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Former Member


Syrian Accused of Islamic State Links Arrested in German Refugee Camp

BERLIN—German police on Thursday arrested a Syrian refugee suspected of links to Islamic State, a German prosecutor said, highlighting the potential security risks posed by Berlin’s open-door refugee policy.

The state prosecutor in the city of Dortmund, Sonja Frodermann, said a man who had registered as Leeth Abdalhmeed and was born in 1984 had been detained at the refugee shelter in Unna-Massen on Thursday afternoon on suspicion of having links to the Sunni terror organization.

The arrest will heighten concerns among opponents of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door refugee policy that Islamist terrorists might be hiding among the roughly one million refugees who entered Germany this year, half of them coming from war-torn Syria.
At least two members of the terrorist cell that killed 130 people in a series of attacks in Paris on Nov. 13 are known to have entered Europe via Greece as refugees using fake Syrian passports.

Source: Andrea Thomas at

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Chief posted:

Trump is a poke and you asking that question if trump is right makes you a bigger Poke!

Chief, I supported these refugees from day one, and I doubted many who had concerns about terrorist entering their countries as refugees. This breakthrough in Germany proves me wrong and now I have to apologize to GNI members from Canada who fear the same concern. These poor refugees will have to live with the harsh reality that a few bad apples within will make their lives harder. As with Trump, he is on something and we have to agree with him no matter how difficult he sounds. THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU AND YOUR ILL FEELING FOR TRUMP. 

Chief posted:

Trump is a poke and you asking that question if trump is right makes you a bigger Poke!

Yea, he poking you lil terrorists right where it make you jump.  Trump was right on many things in the ME, from being against the invasion of Iraq (Hillary supported), against disbanding the Iraqi military, withdrawing the way we did, all he was against.  Now he saying don't rush to depose Assad, like hell he is right.  For you, that's a victory for ISIL Wahab terrorist Caliphate, so you will dance in the streets like you probably did on 9/11!

His solution to bomb them to the mid ages and occupy parts for the next 100 years is correct.  His position on terrorist family members are on the right track but maybe too harsh.  I say strip any naturalized of their rights and deport them, put US born relatives in internment camps out in the desert.  We will apologize in 2065 or after we completely destroy those Wahabi terrorist and their sponsors.

That San Bernadino incident had family collaborators, mother, sister and father who preferred to remain quiet.

Trump is telling the inconvenient truth and you playing stupid!

Chief posted:


There is always a risk when refugees are coming into a country. Remember the Cubans

Nothing like your Wahab terrorist buddies.  I say only allow non-muslims.  Let the Shias go to Iran and the Sunnis go to the Caliphate, Saudi and the rest of those Wahabistans.

Chief posted:


There is always a risk when refugees are coming into a country. Remember the Cubans

Chief posted:

Trump is a poke and you asking that question if trump is right makes you a bigger Poke!

Chief, I posted this thread for information purpose. I guess you felt offended by it. But concern citizen like mysef are worry about the bad guys. I have four children going to school in NYC, and schools are prime target for these holligans. When there is another 9/11, you must take your family and stand in the middle of the event if you believe in risk rather than prevention.

Cobra posted:
Chief posted:


There is always a risk when refugees are coming into a country. Remember the Cubans

Chief posted:

Trump is a poke and you asking that question if trump is right makes you a bigger Poke!

Chief, I posted this thread for information purpose. I guess you felt offended by it. But concern citizen like mysef are worry about the bad guys. I have four children going to school in NYC, and schools are prime target for these holligans. When there is another 9/11, you must take your family and stand in the middle of the event if you believe in risk rather than prevention.

One has to worry about a Beslan style attack right here in the USA!

He will be dancing in the streets from miles away!

Last edited by Former Member

Since the Syrian refugees crises began, Chief never question why Muslim countries never lend a hand to the thousands of displaced families. But he was very vocal how many the European and Western countries must take in without screening the refugees for terrorist activities. It so happens that Germany arrested a person that had ties to terrorists among the refugees. It makes me wonder if Chief has a death wish for the country that gave him sanctuary for so many years. More so, as to have sympathy for these radical Islamists. I am beginning to have second thoughts of him seeing non-Muslims as infidels. 

