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Originally Posted by Prashad:

 For the majority of African Guyanese there were no African Kissons, Beharrys and Persauds families just a bunch of wage earners depending on the goodwill of their bosses at the end of the month.  If I were an African Guyanese I would also be pissed out of my mind.

And by embracing socialism and giving the legitimate private sector a hard time how did he foster the development of large Afro owned businesses.


Thanks for making the SAME point that I did.  Burnham created a nation of black clerks, militia men and office assistants.  People depend on him, and that was his plan.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

That is why I love Trinidad and Tobago. Pan Africans are there but they are not allowed to thrive.


Trinis are Trinis and do not vote race.

u most certainly cannot be serious

Dead serious!! Iam not saying that racial tensions do not exist but I am saying for the most part Trinis vote for issues and not race.

A good example is the current Prime Minister Kamla Bissesar. She could not have won without carrying Tobago, and who do you think live in Tobago, Blacks.


When will Guyanese Indians vote for a black candidate?

A good example is Kamla who is now busy "cleaning house" Indianizing the boards of most state owned corporations.


BTW Tobago is now back in PNM camp.


Anyway we will see the bacchanal between her and Jack Warner, who has on many times pointed out Indian racists within the UNC.


Don't know how you can say they don't vote race in T&T.  UNC is Indo, PNM Afro.  Its only COP which can claim that it is multiracial as the AFC tries to be.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Carib and redux have made zero contributions to this and their communities.

suh, u truly wish u knew me, eh herr yugee?


i suggest u go do your outreach for friends in those places where your low-functioning cohort tends to congregate . . . barrat bukta parties and Freedom House afternoon show n tell with kwameee, for example

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Carib and redux have made zero contributions to this and their communities.

suh, u truly wish u knew me, eh herr yugee?


i suggest u go do your outreach for friends in those places where your low-functioning cohort tends to congregate . . . barrat bukta parties and Freedom House afternoon show n tell with kwameee, for example

Is this your contribution to this forum ? 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Carib and redux have made zero contributions to this and their communities.

suh, u truly wish u knew me, eh herr yugee?


i suggest u go do your outreach for friends in those places where your low-functioning cohort tends to congregate . . . barrat bukta parties and Freedom House afternoon show n tell with kwameee, for example

Is this your contribution to this forum ? 

oww bigot bai . . . is nah u ah tell people how u know wha "communities" me ah mek [oops, nat mek] "contributions" to and ting


just trying to assist

Originally Posted by caribny:

A good example is Kamla who is now busy "cleaning house" Indianizing the boards of most state owned corporations.


BTW Tobago is now back in PNM camp.


Anyway we will see the bacchanal between her and Jack Warner, who has on many times pointed out Indian racists within the UNC.


Don't know how you can say they don't vote race in T&T.  UNC is Indo, PNM Afro.  Its only COP which can claim that it is multiracial as the AFC tries to be.

Ooh rass, like you change your mind about the Indian Trinis? You used to claim that they were not racist like the Guyanese Indians, now it looks like they only racist if they  don't vote the Black man into power. ahahahah

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:




Carib, you are a congenital liar. You picked the of the wrong Heads of State to foist your lies here. Let's take the PM of Dominica Eugenia Charles. When asked to comment about the rigged elections in Guyana she said, " A rigged election is better then no elections at all." As for Errol Barrow he was one of Burnham's closest friends and he uttered not a single word of criticism against Burnham. 'As did others' means other Heads of State also criticised Burnham while he was in power. Please tell us who they were. Look how he is going to wiggle!  

Eugenia Charles had a deep HATRED of Burnham and this is indeed a fact.  Errol Barrow completely disrespected him as did Eric Williams who refused to even talk to him.


Sorry your attempt to suggest that these islanders felt racial loyalty to Burnham flies in the face of facts.


As to friendship.  Cheddi and Burnham were friends, which is why Cheddi didn't suffer the fate of Walter Rodney.  Friends can disagree with each other as Cheddi and Burnham clearly did.


