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The victim being taken for medical attention. [Photos by Samuel Maughn)

The victim being taken for medical attention. (Photos by Samuel Maughn)

WOMAN FREED One year after being locked in faeces-laden room


By Svetlana Marshall

A 31-year-old Essequibo Coast woman who had been imprisoned by her mother for more than a year and was forced to live under inhumane conditions was rescued yesterday upon the intervention of Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and Minister of State, Joseph Harmon.The victim of this bizarre detention had been padlocked in one of the bedrooms of her mother’s Richmond Housing Scheme home, and was fed through a hole. She was found lying half-naked on a

Monica Edwards breaking the tragic story to the press

Monica Edwards breaking the tragic story to the press

wooden bed frame in a room filled with human faeces, urine, worms and garbage when the rescue team arrived. She was removed from her place of confinement and taken to a medical institution.

Residents who witnessed the operation rejoiced, saying: “This is indeed the day that the Lord has made!” The police have since launched an investigation into the matter.

This captive’s story, which was reportedly told to regional welfare officials on countless occasions, was brought to light when a determined friend of the family made her way to Perth on the Essequibo Coast, where the Prime Minister, Minister of State Joseph Harmon and Minister of Citizenship Winston Felix were conducting another round of ‘Meet the Public’ engagements.

Monica Edwards, who had known the young woman since she was a child, told the Prime Minister of the tragic story in her quest to get help for the woman, now considered to be mentally ill.

Upon hearing of her plight, the Prime Minister instructed senior ranks at the Anna Regina Police Station to conduct a rescue operation with the assistance of a medical team. Upon seeing the

Locked away: The room in which the 31-year-old was locked away for more than a year. The photo also shows the hole through which she was fed

Locked away: The room in which the 31-year-old was locked away for more than a year. The photo also shows the hole through which she was fed

police, the ambulance and the press, the mother of the 31-year-old burst into tears.

She said her daughter, who had celebrated her birthday just two days ago, had developed a brain disorder approximately seven years ago. During the initial stages of her mental illness, medical attention was sought, but to no avail, the mother said.
However, approximately one year ago, the mother said, she decided to lock her daughter away because she and her daughter had been constantly raped by a man in the neighbourhood.

“He raped me, and when he done he go to my daughter and come back to me and raped me,” she recalled.
According to the woman, her daughter was raped more than ten times by this man, who was reportedly apprehended by the police but subsequently released.

“I reported it to the Anna Regina Police, but they just locking he up for a couple of days and them loosing him,” she said.

Facing threats to her life, and confronting the man’s persistence in perpetrating the rapes, the woman said, she then locked her daughter in the room, and would often ‘sleep out’. “Tell you the truth, I fearful for my life, and I don’t sleep home; but when I come home, I would reach her place break,” this mother disclosed.

The woman used to feed her daughter through a hole, but the room was cleaned only “now and then.”
The mother said that due to the constant breakage, she and her eldest son, Jagdeo Bishop, had reasons to put further security measures in place.

Asked whether she was happy that her daughter was finally getting help, the teary-eyed woman responded in the positive.

The room in which the former nurse was made to exist

The room in which the former nurse was made to exist

But the woman’s story contrasted totally from what Edwards had told the Prime Minister, and subsequently the press. According to Edwards, who had the support of some of the neighbours living in Richmond Housing Scheme, the 31-year-old, who had secured 13 grade ones at CXC and was a nurse by profession at the Georgetown Public Hospital, became the subject of torment after having a relationship with a Christian Afro-Guyanese man.

“She is mixed and she was in love with a black man, and the mother didn’t want that, so she decided to lock her away,” she told reporters in the compound of the Anna Regina Police Station minutes before the rescue operation.

Edwards maintained that the former nurse had been locked away against her will. “Yes! She was locked against her will, because many times she would try to break open… That girl got 13 subjects, grade ones, at the school, and she masters Spanish. She was a cashier,” Edwards said, noting that she just needs to see the alleged rape victim get the help she deserves.

But the 31-year-old woman’s eldest brother, Jagdeo Bishop, refuted the claims made by Edwards, saying that it had nothing to do with a relationship she had shared.

“This thing started when she started working at public hospital. She was following a boy over there, and she start following friends and all sort of stupidness she start doing!”

Jagdeo Bishop pointing to an area in the house where zinc sheets were placed to prevent invaders

Jagdeo Bishop pointing to an area in the house where zinc sheets were placed to prevent invaders

He is of the view that his sister was not locked in against her will, and he contended that the action was necessary. “We had to lock her up. When we loose her out in the yard, me mother never had access to the yard when she start behaving in a ravenous manner. She a beat meh mother and all sort of thing, and I use to sleep deh one- one time, and she use to beat me too. That is why we had to build a room and put her inside so we can get access to the house and the yard,” he declared.

Admitting that his sister was indeed forced to live in a very unhealthy condition, Bishop told reporters that from time to time he would clean her room.

Hours after the rescue operation, Prime Minister Nagamootoo told reporters that he was happy that the woman who had been held captive was liberated. “When this situation was brought to me, I couldn’t allow it to persist for one more hour…It was worse than a scene of kidnapping, it was worse than a scene of putting under the ground in a situation of incarceration. It was inhumane, it was cruel,” he said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mits, If you look at the first thread, you will noticed the misleading information that is 10 years instead of one,  and 2) I felt that this post story has more meat to it.

asj posted:

Mits, If you look at the first thread, you will noticed the misleading information that is 10 years instead of one,  and 2) I felt that this post story has more meat to it.

