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Putting Nagamootoo as the APNU/AFC Presidential Candidate is sheer pragmatism

February 6, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
Putting Mr. Moses Nagamootoo as the Presidential Candidate for the coalition between APNU and AFC is sheer pragmatism and if this is not recognized by those who would like to see the back of the PPP/C Government, then we are doomed with the PPP/C back in office, with all that entails, and all the sensitivities intact, whether African or otherwise.
Mr. Nagamootoo is not the leader of the AFC and if the leader of the AFC, himself an East Indian, has stood himself down, and put Mr. Nagamootoo forward, that in itself indicates that there is some strategy at work here. Mr. Nagamootoo is not only a grassroots politician par excellence, he was among the most popular PPP men, consistently getting the highest number of votes in the PPP’s Congress elections. His name reverberates in the Corentyne among the ordinary people. With him at the head gives the coalition the best chance of bringing that critical percentage of disenchanted PPP supporters over to the coalition, otherwise they stay home and do not vote.
Think of the AFC’s position also; if the coalition were to go with an African leader and fails to get the needed majority, it would sound the death knell of the AFC. It would lose its identity, since it would not be able to extricate itself and become a party of any consequence again.
Editor, all that is wrong in Guyana today is a result of a bad constitution left after 28 years by two black leaders (think of E.I sensitivities then) and for 23 years worked by three East Indians leaders. None of these leaders, past and present, has seen it fit to make significant changes to the electoral system or even to practise issue-based rather than race-based politics. Hence we are where we are.
The present Guyana Constitution aids and abets this situation by imposing a Presidential system of Government on an already established Parliamentary system that ensures that the party with the highest number of votes gets the presidency (and the cabinet) even if that Party does not attain over 50% of the votes. Hence, the minority government of the day. This is wrong. All over the world Parties are able to coalesce after an election to form a government. The PNC itself did this in 1964 where it joined with the UF after the election and became the pre independence government.
Had this prescription not been removed from the constitution, APNU and the AFC could/should have been the government of the day with their combined one seat majority. Instead here they are battling it out before an election to face the electorate as one party.
Editor, my advice to the Negotiating Committee is: be pragmatic and do what is best to get over the hurdle of this election and a new government in office with a promise to the people of a new Constitution  within one year of coming into office. All the nitty-gritty of who gets what Ministry could be sorted out after the election. Let the AFC lead the Coalition.
(Name withheld)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

APNU is a collation by itself.  The AFC must join APNU and asked to be nominated for the Presidency but they cannot demand that one of it's members become the Presidential candidate. 

Democracy comes first.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

APNU is a collation by itself.  The AFC must join APNU and asked to be nominated for the Presidency but they cannot demand that one of it's members become the Presidential candidate. 

Democracy comes first.


AFC is forming a


for the May 11th Elections.


AFC calls for end to

"narrow" race, party politics

as coalition talks deadline nears.


The AFC remained adamant that its

pro-democracy alliance

of like-minded political parties,

civil society organisations,

trade unions and


was “most necessary”

in addressing the political and governance fronts

caused by the rapidly deteriorating situation

in the affairs of Guyana.

The AFC called for

the priority by all

“well-thinking Guyanese”


to be the removal of the

incumbent People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC)

from office for the first time

in more than 22 years.

Giving a broad update,

the AFC said its detailed

Memorandum of Understanding to APNU


covers important areas for

improved governance of Guyana,


matters of urgent and comprehensive constitution reform,


reorganization and improvement

of both the offices of the President and Prime Minister,


possible size of a pro-democracy alliance cabinet,


priority sets of developmental policies and

timeframe for delivery by such a joint administration,


and the political structure and


possible campaign methodology and


modality for a joint campaign.



This issue is a ticklish one.


1.  Will the AFC joining an APNU alliance lose the support that it gained among PPP disaffected supporters?  Will these voters really think that an AFC/APNU alliance will not be dominated by APNU?


2. How will Afro Guyanese react?  Will they see this as a sell out and affirm that the political process offers them no solutions, and therefore stay home?


This is based on a number of assumptions.  In typical Guyanese style people think emotionally and not on the basis of data.  In fact do we even know if the AFC has developed a core support base.