So please go ahead and tell us which Caribbean country praised Burnham.  You do know that most comments made by heads of state against other heads are stated privately.  Do you really think that most Euro country heads liked Bush.  NO!!! Did they say this publicly NO!! Indeed he even recruited some in his wars in Iraq.

Banna when you gon stop making up stories. You are all over the place, as usual.Where is the 'fact' that Eugenia hated Burnham? Provide it. Where are the facts that Barrow and Williams disrespected Burnham? Provide it. At the Commonwealth Finance Ministers Conference in 1975 in GTown Barrow was a personal guest of Burnham. Barrow attended the Conference. So don't come here with your make up stories.

    The fact is that while Burnham was in power not a single Caribbean Head of State criticised him publicly. If you know different provide the published evidence. Look how he gon wiggle.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:




Carib, you are a congenital liar. You picked the of the wrong Heads of State to foist your lies here. Let's take the PM of Dominica Eugenia Charles. When asked to comment about the rigged elections in Guyana she said, " A rigged election is better then no elections at all." As for Errol Barrow he was one of Burnham's closest friends and he uttered not a single word of criticism against Burnham. 'As did others' means other Heads of State also criticised Burnham while he was in power. Please tell us who they were. Look how he is going to wiggle!  

Eugenia Charles had a deep HATRED of Burnham and this is indeed a fact.  Errol Barrow completely disrespected him as did Eric Williams who refused to even talk to him.


Sorry your attempt to suggest that these islanders felt racial loyalty to Burnham flies in the face of facts.


As to friendship.  Cheddi and Burnham were friends, which is why Cheddi didn't suffer the fate of Walter Rodney.  Friends can disagree with each other as Cheddi and Burnham clearly did.


So please go ahead and tell us which Caribbean country praised Burnham.  You do know that most comments made by heads of state against other heads are stated privately.  Do you really think that most Euro country heads liked Bush.  NO!!! Did they say this publicly NO!! Indeed he even recruited some in his wars in Iraq.

All of them stayed quiet when Burnham was wreking havoc to Guyana except I think it was Tom Forde from Barbados. You silly assumption that other leaders  has to remain quiet is just not true. There were leaders that told Bush that he was an idiot and one of them was Chavez among others.


Barrow and Eric Williams was before Burnham became King.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

A good example is Kamla who is now busy "cleaning house" Indianizing the boards of most state owned corporations.


CaribJ you can run but you can't hide. Racism is ingrained in your heart.


Kamla" indianizing the boards",what hog wash!!!


I am heading out to have dinner with a doctor and his diplomat wife who is visiting from Trinidad, I will tell him that I know  Guyanese blackman who is foolish and is hoping for Trinidad to sink in the racist cesspool   like Guyana.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

A good example is Kamla who is now busy "cleaning house" Indianizing the boards of most state owned corporations.


CaribJ you can run but you can't hide. Racism is ingrained in your heart.


Kamla" indianizing the boards",what hog wash!!!


I am heading out to have dinner with a doctor and his diplomat wife who is visiting from Trinidad, I will tell him that I know  Guyanese blackman who is foolish and is hoping for Trinidad to sink in the racist cesspool   like Guyana.

Baseman call it as it is.


Many Guyana Afros think like Caribj but alyuh stupidy katahars and PPP Indo haters would sell alyuh mumma fuh feign affection and hope to get lil droppings and nuff selfish revenge on few leaders while the masses fall into racist subjugation.


Baseman calls it like it is.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:




Carib, you are a congenital liar. You picked the of the wrong Heads of State to foist your lies here. Let's take the PM of Dominica Eugenia Charles. When asked to comment about the rigged elections in Guyana she said, " A rigged election is better then no elections at all." As for Errol Barrow he was one of Burnham's closest friends and he uttered not a single word of criticism against Burnham. 'As did others' means other Heads of State also criticised Burnham while he was in power. Please tell us who they were. Look how he is going to wiggle!  

