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Young Indian-American girl appointed to United States Military Academy at West Point

May 30, 2013, 03.59PM IST, Source - Times of India



Sneha Singh, daughter of Amar Singh of Avon.


It has been a long road from the small village in India where her parents were born, and her life began, but immigrating to the United States of America, becoming a naturalized American citizen, and on the cusp of becoming, perhaps, the first generation Indian woman cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point, in the Academy's prestigious 211-year history, is a "dream come true", for a 18 year old Avon, Connecticut young lady.


Sneha Singh, daughter of Amar Singh of Avon, is proof that hard work, discipline, a positive mental attitude, and remaining patient and focused, can result in turning dreams into reality.


Sneha, a 2013 Avon High School graduate, will enter the prestigious United States Military Academy at West Point, on July 1st.


Sneha will begin a 47 month odyssey that will culminate with a Bachelor of Science degree and a commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Army.


Sneha hopes to pursue her dream of becoming a medical doctor and plans to study in a major that will prepare her for applying to medical school.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Abie pon tapp.

where did they say "Guyanese" fool?

Where did I say Guyanese?

never said u did . . . pay attention slow thinker[s]

Ok fast thinker, I guess you so fast you never could get pat two sentences before degenerating into deviant sexuality gibridge.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Abie pon tapp.

where did they say "Guyanese" fool?

Where did I say Guyanese?

never said u did . . . pay attention slow thinker[s]

Ok fast thinker, I guess you so fast you never could get pat two sentences before degenerating into deviant sexuality gibridge.

i will venture a suggestion that u occupy your limited capabilities dealing with YOUR SHAME on GNI rather than wringing your hands and shedding crocodile tears over my 'language' . . . nah suh bai?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Abie pon tapp.

where did they say "Guyanese" fool?

Where did I say Guyanese?

never said u did . . . pay attention slow thinker[s]

Ok fast thinker, I guess you so fast you never could get pat two sentences before degenerating into deviant sexuality gibridge.

i will venture a suggestion that u occupy your limited capabilities dealing with YOUR SHAME on GNI rather than wringing your hands and shedding crocodile tears over my 'language' . . . nah suh bai?

As I said!!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Abie pon tapp.

where did they say "Guyanese" fool?

Where did I say Guyanese?

never said u did . . . pay attention slow thinker[s]

Ok fast thinker, I guess you so fast you never could get pat two sentences before degenerating into deviant sexuality gibridge.

i will venture a suggestion that u occupy your limited capabilities dealing with YOUR SHAME on GNI rather than wringing your hands and shedding crocodile tears over my 'language' . . . nah suh bai?

As I said!!!

oww bai . . . seh lil hay nuh


i can hold yuh hand and re-post de specific 'exchange' u running like an Olympian from . . . just say the word


har de har har har harhar!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Ok fast thinker, I guess you so fast you never could get pat two sentences before degenerating into deviant sexuality gibridge.

i will venture a suggestion that u occupy your limited capabilities dealing with YOUR SHAME on GNI rather than wringing your hands and shedding crocodile tears over my 'language' . . . nah suh bai?

As I said!!!

oww bai . . . seh lil hay nuh


i can hold yuh hand and re-post de specific 'exchange' u running like an Olympian from . . . just say the word


har de har har har harhar!

Let me repost the concept to which I think you refer:


". . As for who I want to see president, I have always said, let there be constitutional safeguards to "hard-stop" another axis of evil between the PNC and GDF, and you believe me, I will give a hard look at the PNC".


Now stinker, exactly what you want me to do, re-write the constitution on GNI?  I know, I'm proposing "Indian Hegemony".  Well, stay rite deh posting from the back bench for the next 50 years.


May 31, 2013 7:38 AM

December 6, 2012 8:34 AM

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Banna, alyuh cyant fool people or pull wool over anyone's eyes.  Why you think PNCites on this site get incensed at the suggestion of the removal of the GDF from politics.  Redux referred to my suggestion as "Indian Hegemony", what ever that means . . .

nailing a[nother] bold faced LIE by GNI's low-rent Goebbels . . . real antiman runnings


show we bai

You did, but unlike you, I have no time to go dig it up.  You referred to my suggestion of a separation of military from politics as a ploy at "Indian Hegemony"...I remember your term clearly. This ties into the PNC mantra during the campaign.

