vote, disputed the results of the 1997 elections, alleging electoral fraud. Public demonstrations and some violence followed, until a CARICOM team came to Georgetown to broker an accord between the two parties, calling for an international audit of the election results, a redrafting of the constitution, and elections under the constitution within 3 years.

Elections took place on March 19, 2001. Incumbent President Jagdeo won re-election with a voter turnout of over 90%. More than 150 international observers representing six international missions witnessed the polling. The observers pronounced the elections fair and open although marred by some administrative problems. As in 1997, public demonstrations and some violence followed the election, with the opposition PNCR disputing the results. The political disturbances following the election partially overlapped and politicized a major crime wave that gripped Guyana from the spring of 2002 through May 2003. By summer 2003 the worst of the crime wave had abated, and agitation over the election had subsided.

A lack of legal clarity over voter registration rules, in particular the legality of Guyanese remaining on the voter rolls after emigrating, fed a political stalemate that delayed the 2006 elections as opposition parties demanded a full house-to-house verification of the voter list. Ultimately, the election was held using the 2001 voting list--which the opposition had earlier deemed valid--plus new registrations.


Salaam and Jumah Mubarak Pointy. The only reason the PPP is objecting to any house to house registration is because they regard it as another delay straw clutching excuse from the Coalition. Notice I am refraining from using the term ‘government’ as irrespective of those two idiotic judges the Coalition is effectively squatting in the OP and it’s ancillaries. Claims of any other reasons is a diversion from that fact. When in an airplane emergency, one is advised to put on their oxygen mask first then put on the child’s. While the PPP is no saint, the more immediate issue facing Guyanese now is the PNC and their cohorts’ refusal to abide by the law. We who know how the PNC operates are not surprised by their current behavior though. That is why we warned some non-traditional PNC supporters not to fall prey to them. That milk is already spilt so no use crying over it. The time has come for people of honor to stop aiding the crooked PNC as they reintroduce their behavior of the past that made Guyana a strong competitor to Haiti to be the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. With the make up of Guyana’s voting population, Guyanese voters will get the opportunity to remove the PPP if they become the government again and behave in ways that are detrimental to the Guyanese population. But that will not be possible if the despotic PNC continue to squat illegally with their refusal to abide by the law.

ksazma posted:

irrespective of those two idiotic judges the Coalition is effectively squatting in the OP and it’s ancillaries.

ummm . . . lawlessness on tap

GNI taliban have no use for the Courts when they rule against jagdeo

would you prefer sharia, Herr Ksazma?

Last edited by Former Member

Django bai, a proper voters list is always necessary whether it was in 1992 or now. In fact it was more necessary in 1992 given the PNC wickedness back then coupled with this current GECOM assurance to the voters back in November 2018 that their vote was not affected by potential defects. It is not the house to house registration that we are objecting to. We are objecting to yet another attempt by the Coalition to disobey the law. If the Coalition were concerned with the current list even before they became the government in 2015, they should have had it corrected by now as well as not used it to conduct the LGE last November. 

ksazma posted:

 If the Coalition were concerned with the current list even before they became the government in 2015, they should have had it corrected by now as well as not used it to conduct the LGE last November. 

"PNC" GECOM asked for house-to-house money six months into Patterson's tenure . . . long before NCV

it was acknowledged that this would occur in time for scheduled 2020 elections (the old list expires April 30, 2019)

try to keep up fool

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

irrespective of those two idiotic judges the Coalition is effectively squatting in the OP and it’s ancillaries.

ummm . . . lawlessness on tap

GNI taliban have no use for the Courts when they rule against jagdeo

would you prefer sharia, Herr Ksazma?

Those 2 judges have no common sense.  Where is "absolute majority" stated in the constitution? Can you imagine dem 2 judges trying to share a bunch with 65 plantains pon de koka dam tap but cannot cut any plantain. One got the majority. How much de odda wan gat?

Mitwah posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

irrespective of those two idiotic judges the Coalition is effectively squatting in the OP and it’s ancillaries.

ummm . . . lawlessness on tap

GNI taliban have no use for the Courts when they rule against jagdeo

would you prefer sharia, Herr Ksazma?

Those 2 judges have no common sense.  Where is "absolute majority" stated in the constitution? Can you imagine dem 2 judges trying to share a bunch with 65 plantains pon de koka dam tap but cannot cut any plantain. One got the majority. How much de odda wan gat?