Eugenia Charles had a deep HATRED of Burnham and this is indeed a fact.  Errol Barrow completely disrespected him as did Eric Williams who refused to even talk to him.


Sorry your attempt to suggest that these islanders felt racial loyalty to Burnham flies in the face of facts.


As to friendship.  Cheddi and Burnham were friends, which is why Cheddi didn't suffer the fate of Walter Rodney.  Friends can disagree with each other as Cheddi and Burnham clearly did.


So please go ahead and tell us which Caribbean country praised Burnham.  You do know that most comments made by heads of state against other heads are stated privately.  Do you really think that most Euro country heads liked Bush.  NO!!! Did they say this publicly NO!! Indeed he even recruited some in his wars in Iraq.

All of them stayed quiet when Burnham was wreking havoc to Guyana except I think it was Tom Forde from Barbados. You silly assumption that other leaders  has to remain quiet is just not true. There were leaders that told Bush that he was an idiot and one of them was Chavez among others.


Barrow and Eric Williams was before Burnham became King.

CaribNY is right when it comes to Williams.  Williams hated Burnham with a passion.  He would even pull out his hearing aid when Burnham started to speak at the Caricom meetings.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:




Carib, you are a congenital liar. You picked the of the wrong Heads of State to foist your lies here. Let's take the PM of Dominica Eugenia Charles. When asked to comment about the rigged elections in Guyana she said, " A rigged election is better then no elections at all." As for Errol Barrow he was one of Burnham's closest friends and he uttered not a single word of criticism against Burnham. 'As did others' means other Heads of State also criticised Burnham while he was in power. Please tell us who they were. Look how he is going to wiggle!  

Eugenia Charles had a deep HATRED of Burnham and this is indeed a fact.  Errol Barrow completely disrespected him as did Eric Williams who refused to even talk to him.


Sorry your attempt to suggest that these islanders felt racial loyalty to Burnham flies in the face of facts.


As to friendship.  Cheddi and Burnham were friends, which is why Cheddi didn't suffer the fate of Walter Rodney.  Friends can disagree with each other as Cheddi and Burnham clearly did.


So please go ahead and tell us which Caribbean country praised Burnham.  You do know that most comments made by heads of state against other heads are stated privately.  Do you really think that most Euro country heads liked Bush.  NO!!! Did they say this publicly NO!! Indeed he even recruited some in his wars in Iraq.

All of them stayed quiet when Burnham was wreking havoc to Guyana except I think it was Tom Forde from Barbados. You silly assumption that other leaders  has to remain quiet is just not true. There were leaders that told Bush that he was an idiot and one of them was Chavez among others.


Barrow and Eric Williams was before Burnham became King.

CaribNY is right when it comes to Williams.  Williams hated Burnham with a passion.  He would even pull out his hearing aid when Burnham started to speak at the Caricom meetings.

Caazz Burnham did not marry his sister Jessy!


Jessy was Burnham's sister.  She was a staunch supporter of Dr Cheddi and the PPP party.  She had an eventual fallen out with Burnham over his break with the PPP party and wrote the book "Beware my brother Forbes" She was one of the early female supporters/campaigners of the PPP party and is still very much respected by the earlier female supporters of the PPP party.


I just found this link of Jesse Burnham's book. "Beware My Brother Forbes"


She sounds a lot like CaribNY when it comes to Burnham.  It looks like Burnham was severely beaten every day by bullies when he was a student at Central High School.

Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by Prashad:

I just found this link of Jesse Burnham's book. "Beware My Brother Forbes"


She sounds a lot like CaribNY when it comes to Burnham.  It looks like Burnham was severely beaten every day by bullies when he was a student at Central High School.


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

A good example is Kamla who is now busy "cleaning house" Indianizing the boards of most state owned corporations.


CaribJ you can run but you can't hide. Racism is ingrained in your heart.