OF COURSE "you have no time to go dig it up" u lil antiman . . . "it" doesn't exist.


However, i did (and do) indeed call you (and others) out for supporting "Indian hegemony" in Guyana . . . your memory is VERY clear on that point - the reasons are multifarious and manifest.


more to your 'claim' . . ., on several occasions (couple days ago, no less), i have asked you to explain YOUR "separation of [the] military from politics"  [theoretically a good thing] appeal which i describe as bogus in the existing Guyana context; not surprisingly, you have failed to explain . . .


let me simplify . . . your "suggestion" lacks meaning; it is a fraudulent piece of war propaganda that injects gratuitous menace to any situation where the PPP has to cede power. I cited it as weak blather to cover your ideological racism


now go manufacture another one you shameless LIAR 



the [above] tap dance from last year by a cornered baseman . . . eerily familiar no? 


dis un-clever, bigot cockroach firmly believes that if u repeat a lie/DODGE often enough, people will get tired of pointing out the lack of clothes and let u be . . . me nat like dat bai, i mix with pit bull


six months later . . . this is still my CHALLENGE punk:


"[re constitutional safeguards to "hard-stop" another axis of evil between the PNC and GDF] baseman, i have challenged you many times to properly articulate what this nonsense means in the real word; all you have been able to do in response is grin stupidly and mumble what amounts to 'u know . . . ?'


well bai, abee doan have access to the key fuh decrypt de code of alyuh tiefman primitives and Indo racists populating the higher echelons of the PPP . . . u need to help us out."


keep dancing deh lil man . . . de music MUST stop sometime

Originally Posted by redux:

May 31, 2013 7:38 AM

December 6, 2012 8:34 AM

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Banna, alyuh cyant fool people or pull wool over anyone's eyes.  Why you think PNCites on this site get incensed at the suggestion of the removal of the GDF from politics.  Redux referred to my suggestion as "Indian Hegemony", what ever that means . . .

nailing a[nother] bold faced LIE by GNI's low-rent Goebbels . . . real antiman runnings


show we bai

You did, but unlike you, I have no time to go dig it up.  You referred to my suggestion of a separation of military from politics as a ploy at "Indian Hegemony"...I remember your term clearly. This ties into the PNC mantra during the campaign.

OF COURSE "you have no time to go dig it up" u lil antiman . . . "it" doesn't exist.


However, i did (and do) indeed call you (and others) out for supporting "Indian hegemony" in Guyana . . . your memory is VERY clear on that point - the reasons are multifarious and manifest.


more to your 'claim' . . ., on several occasions (couple days ago, no less), i have asked you to explain YOUR "separation of [the] military from politics"  [theoretically a good thing] appeal which i describe as bogus in the existing Guyana context; not surprisingly, you have failed to explain . . .


let me simplify . . . your "suggestion" lacks meaning; it is a fraudulent piece of war propaganda that injects gratuitous menace to any situation where the PPP has to cede power. I cited it as weak blather to cover your ideological racism


now go manufacture another one you shameless LIAR 



the [above] tap dance from last year by a cornered baseman . . . eerily familiar no? 


dis un-clever, bigot cockroach firmly believes that if u repeat a lie/DODGE often enough, people will get tired of pointing out the lack of clothes and let u be . . . me nat like dat bai, i mix with pit bull


six months later . . . this is still my CHALLENGE punk:


"[re constitutional safeguards to "hard-stop" another axis of evil between the PNC and GDF] baseman, i have challenged you many times to properly articulate what this nonsense means in the real word; all you have been able to do in response is grin stupidly and mumble what amounts to 'u know . . . ?'


well bai, abee doan have access to the key fuh decrypt de code of alyuh tiefman primitives and Indo racists populating the higher echelons of the PPP . . . u need to help us out."


keep dancing deh lil man . . . de music MUST stop sometime

It is very relevant "in the Guyana context", but not for you, then how else can a minority regime rule over the majority and satisfy the principles of "free elections".


Banna, You can dance and prance all you want, you know what it means and why the droves of GDF cadres were campaigning for the PNC in 2011.


You have been to the mountain-top, now you and the valley of political wilderness with dreams of another crack from the mountain top.  It ain't going to happen.  You plan in 2011 backfired, not lick your wounds.