They knew exactly what they were doing.  Don’t think they are fools.  

And BTW, Rishi did attend proper arithmetic school!!

Mitwah posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

irrespective of those two idiotic judges the Coalition is effectively squatting in the OP and it’s ancillaries.

ummm . . . lawlessness on tap

GNI taliban have no use for the Courts when they rule against jagdeo

would you prefer sharia, Herr Ksazma?

Those 2 judges have no common sense.  Where is "absolute majority" stated in the constitution? Can you imagine dem 2 judges trying to share a bunch with 65 plantains pon de koka dam tap but cannot cut any plantain. One got the majority. How much de odda wan gat?

glad that's off your chest mein Herr

now, back to your endorsement of lawlessness . . .

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

irrespective of those two idiotic judges the Coalition is effectively squatting in the OP and it’s ancillaries.

ummm . . . lawlessness on tap

GNI taliban have no use for the Courts when they rule against jagdeo

would you prefer sharia, Herr Ksazma?

Those 2 judges have no common sense.  Where is "absolute majority" stated in the constitution? Can you imagine dem 2 judges trying to share a bunch with 65 plantains pon de koka dam tap but cannot cut any plantain. One got the majority. How much de odda wan gat?

He is bent on supporting his crooked mattee. He fought with everyone here in his defense of vulgar Volda. Then he came back yelling and screaming that folks who suggested that the despotic PNC was intent on occupying office illegally was overreacting. Well now they are occupying office illegally as the smart people said so he is forced to hang on a different branch.

Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

irrespective of those two idiotic judges the Coalition is effectively squatting in the OP and it’s ancillaries.

ummm . . . lawlessness on tap

GNI taliban have no use for the Courts when they rule against jagdeo

would you prefer sharia, Herr Ksazma?

Those 2 judges have no common sense.  Where is "absolute majority" stated in the constitution? Can you imagine dem 2 judges trying to share a bunch with 65 plantains pon de koka dam tap but cannot cut any plantain. One got the majority. How much de odda wan gat?

They knew exactly what they were doing.  Don’t think they are fools.  

And BTW, Rishi did attend proper arithmetic school!!

They are just part of the despotic clan.

ksazma posted:

Django bai, a proper voters list is always necessary whether it was in 1992 or now. In fact it was more necessary in 1992 given the PNC wickedness back then coupled with this current GECOM assurance to the voters back in November 2018 that their vote was not affected by potential defects.

It is not the house to house registration that we are objecting to. We are objecting to yet another attempt by the Coalition to disobey the law.

If the Coalition were concerned with the current list even before they became the government in 2015, they should have had it corrected by now as well as not used it to conduct the LGE last November. 

What law to date the Coalition Government have disobeyed ??

Regarding the current list, they are concerned hence the voting for monies to carry out house to house registration.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Django bai, a proper voters list is always necessary whether it was in 1992 or now. In fact it was more necessary in 1992 given the PNC wickedness back then coupled with this current GECOM assurance to the voters back in November 2018 that their vote was not affected by potential defects.

It is not the house to house registration that we are objecting to. We are objecting to yet another attempt by the Coalition to disobey the law.

If the Coalition were concerned with the current list even before they became the government in 2015, they should have had it corrected by now as well as not used it to conduct the LGE last November. 

What law to date the Coalition Government have disobeyed ??

Regarding the current list, they are concerned hence the voting for monies to carry out house to house registration.

They did not hold elections within 90 days as required by the passage of the NCV

ksazma posted:

now they are occupying office illegally as the smart people said . . .

say it again with taliban feeling bai . . . rat dem cheering and supporting you, in spirit


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What is house to house registration and why is it necessary?

you seem quite ignorant about basic GECOM stuff and elections

but feel privileged enuf to bray loud and insistent with righteous emptiness on these matters in furtherance of jagdeo's dishonest political agenda

mussbe nice . . .

So what’s the answer to my question?  India, Brazil and other countries have millions of voters who are registered electronically. Why y’all want to show up at people house?

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Django bai, a proper voters list is always necessary whether it was in 1992 or now. In fact it was more necessary in 1992 given the PNC wickedness back then coupled with this current GECOM assurance to the voters back in November 2018 that their vote was not affected by potential defects.