Kamla" indianizing the boards",what hog wash!!!


I am heading out to have dinner with a doctor and his diplomat wife who is visiting from Trinidad, I will tell him that I know  Guyanese blackman who is foolish and is hoping for Trinidad to sink in the racist cesspool   like Guyana.

Baseman call it as it is.


Many Guyana Afros think like Caribj but alyuh stupidy katahars and PPP Indo haters would sell alyuh mumma fuh feign affection and hope to get lil droppings and nuff selfish revenge on few leaders while the masses fall into racist subjugation.


Baseman calls it like it is.

And Chief calls it as it is. You and CaribJ are cut from the same cloth!

Bot of you are racists!!


CaribJ did not like Burnham and you disliked Cheddie.

CaribJ want a blackman to always rule Guyana  and you Baseman want an Indian to be President for life.



What strike me in Jesse's article is this.  Burnham appeared to be a tall man as an adult at least about 6 ft 2 inches.  In Jesse's article she said he was very small for his age as a teenager and was bullied every day because of it.  That must have been an incredible growth period Burnham suddenly went through to go from being a very small teenager for his age to all of a sudden being at least 6 ft 2 inches.  Burnham may have been eating some serious bread.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

A good example is Kamla who is now busy "cleaning house" Indianizing the boards of most state owned corporations.


CaribJ you can run but you can't hide. Racism is ingrained in your heart.


Kamla" indianizing the boards",what hog wash!!!


I am heading out to have dinner with a doctor and his diplomat wife who is visiting from Trinidad, I will tell him that I know  Guyanese blackman who is foolish and is hoping for Trinidad to sink in the racist cesspool   like Guyana.

Baseman call it as it is.


Many Guyana Afros think like Caribj but alyuh stupidy katahars and PPP Indo haters would sell alyuh mumma fuh feign affection and hope to get lil droppings and nuff selfish revenge on few leaders while the masses fall into racist subjugation.


Baseman calls it like it is.

And Chief calls it as it is. You and CaribJ are cut from the same cloth!

Bot of you are racists!!


CaribJ did not like Burnham and you disliked Cheddie.

CaribJ want a blackman to always rule Guyana  and you Baseman want an Indian to be President for life.


Baseman's dislike for Cheddie's political stance is a far cry from the rationale for Caribj's hatred for LFSB.  I think you also agree with me on Jagan's political ideology.  And BTW, my dislike went all the way back to High School.  I'm sure Caribj and his clan were dancing and prancing when burnham was plundering the national assets and making Afros the new "massa".


As for who I want to see president, I have always said, let there be constitutional safeguards to "hard-stop" another axis of evil between the PNC and GDF, and you believe me, I will give a hard look at the PNC.

Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . As for who I want to see president, I have always said, let there be constitutional safeguards to "hard-stop" another axis of evil between the PNC and GDF, and you believe me, I will give a hard look at the PNC.

baseman, i have challenged you many times to properly articulate what this nonsense means in the real word; all you have been able to do in response is grin stupidly and mumble what amounts to 'u know . . . ?'


well bai, abee doan have access to the key fuh decrypt de code of alyuh tiefman primitives and Indo racists populating the higher echelons of the PPP . . . u need to help us out

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

A good example is Kamla who is now busy "cleaning house" Indianizing the boards of most state owned corporations.


BTW Tobago is now back in PNM camp.


Anyway we will see the bacchanal between her and Jack Warner, who has on many times pointed out Indian racists within the UNC.


Don't know how you can say they don't vote race in T&T.  UNC is Indo, PNM Afro.  Its only COP which can claim that it is multiracial as the AFC tries to be.

