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Parents want children of own gender to carry on legacy
Washington, Dec 20 : A new study has revealed the gender bias of prospective parents with men longing for boys while women wish for girls.

“Gender neutrality - a lack of preference - is now a standard cultural norm embraced within most wealthy developed countries like Canada,” said Lonnie Aarssen, a Queen University’s biology professor and co-author of the study.

However, his results reveal a strong gender bias, despite the researchers’ prediction that they would find evidence of a well-established contemporary culture of gender neutrality.

Dr. Aarssen says the results are consistent with the notion that people have a strong intrinsic desire to leave something of themselves behind, a “meme”, for the future.

“Our results show that men today envision this through sons while women visualize it through daughters,” he explained.

Historically, Dr. Aarssen says both men and women indicated a strong preference for sons, and this has evolutionary roots connected with the fact that males have a nearly limitless capacity to father future offspring and advance the family line.

“Now that women are empowered like never before in history, they are free to anticipate and realize their vision for legacy, expressly through opportunities now more widely available to their own gender,” he added.

The study was published in the Open Anthropology Journal. (ANI)

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“Our results show that men today envision this through sons while women visualize it through daughters,”

Do men envision leaving their legacy behind through a son while women think the same for their daughters?
i have a daughter and would like to have a son, however, when it is time for us to have another child and i'm blessed with another girl, i would not love her any less. my daughter already has me wrapped around her pinky finger and a next one will no doubt have me the same way.

a son would probably have it a bit more tough but who knows...
Sons are preferable to carry out the family tradition for the simple reason that a son maintained the family name, while daughters changes their name when they're married. This remains a tradition to many families. However, if you don't have sons, a daughter can equally be the heir of the family traditions. I love both boys and girls children, but I am content with whatever is written for me.
Well Historically MEN wear the Pants in the House and thus ARe KINGS of their Castles. xmas4 xmas4 xmas6 xmas6
Originally posted by alena:
“Our results show that men today envision this through sons while women visualize it through daughters,”

Do men envision leaving their legacy behind through a son while women think the same for their daughters?
You all should get a pet like a dog or cat they last for about 7 years and then you can get another one. A horse is good also they last about 35 years, so take your pick since the decision between gender of offsprings is really really important.
I have a friend with four grown sons (three married) and she tells me all the time that a mother loses her son when he gets married, but doesn't really gain a daughter.
Any thoughts?
Originally posted by Miraver:
I have a friend with four grown sons (three married) and she tells me all the time that a mother loses her son when he gets married, but doesn't really gain a daughter.
Any thoughts?
sound like one of those wicket women,in indian movies.or its just a women thing Smile
Originally posted by Miraver:
I have a friend with four grown sons (three married) and she tells me all the time that a mother loses her son when he gets married, but doesn't really gain a daughter.
Any thoughts?

Only two possibilities in a case such as this. Is either the three daughter out laws are like Ole Haiges,real bitches an ting, or is she.
Sometimes the women feel as though the Ole girl is trying to bring up the grandchildren, her way.

I know a couple of females who have said this to me. It is either jealousy or maybe they are just trying to protect their kids from getting the same treatment they received, growing up.

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