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Friday is most certainly the greatest of days.
The reasons it’s great are too many to say.
But with that said, I’ll try to explain
Why Friday is better than a day without rain.

You see on Friday, you can work with a smile.
You need only work, for a little while.
For the weekend is near and then you can play.
Much fun to be brought by the most generous of days.

And generous it is, as morning treats can attest.
The cream filled donuts are definitely the best.
But don’t dare forget, the bagels are good too.
If there’s none in your office, that’s too bad for you.

Friday isn’t all treats and happy things.
There is but one obstacle the day does bring.
And that, my friend, is the slowing of time.
But if you can bare it, you’ll do just fine.

So join with me and laugh and cheer.
The work week’s end is drawing near.
Join with me and praise this day.
I’ve said what I’ve said, and I’ve nothing more to say.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Riya:
Friday is most certainly the greatest of days

Friday is overated, just another day
Just because you don't got a wuk dat does stress you out whole week.
Originally posted by antabanta:
Just because you don't got a wuk dat does stress you out whole week.

You must try cleaning house, take care of 2 picknee AND think/wondah what to make for dinner....then come back and talk to me. Ha!
Originally posted by Riya:
Originally posted by antabanta:
Just because you don't got a wuk dat does stress you out whole week.

You must try cleaning house, take care of 2 picknee AND think/wondah what to make for dinner....then come back and talk to me. Ha!
I did that and worked a night job full time for about 5 years... except for the dinner. So Ha!Ha!
Originally posted by antabanta:
I did that and worked a night job full time for about 5 years... except for the dinner. So Ha!Ha!

It doesn't count if you haven't tackle the dinner Ha! Ha! Ha!
Originally posted by Riya:
Originally posted by antabanta:
I did that and worked a night job full time for about 5 years... except for the dinner. So Ha!Ha!

It doesn't count if you haven't tackle the dinner Ha! Ha! Ha!
McDonalds counts for dinner. So Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Originally posted by Riya:
Big GrinBig Grin fine, you were stressed...had to be to feed those poor babies McDonald Razz
I only gave in after multiple threats, hours of tears and much begging. Otherwise woulda been hile roti and fowl curry.

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