Ooh rass, like you change your mind about the Indian Trinis? You used to claim that they were not racist like the Guyanese Indians, now it looks like they only racist if they  don't vote the Black man into power. ahahahah

Indo Trinis are LESS racist than Indo Guyanese are.  Yes racism does exist but no where near the level that it does among Guyanese Indians, and TRini Indos can tell you how shocked they are that Guyanese parents undermine their own grand kids if they are half black.   Even yesterday I was hearing a woman who was saying that her parents criticize her because " she married that black man and all her kids came out black, black, black".  No matter that the kids are bright as heel.


Such nonsense is less common in Trinidad.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

A good example is Kamla who is now busy "cleaning house" Indianizing the boards of most state owned corporations.


CaribJ you can run but you can't hide. Racism is ingrained in your heart.


Kamla" indianizing the boards",what hog wash!!!


I am heading out to have dinner with a doctor and his diplomat wife who is visiting from Trinidad, I will tell him that I know  Guyanese blackman who is foolish and is hoping for Trinidad to sink in the racist cesspool   like Guyana.

Baseman call it as it is.


Many Guyana Afros think like Caribj but alyuh stupidy katahars and PPP Indo haters would sell alyuh mumma fuh feign affection and hope to get lil droppings and nuff selfish revenge on few leaders while the masses fall into racist subjugation.


Baseman calls it like it is.

And Chief calls it as it is. You and CaribJ are cut from the same cloth!

Bot of you are racists!!


CaribJ did not like Burnham and you disliked Cheddie.

CaribJ want a blackman to always rule Guyana  and you Baseman want an Indian to be President for life.


Funny.  You praise Burnham as a hero for black people.  I say that he destroyed blacks and yet you say that I insist that only blacks must lead Guyana.


Hmmmm.  I damn the black man who led Guyana longest. 


Chief you wish me to praise Burnham out of ethnic loyalty.  Alas I cannot do so.


You can say what you wish but you ought to see who Kamla's recent appointments have been.  As bad if not WORSE than the PPP.


Better hope that COP becomes stronger because people are getting tired of the UNC, and Kamla is practicing race to avoid that fact.


Even Jack Warner has been talking about certain racists within the ranks of the UNC FOR YEARS!!!!

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

    The fact is that while Burnham was in power not a single Caribbean Head of State criticised him publicly. If you know different provide the published evidence. Look how he gon wiggle.



Why don't you cite instances where Caribbean heads criticized Jagdeo publicly.


Clearly they would if you imply that they not openly criticizing Burnham was for reasons of racial loyalty?


Yet despite the fact that AfroGuyanese fleeing to their islands cite anti black racism as one of the reasons why they do this, no adverse comments about Jagdeo or Ramotar.  Despite pleas by the AFC and the PNC for them to do so.


Heads of state typically do not make public criticisms, unless there are well publicized tensions, as with Syria.


I challenge you to find instances of any head of state from Canada or the EU PUBLICLY criticizing Bush, even though they privately thought that he was a dangerous jackass.


what you need to focus on his how terribly Guyanese began to be treated in Cbn airports under Burnham.  Why did they harass AfroGuyanese if they loved Burnham?

Originally Posted by Chief:
. There were leaders that told Bush that he was an idiot and one of them was Chavez among others.


Barrow and Eric Williams was before Burnham became King.

Chavez was at virtual war with the USA.  Now tell us about all the times that Canadian or UK PMs have criticized US Presidents.


It is a known fact that Eric Williams couldn't stand Burnham and that Errol Barrow refused to listen to Burnham when Burnham suggested that he rig elections.  He said that Bdos isn't Guyana and if Bajans don't want him he is gone.  So said so done.


And of course we had the situation with PJ Patterson who was the father of Field Ridley's kids.   had to race to get them out of GY when Burnham was poisoning Field Ridley.