Sadly the AFC supporters on GNI are a bunch of vulgarians (Gilbakka excepted) and so we probably will not get a reasoned response.


Any way I don't think that this is going to happen because I doubt that the AFC will agree to terms that APNU will demand in exchange for conceding the presidential slot, bearing in mind that the president has a lot of power in Guyana's constitution.

Originally Posted by caribny:

This issue is a ticklish one.


1.  Will the AFC joining an APNU alliance lose the support that it gained among PPP disaffected supporters?  Will these voters really think that an AFC/APNU alliance will not be dominated by APNU?


2. How will Afro Guyanese react?  Will they see this as a sell out and affirm that the political process offers them no solutions, and therefore stay home?


This is based on a number of assumptions.  In typical Guyanese style people think emotionally and not on the basis of data.  In fact do we even know if the AFC has developed a core support base.


Sadly the AFC supporters on GNI are a bunch of vulgarians (Gilbakka excepted) and so we probably will not get a reasoned response.


Any way I don't think that this is going to happen because I doubt that the AFC will agree to terms that APNU will demand in exchange for conceding the presidential slot, bearing in mind that the president has a lot of power in Guyana's constitution.

Your racist mentality supersedes any vulgarity on this forum.

Another PPP minority government would be  a PNC loss. And that would be 6 consecutive losses for the PNC.

The PNC should go with Moses Nagamootoo

January 21, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 
Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

APNU is a collation by itself.  The AFC must join APNU and asked to be nominated for the Presidency but they cannot demand that one of it's members become the Presidential candidate. 

Democracy comes first.

If Granger and his supporters feel that an East Indian is needed to get them back into power, then why only Nagamootoo. Why not Yesu, Ram, Gollsaran, G.H.K.Lall or some other E.I. Free the East Indian to choose who they want rather than it is only Nagamoottoo. The E.I will be torn between the PPP(as bad as they are) and Nagamootoo. That is pressure. Still many will just stay home.


PNC don't trust Moses, the same manner when he did not get the leadership of the PPP, he cut, cuss and run. The 10% AFC is requesting Moses for leader . but the 40% APNU don't think that democracy????

Originally Posted by kp:

PNC don't trust Moses, the same manner when he did not get the leadership of the PPP, he cut, cuss and run. The 10% AFC is requesting Moses for leader . but the 40% APNU don't think that democracy????

Originally Posted by kp:

PNC don't trust Moses, the same manner when he did not get the leadership of the PPP, he cut, cuss and run. The 10% AFC is requesting Moses for leader . but the 40% APNU don't think that democracy????

Moses is the ppp worse nightmare,the APNU have to face facts without the AFC the ppp is most likely to win a minority,this will not help the black people.with MOSES leading the coalition the ppp will lose for sure which will give them time to put policy in place to benefit all guyanese not only the ppp cronies.the coalition can always agree on a early election which can see the APNU having a better playing field 

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by caribny:

This issue is a ticklish one.


1.  Will the AFC joining an APNU alliance lose the support that it gained among PPP disaffected supporters?  Will these voters really think that an AFC/APNU alliance will not be dominated by APNU?


2. How will Afro Guyanese react?  Will they see this as a sell out and affirm that the political process offers them no solutions, and therefore stay home?


This is based on a number of assumptions.  In typical Guyanese style people think emotionally and not on the basis of data.  In fact do we even know if the AFC has developed a core support base.


Sadly the AFC supporters on GNI are a bunch of vulgarians (Gilbakka excepted) and so we probably will not get a reasoned response.

Like Kwame .....

CaribJ is saying

he is Decent & Innocent.

"CaribJ carry yuh backside da side"



Any way I don't think that this is going to happen because I doubt that the AFC will agree to terms that APNU will demand in exchange for conceding the presidential slot, bearing in mind that the president has a lot of power in Guyana's constitution.




Aubrey Norton

is a Credible PNC Leader...

with strong Grass roots connections....


CaribJ has ties to ...Purple Shoes...

and is admired by Kwame...

who think he is Virgin Atlantic






Quote CaribJ : Sadly the AFC supporters on GNI are a bunch of vulgarians (Gilbakka excepted) and so we probably will not get a reasoned response.

Like Kwame .....

