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Since Sithe Global deal closed … : Wide interest expressed in Amaila Falls Hydro project : – Dr. Luncheon

Thursday, 24 October 2013, Source - Guyana Chronicle


CABINET Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon disclosed, yesterday, that, ever since the deal with Sithe Global closed, there has been “wide” interest from other sources to have the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project completed.
In fact, Americans, Brazilians, Chinese and Europeans are among others, who have already been indicating that they are interested in the scheme, he said.

Speaking at his usual post-Cabinet media briefing, at the Office of the President, Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, Georgetown, Luncheon said:“There are new entrants to the field who have been making offers to their governments and saying that they could undertake it with a suitable design, even with the same design, or with a redesign, to make Amaila a reality.”

Meanwhile, President Donald Ramotar recently clarified that while “the deal with Sithe Global is dead,” this, certainly, did not mean that the hydropower project was going to be abandoned.

He said the “hallmark” of it is that every single Guyanese stands to benefit, be it directly or indirectly.

President Ramotar had given the reassurance that the money being used for the undertaking is not taxpayers’ but, rather, that of investors.

He said, however, that the misinformation being fed to the public is that it would be a burden on the coffers and on taxpayers.


Sole owners
The Head of State reminded that the Government going into a Build, Operate and Transfer (BOAT) agreement would have seen Guyana being the sole owners of the hydro-power Plant in years to come.


The economic benefit to the nation, the President said, would be tremendous, pointing to the investments as being zero, since the money already being used to subsidise Guyana Power & Light (GPL) would have been the same used to purchase power for it from the project.

The fuel import bill would have also been brought down, Mr. Ramotar stated.

He declared that the Alliance For Change’s (AFC’s) support for the project, while “too little, too late”, was “out of shame”.

The project involves the construction of a hydropower plant in the area of West-Central Guyana, where the Amaila and Kuribrong Rivers meet.

Electricity produced from it is to be delivered to the capital, Georgetown, and its second largest town, Linden, by a transmission line

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by JB:

APNU and AFC support hydropower. Make it transparent and include the opposition and we will have Amaila. 

It will happen round 2. In fact, that is the only way it will happen. Every party learns from it's mistakes.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:

APNU and AFC support hydropower. Make it transparent and include the opposition and we will have Amaila. 

It will happen round 2. In fact, that is the only way it will happen. Every party learns from it's mistakes.

The PPP cannot spend 1 bill USD and exclude the opposition which won 51.8% from this decision of national importance. That's the biggest error to overcome. 

Originally Posted by JB:

APNU and AFC support hydropower. Make it transparent and include the opposition and we will have Amaila. 

The Rev supported the PNC's decision to block Sithe Global from sponsoring Amaila----the financial structure was great for Sithe but terrible for Guyana.


Having said that, Guyana desperately needs a new, cheaper source of energy---hydro will propel the country onto a higher plateau economically.


And yes, the opposition parties must be involved in the discussions regarding any new hydro project---no more secrets.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by JB:

APNU and AFC support hydropower. Make it transparent and include the opposition and we will have Amaila. 

The Rev supported the PNC's decision to block Sithe Global from sponsoring Amaila----the financial structure was great for Sithe but terrible for Guyana.


Having said that, Guyana desperately needs a new, cheaper source of energy---hydro will propel the country onto a higher plateau economically.


And yes, the opposition parties must be involved in the discussions regarding any new hydro project---no more secrets.



Jagdeo style of Managing MUST be HISTORY. Baby Putin is no more.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by JB:

APNU and AFC support hydropower. Make it transparent and include the opposition and we will have Amaila. 

The Rev supported the PNC's decision to block Sithe Global from sponsoring Amaila----the financial structure was great for Sithe but terrible for Guyana.


Having said that, Guyana desperately needs a new, cheaper source of energy---hydro will propel the country onto a higher plateau economically.


And yes, the opposition parties must be involved in the discussions regarding any new hydro project---no more secrets.



The government needs a multi pronged plan. First it has to create a smart, distributed grid. Brazzington cannot be in charge here as his credential is as a thief and not as a manager. We need people with some science and engineering training not crooks trained at filching from the till. No smart grid, no amalia or anything matters.


At a predictably inconsistent output, amalia redesigned to use   GE turbines and not some Chinese copy,  for example, can achieve a reliable  100 KW not much more.  Siltation, and water supply will limit it. We need other micro hydro project, wind farms, and solar collectors to compliment  Hydro and fossil fuel plants. We need a consistent and redundant 300 Megawatt output ie some five times current usage rates to be considered reliable


Last edited by Former Member

They just spend US$26 million for three generators. It's not even anchored down as yet and they want to spend more money. Kato is a European project. Not a penny comes from Guyana. BOAT is not the way to go unless the GOG subsidizes increasing costs.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

The government needs a multi pronged plan. First it has to create a smart, distributed grid. Brazzington cannot be in charge here as he is a credential is as a thief and not as a manager. We need people with some science and engineering training not crooks trained at filching from the till. No smart grid, no amalia or anything matters.