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:

Since the Syrian refugees crises began, Chief never question why Muslim countries never lend a hand to the thousands of displaced families. But he was very vocal how many the European and Western countries must take in without screening the refugees for terrorist activities. It so happens that Germany arrested a person that had ties to terrorists among the refugees. It makes me wonder if Chief has a death wish for the country that gave him sanctuary for so many years. More so, as to have sympathy for these radical Islamists. I am beginning to have second thoughts of him seeing non-Muslims as infidels. 

Chief is a prostitute, he cuss America, cuss Jews but hug up the settlers in Brooklyn because it brings him lots of kosher fallafel revenues!  He want them here so the Wahabs could over-run us infidels!

baseman posted:
Chief posted:

Trump is a poke and you asking that question if trump is right makes you a bigger Poke!

Yea, he poking you lil terrorists right where it make you jump.  Trump was right on many things in the ME, from being against the invasion of Iraq (Hillary supported), against disbanding the Iraqi military, withdrawing the way we did, all he was against.  Now he saying don't rush to depose Assad, like hell he is right.  For you, that's a victory for ISIL Wahab terrorist Caliphate, so you will dance in the streets like you probably did on 9/11!

His solution to bomb them to the mid ages and occupy parts for the next 100 years is correct.  His position on terrorist family members are on the right track but maybe too harsh.  I say strip any naturalized of their rights and deport them, put US born relatives in internment camps out in the desert.  We will apologize in 2065 or after we completely destroy those Wahabi terrorist and their sponsors.

That San Bernadino incident had family collaborators, mother, sister and father who preferred to remain quiet.

Trump is telling the inconvenient truth and you playing stupid!

Trump was right on many things


Oh sk0nt! Trump and right in the same sentence???


......from being against the invasion of Iraq (Hillary supported), against disbanding the Iraqi military, withdrawing the way we did......

basement, you used to sport the avatar of the "brighter" Bush who did all of the above. Your turnaround is refreshing!


base_dweller, you know nothing about the Middle East or US politics. You should read rather than write. The first step towards a better understanding of political affairs is to drop that loser's face as your avatar. How 'bout it, eh?

Cobra posted:
Chief posted:


There is always a risk when refugees are coming into a country. Remember the Cubans

Chief posted:

Trump is a poke and you asking that question if trump is right makes you a bigger Poke!

Chief, I posted this thread for information purpose. I guess you felt offended by it. But concern citizen like mysef are worry about the bad guys. I have four children going to school in NYC, and schools are prime target for these holligans. When there is another 9/11, you must take your family and stand in the middle of the event if you believe in risk rather than prevention.

I am as concerned as you about violence and terrorism. But please stop and take an objective look at the hate that Trump is spewing.

You cannot call all Mexicans rapists, you cannot all all Italians Mobsters similarly muslims are not terrorists.


Cobra posted:

Since the Syrian refugees crises began, Chief never question why Muslim countries never lend a hand to the thousands of displaced families. But he was very vocal how many the European and Western countries must take in without screening the refugees for terrorist activities. It so happens that Germany arrested a person that had ties to terrorists among the refugees. It makes me wonder if Chief has a death wish for the country that gave him sanctuary for so many years. More so, as to have sympathy for these radical Islamists. I am beginning to have second thoughts of him seeing non-Muslims as infidels. 

I am surprised and disappointed  with  the above outburst towards me by you.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt, probably you never seen the posts that I have made against  the Arab countries that did not do anything to assist the refugees.

Your suspicion of me is reflective of how many Americans are viewing muslims and this seed of hate that is germinating quickly with the help of Trump and the other leaders within the Republican party.

Cobra, I will tell you something. I love life and living.

Last Thursday night myself and a friend ( African American) had dinner at a crowded french kosher steak house in Times Square.At the time we were there we were the only people of color and our discussion was that if some idiot person decided to come shoot up this joint both a muslim and a black will get hurt. There are 99.9% American Muslims who live our lives like any other American, work, travel, enjoy sports and indulge in everything else.

Everyday I wake up I am worried about the level of hate that exist in this world.