Asj, you have a right to post every follow up on this story as the investigation continues. Moses was in a hurry to take credit and tell lied. 

Cobra posted:
Mitwah posted:

Why start another tread on this topic? One already existed.

It's another version as the story gets beeper and find that Moses was lying. From 10 years to one? Y'all ain't got no bloody shame.

Oii Cobby did Naga said that or writer of the article?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

PNC propagandists are trying to refurbish his image.  It ain't gonna work once he is affiliated with a regime that is destroying the economy and polarizing our country along racial lines.

Billy, I know there was more to the story, that why Mitwah objected to asj's thread because they want the truth to let out.

Django posted:
Cobra posted:
Mitwah posted:

Why start another tread on this topic? One already existed.

It's another version as the story gets beeper and find that Moses was lying. From 10 years to one? Y'all ain't got no bloody shame.

Oii Cobby did Naga said that or writer of the article?

He was taking credit before an investigation. The chronicle was there to tow the PNC line.

asj posted:

Mits, If you look at the first thread, you will noticed the misleading information that is 10 years instead of one,  and 2) I felt that this post story has more meat to it.

Then it makes more sense not to start a new tread but to post on the current one to point out or correct the misleading info.  I am tired of seeing so many treads started up on the same topic or issue.

I am not saying that you do this but there are posters here who start up a lot of nonsense treads to bury opponents treads.

If the mother is charged, Jagdeo should also be charged  for aiding and abetting his mother or for being an accessory to a crime.

Hours after the rescue operation, Prime Minister Nagamootoo told reporters that he was happy that the woman who had been held captive was liberated. “When this situation was brought to me, I couldn’t allow it to persist for one more hour…It was worse than a scene of kidnapping, it was worse than a scene of putting under the ground in a situation of incarceration. It was inhumane, it was cruel,” he said.


Mental health in Guyana

The heart breaking incident of a mentally challenged young girl, rescued from her home on the Essequibo Coast, was brought to light in the media Friday. The young lady was forced to live in inhumane conditions for reason which the family attempted to justify, claiming that her mental condition was so severe that she was beyond control.

The World Health Organization (WHO) conceptualises mental health as a “state of well-being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.” Mental disorders are highly prevalent throughout the world, however, the resources allocated by countries to tackle this burden are often times insufficient, inequitably distributed, and, at times, inefficiently used.

In 2015, the Public Health Ministry launched Guyana’s National Mental Health Strategy 2015-2020. While launching such a strategy is commendable, having a plan without proper execution is merely words without action.

A perusal of the Mental Health Action Plan 2015-2020 outlines a coherent strategic framework for guiding the development of new plans while bringing alignment and synergy to the Ministry’s national and international activities over the next five years. In addition, it will serve to coordinate development and technical assistance and other partnerships in health.

Among the programmes and services that are highlighted in the plan for implementation over the next five years are the National Suicide Prevention Programme, the Integration of Mental Health into Primary Care, Drug and Alcohol Prevention Programme, Psycho geriatric Clinic, extend  and enhance satellite clinics to communities (Diamond, Leonora, Mahaicony, Enmore and other communities with such needs) .

While we deal with these areas it is hoped that the Public Health Ministry also take into consideration the stigma, social exclusion, and discrimination that occur around people with mental disorders which compound the situation. Persons with mental disorders are reported to suffer discrimination in their communities, the workplace, educational institutions and the healthcare system. In the context of Guyana and more particularly with the plight of the young lady on the Essequibo Coast, it is apparent from media reports, that stigma may have been a contributing factor to the family’s decision to lock her away.

In moving forward, our officials must also deliberate on the outdated mental health law – the 1930 Mental Health Ordinance – which exists in Guyana. The Mental Health Ordinance of 1930, which is antiquated, does not have provisions for the protection of the rights of people with mental disorders. Given this factor, there is recognisable need for updated laws to be enacted to deal with safeguards to protect against abuse, appropriate and accessible care within communities, equality in opportunities for access to care, to employment, to shelter, to justice and consent.

There should also be independent review bodies established to protect the human rights of users of mental health services. Among some of the improvements that need to be adopted as highlighted in the Mental Health Action Plan 2015-2020 is that primary care personnel need to play a more pivotal role in the mental health area and mental health services should be made more available or accessible to the population.

The standard of the National Psychiatric Hospital (NPH) is in dire need of improvement with respect to policies and guidelines for the usage of psychotropic medications, the assessment, treatment, monitoring, and ongoing evaluation of patients with mental disorders, the charting of patient information and the maintenance of health records.

The key recommendation for Mental Health Action Plan 2015-2020 is that implementation must be evidence based, planned and managed within the resource base limitations and the policy and regulatory framework. This however must provide for strategic prioritisation and a long-term approach that provides sufficient room for capacity development, cultural and behavioural change.

As recommended communication and change management measures need to be incorporated in the strategic planning process to ensure sound understanding, buy-in, and support for the strategy among implementing partners.

It is time that as a nation we cater more for our brothers and sisters, who suffer from mental health illnesses regardless of their circumstances. While stigma associated with mental illness has malicious effects on the lives of those affected, we can move forward as a compassionate country and not have a repeat of the incident on the Essequibo Coast.


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