At a predictably inconsistent output, amalia redesigned to use   GE turbines and not some Chinese copy,  for example, can achieve a reliable  100 KW not much more.  Siltation, and water supply will limit it. We need other micro hydro project, wind farms, and solar collectors to compliment  Hydro and fossil fuel plants. We need a consistent and redundant 300 Megawatt output ie some five times current usage rates to be considered reliable


Excellent! Well said! Totally agree.




He ( Ramotar) declared that the Alliance For Change’s (AFC’s) support for the project, while “too little, too late”, was “out of shame”.


Ramotar is an ingrate. He lacks diplomacy. He speaks with a forked tongue, He agreed to Local Elections for the AFC's support. For a leader he lacks credibility.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

He ( Ramotar) declared that the Alliance For Change’s (AFC’s) support for the project, while “too little, too late”, was “out of shame”.


Mitwah: Ramotar is an ingrate. He lacks diplomacy. He speaks with a forked tongue, He agreed to Local Elections for the AFC's support. For a leader he lacks credibility.

President Ramotar  surely needs a lesson in diplomacy---he needs to be more tactful---more artful in his words---use descriptions that show kindness and humility and broad-mindedness.


Maybe he has a limited vocabulary---poor UG education.


He is president--he is not running for re-election---no need to lambaste the little AFC party.




Ramotar got some learning to do---maybe it hasn't sunk in that he is President of Guyana---not PPP party chairman.




Originally Posted by Rev:
And yes, the opposition parties must be involved in the discussions regarding any new hydro project---no more secrets.

The opposition parties were involved by the Government with discussions and related interactions for the Amaila project.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev:
And yes, the opposition parties must be involved in the discussions regarding any new hydro project---no more secrets.

The opposition parties were involved by the Government with discussions and related interactions for the Amaila project.

I agree BUT they want to make decisions without winning an Election. WILL NEVER HAPPEN.!!!

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev:
And yes, the opposition parties must be involved in the discussions regarding any new hydro project---no more secrets.

The opposition parties were involved by the Government with discussions and related interactions for the Amaila project.

LIE! There was never a feasibility. It was not released until Sithe said to release.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev:
And yes, the opposition parties must be involved in the discussions regarding any new hydro project---no more secrets.

The opposition parties were involved by the Government with discussions and related interactions for the Amaila project.

LIE! There was never a feasibility. It was not released until Sithe said to release.

This release was done only when Sithe was threatening to withdraw. Brassington/Jagdeo/Ramotar waited last minute.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev:
And yes, the opposition parties must be involved in the discussions regarding any new hydro project---no more secrets.

The opposition parties were involved by the Government with discussions and related interactions for the Amaila project.

That is a big fat lie. The opposition was excluded from the onset and could not get answers to their questions. APNU saved the nation.

Originally Posted by JB:

APNU and AFC support hydropower. Make it transparent and include the opposition and we will have Amaila. 



KNews posted pictures which suggest that Amaila Falls is not suitable as it sometimes runs dry in the rainy season.  This would mean severe rationing of electricity as the hydro dam is closed.


The PPP has failed to adequately address this problem.  PROPER analysis needs to be done to identify suitabel sites which do not run dry, which can be built with minimal environmental or socail damage, and in a feasible manner.  No one is against hydro power.  What people are against is a hastily developed site, with a history of PPP cronyism and a possibility of failure, this having encumbered GY with a high level of debt service obligations/guarantees.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev:
And yes, the opposition parties must be involved in the discussions regarding any new hydro project---no more secrets.

The opposition parties were involved by the Government with discussions and related interactions for the Amaila project.

LIE! There was never a feasibility. It was not released until Sithe said to release.

This release was done only when Sithe was threatening to withdraw. Brassington/Jagdeo/Ramotar waited last minute.

It is your choice to read, learn and really understand issues before expressing, as usual, your incorrect statements.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev:
And yes, the opposition parties must be involved in the discussions regarding any new hydro project---no more secrets.

The opposition parties were involved by the Government with discussions and related interactions for the Amaila project.

LIE! There was never a feasibility. It was not released until Sithe said to release.

This release was done only when Sithe was threatening to withdraw. Brassington/Jagdeo/Ramotar waited last minute.

It is your choice to read, learn and really understand issues before expressing, as usual, your incorrect statements.

You would say anything to cover your lies.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev:
And yes, the opposition parties must be involved in the discussions regarding any new hydro project---no more secrets.

The opposition parties were involved by the Government with discussions and related interactions for the Amaila project.