Sorry Burnham wasn't liked.  And any Guyanese who traveled to the Caribbean in the late 70s and 80s heard nothing good when they visited the rest of CARICOM.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . As for who I want to see president, I have always said, let there be constitutional safeguards to "hard-stop" another axis of evil between the PNC and GDF, and you believe me, I will give a hard look at the PNC.

baseman, i have challenged you many times to properly articulate what this nonsense means in the real word; all you have been able to do in response is grin stupidly and mumble what amounts to 'u know . . . ?'


well bai, abee doan have access to the key fuh decrypt de code of alyuh tiefman primitives and Indo racists populating the higher echelons of the PPP . . . u need to help us out

I did several times and you angrily referred to it as "Indian Hegemony".  Remember that term, your introduced it to this board.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
.  I'm sure Caribj and his clan were dancing and prancing when burnham was plundering the national assets and making Afros the new "massa".



Like many in Guyana I was happy about the rumors of Burnham's "death" in 1980, until it turned out to be false.  Indeed by 1980 MOST black people were.


Because you support the PPP because of race only doesn't mean that I am like you.  If a black party does wrong I will NOT support them.


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
.  I'm sure Caribj and his clan were dancing and prancing when burnham was plundering the national assets and making Afros the new "massa".



Like many in Guyana I was happy about the rumors of Burnham's "death" in 1980, until it turned out to be false.  Indeed by 1980 MOST black people were.


Because you support the PPP because of race only doesn't mean that I am like you.  If a black party does wrong I will NOT support them.


As a young man and living in GT, I never supported either the PPP or PNC.  The only occasion I was able to vote before I left, I voted "Liberator".

Originally Posted by caribny:

Indo Trinis are LESS racist than Indo Guyanese are.  Yes racism does exist but no where near the level that it does among Guyanese Indians, and TRini Indos can tell you how shocked they are that Guyanese parents undermine their own grand kids if they are half black.   Even yesterday I was hearing a woman who was saying that her parents criticize her because " she married that black man and all her kids came out black, black, black".  No matter that the kids are bright as heel.


Such nonsense is less common in Trinidad.

Hhahahaha, still playing good Indian, bad Indian I see. Your racism runs deep, you may not be able to redeem yourself in two lifetimes. hahahaha

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:




Carib, you are a congenital liar. You picked the of the wrong Heads of State to foist your lies here. Let's take the PM of Dominica Eugenia Charles. When asked to comment about the rigged elections in Guyana she said, " A rigged election is better then no elections at all." As for Errol Barrow he was one of Burnham's closest friends and he uttered not a single word of criticism against Burnham. 'As did others' means other Heads of State also criticised Burnham while he was in power. Please tell us who they were. Look how he is going to wiggle!  

Eugenia Charles had a deep HATRED of Burnham and this is indeed a fact.  Errol Barrow completely disrespected him as did Eric Williams who refused to even talk to him.


Sorry your attempt to suggest that these islanders felt racial loyalty to Burnham flies in the face of facts.


As to friendship.  Cheddi and Burnham were friends, which is why Cheddi didn't suffer the fate of Walter Rodney.  Friends can disagree with each other as Cheddi and Burnham clearly did.


So please go ahead and tell us which Caribbean country praised Burnham.  You do know that most comments made by heads of state against other heads are stated privately.  Do you really think that most Euro country heads liked Bush.  NO!!! Did they say this publicly NO!! Indeed he even recruited some in his wars in Iraq.

Banna when you gon stop making up stories. You are all over the place, as usual.Where is the 'fact' that Eugenia hated Burnham? Provide it. Where are the facts that Barrow and Williams disrespected Burnham? Provide it. At the Commonwealth Finance Ministers Conference in 1975 in GTown Barrow was a personal guest of Burnham. Barrow attended the Conference. So don't come here with your make up stories.

    The fact is that while Burnham was in power not a single Caribbean Head of State criticised him publicly. If you know different provide the published evidence. Look how he gon wiggle.

Carib wiggling by introducing Jagdeo into the conversation when we were not discussing him. This was about Burnham and you can't prove that any head of state in the Caribbean was openly critical of him when he Burnham was in power.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

    The fact is that while Burnham was in power not a single Caribbean Head of State criticised him publicly. If you know different provide the published evidence. Look how he gon wiggle.