Cobra is hustling to make people forget his seditious hate-America, pro-terrorist shittings of just 'yesterday'

gives me great deal of pleasure watching this ignorant barefoot antiman do his little 2-step with the other brown/blackskin cowards

homeland security is not fooled! . . .  FBI have u on THE list u miserable skont

trust me

Mitwah posted:

Chief, Turncoats hate their mothers for bringing them into this world in her religion.


I will not go so hard on Cobra however his out burst on me caught me by surprise 

Cobra posted:

Since the Syrian refugees crises began, Chief never question why Muslim countries never lend a hand to the thousands of displaced families. But he was very vocal how many the European and Western countries must take in without screening the refugees for terrorist activities. It so happens that Germany arrested a person that had ties to terrorists among the refugees. It makes me wonder if Chief has a death wish for the country that gave him sanctuary for so many years. More so, as to have sympathy for these radical Islamists. I am beginning to have second thoughts of him seeing non-Muslims as infidels. 

Cobra, Chief is as American as they come. He is also Guyanese, Indian and Muslim. Chief owns a couple of thriving businesses in Manhattan. He gives back to his community. He loathes violence, especially violence perpetrated in the name of religion. If you're  non-Islamic you can have disdain and hatred for terroristssupposedly acting in the name of Islam, but Chief's venom of those same sub-humans is even more than yours because these animals do more than just commit horrific terrorist horrors; they also blaspheme Islam. So, on the scale of hatred for ISIS and its likes you are closer to them than Chief.

Kari posted:
Cobra posted:

Since the Syrian refugees crises began, Chief never question why Muslim countries never lend a hand to the thousands of displaced families. But he was very vocal how many the European and Western countries must take in without screening the refugees for terrorist activities. It so happens that Germany arrested a person that had ties to terrorists among the refugees. It makes me wonder if Chief has a death wish for the country that gave him sanctuary for so many years. More so, as to have sympathy for these radical Islamists. I am beginning to have second thoughts of him seeing non-Muslims as infidels. 

Cobra, Chief is as American as they come. He is also Guyanese, Indian and Muslim. Chief owns a couple of thriving businesses in Manhattan. He gives back to his community. He loathes violence, especially violence perpetrated in the name of religion. If you're  non-Islamic you can have disdain and hatred for terroristssupposedly acting in the name of Islam, but Chief's venom of those same sub-humans is even more than yours because these animals do more than just commit horrific terrorist horrors; they also blaspheme Islam. So, on the scale of hatred for ISIS and its likes you are closer to them than Chief.

I know you will throw me a hard ball on this, but I am not an ISIS lover. I defended ISIS on the ground that they are willing to gave their lives for a cause they believe in. If that cause is to have their own state withing their own country and rule by their law, then so be it. (Kari, this is for the book. ISIS members are more Muslim than Chief will ever be). We shall see if there is an end to this. I know Chief. We spoke on many occasions, and I know he's very charitable, but I believe he took a national security issue and make it personal. He is not the only American on this board among the Guyanese who have family and children that are born in this country. If he has ill feeling for Trump or a republican that call a spade a spade, he should act more democratic if he understands the American values. Chief should not get involved in politics or religious arguments is he can show maturity and some leverage of understanding of what we are dealing with. BTW, Chief is still my friend.

Kari posted:
baseman posted:
Chief posted:

Trump is a poke and you asking that question if trump is right makes you a bigger Poke!

Yea, he poking you lil terrorists right where it make you jump.  Trump was right on many things in the ME, from being against the invasion of Iraq (Hillary supported), against disbanding the Iraqi military, withdrawing the way we did, all he was against.  Now he saying don't rush to depose Assad, like hell he is right.  For you, that's a victory for ISIL Wahab terrorist Caliphate, so you will dance in the streets like you probably did on 9/11!

His solution to bomb them to the mid ages and occupy parts for the next 100 years is correct.  His position on terrorist family members are on the right track but maybe too harsh.  I say strip any naturalized of their rights and deport them, put US born relatives in internment camps out in the desert.  We will apologize in 2065 or after we completely destroy those Wahabi terrorist and their sponsors.

That San Bernadino incident had family collaborators, mother, sister and father who preferred to remain quiet.

Trump is telling the inconvenient truth and you playing stupid!

Trump was right on many things


Oh sk0nt! Trump and right in the same sentence???