LIE! There was never a feasibility. It was not released until Sithe said to release.

This release was done only when Sithe was threatening to withdraw. Brassington/Jagdeo/Ramotar waited last minute.

It is your choice to read, learn and really understand issues before expressing, as usual, your incorrect statements.

You would say anything to cover your lies.

Deal with the issues, rather than expressing your incoherent statements.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev:
And yes, the opposition parties must be involved in the discussions regarding any new hydro project---no more secrets.

The opposition parties were involved by the Government with discussions and related interactions for the Amaila project.

LIE! There was never a feasibility. It was not released until Sithe said to release.

This release was done only when Sithe was threatening to withdraw. Brassington/Jagdeo/Ramotar waited last minute.

It is your choice to read, learn and really understand issues before expressing, as usual, your incorrect statements.

You would say anything to cover your lies.

Deal with the issues, rather than expressing your incoherent statements.

Your statements are most muddled. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

JB Gal first you have to learn to read.

You alone know how to read imaginary documents. There is no study anywhere on that page. I looked at the paper named Amalia.pdf. It is not a study.

Originally Posted by caribny:



 The PPP has failed to adequately address this problem.  PROPER analysis needs to be done to identify suitabel sites which do not run dry, which can be built with minimal environmental or socail damage, and in a feasible manner.  No one is against hydro power.  What people are against is a hastily developed site, with a history of PPP cronyism and a possibility of failure, this having encumbered GY with a high level of debt service obligations/guarantees.



This may surprise you, but the Rev totally agrees.


By the way, a while back the Rev started a thread praising the PNC for killing the Sithe deal---in my estimation the financial structure was obscene---Sithe would have made out like bandits.


Anyway, its good to learn that other parties are interested in developing the hydro project in Guyana.


Maybe the IDB is helping put together a team(financial and technical) to study and develop Guyana's hydro potential. That would be great.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:



 The PPP has failed to adequately address this problem.  PROPER analysis needs to be done to identify suitabel sites which do not run dry, which can be built with minimal environmental or socail damage, and in a feasible manner.  No one is against hydro power.  What people are against is a hastily developed site, with a history of PPP cronyism and a possibility of failure, this having encumbered GY with a high level of debt service obligations/guarantees.



This may surprise you, but the Rev totally agrees.


By the way, a while back the Rev started a thread praising the PNC for killing the Sithe deal---in my estimation the financial structure was obscene---Sithe would have made out like bandits.


Anyway, its good to learn that other parties are interested in developing the hydro project in Guyana.


Maybe the IDB is helping put together a team(financial and technical) to study and develop Guyana's hydro potential. That would be great.



it will be a secret again

Originally Posted by warrior:

it will be a secret again


It won't be secret again---the PPP bais(Jagdeo and his cronies) were caught with their pants down with the Sithe farce--even Nigel Hughes was exposed.


Ramo is determined to have hydro under his watch---and no sneaky, underhand business will be tolerated.


Now. The IDB has expressed an interest in Guyana's energy sector---if they are involved from the inception---advising on the technical and financial aspects of the hydro----that would be encouraging.


But if you read about some US private equity firm--or some real estate man from Liberty Avenue, Richmond Hill, Queens, NY being involved in the project----BIG RED FLAG---PPP bais up to their usual thiefin tricks.


Anyway, The hydro project is too huge to be kept a secret---the Marriott, airport, etc---those are small---and the PPP bais will make their millions---but hydro is different.


The Rev dropping total truths and 100% honesty on you folks.





Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
I looked at the paper named Amalia.pdf. It is not a study.

You have not approached the apt source.

Is your apt source that Pooja Shop in Florida?

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:



 The PPP has failed to adequately address this problem.  PROPER analysis needs to be done to identify suitabel sites which do not run dry, which can be built with minimal environmental or socail damage, and in a feasible manner.  No one is against hydro power.  What people are against is a hastily developed site, with a history of PPP cronyism and a possibility of failure, this having encumbered GY with a high level of debt service obligations/guarantees.



This may surprise you, but the Rev totally agrees.


By the way, a while back the Rev started a thread praising the PNC for killing the Sithe deal---in my estimation the financial structure was obscene---Sithe would have made out like bandits.


Anyway, its good to learn that other parties are interested in developing the hydro project in Guyana.


Maybe the IDB is helping put together a team(financial and technical) to study and develop Guyana's hydro potential. That would be great.





Now imagine if Amaila Falls went ahead, indebting Guyana up to US $850 Million, then after completion, it wa sdiscovered that power would have to be shut off for 2 months of the year, due to inadequate supply of water!


Just another example of PPP corruption and incompetency.  First Skeldon factory.  And we will see the same with the Marriott and CBJIA.

Originally Posted by Rev:

Anyway, The hydro project is too huge to be kept a secret---the Marriott, airport, etc---those are small---and the PPP bais will make their millions---but hydro is different.