CaribJ is saying

he is Decent & Innocent Guy.

"CaribJ carry yuh backside da side"




 CaribJ & Friends will say we Vulgar


They operate outside de Church...

so them think dem Hollier than thou...


Dem want name de country .....



Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

This issue is a ticklish one.


1.  Will the AFC joining an APNU alliance lose the support that it gained among PPP disaffected supporters?  Will these voters really think that an AFC/APNU alliance will not be dominated by APNU?


2. How will Afro Guyanese react?  Will they see this as a sell out and affirm that the political process offers them no solutions, and therefore stay home?


This is based on a number of assumptions.  In typical Guyanese style people think emotionally and not on the basis of data.  In fact do we even know if the AFC has developed a core support base.


Sadly the AFC supporters on GNI are a bunch of vulgarians (Gilbakka excepted) and so we probably will not get a reasoned response.


Any way I don't think that this is going to happen because I doubt that the AFC will agree to terms that APNU will demand in exchange for conceding the presidential slot, bearing in mind that the president has a lot of power in Guyana's constitution.

Your racist mentality supersedes any vulgarity on this forum.

Another PPP minority government would be  a PNC loss. And that would be 6 consecutive losses for the PNC.

The PNC should go with Moses Nagamootoo

January 21, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

Given your screams about the PNC one would think that you wouldn't want the AFC to enter an alliance, where they will be dominated by them. And dominated they will be as the APNU will deliver the vast majority of the votes for this alliance, which is why the AFC seeks an alliance with them.

Originally Posted by Jalil:


Quote CaribJ : Sadly the AFC supporters on GNI are a bunch of vulgarians (Gilbakka excepted) and so we probably will not get a reasoned response.

Like Kwame .....

CaribJ is saying

he is Decent & Innocent Guy.

"CaribJ carry yuh backside da side"




 CaribJ & Friends will say we Vulgar


They operate outside de Church...

so them think dem Hollier than thou...


Dem want name de country .....



And here goes Jalil proving my point.


Now he could have focused on the issue at hand, and that is whether an AFC, entering into an alliance with the considerably more powerful APNU, risks losing the inroads which they have made in PPP regions.


But such talk is too sophisticated for him.  Obsessing on Kwame is more at his level.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by kp:

PNC don't trust Moses, the same manner when he did not get the leadership of the PPP, he cut, cuss and run. The 10% AFC is requesting Moses for leader . but the 40% APNU don't think that democracy????

Moses is the ppp worse nightmare,the APNU have to face facts without the AFC the ppp is most likely to win a minority,this will not help the black people.with MOSES leading the coalition the ppp will lose for sure which will give them time to put policy in place to benefit all guyanese not only the ppp cronies.the coalition can always agree on a early election which can see the APNU having a better playing field 

 APNU will get their support base out.


Will the AFC be able to continue to make inroads into the PPP vote, without alienating them, if they enter into an alliance with what they think is the devil (the PNC)?


I am yet to see evidence from any one that this will not occur. 


Because face it.  An AFC/APNU alliance will be dominated by APNU regardless as to who the presidential candidate is.  The PPP will run up and down Regions 2, 3, 4 (rural areas), 5 and 6 squealing that Nagamootoo is in bed with Forbes Burnham.  What evidence can the AFC provide that this will not hurt them?


APNU has nothing to lose as they aren't going to get PPP supporters, and Nagamootoo is afraid to speak in front of black crowds. 


Its the AFC if they miscalculated and under estimated the degree to which they have built a sold base within the PPP dominated regions.


The AFC continues to think that it has a solid support base to the degree to which the PPP and the PNC do.  I am not convinced that they are anything other than a receptacle for disaffected supporters from these major parties to register protest votes.


Essentially Guyanese have a choice between the PPP and the PNC and we will see what they do by voting race, switching parties, or not voting.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:


Quote CaribJ : Sadly the AFC supporters on GNI are a bunch of vulgarians (Gilbakka excepted) and so we probably will not get a reasoned response.

Like Kwame .....

CaribJ is saying

he is Decent & Innocent Guy.

"CaribJ carry yuh backside da side"




 CaribJ & Friends will say we Vulgar


They operate outside de Church...

so them think dem Hollier than thou...


Dem want name de country .....