......from being against the invasion of Iraq (Hillary supported), against disbanding the Iraqi military, withdrawing the way we did......

basement, you used to sport the avatar of the "brighter" Bush who did all of the above. Your turnaround is refreshing!


base_dweller, you know nothing about the Middle East or US politics. You should read rather than write. The first step towards a better understanding of political affairs is to drop that loser's face as your avatar. How 'bout it, eh?

Now fly catcher, I know nothing, what I know those Wahabs are noting more than medievalist and terrorist and need to be swatted.  They are the scourge of the earth.  I really don't care to get into all their politics, let them stick with that and we keep them at bay.  Limit their access to the US and keep tabs on their many supporter and sympathizers living among us.

Kari posted:
Cobra posted:

Since the Syrian refugees crises began, Chief never question why Muslim countries never lend a hand to the thousands of displaced families. But he was very vocal how many the European and Western countries must take in without screening the refugees for terrorist activities. It so happens that Germany arrested a person that had ties to terrorists among the refugees. It makes me wonder if Chief has a death wish for the country that gave him sanctuary for so many years. More so, as to have sympathy for these radical Islamists. I am beginning to have second thoughts of him seeing non-Muslims as infidels. 

Cobra, Chief is as American as they come..

Give me a break, just the other day, after Paris, he said we should make peace with ISIS.  I'm sure the dancing in the streets as the towers came down was just the tip of the iceberg.  Lot's of high-fives behind closed doors.  Peter king was surprised at the attitude of Muslims he knew well after the 9/11 attacks.  Baseman's position, never trust a fullah!


Oh sk0nt! Trump and right in the same sentence??? The classic definition of oxymoron


......from being against the invasion of Iraq (Hillary supported), against disbanding the Iraqi military, withdrawing the way we did......

basement, you used to sport the avatar of the "brighter" Bush who did all of the above. Your turnaround is refreshing!

I noticed you avoided this the first time around. Let's see if you bigup and admit to your stupidity

Cobra posted:

I know you will throw me a hard ball on this, but I am not an ISIS lover. I defended ISIS on the ground that they are willing to gave their lives for a cause they believe in. If that cause is to have their own state withing their own country and rule by their law, then so be it. (Kari, this is for the book. ISIS members are more Muslim than Chief will ever be). We shall see if there is an end to this. I know Chief. We spoke on many occasions, and I know he's very charitable, but I believe he took a national security issue and make it personal. He is not the only American on this board among the Guyanese who have family and children that are born in this country. If he has ill feeling for Trump or a republican that call a spade a spade, he should act more democratic if he understands the American values. Chief should not get involved in politics or religious arguments is he can show maturity and some leverage of understanding of what we are dealing with. BTW, Chief is still my friend.

redux posted:
Cobra posted:

I know you will throw me a hard ball on this, but I am not an ISIS lover. I defended ISIS on the ground that they are willing to gave their lives for a cause they believe in. If that cause is to have their own state withing their own country and rule by their law, then so be it. (Kari, this is for the book. ISIS members are more Muslim than Chief will ever be). We shall see if there is an end to this. I know Chief. We spoke on many occasions, and I know he's very charitable, but I believe he took a national security issue and make it personal. He is not the only American on this board among the Guyanese who have family and children that are born in this country. If he has ill feeling for Trump or a republican that call a spade a spade, he should act more democratic if he understands the American values. Chief should not get involved in politics or religious arguments is he can show maturity and some leverage of understanding of what we are dealing with. BTW, Chief is still my friend.

You should be the last person to ever quote me on my opinions on freedom fighters vs terrorists. You call them what you want. I called it how I see it. Bye!

Cobra posted:
Kari posted:
Cobra posted:

Since the Syrian refugees crises began, Chief never question why Muslim countries never lend a hand to the thousands of displaced families. But he was very vocal how many the European and Western countries must take in without screening the refugees for terrorist activities. It so happens that Germany arrested a person that had ties to terrorists among the refugees. It makes me wonder if Chief has a death wish for the country that gave him sanctuary for so many years. More so, as to have sympathy for these radical Islamists. I am beginning to have second thoughts of him seeing non-Muslims as infidels. 

