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CreditJon Han

“DON’T go anywhere near a mosque,” I told my mother. “Do all your prayer at home. O.K.?”

“We’re not going,” she replied.

I am the son of Muslim immigrants. As I sent that text, in the aftermath of the horrible attack in Orlando, Fla., I realized how awful it was to tell an American citizen to be careful about how she worshiped.

Being Muslim American already carries a decent amount of baggage. In our culture, when people think “Muslim,” the picture in their heads is not usually of the Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar or the kid who left the boy band One Direction. It’s of a scary terrorist character from “Homeland” or some monster from the news.

Today, with the presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and others like him spewing hate speech, prejudice is reaching new levels. It’s visceral, and scary, and it affects how people live, work and pray. It makes me afraid for my family. It also makes no sense.

There are approximately 3.3 million Muslim Americans. After the attack in Orlando, The Times reported that the F.B.I. is investigating 1,000 potential “homegrown violent extremists,” a majority of whom are most likely connected in some way to the Islamic State. If everyone on that list is Muslim American, that is 0.03 percent of the Muslim American population. If you round that number, it is 0 percent. The overwhelming number of Muslim Americans have as much in common with that monster in Orlando as any white person has with any of the white terrorists who shoot up movie theaters or schools or abortion clinics.

I asked a young friend of mine, a woman in her 20s of Muslim heritage, how she had been feeling after the attack. “I just feel really bad, like people think I have more in common with that idiot psychopath than I do the innocent people being killed,” she said. “I’m really sick of having to explain that I’m not a terrorist every time the shooter is brown.”

I myself am not a religious person, but after these attacks, anyone that even looks like they might be Muslim understands the feelings my friend described. There is a strange feeling that you must almost prove yourself worthy of feeling sad and scared like everyone else.

I understand that as far as these problems go, I have it better than most because of my recognizability as an actor. When someone on the street gives me a strange look, it’s usually because they want to take a selfie with me, not that they think I’m a terrorist.

But I remember how those encounters can feel. A few months after the attacks of Sept. 11, I remember walking home from class near N.Y.U., where I was a student. I was crossing the street and a man swore at me from his car window and yelled: “Terrorist!” To be fair, I may have been too quick to cross the street as the light changed, but I’m not sure that warranted being compared to the perpetrators of one of the most awful incidents in human history.

The vitriolic and hate-filled rhetoric coming from Mr. Trump isn’t so far off from cursing at strangers from a car window. He has said that people in the American Muslim community “know who the bad ones are,” implying that millions of innocent people are somehow complicit in awful attacks. Not only is this wrongheaded; but it also does nothing to address the real problems posed by terrorist attacks. By Mr. Trump’s logic, after the huge financial crisis of 2007-08, the best way to protect the American economy would have been to ban white males.

According to reporting by Mother Jones, since 9/11, there have been 49 mass shootings in this country, and more than half of those were perpetrated by white males. I doubt we’ll hear Mr. Trump make a speech asking his fellow white males to tell authorities “who the bad ones are,” or call for restricting white males’ freedoms.

One way to decrease the risk of terrorism is clear: Keep military-grade weaponry out of the hands of mentally unstable people, those with a history of violence, and those on F.B.I. watch lists. But, despite sit-ins and filibusters, our lawmakers are failing us on this front and choose instead to side with the National Rifle Association. Suspected terrorists can buy assault rifles, but we’re still carrying tiny bottles of shampoo to the airport. If we’re going to use the “they’ll just find another way” argument, let’s use that to let us keep our shoes on.

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Xenophobic rhetoric was central to Mr. Trump’s campaign long before the attack in Orlando. This is a guy who kicked off his presidential run by calling Mexicans “rapists” who were “bringing drugs” to this country. Numerous times, he has said that Muslims in New Jersey were cheering in the streets on Sept. 11, 2001. This has been continually disproved, but he stands by it. I don’t know what every Muslim American was doing that day, but I can tell you what my family was doing. I was studying at N.Y.U., and I lived near the World Trade Center. When the second plane hit, I was on the phone with my mother, who called to tell me to leave my dorm building.

The haunting sound of the second plane hitting the towers is forever ingrained in my head. My building was close enough that it shook upon impact. I was scared for my life as my fellow students and I trekked the panicked streets of Manhattan. My family, unable to reach me on my cellphone, was terrified about my safety as they watched the towers collapse. There was absolutely no cheering. Only sadness, horror and fear.

Mr. Trump, in response to the attack in Orlando, began a tweet with these words: “Appreciate the congrats.” It appears that day he was the one who was celebrating after an attack.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

His followers here on GNI are the same like him.

God is Great! Today Cobra publicly admit that he is a racist. His other PPP comrades are cheering him along with some of them admitting that thier race comes first.

No wonder they hate Islam, it's a religion like Christianity and Judaism that teaches tolerance and love.


Chief posted:

His followers here on GNI are the same like him.

God is Great! Today Cobra publicly admit that he is a racist. His other PPP comrades are cheering him along with some of them admitting that thier race comes first.

No wonder they hate Islam, it's a religion like Christianity and Judaism that teaches tolerance and love.


Next time you preach hate against PPP, Hindus, and other non Muslims, remember, people will react.  You have been doing this for years here on GNI.  Now deal with it!