The PNC have lost six times already. They will loose again. Their best option is to form an alliance with the AFC. 


The A.F.C would commit political suicide if it joins A.P.N.U, if they enter the elections by themselves, its a strong possible they would lose half the amount of seats they had in the 10th Parliament. That political gathering is between a rock and a hard place...

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.F.C would commit political suicide if it joins A.P.N.U, if they enter the elections by themselves, its a strong possible they would lose half the amount of seats they had in the 10th Parliament. That political gathering is between a rock and a hard place...

Councie , you definitely came out of the planet Uranus.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PNC have lost six times already. They will loose again. Their best option is to form an alliance with the AFC. 

And yet the AFC is begging the PNC to accept them in an alliance.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.F.C would commit political suicide if it joins A.P.N.U, if they enter the elections by themselves, its a strong possible they would lose half the amount of seats they had in the 10th Parliament. That political gathering is between a rock and a hard place...

Councie , you definitely came out of the planet Uranus.

Now rather than explaining to the man the thinking behind the AFC begging to included in an alliance with APNU with Nagamootoo as the presidential candidate you resort to vulgarity, and then will scream at me when I point this out to you.



Mitwah I am sure that you can do better than this.  Stop being so intellectually lazy.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PNC have lost six times already. They will loose again. Their best option is to form an alliance with the AFC. 

And yet the AFC is begging the PNC to accept them in an alliance.

What's wrong with begging for the sake of doing the right thing? You PNC will loose again for the 7th time.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PNC have lost six times already. They will loose again. Their best option is to form an alliance with the AFC. 

And yet the AFC is begging the PNC to accept them in an alliance.

What's wrong with begging for the sake of doing the right thing? You PNC will loose again for the 7th time.

And for the 3rd time the PNC will get 4X as many votes as the AFC.


Your point?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PNC have lost six times already. They will loose again. Their best option is to form an alliance with the AFC. 

And yet the AFC is begging the PNC to accept them in an alliance.

What's wrong with begging for the sake of doing the right thing? You PNC will loose again for the 7th time.

And for the 3rd time the PNC will get 4X as many votes as the AFC.


Your point?

The point is, if you want to better the PPP, you have to have an Indian led collation.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PNC have lost six times already. They will loose again. Their best option is to form an alliance with the AFC. 

And yet the AFC is begging the PNC to accept them in an alliance.

What's wrong with begging for the sake of doing the right thing? You PNC will loose again for the 7th time.

And for the 3rd time the PNC will get 4X as many votes as the AFC.


Your point?

The point is, if you want to better the PPP, you have to have an Indian led collation.

And yet no one knows if Indian support for the AFC will wane if it is in an alliance with the APNU.  The AFC doesn't have enough non Indian votes to bring to an alliance to allow a defeat of the PPP.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PNC have lost six times already. They will loose again. Their best option is to form an alliance with the AFC. 

And yet the AFC is begging the PNC to accept them in an alliance.

What's wrong with begging for the sake of doing the right thing? You PNC will loose again for the 7th time.

And for the 3rd time the PNC will get 4X as many votes as the AFC.


Your point?

The point is, if you want to better the PPP, you have to have an Indian led collation.

And yet no one knows if Indian support for the AFC will wane if it is in an alliance with the APNU.  The AFC doesn't have enough non Indian votes to bring to an alliance to allow a defeat of the PPP.

Does your PNC want to loose for 7th consecutive time? The fact is, if your PNC wants to better it's chance of winning, it must have an Indian led coalition. I have no problem with rotation.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PNC have lost six times already. They will loose again. Their best option is to form an alliance with the AFC. 

And yet the AFC is begging the PNC to accept them in an alliance.

What's wrong with begging for the sake of doing the right thing? You PNC will loose again for the 7th time.

the pnc is not doing anything to help the black people if they really want to bring equality for the black people they have to collate with The AFC 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
, it must have an Indian led coalition. I have no problem with rotation.



Look at you ranting and screaming about how bad the PNC is. You do know that an AFC/APNU alliance is a de facto PNC gov't.


So given that why is the AFC so sure that it can deliver an Indian vote in sufficient numbers to guarantee a PPP defeat? Wouldn't such an alliance make it easy for the PPP to terrify Indians that this will mean the return of African governance? You do know that most Indians will prefer the PPP to remain than to see an Afro Guyanese as president!


