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Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:
Mitwah posted:

Drugb is a sakiwinki. 

man is a seriously sick person. He shares his domestic life  with a black woman, raised a black child and still has the nerve to be so horribly vile. I wonder if tole his wife she is naturally less intelligent than he is if he would not end up sleeping in the garage 

Posters wife and child/children should be off limits on this board.

Did you dilute your genes like him? 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why are you guys fighting a woman on this forum?  We should be happy than women are speaking up social and political issues rather than just being quiet housewives.  Bibi has a little quarrel with one individual on this forum and let's leave them alone.  Comment on political issues and don't get personal with people.

She ganged up with five others and I suspected you too to get me suspended. the Political forum is not for the faint of heart. I don't care what gender you are. I call a spade a spade.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why are you guys fighting a woman on this forum?  We should be happy than women are speaking up social and political issues rather than just being quiet housewives.  Bibi has a little quarrel with one individual on this forum and let's leave them alone.  Comment on political issues and don't get personal with people.

You've only seen her get nasty and personal with one individual here????You reap what you sow.

Last edited by GTAngler
GTAngler posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why are you guys fighting a woman on this forum?  We should be happy than women are speaking up social and political issues rather than just being quiet housewives.  Bibi has a little quarrel with one individual on this forum and let's leave them alone.  Comment on political issues and don't get personal with people.

You've only seen her get nasty and personal with one individual here????You reap what you sow.

You call yourself a man? Yall got no same in attacking women regardless. 

Drugb posted:
GTAngler posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why are you guys fighting a woman on this forum?  We should be happy than women are speaking up social and political issues rather than just being quiet housewives.  Bibi has a little quarrel with one individual on this forum and let's leave them alone.  Comment on political issues and don't get personal with people.

You've only seen her get nasty and personal with one individual here????You reap what you sow.

You call yourself a man? Yall got no same in attacking women regardless. 

I am more man than you'll ever be. I have NEVER attacked any woman. I have defended myself.

GTAngler posted:
Drugb posted:
GTAngler posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why are you guys fighting a woman on this forum?  We should be happy than women are speaking up social and political issues rather than just being quiet housewives.  Bibi has a little quarrel with one individual on this forum and let's leave them alone.  Comment on political issues and don't get personal with people.

You've only seen her get nasty and personal with one individual here????You reap what you sow.

You call yourself a man? Yall got no same in attacking women regardless. 

I am more man than you'll ever be. I have NEVER attacked any woman. I have defended myself.

How you know what degree of man I am to make such a proclamation? What I can see is that you are going along with the other anti feminists in justifying the attacks on the women here.  I see that even one other poster who claims to be a woman join in on the attack. 

Drugb posted:
GTAngler posted:
Drugb posted:
GTAngler posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why are you guys fighting a woman on this forum?  We should be happy than women are speaking up social and political issues rather than just being quiet housewives.  Bibi has a little quarrel with one individual on this forum and let's leave them alone.  Comment on political issues and don't get personal with people.

You've only seen her get nasty and personal with one individual here????You reap what you sow.

You call yourself a man? Yall got no same in attacking women regardless. 

I am more man than you'll ever be. I have NEVER attacked any woman. I have defended myself.

How you know what degree of man I am to make such a proclamation? What I can see is that you are going along with the other anti feminists in justifying the attacks on the women here.  I see that even one other poster who claims to be a woman join in on the attack. 

Anti-feminist? Why don't you try an compose an intelligent thought before writing anything. I have had arguments and discussions with a number of posters here including you. Not one, male or female has ever made it personal.

yuji22 posted:

The attacks on Bibi are shameful. She is a senior member of GNI and deserves respect. 

So that's your criteria? Seniority trumps content? Not surprising. In case you haven't realized, I know "Bibi" and other members of her family. I also know a lot of very personal details none of which I have disclosed or thrown at her. I'll confess I have been tempted a few times but why let someone else's action or behavior cause me to lose my composure and lower myself to their level. I'm sorry, is this another personal attack?

GTAngler posted:
Drugb posted:
GTAngler posted:
Drugb posted:
GTAngler posted:


You've only seen her get nasty and personal with one individual here????You reap what you sow.

You call yourself a man? Yall got no same in attacking women regardless. 

I am more man than you'll ever be. I have NEVER attacked any woman. I have defended myself.

How you know what degree of man I am to make such a proclamation? What I can see is that you are going along with the other anti feminists in justifying the attacks on the women here.  I see that even one other poster who claims to be a woman join in on the attack. 

Anti-feminist? Why don't you try an compose an intelligent thought before writing anything. I have had arguments and discussions with a number of posters here including you. Not one, male or female has ever made it personal.

You are just a sniffer poodle. She abuses everyone on this site and many not even on this site.  Don’t be nasty then pull the female thingy as some sympathy defense.  You even ganged up with her to insult my late father.  You are a low life shit just like her.  You and her share more than you know!

Now run along and do your famous shit dip!