Cobra, Chief is as American as they come. He is also Guyanese, Indian and Muslim. Chief owns a couple of thriving businesses in Manhattan. He gives back to his community. He loathes violence, especially violence perpetrated in the name of religion. If you're  non-Islamic you can have disdain and hatred for terroristssupposedly acting in the name of Islam, but Chief's venom of those same sub-humans is even more than yours because these animals do more than just commit horrific terrorist horrors; they also blaspheme Islam. So, on the scale of hatred for ISIS and its likes you are closer to them than Chief.

I know you will throw me a hard ball on this, but I am not an ISIS lover. I defended ISIS on the ground that they are willing to gave their lives for a cause they believe in. If that cause is to have their own state withing their own country and rule by their law, then so be it. (Kari, this is for the book. ISIS members are more Muslim than Chief will ever be). We shall see if there is an end to this. I know Chief. We spoke on many occasions, and I know he's very charitable, but I believe he took a national security issue and make it personal. He is not the only American on this board among the Guyanese who have family and children that are born in this country. If he has ill feeling for Trump or a republican that call a spade a spade, he should act more democratic if he understands the American values. Chief should not get involved in politics or religious arguments is he can show maturity and some leverage of understanding of what we are dealing with. BTW, Chief is still my friend.

My understanding of American values is that one cannot shout fire in a crowded theater and that's exactly what Donald Trump is doing.

Your inaccurate statement that I never question why the Arab states are not taking in refugees is as wild and careless like Trump.

As for you being my friend I have no problem with that and as I always  say it is good to agree to disagree.


Yesterday, while having my coffee, I was watching the final round of an episode of Family Feud, the question was "On a scale of 1 to 10, how willing are you to serve on jury duty?" The first person said 3 while the second person said 3 and then changed it to 5 since one cannot give the same answer. It turned out that the number one answer amongst 100 persons polled was 1. That's right. 1. While this is not a scientific answer, it does represent the American's sentiment when it comes to serving on jury duty. One if not the highest civic duty an American will ever have to do. Yet we see the vast outpouring of emotions when it comes to Muslims attacking Americans even though Americans are 50 times more likely to be killed by a gun than by a terrorist attack. Muslims attacking and killing Americans are in my opinion no different than any other person attacking and killing Americans. Yet we put up monuments to 'celebrate' these terrorist attacks giving the terrorists exactly what they crave - that satisfaction that their evil actions are affecting our emotions to the height where it has never been before. It seems as though we are more affected by who the player is than what the game is. Countless people are affected by so many crimes including murder everyday and hardly anyone bat an eye.

Yet we have dalits like Baseman who in his inferior complexities feel the need to nyam down the shit to feel and perhaps give Americans the impression that he is so patriotic. Or maybe it is just his hatred for Muslims.

Cobra posted:
Chief posted:

Trump is a poke and you asking that question if trump is right makes you a bigger Poke!

Chief, I supported these refugees from day one, and I doubted many who had concerns about terrorist entering their countries as refugees. This breakthrough in Germany proves me wrong and now I have to apologize to GNI members from Canada who fear the same concern. These poor refugees will have to live with the harsh reality that a few bad apples within will make their lives harder. As with Trump, he is on something and we have to agree with him no matter how difficult he sounds. THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU AND YOUR ILL FEELING FOR TRUMP. 

Where and when did you support refugees you "ISIS is not a terrorist organization but a patriotic organization " prick? Given our new circumstances I hope the dig through all your dirty drawers for being an ISIS sympathizer.


Chief posted:
Cobra posted:

I know you will throw me a hard ball on this, but I am not an ISIS lover. I defended ISIS on the ground that they are willing to gave their lives for a cause they believe in. If that cause is to have their own state withing their own country and rule by their law, then so be it. (Kari, this is for the book. ISIS members are more Muslim than Chief will ever be). We shall see if there is an end to this. I know Chief. We spoke on many occasions, and I know he's very charitable, but I believe he took a national security issue and make it personal. He is not the only American on this board among the Guyanese who have family and children that are born in this country. If he has ill feeling for Trump or a republican that call a spade a spade, he should act more democratic if he understands the American values. Chief should not get involved in politics or religious arguments is he can show maturity and some leverage of understanding of what we are dealing with. BTW, Chief is still my friend.