The Rev dropping total truths and 100% honesty on you folks.





Thank you for pointing out why its not unlikely that next election only 55% of the PPP supporters show up, vs 70% of APNU's.


The grass roots PPP voter is tired of this nonsense, while they suffer to survive.  APNU/AFC supporters are eager to at a minumum ensure that the PPP remains a minority party so that the combined opposition can kill any stupid mega deal that they concoct for personal enrichment.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev:

Anyway, The hydro project is too huge to be kept a secret---the Marriott, airport, etc---those are small---and the PPP bais will make their millions---but hydro is different.


The Rev dropping total truths and 100% honesty on you folks.





Thank you for pointing out why its not unlikely that next election only 55% of the PPP supporters show up, vs 70% of APNU's.


The grass roots PPP voter is tired of this nonsense, while they suffer to survive.  APNU/AFC supporters are eager to at a minumum ensure that the PPP remains a minority party so that the combined opposition can kill any stupid mega deal that they concoct for personal enrichment.

Just remember that Rev was the same person that predicted a defeat for Obama recently. You would be advised to take a grain of salt when you agree with him. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev:

Anyway, The hydro project is too huge to be kept a secret---the Marriott, airport, etc---those are small---and the PPP bais will make their millions---but hydro is different.


The Rev dropping total truths and 100% honesty on you folks.





Thank you for pointing out why its not unlikely that next election only 55% of the PPP supporters show up, vs 70% of APNU's.


The grass roots PPP voter is tired of this nonsense, while they suffer to survive.  APNU/AFC supporters are eager to at a minumum ensure that the PPP remains a minority party so that the combined opposition can kill any stupid mega deal that they concoct for personal enrichment.

Just remember that Rev was the same person that predicted a defeat for Obama recently. You would be advised to take a grain of salt when you agree with him. 

He is not talking about your hydro seed.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev:

Anyway, The hydro project is too huge to be kept a secret---the Marriott, airport, etc---those are small---and the PPP bais will make their millions---but hydro is different.


The Rev dropping total truths and 100% honesty on you folks.





Thank you for pointing out why its not unlikely that next election only 55% of the PPP supporters show up, vs 70% of APNU's.


The grass roots PPP voter is tired of this nonsense, while they suffer to survive.  APNU/AFC supporters are eager to at a minumum ensure that the PPP remains a minority party so that the combined opposition can kill any stupid mega deal that they concoct for personal enrichment.

Just remember that Rev was the same person that predicted a defeat for Obama recently. You would be advised to take a grain of salt when you agree with him. 

rev is screaming PPP victory.  He thinks that PPP rants about "bad black man" will get Indos to vote for them even when he admits that they are rotten to the core.


I agree that they will not vote APNU.  Many will merely stay home.  Blacks will vote as the level of frustration against the rule of the Indo elite is reaching crisis levels.   You just hope that they contrinue to believe that electoral politics is the main vehicle that they can use to get the leadership who they want.

Originally Posted by caribny:

rev is screaming PPP victory.  He thinks that PPP rants about "bad black man" will get Indos to vote for them even when he admits that they are rotten to the core.


I agree that they will not vote APNU.  Many will merely stay home.  Blacks will vote as the level of frustration against the rule of the Indo elite is reaching crisis levels.   You just hope that they contrinue to believe that electoral politics is the main vehicle that they can use to get the leadership who they want.

The Indian elites are not afraid of Black rule, in fact they know how to control the Blacks in power as noted by how many Indo millionaires were products of the PNC era. They say Indian ask for bigger bribes than the Blacks. However the Blacks will be bad for development as they lack vision as evidenced by their opposition to the many progressive PPP proposed projects. 

Originally Posted by JB:

APNU and AFC support hydropower. Make it transparent and include the opposition and we will have Amaila. 

Then you should tell Nigel AND Cathy that they can't serve two masters. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

rev is screaming PPP victory.  He thinks that PPP rants about "bad black man" will get Indos to vote for them even when he admits that they are rotten to the core.


I agree that they will not vote APNU.  Many will merely stay home.  Blacks will vote as the level of frustration against the rule of the Indo elite is reaching crisis levels.   You just hope that they contrinue to believe that electoral politics is the main vehicle that they can use to get the leadership who they want.

The Indian elites are not afraid of Black rule, in fact they know how to control the Blacks in power as noted by how many Indo millionaires were products of the PNC era. They say Indian ask for bigger bribes than the Blacks. However the Blacks will be bad for development as they lack vision as evidenced by their opposition to the many progressive PPP proposed projects. 

How do you define black? You are madras and your son Is as black as pitch and indistinguishable from the darkest African. What do you think the white folks here think of one of them? No wonder he has already culturally gravitated to his comfort zone.


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