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This is not about Africans and Indians, this is about DEMOCRACY. No ethnic group can win a national election through pure race voting. You need to build a coalition with the other ethnic groups. You need to uphold the laws of the land. GECOM needs to get their act together and continue  the Region 4 count using the SOP’s. If the current government continue on their belief that they won, this would lead to a destruction of the nation. No one wants to see a return to dictatorship. Guyana lost a lot of its citizens to other countries. Leaders of ALL political parties need to step up and save this nation. All Guyanese should come out as winners.

Long Live Democracy.t



Timothy Jonas. He is smart and intelligent. I like this guy. 

I hope PPP include some of these people in their government, people like Shuman etc . 

The message was delivered to BJ and he realized the support  is also outside of PPP. I am 100 % confident the PPP government will be inclusive of all races and political affiliation. 

Last edited by Former Member

I hope you are wrong Bhai BUT it will be the responsibility for sane people like us to push and speak out for such changes. People can set the direction for policy makers!! Another Guy who is not visible right now but deserve mention is Dr Troy. I believe his title is Johnson but I may be wrong. Cannot be business as usual.


PNC comes in all race and colour, that woman talking sheers rass about Jesus, she living in US while she pickney left in Guyana to face the hardships. The people that is on the streets protesting ,they are doing so for freedom and democracy if not Guyana will be a dictator state.

I don't know which Guyana she is talking about, I left over 40 years ago but even then there were many educated Indian teachers and nurses. Yes, many Indians were forced to leave the country for jobs, Burnham was ruling and was only giving jobs to his own race although they were not qualified. Volda wants to bring back those days. Well, that's why the people are in the streets protesting, never again.


Before the elections some critics said PPP/C couldn't win because Indos have shrunk to less than 40 percent of the population. Pro-PPP/C said the party would get significant votes from non-Indos. So said, so done.

Just look at the verified votes for the 9 regions/districts. PPP/C gathered over 50,000 more votes than APNU+AFC. Dem votes didn't come from Indos only. Thousands of Afros, Amerindians and others voted solidly for PPP/C. 

Clearly the PPP/C has progressed beyond race-based support. And I am convinced that if/when all 841 Statements of Polls in Region 4 are verified, the results will reflect many more  non-Indian votes for the PPP/C.


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