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As usual they will be far less corrupt than the PNC and AFC.  Look on the bright side and see that they are not perfect but they are best available. 

Guava cheese Granger suppressed the voice the AFC in the coalition government and reduced them to nothing.  The front that Moses and Ramjattan put on did not conceal what was really happening behind the scene. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

As usual they will be far less corrupt than the PNC and AFC.  Look on the bright side and see that they are not perfect but they are best available. 

Guava cheese Granger suppressed the voice the AFC in the coalition government and reduced them to nothing.  The front that Moses and Ramjattan put on did not conceal what was really happening behind the scene. 

On the contrary, according to Transparency International corruption decreased under the Coalition government.


As usual they will be far less corrupt than the PNC and AFC.  Look on the bright side and see that they are not perfect but they are best available. 

This is the standard, ladies and gentlemen. It sums up how most of Guyana feel and think: that a corrupt government is the standard and the least corrupt government should rule the day.

Since when should ANY corruption in a public office appointment be ever acceptable???

We must expect and demand better from our government. 

@Rochelle posted:

This is the standard, ladies and gentlemen. It sums up how most of Guyana feel and think: that a corrupt government is the standard and the least corrupt government should rule the day.

Since when should ANY corruption in a public office appointment be ever acceptable???

We must expect and demand better from our government. 

So how come you were encouraging thieving and electoral fraud under the PNC? You even went out of your way to tell numerous lies to cover up the fraud.

Bibi Haniffa
@Rochelle posted:

This is the standard, ladies and gentlemen. It sums up how most of Guyana feel and think: that a corrupt government is the standard and the least corrupt government should rule the day.

Since when should ANY corruption in a public office appointment be ever acceptable???

We must expect and demand better from our government. 

It's unfortunate that you backed a corrupt dictator that refused to give up power and was forced out. It's too bad you did not have the same sentiments when they stole all the gold and allowed corruption to run hog-wild. Hearing this from you is really disappointing. You failed to state here that the PNC corrupted dictatorship emptied the treasury twice and now the country is bankrupt. Should you not have expected the same from your PNC thugs in office?

@Rochelle posted:

This is the standard, ladies and gentlemen. It sums up how most of Guyana feel and think: that a corrupt government is the standard and the least corrupt government should rule the day.

Since when should ANY corruption in a public office appointment be ever acceptable???

We must expect and demand better from our government. 

That is the PNC fault for being more corrupt that the voters booted them out.

@VishMahabir posted:

There was corruption under Jagdeo and was just that no one could find the paper trail. 

Now that more oil money will be flowing...we should have "eagle eyes" watching them.

There is a new sheriff in town.  In his inaugural speech, President Ali outlined his plans to prevent corruption.  I can see that you are skeptical about President Ali because he was with Jagdeo's and Ramoutar's administration, but I can tell you that he is a different person and he meant every word he said in his now-famous speech.

@Ramakant-P posted:

There is a new sheriff in town.  In his inaugural speech, President Ali outlined his plans to prevent corruption.  I can see that you are skeptical about President Ali because he was with Jagdeo's and Ramoutar's administration, but I can tell you that he is a different person and he meant every word he said in his now-famous speech.

You're sitting in Canada and lying for these people. As time goes by and Corruption is exposed, a few of us will be here to reprimand you and friends.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Then there is no proof that the PPP was corrupt.   

Exactly. Jagdeo was accused of facilitating the drug business in Guyana which was directly linked to drugs getting into the US but yet he travelled countless times to the US and they never arrest him for it. Jagdeo and the PPP were accused by the APNU and AFC of being corrupt but after 5 years of failed Coalition governance no one went to jail for any corruption.

@VishMahabir posted:

There was corruption under Jagdeo and was just that no one could find the paper trail. 

Now that more oil money will be flowing...we should have "eagle eyes" watching them.

Since you know so much, why don't you file charges, report them to CIA/Trump. May I remind you , USA helped installed the PPP in office, they wanted transparency and and democracy, not the PNC CROOKS.

@VishMahabir posted:

There was corruption under Jagdeo and was just that no one could find the paper trail. 

Now that more oil money will be flowing...we should have "eagle eyes" watching them.

There is corruption in every political party and government. Guyana is not unique to this. I hope that there will be transparency in dealing with oil and every financial transaction.

@Former Member posted:

There is corruption in every political party and government. Guyana is not unique to this. I hope that there will be transparency in dealing with oil and every financial transaction.

Transparency will be good, but the temptation will be strong for stealing. Every Guyanese know that even though the PNC could not uncover potential corruption, ministers became wealthy through questionable means.

They will receive much praise if they run a lean and clean government and do good for the people.

@VishMahabir posted:

Transparency will be good, but the temptation will be strong for stealing. Every Guyanese know that even though the PNC could not uncover potential corruption, ministers became wealthy through questionable means.

They will receive much praise if they run a lean and clean government and do good for the people.

'do good for the people'  should be one of their first priorities.  This was a huge failure in the last PPP administrations. 

@Tola posted:

'do good for the people'  should be one of their first priorities.  This was a huge failure in the last PPP administrations. 

Tola, this was also the failure of the PNC/APNU also. We saw the lack of "do good" for the people and filling friends and acquaintances pockets under APNU. PPP never bankrupted Guyana or emptied the treasury.

@Tola posted:

'do good for the people'  should be one of their first priorities.  This was a huge failure in the last PPP administrations. 