My understanding of American values is that one cannot shout fire in a crowded theater and that's exactly what Donald Trump is doing.

Your inaccurate statement that I never question why the Arab states are not taking in refugees is as wild and careless like Trump.

As for you being my friend I have no problem with that and as I always  say it is good to agree to disagree.

You did sound gleeful after Paris even stating why fight them, let's do a peace deal, or something to that effect.

Chief posted:

Trump is a poke and you asking that question if trump is right makes you a bigger Poke!

Trump may be the circus grand master but he is doing so on the backs of bullshit by Muslims like you insisting Muslims will dominate the world and Sharia is the eternal Guide.


Now the inevitable kickback is here and granted it is being cheered on by right wing nutcases it is Muslims to be blamed in part for their reluctance to speak truth to evil.

I bet Cookup never thought he would be the subaltern backward others. I remember him saying a "flattie and boombox" is all that he heeds to screw any Amerindian woman. He gloated in the existence of that evil pathology and not to its source racism. Now he gets new information and new insight into the source of the nature of bigotry.

Well,  prejudice is a fu.cked up thing only when you are its target it seems for most Muslims. It is a lack of voice to the indignities to women and common folks in the Muslim world by mainstream Muslims that is the blindness that brought on this nasty racist anti Muslim backlash. All of you  Saudi imitators now see the villainy in your neglect to speak out against the evil to women, and non Muslims. I never heard any of you complain of intolerance when the Arab world refused Christians the right to build a church. I only hear the chiming of America is the great satan and is the source of all evil excuses.

ISIS is an evil that must be erased not because it is Muslim but because it is evil. All ISIS supporters can go with them to hell as well. That disease is not to spread to our world but in our combating it we cannot be like them and refuse people the right to belong to a faith  and the right to exercise their right to worship unmolested.

I do not give a damn about Islam but I will die for the right of any to worship according to their creel. That is America and the Western tradition and Trump, et al have wandered off the reservation.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

Yesterday, while having my coffee, I was watching the final round of an episode of Family Feud, the question was "On a scale of 1 to 10, how willing are you to serve on jury duty?" The first person said 3 while the second person said 3 and then changed it to 5 since one cannot give the same answer. It turned out that the number one answer amongst 100 persons polled was 1. That's right. 1. While this is not a scientific answer, it does represent the American's sentiment when it comes to serving on jury duty. One if not the highest civic duty an American will ever have to do. Yet we see the vast outpouring of emotions when it comes to Muslims attacking Americans even though Americans are 50 times more likely to be killed by a gun than by a terrorist attack. Muslims attacking and killing Americans are in my opinion no different than any other person attacking and killing Americans. Yet we put up monuments to 'celebrate' these terrorist attacks giving the terrorists exactly what they crave - that satisfaction that their evil actions are affecting our emotions to the height where it has never been before. It seems as though we are more affected by who the player is than what the game is. Countless people are affected by so many crimes including murder everyday and hardly anyone bat an eye.

Yet we have dalits like Baseman who in his inferior complexities feel the need to nyam down the shit to feel and perhaps give Americans the impression that he is so patriotic. Or maybe it is just his hatred for Muslims.

As they say, "pelt wan stone a sty, the pig wah halla, ah he get am"!  I actually prefer to engage with non-wahabi muslims.  I have few Iranian and Guyanese Muslim fiends who I respect and trust.  Too many, even in Guyana, are now inspired by the evil Saudi Wahabi doctrine.  This is plain pure evil and need to be exorcised from the planet like Nazism.

Regardless what you wish to call me, I don't trust a fullah.  I don't have to give you or Americans any impression, in fact i had disagreements with a few over the Gulf War.  I am anti-extremist Muslim and just don't trust most.  Many talk with "forked tongues".  Some of the posting on this board reinforce my position.

cain posted:

Iman stand as a proud infidel....yesssss.

Exalt in your heathenism....churches have always been the places from where all sorts of reasons for sins to be heaped on the world was concocted. Exalt in the divinity of nature and the happenstance that we are the universe looking at itself and not independent of it. Exalt that we have only a small chance at ever knowing the beauty of the Universe and Religion stifles the view. Those right wing fascists in the GOP would take us directly down the path of ISIS where we can become just as beast-like.

Last edited by Former Member

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