Baseman posted:

You are just a sniffer poodle. She abuses everyone on this site and many not even on this site.  Don’t be nasty then pull the female thingy as some sympathy defense.  You even ganged up with her to insult my late father.  You are a low life shit just like her.  You and her share more than you know!

Now run along and do your famous shit dip!

Holy smokes Base, this place is like a soap opera. I didn't realize that GT was 3rd wheel. 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
GTAngler posted:
Drugb posted:
GTAngler posted:
Drugb posted:
GTAngler posted:


You've only seen her get nasty and personal with one individual here????You reap what you sow.

You call yourself a man? Yall got no same in attacking women regardless. 

I am more man than you'll ever be. I have NEVER attacked any woman. I have defended myself.

How you know what degree of man I am to make such a proclamation? What I can see is that you are going along with the other anti feminists in justifying the attacks on the women here.  I see that even one other poster who claims to be a woman join in on the attack. 

Anti-feminist? Why don't you try an compose an intelligent thought before writing anything. I have had arguments and discussions with a number of posters here including you. Not one, male or female has ever made it personal.

You are just a sniffer poodle. She abuses everyone on this site and many not even on this site.  Don’t be nasty then pull the female thingy as some sympathy defense.  You even ganged up with her to insult my late father.  You are a low life shit just like her.  You and her share more than you know!

Now run along and do your famous shit dip!

For a second you had me going until I read the last line and realized this wasn't directed at me.


Bibi has a wealth of information about Guyana's power players especially those in the PPP so I will always appreciate her presence here. I don't care to get into any of the personal nonsense whether it comes from Bibi, Base or others. Her being here is good. Folks who attend GNI's madhouse and then go complaining to Admin about posters just need to chill. Admin is just paying for this board. They had real jobs to attend and none of their jobs include babysitting crybabies. If you don't like what you see, move on. GNI can't be that important to your existence.

Drugb posted:

There are a few here, d2, ronan and Iguana. They complain that the forum lack intellectual discussion but yet they hang around. 

They know that loads of non Guyanese read GNI as it pops up quickly on Google.  They want to ensure that people like you aren't the only representatives of Guyanese intellectual capacity.

Drugb posted:

D2 et al have no respect for women. His fat shaming of Pria Manickchand is well documented here. These fellows looking to drive away the few women who participate in political.  

And what of those people who gang up on Volda, even claiming that she smells stink. Others calling Amna Ally ugly.

Apparently only PPP females are off limits.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

D2 et al have no respect for women. His fat shaming of Pria Manickchand is well documented here. These fellows looking to drive away the few women who participate in political.  

And what of those people who gang up on Volda, even claiming that she smells stink. Others calling Amna Ally ugly.

Apparently only PPP females are off limits.

Amna was born ugly so she can't do anything about it. Priya may be eating too much of may have a medical condition that caused her to gain weight so there is a chance that she cannot do anything about it. Volda smelling stink (if she really does) can be fixed if she takes regular showers.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

D2 et al have no respect for women. His fat shaming of Pria Manickchand is well documented here. These fellows looking to drive away the few women who participate in political.  

And what of those people who gang up on Volda, even claiming that she smells stink. Others calling Amna Ally ugly.

Apparently only PPP females are off limits.

I condemn anyone who attempts to shame a female on her physical appearance. Body odor and political opinions are a different matter as they are both variables that can be controlled unlike physical appearance which is genetic. 

kp posted:

If someone is suspended or banned, we need to know the reason so we would not do the same. Why was Nehru suspended??? he is harmless.

Something to do with calling someone a slave or something to that effect. People call each other names here all the time. Happening rite now. But, i guess it is what it is. Still, i asked whoever it is that control this site to cut the guy some slack. 

Drugb posted:
Ray posted:
Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
Drugb posted:
ksazma posted:

Some even come on GNI and act like everyone else they interact with is not worthy of their interaction because they are so much bigger and better. Yet they continue to interact with those posters. That is a clear definition of a confused person. 

There are a few here, d2, ronan and Iguana. They complain that the forum lack intellectual discussion but yet they hang around. 

Sadly it does. However, one does not disown kin on account of they are phagla

Another blunder by our resident white pretending to be Guyanese. The word is pagli or paglee. Another common mistake of those googling to support a false identity. They don't call you a fraud for nothing. 

I have heard phagla used many times as well...wha wrang wid yuh

Interesting, you were the same fellow who also heard that a sakiwinki was a bird, according to d2. 

I don't know why u harp on this sakiwinki thing every chance u get. Look, it was an innocent mistake. the man got mixed up with a blue saki which is a bird. 

Sheik101 posted:
kp posted:

If someone is suspended or banned, we need to know the reason so we would not do the same. Why was Nehru suspended??? he is harmless.

Something to do with calling someone a slave or something to that effect. People call each other names here all the time. Happening rite now. But, i guess it is what it is. Still, i asked whoever it is that control this site to cut the guy some slack. 

y'all apathy toward hatred of black people is just amazing. Where in America can you go and call a black person a "slave"? Do you not know it's a racist pejorative to call a black person a "slave"?

