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Former Member

Worst experience in my homeland

Dear Editor,

As a regular visitor to my country, last December was no different. It was Christmas and there is no better time to be at home, in your own country at this time. However, I must alert you to the fact that Christmas 2015 turned out to be the worst experience in my life.

On the second day in my country, I went into Demico House to make a call to a female friend of mine. We spoke for a brief period then I hung up. Seconds into me ending the call, an acquaintance – his name is Curwen – came up to me and requested to make a call to his girlfriend.

I was very kind to him and lent him my phone to make the call. I think it might have been a distraction from one of the customers in the fast food outlet or something, but the next thing I knew Curwen, the borrower of my phone, was nowhere to be seen. It was if he wasn’t there – he just disappeared. I was now left perplexed as to the reason for him stealing my phone, seeing I know the individual, would meet with him again and most certainly hand him over to the police. But, as someone said, it is Christmas and as Granger said these “petty thieves” were out to get a full Christmas at my expense.

Now instead of cutting my losses and go to my home, I decided to go after the “petty thief” to recover my loss. I was now out of Demico and in the vicinity of the Sophia Bus Park area. Little did I know that I was walking right into an ambush.

No sooner had I turned the corner when I felt a tug on my haversack that spun me around. The next thing I knew was a hail of blows coming from a guy wielding a beer bottle. The newspapers in Guyana are very apologetic when it comes to reporting the ethnicity of the attackers but it is important that I do so now.

The ethnicity of the attackers were of African descent – all of them young, strong men. Meantime a gathering of approximately 12 guys surrounded us, watching intensely as to what was going on. I kept calling out to them to assist me because I was being robbed: thief! thief, this man is a thief! but to no avail.

I must say I fought valiantly to secure my property, but at the point where we fell to the ground the group stepped in and relieved me of all my possession. Amidst all of my claims this will go down as a “petty crime” such is the new rating of criminal “choke and rob” in Guyana.

One can run away with someone else’s cell phone, set up an ambush, brutally take what is not theirs and hear the head of state classify it as a “petty crime.” I was traumatised by this robbery, I am still nervous at the thought of someone walking behind me. I know it will take some time for all of this to go away but this is the reality of the state of affairs in a place called Guyana and our Guyanese experience.

I do not want to be a prophet of doom but crime of the nature mentioned above will continue to escalate due to the associated factors.

My advice to the coalition Government is to prepare your minds for the negative reviews that will come from the visitors from overseas. There is nothing stopping these “petty thieves” from striking it rich when the hapless visitors arrive.



Neil Adams

Replies sorted oldest to newest

My advice to the coalition Government is to prepare your minds for the negative reviews that will come from the visitors from overseas. There is nothing stopping these “petty thieves” from striking it rich when the hapless visitors arrive.

asj posted:

Worst experience in my homeland

The ethnicity of the attackers were of African descent – all of them young, strong men. Meantime a gathering of approximately 12 guys surrounded us, watching intensely as to what was going on. I kept calling out to them to assist me because I was being robbed: thief! thief, this man is a thief! but to no avail.



Neil Adams

Granger, the new Ranger in town sent them the sublime message, CRIME does PAY!!!  Do the crime, I will break the time!!

PNC's return to the abyss!!


This is nothing compared to what happen to some people on their return to the homeland. Neil Adams should count himself lucky that he wasn't shot. As a regular visitor to the country, he should at least know the do's and don't  of visiting the land.

baseman posted:

Granger, the new Ranger in town sent them the sublime message, CRIME does PAY!!!  Do the crime, I will break the time!!

PNC's return to the abyss!!

baseman, the term u are reaching so ineptly for is "subliminal" not "sublime"

they mean very, very different things, arite?

PPP 'brite' bais doing propaganda . . . lol

redux posted:
baseman posted:

Granger, the new Ranger in town sent them the sublime message, CRIME does PAY!!!  Do the crime, I will break the time!!

PNC's return to the abyss!!

baseman, the term u are reaching so ineptly for is "subliminal" not "sublime"

they mean very, very different things, arite?

PPP 'brite' bais doing propaganda . . . lol

Thanks for the correction!!  Much appreciated!!

baseman posted:
redux posted:
baseman posted:

Granger, the new Ranger in town sent them the sublime message, CRIME does PAY!!!  Do the crime, I will break the time!!

PNC's return to the abyss!!

baseman, the term u are reaching so ineptly for is "subliminal" not "sublime"

they mean very, very different things, arite?

PPP 'brite' bais doing propaganda . . . lol

Thanks for the correction!!  Much appreciated!!

u ought to spend time reading more and less on your knees polishing rat's whatever

Sheik101 posted:

This is nothing compared to what happen to some people on their return to the homeland. Neil Adams should count himself lucky that he wasn't shot. As a regular visitor to the country, he should at least know the do's and don't  of visiting the land.

