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@Mitwah posted:

For a professional, your English sucks. Get Antonette to help you with your grammar.

Why are you talking about hoodlums when you have been with all the parties to get soup? Like the others, Ali baba will ignore you and you will end up eating the beef curry and rice you cooked and drink every day to drown your sorrows.

Show some respect for admin.

I’ve never been with the PPP or the PNC. I’ve supported two parties in the past, Liberator and AFC.  What does admin have to do with anything?  I have no interest in working in Guyana, you are mistaken.

Im thinking of inviting Rochelle for a trip when all’s clear.  Looks like Russia have the magic potion. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I’ve never been with the PPP or the PNC. I’ve supported two parties in the past, Liberator and AFC.  What does admin have to do with anything?  I have no interest in working in Guyana, you are mistaken.

Im thinking of inviting Rochelle for a trip when all’s clear.  Looks like Russia have the magic potion. 

You have no interest in working, Period. LOL. Stay in the basement pelting mud. Show some respect and apologize to Mr. Django.

@Former Member posted:

Im thinking of inviting Rochelle for a trip when all’s clear.

@Mitwah posted:

Yeh! And you can fetch her luggage. Remember to walk 2 steps behind.

... probably you will be eight steps behind struggling with the suit cases and others items to keep up as they walk hand-in-hand.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Yea, I never suck up or Suck down.  I call a spade a spade.

Apologize for what, calling a spade a spade. 

Good thinG PNC/AFC lost.

Base, it looks as though the Forum hired two watchman, Mitwah and Tola as NON paying bouncers, just that they sound irrelevant.

 Them cork duck, PNC/AFC LOST.

 How can a loser ever WIN?

@VishMahabir posted:


There was corruption under Jagdeo and was just that no one could find the paper trail. 

Now that more oil money will be flowing...we should have "eagle eyes" watching them.

Given their track record of being the most corrupt government in Guyana's history, I don't see anything changing. Jagdeo was planning and salivating for five years to get his hands oily and he has the perfect puppet president as his partner in crime.


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