BTW, I noticed you left out Hinduism from your reference of tolerance and love.  If there is one religion that does, it's Hinduism.  This alone speaks volumes for your hatred against Hindus, Indians and the PPP.  Prepare to deal with the blow back!!

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hate breeds hate.  Love breeds love.  You choose which one you will preach.

Chief is the bearer of hate and intolerance.  You cannot hate infidels and love America!!  Give me a break!

ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hate breeds hate.  Love breeds love.  You choose which one you will preach.

Chief is the bearer of hate and intolerance.  You cannot hate infidels and love America!!  Give me a break!

Care to show us here on this Board how Chief is the bearer of hate and intolerance?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Hindu India and the PPP have always supported the rights of the Palestinian people.  Don't you see tolerance in people you view as Hindus?? 

What's your point Billy Ram?

Chief posted:

His followers here on GNI are the same like him.

God is Great! Today Cobra publicly admit that he is a racist. His other PPP comrades are cheering him along with some of them admitting that thier race comes first.

No wonder they hate Islam, it's a religion like Christianity and Judaism that teaches tolerance and love.


And, what about Hinduism, Sikhism, Shintoism and Buddhism...are they not religions of peace?


Chief and his followers preach HATE daily against India, Kashmir, Infidels but being a SHAMELESS PRICK he come here and pretend he is tolerant. Give me a friggin break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kari posted:
ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hate breeds hate.  Love breeds love.  You choose which one you will preach.

Chief is the bearer of hate and intolerance.  You cannot hate infidels and love America!!  Give me a break!

Care to show us here on this Board how Chief is the bearer of hate and intolerance?

Kari, take  break and stop catching flies!

VishMahabir posted:
Chief posted:

His followers here on GNI are the same like him.

God is Great! Today Cobra publicly admit that he is a racist. His other PPP comrades are cheering him along with some of them admitting that thier race comes first.

No wonder they hate Islam, it's a religion like Christianity and Judaism that teaches tolerance and love.


And, what about Hinduism, Sikhism, Shintoism and Buddhism...are they not religions of peace?

The sages of the different races knew of the Divine, mostly expressed as God. In every epistle of their expressions, there is a common thread. The authority of the Divine and His continuance of sustaining the world as it was created.

Because, mankind would be racists and subject to prejudices. Refusal to accept a different race, creed or tribe expressions of God. It was deemed necessary create religions to suit the racism. Some religions goes so far as to restrict their adherents to even look at another Holy Book.   

Enoch was the author of the Original Books as dictated by the Ancient of Days. Intelligent men who had access to it, revered its contents.

Every race wants peace. Words are wars. Interpretations of it is not for everyone. Misguided allowed on too many podiums.

A common day notification is ISIS and the converts to Islam. Definitely, a confusion. Likewise Judaism and Christianity, another case of converts. 

Kari posted:
ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hate breeds hate.  Love breeds love.  You choose which one you will preach.

Chief is the bearer of hate and intolerance.  You cannot hate infidels and love America!!  Give me a break!

Care to show us here on this Board how Chief is the bearer of hate and intolerance?

Vomit. Vomit. Vomit.  Grrrrrrrrr!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Kari posted:
ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hate breeds hate.  Love breeds love.  You choose which one you will preach.

Chief is the bearer of hate and intolerance.  You cannot hate infidels and love America!!  Give me a break!

Care to show us here on this Board how Chief is the bearer of hate and intolerance?

Vomit. Vomit. Vomit.  Grrrrrrrrr!

Awww.....try some vomit meds....and while you're at it try some laxative


Ansri should change his name. As the jews did, as the africans did, as anyone with names that cause white americans to struggle with-pronounce as well as moving up the ladder in the white society.

He is dark enough to be a South Indian. Suh, a good Tamil name is suggested.

A.R. Rahman was a presenter at an Indian award show. Perhaps, his first time. And to his disdain, he avoided. Everyone was going on and on in there Punjabi and Hindi language. They called the man to the podium to present an award. And the man spoke in Telegu. Mouths were agape. But A.R. Raham had the pleasure of defining his Tamilian lineage. That glee was in his face. Rekha just smiled.

The world has gotten to stage as when all races lived on the Plains of Shinar. People should cut all the shyte out and JUST PLAIN and simple LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

YUh start demanding yuh own spaces, invasion is imminent. 

seignet posted:

Ansri should change his name. As the jews did, as the africans did, as anyone with names that cause white americans to struggle with-pronounce as well as moving up the ladder in the white society.


Nikki Haley has as white a name as one can have in the US and it did not stop the racist South Carolinians from addressing her as towel head. But fortunately for her and the state of South Carolina, the racists are a minority. Same with the entire USA which is bad news for Trump.

ksazma posted:
seignet posted:

Ansri should change his name. As the jews did, as the africans did, as anyone with names that cause white americans to struggle with-pronounce as well as moving up the ladder in the white society.


Nikki Haley has as white a name as one can have in the US and it did not stop the racist South Carolinians from addressing her as towel head. But fortunately for her and the state of South Carolina, the racists are a minority. Same with the entire USA which is bad news for Trump.

Kasz, there will always be a percentage of Racist, some people just will not learn/change. As you noted, they are in the minority and in a democracy, the majority wins.


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