Well talk about BULLSHIT!!!  Are you on friggin CRACK!!!! Mr Afdams should count himself lucky for being robbed and beaten??  Bhia, please tell me someone stole you Account.  Call Amral and report it.

Django posted:

"The ethnicity of the attackers were of African descent"

Does the media have any responsibility in Guyana,was the editor of Guyana Times napping,i considered this to be racist.


What sh1t you talking 'bout deh bai?  The man was saying what happened to HIM and WHO done it.  Since when telling the truth is "racist"?  You see why Trump is hitting a nerve in the USA.

It goes without saying, most choke and robbers and thieves in Guyana have always been, and is, youths of African descent!!  That is an undisputed FACT!!!!!

Nehru posted:
Sheik101 posted:

This is nothing compared to what happen to some people on their return to the homeland. Neil Adams should count himself lucky that he wasn't shot. As a regular visitor to the country, he should at least know the do's and don't  of visiting the land.

Well talk about BULLSHIT!!!  Are you on friggin CRACK!!!! Mr Afdams should count himself lucky for being robbed and beaten??  Bhia, please tell me someone stole you Account.  Call Amral and report it.

Hahahahahahaa. I just knew this was going to  grab your attention.
And yes, Adams should count himself very lucky. Think of the others who fared far worse. He should be grateful dem bannas didn't write him off; which is the norm nowadays.

baseman posted:
Django posted:

"The ethnicity of the attackers were of African descent"

Does the media have any responsibility in Guyana,was the editor of Guyana Times napping,i considered this to be racist.

What sh1t you talking 'bout deh bai?  The man was saying what happened to HIM and WHO done it.  Since when telling the truth is "racist"?  You see why Trump is hitting a nerve in the USA.

It goes without saying, most choke and robbers and thieves in Guyana have always been, and is, youths of African descent!!  That is an undisputed FACT!!!!!

i suspect Django was pointing to the gratuitous ID of the perps as being of African descent . . . why was that important to the story?

editors do have some important responsibilities in this area

now, "choke and rob" is, for the most part, a big city urban crime . . . and most urban youth in Guyana are of African descent

the causation/correlation confusion afoot here is rooted in your thorough ignorance of race subjects u bray about with the typical bigot's certainty, and a nehrueske tendency towards racist hysteria

baseman, i advised elsewhere that u read more (and widely) . . . this is why

now, as to "thieves" . . . do you really, really believe that most "thieves" in Guyana are Afro_Guyanese youth?

hmmm . . .?

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

I AGREE with you Sheik Bhai.   GUYANA REALLY GONE FUH CHANNA IN LESS THAN 9 MONTHS"   Thank you for letting us know. Bhias , visit Guyana at Al Yuh own RISK!!!

You must of heard Paul and I talked bout Ron from Alexander Village. One of the most street smart guys I know. Well he was back in Guyana for a few years to handle some personal affairs. Ron seh dem bais took him down four times. once by Demico House one night, then by Kitty Market and then near tower hotel. The last incident was by North road Bourda.
Was a bunch of young kids and they vicious like rass. Beat the crap outta him.

Sheik101 posted:
Nehru posted:

I AGREE with you Sheik Bhai.   GUYANA REALLY GONE FUH CHANNA IN LESS THAN 9 MONTHS"   Thank you for letting us know. Bhias , visit Guyana at Al Yuh own RISK!!!

You must of heard Paul and I talked bout Ron from Alexander Village. One of the most street smart guys I know. Well he was back in Guyana for a few years to handle some personal affairs. Ron seh dem bais took him down four times. once by Demico House one night, then by Kitty Market and then near tower hotel. The last incident was by North road Bourda.
Was a bunch of young kids and they vicious like rass. Beat the crap outta him.


Django posted:

"The ethnicity of the attackers were of African descent"

Does the media have any responsibility in Guyana,was the editor of Guyana Times napping,i considered this to be racist.


Hogwash man. If blackman did it, call it like it is. If coolie man did it, call it like it is.
You people are rocket like to cry racism when negroes are implicated and is being called out. When Indians are called out, you pepper this board with Indian insults. Go grow some B**ls and accept the facts as they are.

Django posted:

"The ethnicity of the attackers were of African descent"

Does the media have any responsibility in Guyana,was the editor of Guyana Times napping,i considered this to be racist.


It's propaganda.

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:

"The ethnicity of the attackers were of African descent"

Does the media have any responsibility in Guyana,was the editor of Guyana Times napping,i considered this to be racist.


It's propaganda.

