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ba$eman posted:
Pointblank posted:

This is not what the Wahabis preach and practice.  The anti-Hindu hatreds preached at the Queens Masjid does not reflect this.  Now what is your point?  Very little of this is practiced by those who represent Islam today.  Unless one practices what one preach, then these works ring hallow!  This is why I say, moderate Muslims have to confront this head on.  It is a Muslim problem!

What anti-hindu BS is preached at which Queens Masjid. Your allegations are just like you baseless.


BTW who or what are Wahabees

Last edited by Pointblank
Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:
Stormborn posted:


All of this withstanding, I would like to hear the leaders and politicians stating more clearly that no one should resort to breaking the law or resorting to violence. It is too easy for them to just assume that people will not resort to violence. There are so many advocacy groups around that I am sure many of these will get resolved through lawsuits but maybe advocacy groups enjoy the frenzy too.

The protesting is to make them state the obvious. They never experience the nasty cop. They think every encounter with a police is as a walk into Mr. Rojers neighborhood. Law suits need a social reality to feed off. It is why plessy v furguson lasted so long.  It is why racism of the institutional type still keeps neighborhoods white and poor people in poor neighbor hoods. Worse, you and I are talking and we are immigrants and we never feel the same thing that those in south central or campton feels.

I don't disagree. However, the leaders and politicians do have some blame as in the case of Jesse Jackson and Sharpton. Same with the case with Arafat. History will show that these guys were more about themselves than the causes they profess.

Pointblank posted:
ba$eman posted:
Pointblank posted:

This is not what the Wahabis preach and practice.  The anti-Hindu hatreds preached at the Queens Masjid does not reflect this.  Now what is your point?  Very little of this is practiced by those who represent Islam today.  Unless one practices what one preach, then these works ring hallow!  This is why I say, moderate Muslims have to confront this head on.  It is a Muslim problem!

What anti-hindu BS is preached at which Queens Masjid. Your allegations are just like you baseless.


BTW who or what are Wahabees

Imam, are you sure you want the answer to this on GNI???  Be careful!!  There are good Muslims who support the PPP and they listen to you carefully.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Pointblank posted:
ba$eman posted:
Pointblank posted:

This is not what the Wahabis preach and practice.  The anti-Hindu hatreds preached at the Queens Masjid does not reflect this.  Now what is your point?  Very little of this is practiced by those who represent Islam today.  Unless one practices what one preach, then these works ring hallow!  This is why I say, moderate Muslims have to confront this head on.  It is a Muslim problem!

What anti-hindu BS is preached at which Queens Masjid. Your allegations are just like you baseless.


BTW who or what are Wahabees

Imam, are you sure you want the answer to this on GNI???  Be careful!!  There are good Muslims who support the PPP and they listen to you carefully.

Why not


As a matter of fact, one does not have to go to the Masjid to hear what you preach.  Right here on GNI, you tear down PPP coolies, and spew hatred toward your own brothers and sisters.  Anyone in the public can read your nasty comments on these threads.  Is that what Muslim religious leaders are justified to do? 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

As a matter of fact, one does not have to go to the Masjid to hear what you preach.  Right here on GNI, you tear down PPP coolies, and spew hatred toward your own brothers and sisters.  Anyone in the public can read your nasty comments on these threads.  Is that what Muslim religious leaders are justified to do? 

He worst than Mullah Omar then.


Saudi Enforcer Shares Doubts, and Pays Price

The rest of the article is at


Bibi Haniffa posted:

As a matter of fact, one does not have to go to the Masjid to hear what you preach.  Right here on GNI, you tear down PPP coolies, and spew hatred toward your own brothers and sisters.  Anyone in the public can read your nasty comments on these threads.  Is that what Muslim religious leaders are justified to do? 

Can you provide evidence that I used any racial slurs or I spew hatred toward my own brothers and sisters.

Kari posted:

Good thing my ex and current wife are Hindus...and Bibibski knows that or else I would have gotten the Pointblank treatment. 

It's a sin for any Muslim to marry a woman of another faith. That is Haram, like eating pigs. Must read the Qu'ran lil more. BTW, change that ugly avatar of yours. You look like a Buxtonian. 

Prince posted:
Kari posted:

Good thing my ex and current wife are Hindus...and Bibibski knows that or else I would have gotten the Pointblank treatment. 

It's a sin for any Muslim to marry a woman of another faith. That is Haram, like eating pigs. Must read the Qu'ran lil more. BTW, change that ugly avatar of yours. You look like a Buxtonian. 

It is a sin also to befriend an infidel or to leave Islam. You can be stoned to death.

skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
Kari posted:

Good thing my ex and current wife are Hindus...and Bibibski knows that or else I would have gotten the Pointblank treatment. 