You and your retired GDF buddies stay right where you are, America can hold you, Guyana don't need you.

Originally Posted by baseman: 

It is very relevant "in the Guyana context", but not for you, then how else can a minority regime rule over the majority and satisfy the principles of "free elections".


Banna, You can dance and prance all you want, you know what it means and why the droves of GDF cadres were campaigning for the PNC in 2011.


You have been to the mountain-top, now you and the valley of political wilderness with dreams of another crack from the mountain top.  It ain't going to happen.  You plan in 2011 backfired, not lick your wounds.


You and your retired GDF buddies stay right where you are, America can hold you, Guyana don't need you.

ahmmm . . . as entertaining as they possibly might be, i'm not really interested in your random, stream-of-consciousness red herring imaginings, arite?  


reset and focus clown . . . what are these "constitutional safeguards to "hard-stop" another axis of evil between the PNC and GDF" that u recommend/are talking about?


or, as i put it to you last year:


"on several occasions (couple days ago, no less), i have asked you to explain YOUR "separation of [the] military from politics"  [theoretically a good thing] appeal which i describe as bogus in the existing Guyana context; not surprisingly, you have failed to explain . . .


let me simplify . . . your "suggestion" lacks meaning; it is a fraudulent piece of war propaganda that injects gratuitous menace to any situation where the PPP has to cede power. I cited it as weak blather to cover your ideological racism



simple to address . . . no?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman: 

It is very relevant "in the Guyana context", but not for you, then how else can a minority regime rule over the majority and satisfy the principles of "free elections".


Banna, You can dance and prance all you want, you know what it means and why the droves of GDF cadres were campaigning for the PNC in 2011.


You have been to the mountain-top, now you and the valley of political wilderness with dreams of another crack from the mountain top.  It ain't going to happen.  You plan in 2011 backfired, not lick your wounds.


You and your retired GDF buddies stay right where you are, America can hold you, Guyana don't need you.

ahmmm . . . as entertaining as they possibly might be, i'm not really interested in your random, stream-of-consciousness red herring imaginings, arite?  


reset and focus clown . . . what are these "constitutional safeguards to "hard-stop" another axis of evil between the PNC and GDF" that u recommend/are talking about?


or, as i put it to you last year:


"on several occasions (couple days ago, no less), i have asked you to explain YOUR "separation of [the] military from politics"  [theoretically a good thing] appeal which i describe as bogus in the existing Guyana context; not surprisingly, you have failed to explain . . .


let me simplify . . . your "suggestion" lacks meaning; it is a fraudulent piece of war propaganda that injects gratuitous menace to any situation where the PPP has to cede power. I cited it as weak blather to cover your ideological racism



simple to address . . . no?

You tell us why a separation of military from political involvement is NOT relevant within the Guyana context.  Tell us, what is your objection and why it's without merit.  You must know somethings!


Try to avoid meandering into sexual deviancy.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman: 

It is very relevant "in the Guyana context", but not for you, then how else can a minority regime rule over the majority and satisfy the principles of "free elections".


Banna, You can dance and prance all you want, you know what it means and why the droves of GDF cadres were campaigning for the PNC in 2011.


You have been to the mountain-top, now you and the valley of political wilderness with dreams of another crack from the mountain top.  It ain't going to happen.  You plan in 2011 backfired, not lick your wounds.


You and your retired GDF buddies stay right where you are, America can hold you, Guyana don't need you.

ahmmm . . . as entertaining as they possibly might be, i'm not really interested in your random, stream-of-consciousness red herring imaginings, arite?  


reset and focus clown . . . what are these "constitutional safeguards to "hard-stop" another axis of evil between the PNC and GDF" that u recommend/are talking about?


or, as i put it to you last year:


"on several occasions (couple days ago, no less), i have asked you to explain YOUR "separation of [the] military from politics"  [theoretically a good thing] appeal which i describe as bogus in the existing Guyana context; not surprisingly, you have failed to explain . . .


let me simplify . . . your "suggestion" lacks meaning; it is a fraudulent piece of war propaganda that injects gratuitous menace to any situation where the PPP has to cede power. I cited it as weak blather to cover your ideological racism



simple to address . . . no?

You tell us why a separation of military from political involvement is NOT relevant within the Guyana context.  Tell us, what is your objection and why it's without merit.  You must know somethings!