Mits bhai, you spread a lot of propaganda on this BB too.

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
Django posted:

"The ethnicity of the attackers were of African descent"

Does the media have any responsibility in Guyana,was the editor of Guyana Times napping,i considered this to be racist.


It's propaganda.

Mits bhai, you spread a lot of propaganda on this BB too.

Neil is a ghost writer.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

"The ethnicity of the attackers were of African descent"

Does the media have any responsibility in Guyana,was the editor of Guyana Times napping,i considered this to be racist.


Hogwash man. If blackman did it, call it like it is. If coolie man did it, call it like it is.
You people are rocket like to cry racism when negroes are implicated and is being called out. When Indians are called out, you pepper this board with Indian insults. Go grow some B**ls and accept the facts as they are.

Guyana is a multi ethnic society,the media responsibility on reporting should avoid using racial identities,it does a lot of harm where the two major races distrust each other.

Peppering is needed,due to any time yuh hear crime fingers are pointing to afros.

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:

"The ethnicity of the attackers were of African descent"

Does the media have any responsibility in Guyana,was the editor of Guyana Times napping,i considered this to be racist.


It's propaganda.

no doubt..poor journalism

baseman posted:

It goes without saying, most choke and robbers and thieves in Guyana have always been, and is, youths of African descent!!  That is an undisputed FACT!!!!!

Is it? Is it also not true that Indians have more money to buy justice, whilst the black youth have to rely on luck to be found innocent?

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

"The ethnicity of the attackers were of African descent"

Does the media have any responsibility in Guyana,was the editor of Guyana Times napping,i considered this to be racist.


Hogwash man. If blackman did it, call it like it is. If coolie man did it, call it like it is.
You people are rocket like to cry racism when negroes are implicated and is being called out. When Indians are called out, you pepper this board with Indian insults. Go grow some B**ls and accept the facts as they are.

Guyana is a multi ethnic society,the media responsibility on reporting should avoid using racial identities,it does a lot of harm where the two major races distrust each other.

Peppering is needed,due to any time yuh hear crime fingers are pointing to afros.

Guyana like America is a racist society. Even in America, you see the pictures of criminals being posted on the TV screen.

Bhai Django, weh you buy you jackass bline?  Gee me de man numba and me guh tell am fuh put some holes at de sides and some moe infront so you cyan see pass you nose and eyes. You back blackman and you have every right to do so. However, where crimes are concerned, you grow some ba*ls and call it like it is.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

"The ethnicity of the attackers were of African descent"

Does the media have any responsibility in Guyana,was the editor of Guyana Times napping,i considered this to be racist.


Hogwash man. If blackman did it, call it like it is. If coolie man did it, call it like it is.
You people are rocket like to cry racism when negroes are implicated and is being called out. When Indians are called out, you pepper this board with Indian insults. Go grow some B**ls and accept the facts as they are.

Guyana is a multi ethnic society,the media responsibility on reporting should avoid using racial identities,it does a lot of harm where the two major races distrust each other.

Peppering is needed,due to any time yuh hear crime fingers are pointing to afros.

Guyana like America is a racist society. Even in America, you see the pictures of criminals being posted on the TV screen.

Bhai Django, weh you buy you jackass bline?  Gee me de man numba and me guh tell am fuh put some holes at de sides and some moe infront so you cyan see pass you nose and eyes. You back blackman and you have every right to do so. However, where crimes are concerned, you grow some ba*ls and call it like it is.

What kind of benchmark is duh,GY is a lil puku puku country different strokes where politicians used the race card to achieve power,we living in Uncle Sam are aware of our limitations regarding racism.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

"The ethnicity of the attackers were of African descent"

Does the media have any responsibility in Guyana,was the editor of Guyana Times napping,i considered this to be racist.


Hogwash man. If blackman did it, call it like it is. If coolie man did it, call it like it is.
You people are rocket like to cry racism when negroes are implicated and is being called out. When Indians are called out, you pepper this board with Indian insults. Go grow some B**ls and accept the facts as they are.

Guyana is a multi ethnic society,the media responsibility on reporting should avoid using racial identities,it does a lot of harm where the two major races distrust each other.

Peppering is needed,due to any time yuh hear crime fingers are pointing to afros.

Guyana like America is a racist society. Even in America, you see the pictures of criminals being posted on the TV screen.

Bhai Django, weh you buy you jackass bline?  Gee me de man numba and me guh tell am fuh put some holes at de sides and some moe infront so you cyan see pass you nose and eyes. You back blackman and you have every right to do so. However, where crimes are concerned, you grow some ba*ls and call it like it is.

What kind of benchmark is duh,GY is a lil puku puku country different strokes where politicians used the race card to achieve power,we living in Uncle Sam are aware of our limitations regarding racism.