It's a sin for any Muslim to marry a woman of another faith. That is Haram, like eating pigs. Must read the Qu'ran lil more. BTW, change that ugly avatar of yours. You look like a Buxtonian. 

It is a sin also to befriend an infidel or to leave Islam. You can be stoned to death.

He should be stoned by a group of Hindu women. 

caribny posted:

Then of course there are so called moderates like Bill Maher joining the fray.  

I wouldn't give Bill Maher any credence in this area because he is totally quiet regarding the Israelis abuse of the Palestinian people.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

As a matter of fact, one does not have to go to the Masjid to hear what you preach.  Right here on GNI, you tear down PPP coolies, and spew hatred toward your own brothers and sisters.  Anyone in the public can read your nasty comments on these threads.  Is that what Muslim religious leaders are justified to do? 

Is this banna am "Imam"?  Wow!!   One can understand where the hatred pumped in the youths come from which inspires lone wolves!  If this banna is a "moderate" Imam, then I'm convinced that many Masjids are the source of hate and intolerance.  These are the ones who inspire clowns like Chief to cuss Hindus and call PPP supporters "low life Chammars".

Chief, no need to call us Katahars, you already have a more hateful word, and even the "low life" type for that matter!!

Prince posted:
Kari posted:

Good thing my ex and current wife are Hindus...and Bibibski knows that or else I would have gotten the Pointblank treatment. 

It's a sin for any Muslim to marry a woman of another faith. That is Haram, like eating pigs. Must read the Qu'ran lil more. BTW, change that ugly avatar of yours. You look like a Buxtonian. 

Well, how could one assess another's anti this or pro that by marriage?  The ISIS jehadi terrorists marry Christian Yazidis. Where is the love or love lost?

Chief posted:
Pointblank posted:

What anti-hindu BS is preached at which Queens Masjid. Your allegations are just like you baseless.


BTW who or what are Wahabees

Hand them Pointy, hand them


Hey "coolie" hater, stand up and talk for yourself.  Stop hiding behind another's skirt!!

ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

As a matter of fact, one does not have to go to the Masjid to hear what you preach.  Right here on GNI, you tear down PPP coolies, and spew hatred toward your own brothers and sisters.  Anyone in the public can read your nasty comments on these threads.  Is that what Muslim religious leaders are justified to do? 

Is this banna am "Imam"?  Wow!!   One can understand where the hatred pumped in the youths come from which inspires lone wolves!  If this banna is a "moderate" Imam, then I'm convinced that many Masjids are the source of hate and intolerance.  These are the ones who inspire clowns like Chief to cuss Hindus and call PPP supporters "low life Chammars".

Chief, no need to call us Katahars, you already have a more hateful word, and even the "low life" type for that matter!!

Yes he is an Imam.  Very well known in the Guyanese community as a hater.  These are the guys who give good muslims a bad name.

Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:
Prince posted:
Kari posted:

Good thing my ex and current wife are Hindus...and Bibibski knows that or else I would have gotten the Pointblank treatment. 

It's a sin for any Muslim to marry a woman of another faith. That is Haram, like eating pigs. Must read the Qu'ran lil more. BTW, change that ugly avatar of yours. You look like a Buxtonian. 

Well, how could one assess another's anti this or pro that by marriage?  The ISIS jehadi terrorists marry Christian Yazidis. Where is the love or love lost?

      Boy, you're such an idiot!!

Kari posted:

CARIBNY, if I take your logic to its conclusion, then Blacks being killed by police is a Black problem that oinly Blascks can

No because blacks don't control the criminal justice system.

But that's fine if you wish lunatics to use their religion to justify their criminal acts. 

Look at Mateen, a closet gay. so decides to justify his self hatred by using Islam as an excuse.  So slaughters dozens of folks, Nothing for you to worry about.


ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

Then of course there are so called moderates like Bill Maher joining the fray.  

I wouldn't give Bill Maher any credence in this area because he is totally quiet regarding the Israelis abuse of the Palestinian people.

And who speaks out against Israeli abuse.  In fact Israel uses Muslim lunatics to tell the world that this is what they have to put up with.  Even though the Palestinian issue has nothing to do with Islamists, and in fact many are Christians.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

Then of course there are so called moderates like Bill Maher joining the fray.  

I wouldn't give Bill Maher any credence in this area because he is totally quiet regarding the Israelis abuse of the Palestinian people.

And who speaks out against Israeli abuse.  In fact Israel uses Muslim lunatics to tell the world that this is what they have to put up with.  Even though the Palestinian issue has nothing to do with Islamists, and in fact many are Christians.

As long as people have a price, the Palestinians will languish.  Look, even Chief will break bread with the Settler-class in Brooklyn as long as his Falafel vans can rake in the dough!!

The only rising nation which will bring Israel to their senses and do a deal, is Iran.  But this is still a while away!


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