Try to avoid meandering into sexual deviancy.

what is there about "theoretically a good thing" this that u are PRETENDING not to understand:


redux: "on several occasions (couple days ago, no less), i have asked you to explain YOUR "separation of [the] military from politics"  [theoretically a good thing] appeal which i describe as bogus in the existing Guyana context; not surprisingly, you have failed to explain . . ."


your little dance is becoming sort of pathetic baseman . . . the music has stopped playing


time to man up weasel!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman: 

It is very relevant "in the Guyana context", but not for you, then how else can a minority regime rule over the majority and satisfy the principles of "free elections".


Banna, You can dance and prance all you want, you know what it means and why the droves of GDF cadres were campaigning for the PNC in 2011.


You have been to the mountain-top, now you and the valley of political wilderness with dreams of another crack from the mountain top.  It ain't going to happen.  You plan in 2011 backfired, not lick your wounds.


You and your retired GDF buddies stay right where you are, America can hold you, Guyana don't need you.

ahmmm . . . as entertaining as they possibly might be, i'm not really interested in your random, stream-of-consciousness red herring imaginings, arite?  


reset and focus clown . . . what are these "constitutional safeguards to "hard-stop" another axis of evil between the PNC and GDF" that u recommend/are talking about?


or, as i put it to you last year:


"on several occasions (couple days ago, no less), i have asked you to explain YOUR "separation of [the] military from politics"  [theoretically a good thing] appeal which i describe as bogus in the existing Guyana context; not surprisingly, you have failed to explain . . .


let me simplify . . . your "suggestion" lacks meaning; it is a fraudulent piece of war propaganda that injects gratuitous menace to any situation where the PPP has to cede power. I cited it as weak blather to cover your ideological racism



simple to address . . . no?

You tell us why a separation of military from political involvement is NOT relevant within the Guyana context.  Tell us, what is your objection and why it's without merit.  You must know somethings!


Try to avoid meandering into sexual deviancy.

what is there about "theoretically a good thing" this that u are PRETENDING not to understand:


redux: "on several occasions (couple days ago, no less), i have asked you to explain YOUR "separation of [the] military from politics"  [theoretically a good thing] appeal which i describe as bogus in the existing Guyana context; not surprisingly, you have failed to explain . . ."


your little dance is becoming sort of pathetic baseman . . . the music has stopped playing


time to man up weasel!

Why it's "theoretical", do you mean not "practical", then tell us why not.  Is there something you don't understand, or cannot fathom?  Which is it?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman: 

It is very relevant "in the Guyana context", but not for you, then how else can a minority regime rule over the majority and satisfy the principles of "free elections".


Banna, You can dance and prance all you want, you know what it means and why the droves of GDF cadres were campaigning for the PNC in 2011.


You have been to the mountain-top, now you and the valley of political wilderness with dreams of another crack from the mountain top.  It ain't going to happen.  You plan in 2011 backfired, not lick your wounds.


You and your retired GDF buddies stay right where you are, America can hold you, Guyana don't need you.

ahmmm . . . as entertaining as they possibly might be, i'm not really interested in your random, stream-of-consciousness red herring imaginings, arite?  


reset and focus clown . . . what are these "constitutional safeguards to "hard-stop" another axis of evil between the PNC and GDF" that u recommend/are talking about?


or, as i put it to you last year:


"on several occasions (couple days ago, no less), i have asked you to explain YOUR "separation of [the] military from politics"  [theoretically a good thing] appeal which i describe as bogus in the existing Guyana context; not surprisingly, you have failed to explain . . .


let me simplify . . . your "suggestion" lacks meaning; it is a fraudulent piece of war propaganda that injects gratuitous menace to any situation where the PPP has to cede power. I cited it as weak blather to cover your ideological racism



simple to address . . . no?

You tell us why a separation of military from political involvement is NOT relevant within the Guyana context.  Tell us, what is your objection and why it's without merit.  You must know somethings!


Try to avoid meandering into sexual deviancy.

what is there about "theoretically a good thing" this that u are PRETENDING not to understand:


redux: "on several occasions (couple days ago, no less), i have asked you to explain YOUR "separation of [the] military from politics"  [theoretically a good thing] appeal which i describe as bogus in the existing Guyana context; not surprisingly, you have failed to explain . . ."


your little dance is becoming sort of pathetic baseman . . . the music has stopped playing


time to man up weasel!

