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Originally posted by Riya:
Is any of these solutions really permanent? What when your hair grows, wouldn't that part be curly by the roots?

I guess thats when the 3 - 4 months comes into play.

I know someone that did that and yes as it grows the roots gets curly but mine isn't like that it has a wave at the mid lenght onwards so in the end it will work out for me but the feedback that I got so far is 50 50 ....Big Grin...VB is right...we always want what we don't have Wink
Borrow away Sita Big Grin...I like my hair bouncy yeah but only the day you wash it its a nice hair day yo rass can't get a comb though it I wanna be a little stress free for a few months! Wink

As for the tattoo..well I guess it depends on the person, I know someone that can't handle pain but she got a small one and said it wasn't as bad as she thought but was glad it was over lol.
I think the noise of it is more scary than the actual process, I wouldn't lie it does hurt but not as much and when its over thats it no more hurting once you take care of it.
I say get a small one first...that way its quick and you'll know the type of pain and how much more of it you can take Wink
Originally posted by sita:
I don't know about the Hair Straighteners. I like my hair bouncy Smile

Cher me a borrow this thred lil bit.

What about Tattoos, I am thinking about getting one, but me scare the needles. Frown

Dose it hurt?
Don't get any. I spent lots of money trying to get rid of mine. I now like the fact I have none. There is no reason to get tattoos. The girl's name I had on my arm made 3 babies since I knew her and now looks like a drag queen. I cannot for the life of me know what madness overtook me to put her name on my arm.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by sita:
I don't know about the Hair Straighteners. I like my hair bouncy Smile

Cher me a borrow this thred lil bit.

What about Tattoos, I am thinking about getting one, but me scare the needles. Frown

Dose it hurt?
Don't get any. I spent lots of money trying to get rid of mine. I now like the fact I have none. There is no reason to get tattoos. The girl's name I had on my arm made 3 babies since I knew her and now looks like a drag queen. I cannot for the life of me know what madness overtook me to put her name on my arm.

D2 - you were young & in love. Wink
Originally posted by Rosita:
Hey Cherie, my SIL sister went to this one and she seemed happy with the results. She said it was pricey not sure how much she paid as her hair is quite long (like yours).


Hi Rosey Cheeks!! Thank you so much..I just called and it is pretty much the price that was told to me by others so not much of a difference. Now I just have to decide where to go lol Big Grin....doing my little research and by next weekend hopefully Wink..thanks again! wavey
Originally posted by sita:
Thanks to all you wonderful people for your advises.

some make me can't stop laughing. gnirocks

I will start with a small one and not a name unless its me kids.

I will wait until I come back from vacation, because it takes time to heal, according to my
little legal advisor I have home. Roll Eyes Big Grin

The ones around the ankle is a bit more painful cause it's right on the bone, I have 3 - 1 dedicated to my baby that passed away, 1 my children's initials and the other my sign. I'm sure you will do fine if you do decide to get any. Good luck.
Originally posted by D2:
Don't get any. I spent lots of money trying to get rid of mine. I now like the fact I have none. There is no reason to get tattoos. The girl's name I had on my arm made 3 babies since I knew her and now looks like a drag queen. I cannot for the life of me know what madness overtook me to put her name on my arm.

D2, is her "drag queen" look a result of having the three babies?
You were in love or totally drunk hence the insane decision to put her name on your arm!!! Big Grin

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