It is not the house to house registration that we are objecting to. We are objecting to yet another attempt by the Coalition to disobey the law.

If the Coalition were concerned with the current list even before they became the government in 2015, they should have had it corrected by now as well as not used it to conduct the LGE last November. 

What law to date the Coalition Government have disobeyed ??

Regarding the current list, they are concerned hence the voting for monies to carry out house to house registration.

They did not hold elections within 90 days as required by the passage of the NCV

The Coalition Government had the right to seek the Court to interpret the NCM vote.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Django bai, a proper voters list is always necessary whether it was in 1992 or now. In fact it was more necessary in 1992 given the PNC wickedness back then coupled with this current GECOM assurance to the voters back in November 2018 that their vote was not affected by potential defects.

It is not the house to house registration that we are objecting to. We are objecting to yet another attempt by the Coalition to disobey the law.

If the Coalition were concerned with the current list even before they became the government in 2015, they should have had it corrected by now as well as not used it to conduct the LGE last November. 

What law to date the Coalition Government have disobeyed ??

Regarding the current list, they are concerned hence the voting for monies to carry out house to house registration.

They did not hold elections within 90 days as required by the passage of the NCV

The Coalition Government had the right to seek the Court to interpret the NCM vote.

Why?  They don’t understand English?

Bibi Haniffa
ksazma posted:

For house to house registration, does someone only get registered if they are at home when the official shows up? What happens if someone isn’t home then?

Then they don’t get to vote.  They have to learn not to stray about too much.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Django bai, a proper voters list is always necessary whether it was in 1992 or now. In fact it was more necessary in 1992 given the PNC wickedness back then coupled with this current GECOM assurance to the voters back in November 2018 that their vote was not affected by potential defects.

It is not the house to house registration that we are objecting to. We are objecting to yet another attempt by the Coalition to disobey the law.

If the Coalition were concerned with the current list even before they became the government in 2015, they should have had it corrected by now as well as not used it to conduct the LGE last November. 

What law to date the Coalition Government have disobeyed ??

Regarding the current list, they are concerned hence the voting for monies to carry out house to house registration.

They did not hold elections within 90 days as required by the passage of the NCV

The Coalition Government had the right to seek the Court to interpret the NCM vote.

Seeking legal opinion is discretionary. Doing so cannot ignore the constitutional demands of holding elections within 90 days of the NCV.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ronan posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What is house to house registration and why is it necessary?

you seem quite ignorant about basic GECOM stuff and elections

but feel privileged enuf to bray loud and insistent with righteous emptiness on these matters in furtherance of jagdeo's dishonest political agenda

mussbe nice . . .

So what’s the answer to my question?  India, Brazil and other countries have millions of voters who are registered electronically. Why y’all want to show up at people house?

Becazz dem either too dumb or think others are.  In this day and age them still wukkin’ with pencil and slate!

They know electronic systems will have tracking and controls and validation.  Also, they likely have to employ couple Indians and coolies to implement and manage.  

Their primitive caveman methods suits their crooked intentions!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

For house to house registration, does someone only get registered if they are at home when the official shows up? What happens if someone isn’t home then?

Then they don’t get to vote.  They have to learn not to stray about too much.

If that is the case, then they better not risk not being home by going to work or school or any other pressing matters.

ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

For house to house registration, does someone only get registered if they are at home when the official shows up? What happens if someone isn’t home then?

Then they don’t get to vote.  They have to learn not to stray about too much.

If that is the case, then they better not risk not being home by going to work or school or any other pressing matters.

No, they have to show up evenings and weekends.  The rum shops will take a beating, but they will bounce back!

ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

For house to house registration, does someone only get registered if they are at home when the official shows up? What happens if someone isn’t home then?

Then they don’t get to vote.  They have to learn not to stray about too much.

If that is the case, then they better not risk not being home by going to work or school or any other pressing matters.

I wouldn’t let them in my house.  Next thing you know, me get rob at gun point.

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

For house to house registration, does someone only get registered if they are at home when the official shows up? What happens if someone isn’t home then?

Then they don’t get to vote.  They have to learn not to stray about too much.

If that is the case, then they better not risk not being home by going to work or school or any other pressing matters.

No, they have to show up evenings and weekends.  The rum shops will take a beating, but they will bounce back!

Does that mean that people in Guyana don’t work on evenings and weekends?


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