Why it's "theoretical", do you mean not "practical", then tell us why not.  Is there something you don't understand, or cannot fathom?  Which is it?

don't put words in my mouth clown


you've conceded that i agreed it's a good thing


now, WHAT i am trying to squeeze out of your duplicitous hide is WHAT u propose as your "constitutional" methodology to get from here to there . . . i remember that i even threw out a few ideas off the top of my head to get u started, smh


what is so freakin hard about a question so simple that u have expended this much of your extraordinarily small stock of credibility to avoid answering . . . hmmm?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

what is there about "theoretically a good thing" this that u are PRETENDING not to understand:


redux: "on several occasions (couple days ago, no less), i have asked you to explain YOUR "separation of [the] military from politics"  [theoretically a good thing] appeal which i describe as bogus in the existing Guyana context; not surprisingly, you have failed to explain . . ."


your little dance is becoming sort of pathetic baseman . . . the music has stopped playing


time to man up weasel!

Why it's "theoretical", do you mean not "practical", then tell us why not.  Is there something you don't understand, or cannot fathom?  Which is it?

don't put words in my mouth clown


you've conceded that i agreed it's a good thing


now, WHAT i am trying to squeeze out of your duplicitous hide is WHAT u propose as your "constitutional" methodology to get from here to there . . . i remember that i even threw out a few ideas off the top of my head to get u started, smh


what is so freakin hard about a question so simple that u have expended this much of your extraordinarily small stock of credibility to avoid answering . . . hmmm?

That's for constitutional lawyers to haggle over.  As a lay person, if I am asked to vote, I have to ensure the party I am voting for does not co-opt the institutions and subvert democracy and steal my choice the next time around.  THIS HAS BEEN THE RULE OF LAW, PNC STYLE 1964-1992.  BTW, Hitler also did it.


If YOU want my vote, then YOU fix that, or YOU stay on the back bench for the next 100 years.  You see, YOU are the guilty party and YOU will need that should the will of the people be not what YOU prefer.  Capiche!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

what is there about "theoretically a good thing" this that u are PRETENDING not to understand:


redux: "on several occasions (couple days ago, no less), i have asked you to explain YOUR "separation of [the] military from politics"  [theoretically a good thing] appeal which i describe as bogus in the existing Guyana context; not surprisingly, you have failed to explain . . ."


your little dance is becoming sort of pathetic baseman . . . the music has stopped playing


time to man up weasel!

Why it's "theoretical", do you mean not "practical", then tell us why not.  Is there something you don't understand, or cannot fathom?  Which is it?

don't put words in my mouth clown


you've conceded that i agreed it's a good thing


now, WHAT i am trying to squeeze out of your duplicitous hide is WHAT u propose as your "constitutional" methodology to get from here to there . . . i remember that i even threw out a few ideas off the top of my head to get u started, smh


what is so freakin hard about a question so simple that u have expended this much of your extraordinarily small stock of credibility to avoid answering . . . hmmm?

That's for constitutional lawyers to haggle over.  As a lay person, if I am asked to vote, I have to ensure the party I am voting for does not co-opt the institutions and subvert democracy and steal my choice the next time around.  THIS HAS BEEN THE RULE OF LAW, PNC STYLE 1964-1992.  BTW, Hitler also did it.


If YOU want my vote, then YOU fix that, or YOU stay on the back bench for the next 100 years.  You see, YOU are the guilty party and YOU will need that should the will of the people be not what YOU prefer.  Capiche!

sooo,  a lot of 'retreat' smoke . . . u got nothing


big talk, EMPTY VESSEL!



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

That's for constitutional lawyers to haggle over.  As a lay person, if I am asked to vote, I have to ensure the party I am voting for does not co-opt the institutions and subvert democracy and steal my choice the next time around.  THIS HAS BEEN THE RULE OF LAW, PNC STYLE 1964-1992.  BTW, Hitler also did it.


If YOU want my vote, then YOU fix that, or YOU stay on the back bench for the next 100 years.  You see, YOU are the guilty party and YOU will need that should the will of the people be not what YOU prefer.  Capiche!

back to square 1, waan set of smoke . . . u got nothing


big talk, EMPTY VESSEL!