So how do you know that APNU has anything to gain from this?


Originally Posted by warrior:

the pnc is not doing anything to help the black people if they really want to bring equality for the black people they have to collate with The AFC 

What has any COALITION (please learn to spell)  to do with benefiting Afro Guyanese?  The racism that blacks in Guyana face is hardly limited to the PPP. Nagamootoo has NEVER spoken out on this, and so I don't even see evidence that he sees this as a problem.  So put that one aside!


The AFC peeled off some votes in 2011 because some Indians were unhappy with the PPP, couldn't bring themselves to vote APNU, and so voted AFC.


So how do YOU know that they will still vote AFC when they know, and you know, that this will be a de facto PNC government if the alliance wins?


I don't know why people assume that the same Indians, who might support the AFC as a stand alone party, will still support them when they become part of a PNC dominated coalition.


Has any one done any polling to see how this will impact voting?


Of course not.  The AFC as usual parades itself with an inflated notion of itself. It views itself as having moral superiority because "PPP baad" that it hasn't bothered to consider that to most of those who might support Nagamootoo "PNC wuss!".

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by warrior:

the pnc is not doing anything to help the black people if they really want to bring equality for the black people they have to collate with The AFC 

What has any COALITION (please learn to spell)  to do with benefiting Afro Guyanese?  The racism that blacks in Guyana face is hardly limited to the PPP. Nagamootoo has NEVER spoken out on this, and so I don't even see evidence that he sees this as a problem.  So put that one aside!


The AFC peeled off some votes in 2011 because some Indians were unhappy with the PPP, couldn't bring themselves to vote APNU, and so voted AFC.


So how do YOU know that they will still vote AFC when they know, and you know, that this will be a de facto PNC government if the alliance wins?


I don't know why people assume that the same Indians, who might support the AFC as a stand alone party, will still support them when they become part of a PNC dominated coalition.


Has any one done any polling to see how this will impact voting?


Of course not.  The AFC as usual parades itself with an inflated notion of itself. It views itself as having moral superiority because "PPP baad" that it hasn't bothered to consider that to most of those who might support Nagamootoo "PNC wuss!".

Carib bai, please have some compassion for my ignar bro warria. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
, it must have an Indian led coalition. I have no problem with rotation.



Look at you ranting and screaming about how bad the PNC is. You do know that an AFC/APNU alliance is a de facto PNC gov't.


So given that why is the AFC so sure that it can deliver an Indian vote in sufficient numbers to guarantee a PPP defeat? Wouldn't such an alliance make it easy for the PPP to terrify Indians that this will mean the return of African governance? You do know that most Indians will prefer the PPP to remain than to see an Afro Guyanese as president!


So how do you know that APNU has anything to gain from this?



Once a stray dog while searching for food came to a butcher's shop. There he got a bone with some meat on it. So, he lifted it and ran to a safe place to enjoy it at ease.
He chewed the bone for a very long time and this made him quite thirsty. So, he went to a river to quench his thirst. It took the bone along, as it was worried that some other dog might  take it away.
As the dog stood on a bridge across the river, it looked around to see if it could safely put the bone down while it quenched its thirst.
By chance, he saw his reflection in the water from over the bridge. He could not follow that it was his shadow. Rather, he thought it to be another dog with a bone in his mouth.
Being greedy by nature, he wanted that bone too. So, he barked at the other dog, hoping to scare it into giving it that bone. But alas! The bone that he held in its mouth fell into the river.     

The End..


Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
, it must have an Indian led coalition. I have no problem with rotation.



Look at you ranting and screaming about how bad the PNC is. You do know that an AFC/APNU alliance is a de facto PNC gov't.


So given that why is the AFC so sure that it can deliver an Indian vote in sufficient numbers to guarantee a PPP defeat? Wouldn't such an alliance make it easy for the PPP to terrify Indians that this will mean the return of African governance? You do know that most Indians will prefer the PPP to remain than to see an Afro Guyanese as president!


So how do you know that APNU has anything to gain from this?