Nehru should have been BANNED, especially given his track record of racist posts here! He is fortunate the admins only suspended him! And here you come, asking that Nehru be "cut some slack". I'm actually shocked at you Sheik.

Sheik101 posted:
Drugb posted:
Ray posted:
Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
Drugb posted:
ksazma posted:

Some even come on GNI and act like everyone else they interact with is not worthy of their interaction because they are so much bigger and better. Yet they continue to interact with those posters. That is a clear definition of a confused person. 

There are a few here, d2, ronan and Iguana. They complain that the forum lack intellectual discussion but yet they hang around. 

Sadly it does. However, one does not disown kin on account of they are phagla

Another blunder by our resident white pretending to be Guyanese. The word is pagli or paglee. Another common mistake of those googling to support a false identity. They don't call you a fraud for nothing. 

I have heard phagla used many times as well...wha wrang wid yuh

Interesting, you were the same fellow who also heard that a sakiwinki was a bird, according to d2. 

I don't know why u harp on this sakiwinki thing every chance u get. Look, it was an innocent mistake. the man got mixed up with a blue saki which is a bird. 

Bai Sheik the man talks about Guyana like he wrote the book "Children Story of Guiana". Seems like he works for Wikileaks too.

Iguana posted:
Sheik101 posted:
kp posted:

If someone is suspended or banned, we need to know the reason so we would not do the same. Why was Nehru suspended??? he is harmless.

Something to do with calling someone a slave or something to that effect. People call each other names here all the time. Happening rite now. But, i guess it is what it is. Still, i asked whoever it is that control this site to cut the guy some slack. 

y'all apathy toward hatred of black people is just amazing. Where in America can you go and call a black person a "slave"? Do you not know it's a racist pejorative to call a black person a "slave"?

Nehru should have been BANNED, especially given his track record of racist posts here! He is fortunate the admins only suspended him! And here you come, asking that Nehru be "cut some slack". I'm actually shocked at you Sheik.

Actually I'm not in agreement with what he said. I told him so last nite when I spoke to him. wasn't the rite thing. But like every other members who get suspended for whatever reason, I always Call for their release. Check the record. and if u get suspended, I'll be calling for your release too.

Sheik101 posted:

I don't know why u harp on this sakiwinki thing every chance u get. Look, it was an innocent mistake. the man got mixed up with a blue saki which is a bird. 

For years many of us believe the man is a foreigner posing as Guyanese. His knowledge of Guyana is based on google searches. These missteps gives clues to his fraudulence. 

ksazma posted:
. Volda smelling stink (if she really does) can be fixed if she takes regular showers.

If you were a Guyanese child you would know the song that Indian kids sang about blacks. Smelling stink was part of that song. Given that no one knows Volda and she certainly doesnt present herself as a sloppy women it is pure racism which motivated that commentary.

Priya is fat, in fact morbidly so and given the East Indian vulnerability to diabetes, not medically advisable.

Drugb posted:
Sheik101 posted:

I don't know why u harp on this sakiwinki thing every chance u get. Look, it was an innocent mistake. the man got mixed up with a blue saki which is a bird. 

For years many of us believe the man is a foreigner posing as Guyanese. His knowledge of Guyana is based on google searches. These missteps gives clues to his fraudulence. 

And others claim that you used to be a Burnham supporter until Cheddi came with better soup.  I think that is worse.

The blue saki, vs. sakiwinki is something that is not unusual and a GT boy like you  who faced daily beatings from those Portuguese boys at Saints is probably no more knowledgeable of Guyana.  I bet they told you that you smell of coconut oil and you said "yes I do" as you feared further blows.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

And others claim that you used to be a Burnham supporter until Cheddi came with better soup.  I think that is worse.

The blue saki, vs. sakiwinki is something that is not unusual and a GT boy like you  who faced daily beatings from those Portuguese boys at Saints is probably no more knowledgeable of Guyana.  I bet they told you that you smell of coconut oil and you said "yes I do" as you feared further blows.

Incorrect, not a common mistake. Blue saki is a bird. I am not even from GT so please stop trying to guess at my identity.

Drugb posted:
Sheik101 posted:

I don't know why u harp on this sakiwinki thing every chance u get. Look, it was an innocent mistake. the man got mixed up with a blue saki which is a bird. 

For years many of us believe the man is a foreigner pve osing as Guyanese. His knowledge of Guyana is based on google searches. These missteps gives clues to his fraudulence. 

And why are u even bothered by all this. Be he a foreigner, a fraud, uses google search or a NASA satellite; why would u give a rat's ass. U target this guy needlessly for a simple mistake and when he retaliates things get out of hand in record time. you're a smart guy Bgurd, made some very interesting post but banna some things u need to leave alone.

Anan posted:

Didn't DJango said that there is Nuff electric eel in GT guttahs 

And BK said that noooooooo nooooooo....., Nuff electric eel is in Leonora drainah 

So wait, PNC planned to use those electric eels to provide Guyanese with Hydro Electricity ? Gawd help Guyanese.

Another PNC "master" plan. They couldn't come up with any original plan in 3-1/2 years and is this the best that hey can put forward ?

Last edited by Former Member

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