Wan lil puku puku kuntry still gat coolie peeple who experience racism. Bai look like you want fuh jain dem bat phambly.
If you were in Guyana and had a civil service job, would you accept being replaced by an inferior qualified PNC carrying card thug? Me tinks not.


the Guyana Times 'letter writer' telegraphed his malign intent when he wrote:

"The newspapers in Guyana are very apologetic when it comes to reporting the ethnicity of the attackers but it is important that I do so now.

The ethnicity of the attackers were of African descent"

ravi dev, or whomever handling this stuff must surely know that this is the kind of detail important ONLY in a police report, or a "Wanted" bulletin

a key clue that such a report does not exist can be found in the writer's observation about "Curwen" the set up man:

"I know the individual, would meet with him again and most certainly hand him over to the police"

why was this guy not reported and arrested already . . . hmmm?

the vile smell of "T. King" and the PPP apocrypha at work, no?

this is the kind of race baiting Freedom House used the Chronicle letter pages to facilitate prior to 5/11

these guys now have a new home in the tiefman Sanata complex


Redux: Whenever I read about criminals robbing or killing people, I always use the sentence: "Hang them and throw their bodies to the vultures". This has nothing to do with or coolie. Let's not protect violent criminals because of one ethnicity or the other.

skeldon_man posted:

Redux: Whenever I read about criminals robbing or killing people, I always use the sentence: "Hang them and throw their bodies to the vultures". This has nothing to do with or coolie. Let's not protect violent criminals because of one ethnicity or the other.

where exactly am i "protecting" ANY criminal in what i wrote

straw man much?


So if he reported the matter to the police, how must he describe the bandits, "some dark skinned people who not female, and who not coolie but with curly hair and some bald " rob and beat me up. In the USA they are talking of Black Votes, Black Lives Matter,Black Caucus, Black Officer, Black youth got shot, etc. What makes Guyana any different to identify a criminal as being BLACK.

kp posted:

So if he reported the matter to the police, how must he describe the bandits, "some dark skinned people who not female, and who not coolie but with curly hair and some bald " rob and beat me up. In the USA they are talking of Black Votes, Black Lives Matter,Black Caucus, Black Officer, Black youth got shot, etc. What makes Guyana any different to identify a criminal as being BLACK.

did u not read what i just posted on this specific issue?

do so now and get an education klown


KP bro, We as Indians cannot reference negroes as criminals. We are racist for doing so. The bullyism on this board is an indication of the mentality of the PNC supporters who condone this PNC behavior. This will not stop, yet the coolies must refrain from pointing out this nonsense.

skeldon_man posted:

KP bro, We as Indians cannot reference negroes as criminals. We are racist for doing so. The bullyism on this board is an indication of the mentality of the PNC supporters who condone this PNC behavior. This will not stop, yet the coolies must refrain from pointing out this nonsense.

u are so full of it

g'wan dahside with yuh lies bigot coward

big man like u complaining about cyber "bullyism" . . . imagine?

what a spectacle . . . u all upset because sumbady checkmate alyuh wickedness

skeldon_man posted:

KP bro, We as Indians cannot reference negroes as criminals. We are racist for doing so. The bullyism on this board is an indication of the mentality of the PNC supporters who condone this PNC behavior. This will not stop, yet the coolies must refrain from pointing out this nonsense.

Who bullying alyuh bhai,suh moderates ah bully.


Granger has in effect given young blacks licence to loot, rob, rape and murder and they will be forgiven.

This nonsense must stop now !

Burnham did this nonsense and Granger is doing worse.


Last edited by Former Member

Quote from the robbery victim:

"The ethnicity of the attackers were of African descent – all of them young, strong men. Meantime a gathering of approximately 12 guys surrounded us, watching intensely as to what was going on. I kept calling out to them to assist me because I was being robbed: thief! thief, this man is a thief! but to no avail."

yuji22 posted:

Granger has in effect given young blacks licence to loot, rob, rape and murder and they will be forgiven.

This nonsense must stop now !

Burnham did this nonsense and Granger is doing worse.

lead nah . . .

redux posted:
yuji22 posted:

Granger has in effect given young blacks licence to loot, rob, rape and murder and they will be forgiven.

This nonsense must stop now !

Burnham did this nonsense and Granger is doing worse.

lead nah . . .

Typical PNC thug response.

skeldon_man posted:
redux posted:
yuji22 posted:

Granger has in effect given young blacks licence to loot, rob, rape and murder and they will be forgiven.

This nonsense must stop now !

Burnham did this nonsense and Granger is doing worse.

lead nah . . .

Typical PNC thug response.



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