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True or Lie?


1) There are two times a man doesn't understand a woman, before marriage and after marriage!


2) A successful husband is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man!


3) A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A man never worries about his future until he gets a wife!


Weird Questions? 


01. If all the nations in the world are in debt (i am not joking). Even US has got debts), where did all the money go? (weird).


02. When dog food is new with improved tasting, who tests it? (to be given a thought).


03. What is the speed of darkness? (absurd).


04. If the "black box" flight recorder is never damaged during a plane crash, why isn't the whole airplane made out of that stuff? (very good thinking).


05. Who copyrighted the copyright symbol? (who knows).


06. Can you cry under water? (let me try).


07. Why do people say, "you've been working like a dog" when dogs just sit around all day? (I think they meant something else).


08. Why are the numbers on a calculator and a phone reversed? (God knows.)


09. Do fish ever get thirsty? (let me ask and tell).


10. Can you get cornered in a round room? (by ones eyes). 

Originally Posted by Prince:

Question of the day:

When married men say they can't eat baigan every day, what is the remedy for that? 



Men believe their wife become stale, and they want to try someone else!


Answer coming up:

When you say "stale" you mean like hard an crusty, with lil bit penincillin growin on her?


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