Once a stray dog while searching for food came to a butcher's shop. There he got a bone with some meat on it. So, he lifted it and ran to a safe place to enjoy it at ease.
He chewed the bone for a very long time and this made him quite thirsty. So, he went to a river to quench his thirst. It took the bone along, as it was worried that some other dog might  take it away.
As the dog stood on a bridge across the river, it looked around to see if it could safely put the bone down while it quenched its thirst.
By chance, he saw his reflection in the water from over the bridge. He could not follow that it was his shadow. Rather, he thought it to be another dog with a bone in his mouth.
Being greedy by nature, he wanted that bone too. So, he barked at the other dog, hoping to scare it into giving it that bone. But alas! The bone that he held in its mouth fell into the river.     

The End..


Mitwah I know that it pains you to face facts but


1.  It is obvious that YOU don't like the PNC.


2.  So why do you find it so strange that they are many people like you who will drop support of the AFC if they become part of APNU.


Now I know that you aren't able to think deeply, and so you resort to personal attacks, but what the AFC needs to prove to itself and to others is that its support among decent numbers of Indians is so strong that they will support them even of they join an APNU administration.


Because rest assured that if this coalition prevails, there is NO WAY that APNU will play second fiddle to the AFC when it would have delivered 80% of the votes!


Now maybe the AFC does indeed have this support, but then I recall that in 2006 and in 2011 they also thought that they had the support of 30% of the voters, but came way short when votes were counted.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Oh me lawd! When Caribj not busy chasing parked cars, he is busy barking at his shadow. Brudda, half a loaf is better than no loaf. Like you don't want your PNC to be in power again?

Yes this is the response that I expected.  Tell you what.  The PNC has 3/4 of a loaf but it isn't apparent that the AFC has the remaining 1/4 that is needed.  It can be very easy to engineer a narrative, which the PPP is currently doing, that the AFC is begging APNU to include them to avoid the embarrassment of being soundly rejected in areas where it made some inroads 3 years ago.


Now one would expect Mitwah to engage in a serious discussion about the degree to which the AFC, by OPENLY attempting to participate in an APNU dominated government, should this coalition win, will not be completely dominated as indeed the WPA is now. 


Given this fact there is a reality that much of the Indian support, which it got in 2011, might evaporate.  With many feeling that as bad as the PPP might be, that an APNU gov't would be worse for them as Indians. So to many a vote for the AFC will be a de facto vote for APNU.  So you need to address that reality.


Indeed Kari warned you about that, and he claims to have visited Guyana,so would have seen what is happening.  He certainly cannot be accused of being a PPP supporter.


But in your mad woman rage, you would rather rant about dogs and bones than about whether the  AFC just made a huge mistake that could benefit the PPP.  This just because Nagamootoo is so blinded for the need to be president, that he threw caution to the wind.


REALITY: APNU isn't joining any coalition unless they dominate.  They are the largest opposition party, and ethnic paranoia suggests that this will not change.


So what does the AFC have to bring to this coalition, if they cannot assure others, and maybe even themselves, that their support base among disaffected PPP supporters remains strong?


So scream your mad woman histrionics about dogs and bones, or engage in the implications of the AFC openly attempting to join an APNU dominated gov't, especially if APNU rejects them!

Last edited by Former Member

I am staying neutral in this next election because both Comrade Donald and Comrade Moses have always been very nice to me.  A Presidential candidate Comrade Moses and Prime Minister candidate Joe Harmon would be hard to beat. Both men have the common touch.

Originally Posted by Wally:

I am staying neutral in this next election because both Comrade Donald and Comrade Moses have always been very nice to me.  A Presidential candidate Comrade Moses and Prime Minister candidate Joe Harmon would be hard to beat. Both men have the common touch.

this election is not about friendship but a country are you patriotic if so its your duty to vote  what is right for the development of your country 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Caribj stop your barking at the moon and answer my question. Don't you want your PNC to be back in power?

Will Mitwah vote for a PNC govt?  NO!  So why do you expect that the AFC can guarantee that it can bring enough Indian votes over to APNU?


The AFC needs to prove that it can do so!

Last edited by Former Member

Caribj, enough of your froth that you have been posting for the past 2 decades. You must be insane, to expect the results to be different.


Do you want your PNC to be back in power? Yes or No!


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