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Burger King Employee Stands on Lettuce: Busted by Internet

<cite class="byline vcard">By Sarah B. Weir, Yahoo! blogger | Shine</cite>Email


Dude, get your feet off my greensDude, get your feet off my greensEver feel like nothing is secret any more because of the Internet? You may be right. It took 4Chan users only 15 minutes to track down and bust the Cleveland-area Burger Kingemployee who stood on top of two containers of shredded lettuce and then posted a picture of the gross act. 4Chan is a bulletin board-type website where members post images and comments.

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"This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King," wrote the unnamed employee on the evening of July 16. Guess he thought that was funny. Other users weren't laughing: according to,Anonymous, the notorious vigilante hacking group, used GPS data embedded in the photo to locate the fast food restaurant's address and reportedly contacted the franchise and FoxNews8

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