Tolaram...stop living in the past. Its not the same people running the government as after 1992. Why are you pre-judging them based on previous transgressions?

Its only a week (God took 7 days to create the world, then he built it). Give them a chance. 

@VishMahabir posted:

Tolaram...stop living in the past. Its not the same people running the government as after 1992. Why are you pre-judging them based on previous transgressions?

Its only a week (God took 7 days to create the world, then he built it). Give them a chance. 

Where was I prejudging the government ?  I am stating a fact that we experienced with the people.

FYI, some of the same people who caused much distress  for the PPP voters last time, are now government ministers.   

@VishMahabir posted:

There was corruption under Jagdeo and was just that no one could find the paper trail. 

Now that more oil money will be flowing...we should have "eagle eyes" watching them.

The PPP was never as corrupt as made out. This was a false narrative sold by the PNC to tarnish the PPP.  This is no different than the 400 men killed.

After five years, not a single prosecution in either and not even the list of 400.

The PNC thrives in the land of Purgatory!

@Former Member posted:

The PPP was never as corrupt as made out. This was a false narrative sold by the PNC to tarnish the PPP.  This is no different than the 400 men killed.

After five years, not a single prosecution in either and not even the list of 400.

The PNC thrives in the land of Purgatory!

True. The most famous murder just before the 2015 elections was Crum-Ewing who the Coalition claim was killed by PPP operatives but five years later no one is yet convicted for his murder.

@Tola posted:

Where was I prejudging the government ?  I am stating a fact that we experienced with the people.

FYI, some of the same people who caused much distress  for the PPP voters last time, are now government ministers.   

But the same people who you claimed they stressed out voted them back in. So maybe your narrative is not the whole story! Only you and a few others still stressed out. 

@Former Member posted:

But the same people who you claimed they stressed out voted them back in. So maybe your narrative is not the whole story! Only you and a few others still stressed out. 

We will see when  the Agriculture Minister has to deal with the same farmers he had issues with as regional officer, that caused his sudden replacement. This was the most inappropriate appointment for agriculture.

Why do you always find a way to criticize  the poster, or name calling, instead of commenting on the issues. It got you time out from the forum and might restrict you permanently, leaving you with just your weekly trips to the post office.      

@Tola posted:

We will see when  the Agriculture Minister has to deal with the same farmers he had issues with as regional officer, that caused his sudden replacement. This was the most inappropriate appointment for agriculture.

Why do you always find a way to criticize  the poster, or name calling, instead of commenting on the issues. It got you time out from the forum and might restrict you permanently, leaving you with just your weekly trips to the post office.      

Where did I refer To you?  What issue, ayuh loss?  What’s to comment?  Suck it up!

As for the forum, not important to me since Aug 2. It’s for you to come and vent your loss. 

Democracy won and PNC will be out for 25 years at least. Ayuh could kick up and contort. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Where did I refer To you?  What issue, ayuh loss?  What’s to comment?  Suck it up!

As for the forum, not important to me since Aug 2. It’s for you to come and vent your loss. 

Democracy won and PNC will be out for 25 years at least. Ayuh could kick up and contort. 

Why is your postings mostly gibberish in the evenings ? Do you understand what you wrote and the questions you asked ?

Rass, like you are another good mind reader. Whose loss I am venting ?  

What is your purpose on this forum, if its not important to you ?   

@Former Member posted:

You're sitting in Canada and lying for these people. As time goes by and Corruption is exposed, a few of us will be here to reprimand you and friends.

You already decided that there would be corruption.  Tell me whom are you defending?  The PNC lost, get on with the program.  President Ali's speech was very specific. You should read it sometime.  Good luck with your venture.  You do not have what it takes to fight corruption in that you were blind to the 8000 inconsistencies of the coalition Government.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You already decided that there would be corruption.  Tell me whom are you defending?  The PNC lost, get on with the program.  President Ali's speech was very specific. You should read it sometime.  Good luck with your venture.  You do not have what it takes to fight corruption in that you were blind to the 8000 inconsistencies of the coalition Government.

The speech was written to flabbergast everyone, especially their illiterate flock, and it certainly flabbergasted you.  

@Former Member posted:

The speech was written to flabbergast everyone, especially their illiterate flock, and it certainly flabbergasted you.  

The speech was a class act by the President.

I do not expect you to understand what is happening in light of what the PNC had done to the country. They bankrupted the country and you seemed to be mellowing in your own cesspool of ignorance.


@Former Member posted:

The speech was written to flabbergast everyone, especially their illiterate flock, and it certainly flabbergasted you.  

Do you think his wife’s interview was also “written” to flabbergast anyone?

You claim you daughter-in-law is connected to Anil. Does she knows you were hoping they’d be blown to “smitherines” if they took power?

You have, unfortunately, joined the brigade of GNI hoodlums.  

@Former Member posted:

Do you think his wife’s interview was also “written” to flabbergast anyone?

You claim you daughter-in-law is connected to Anil. Does she knows you were hoping they’d be blown to “smitherines” if they took power?

You have, unfortunately, joined the brigade of GNI hoodlums.  

For a professional, your English sucks. Get Antonette to help you with your grammar.

Why are you talking about hoodlums when you have been with all the parties to get soup? Like the others, Ali baba will ignore you and you will end up eating the beef curry and rice you cooked and drink every day to drown your sorrows.

Show some respect for admin.


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