If you think so, but it's you who will sit at the back forever.  The PPP needs to clean up their act, but they will stay there and you where you are.  Almost all Indians totally reject the PNC attaining power again as long as they can repeat reconstitute their "axis of evil".  And they know that's a real probability.  You have to address that not the short comings of the PPP.  Even katahars know it but are consumed by personal hatred.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

That's for constitutional lawyers to haggle over.  As a lay person, if I am asked to vote, I have to ensure the party I am voting for does not co-opt the institutions and subvert democracy and steal my choice the next time around.  THIS HAS BEEN THE RULE OF LAW, PNC STYLE 1964-1992.  BTW, Hitler also did it.


If YOU want my vote, then YOU fix that, or YOU stay on the back bench for the next 100 years.  You see, YOU are the guilty party and YOU will need that should the will of the people be not what YOU prefer.  Capiche!

back to square 1, waan set of smoke . . . u got nothing


big talk, EMPTY VESSEL!



If you think so, but it's you who will sit at the back forever.  The PPP needs to clean up their act, but they will stay there and you where you are.  Almost all Indians totally reject the PNC attaining power again as long as they can repeat reconstitute their "axis of evil".  And they know that's a real probability.  You have to address that not the short comings of the PPP.  Even katahars know it but are consumed by personal hatred.

your entire post above [and the one immediately prior] is a pathetic rant related to nothing but noises in your head, lamely 'designed' to divert attention from your (even more) SPECTACULAR FAILURE to meet my challenge this time around


i smoked u out . . . now go buy some clothes 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

That's for constitutional lawyers to haggle over.  As a lay person, if I am asked to vote, I have to ensure the party I am voting for does not co-opt the institutions and subvert democracy and steal my choice the next time around.  THIS HAS BEEN THE RULE OF LAW, PNC STYLE 1964-1992.  BTW, Hitler also did it.


If YOU want my vote, then YOU fix that, or YOU stay on the back bench for the next 100 years.  You see, YOU are the guilty party and YOU will need that should the will of the people be not what YOU prefer.  Capiche!

back to square 1, waan set of smoke . . . u got nothing


big talk, EMPTY VESSEL!



If you think so, but it's you who will sit at the back forever.  The PPP needs to clean up their act, but they will stay there and you where you are.  Almost all Indians totally reject the PNC attaining power again as long as they can repeat reconstitute their "axis of evil".  And they know that's a real probability.  You have to address that not the short comings of the PPP.  Even katahars know it but are consumed by personal hatred.

your entire post above [and the one immediately prior] is a pathetic rant related to nothing but noises in your head, lamely 'designed' to divert attention from your (even more) SPECTACULAR FAILURE to meet my challenge this time around


i smoked u out . . . now go buy some clothes 

As I said, you stay right at the back bench for the rest of you natural life.  I really don't care, it is what it is.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

That's for constitutional lawyers to haggle over.  As a lay person, if I am asked to vote, I have to ensure the party I am voting for does not co-opt the institutions and subvert democracy and steal my choice the next time around.  THIS HAS BEEN THE RULE OF LAW, PNC STYLE 1964-1992.  BTW, Hitler also did it.


If YOU want my vote, then YOU fix that, or YOU stay on the back bench for the next 100 years.  You see, YOU are the guilty party and YOU will need that should the will of the people be not what YOU prefer.  Capiche!

back to square 1, waan set of smoke . . . u got nothing


big talk, EMPTY VESSEL!



If you think so, but it's you who will sit at the back forever.  The PPP needs to clean up their act, but they will stay there and you where you are.  Almost all Indians totally reject the PNC attaining power again as long as they can repeat reconstitute their "axis of evil".  And they know that's a real probability.  You have to address that not the short comings of the PPP.  Even katahars know it but are consumed by personal hatred.

your entire post above [and the one immediately prior] is a pathetic rant related to nothing but noises in your head, lamely 'designed' to divert attention from your (even more) SPECTACULAR FAILURE to meet my challenge this time around


i smoked u out . . . now go buy some clothes 

As I said, you stay right at the back bench for the rest of you natural life.  I really don't care, it is what it is.

bai, your fantasies bout me are ultimately your own affair . . . whatever gets u through the day


just don't go where neroo and drugb have traveled in THEIR fantasy world . . . their recent antiman dreamscape, i mean


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