Why don't you cite instances where Caribbean heads criticized Jagdeo publicly.


Clearly they would if you imply that they not openly criticizing Burnham was for reasons of racial loyalty?


Yet despite the fact that AfroGuyanese fleeing to their islands cite anti black racism as one of the reasons why they do this, no adverse comments about Jagdeo or Ramotar.  Despite pleas by the AFC and the PNC for them to do so.


Heads of state typically do not make public criticisms, unless there are well publicized tensions, as with Syria.


I challenge you to find instances of any head of state from Canada or the EU PUBLICLY criticizing Bush, even though they privately thought that he was a dangerous jackass.


what you need to focus on his how terribly Guyanese began to be treated in Cbn airports under Burnham.  Why did they harass AfroGuyanese if they loved Burnham?

Banna this is all ansy pansy. You said that Caribbean leaders 'had a deep hatred for Burnham.' I asked you for the proof and you can't deliver.    

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . As for who I want to see president, I have always said, let there be constitutional safeguards to "hard-stop" another axis of evil between the PNC and GDF, and you believe me, I will give a hard look at the PNC.

baseman, i have challenged you many times to properly articulate what this nonsense means in the real word; all you have been able to do in response is grin stupidly and mumble what amounts to 'u know . . . ?'


well bai, abee doan have access to the key fuh decrypt de code of alyuh tiefman primitives and Indo racists populating the higher echelons of the PPP . . . u need to help us out

I did several times and you angrily referred to it as "Indian Hegemony".  Remember that term, your introduced it to this board.

LIAR! . . . you have been spectacularly and shamefully INCAPABLE of credibly meeting my challenge . . . and i issue the same challenge TODAY


shouldn't be too difficult to find the thread(s) where u claim to have properly articulated the "constitutional safeguards," nah suh bai? . . . I've been on GNI only for about 3 years


and yes, i think i did introduce the term "Indian hegemony" to the board . . . what of it, you mealy-mouthed bigot?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . As for who I want to see president, I have always said, let there be constitutional safeguards to "hard-stop" another axis of evil between the PNC and GDF, and you believe me, I will give a hard look at the PNC.

baseman, i have challenged you many times to properly articulate what this nonsense means in the real word; all you have been able to do in response is grin stupidly and mumble what amounts to 'u know . . . ?'


well bai, abee doan have access to the key fuh decrypt de code of alyuh tiefman primitives and Indo racists populating the higher echelons of the PPP . . . u need to help us out

I did several times and you angrily referred to it as "Indian Hegemony".  Remember that term, your introduced it to this board.

LIAR! . . . you have been spectacularly and shamefully INCAPABLE of credibly meeting my challenge . . . and i issue the same challenge TODAY


shouldn't be too difficult to find the thread(s) where u claim to have properly articulated the "constitutional safeguards," nah suh bai? . . . I've been on GNI only for about 3 years


and yes, i think i did introduce the term "Indian hegemony" to the board . . . what of it, you mealy-mouthed bigot?

WHERE IS that weasel, coward, LIAR baseman . . . hmmmm?


i understand he emerged from witness protection and was last seen doing a pitch perfect imitation of conscience on another thread


or juuust maybe he self-castrate and "block" meh . . . har de har har har har har! 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . As for who I want to see president, I have always said, let there be constitutional safeguards to "hard-stop" another axis of evil between the PNC and GDF, and you believe me, I will give a hard look at the PNC.

baseman, i have challenged you many times to properly articulate what this nonsense means in the real word; all you have been able to do in response is grin stupidly and mumble what amounts to 'u know . . . ?'


well bai, abee doan have access to the key fuh decrypt de code of alyuh tiefman primitives and Indo racists populating the higher echelons of the PPP . . . u need to help us out

I did several times and you angrily referred to it as "Indian Hegemony".  Remember that term, your introduced it to this board.

LIAR! . . . you have been spectacularly and shamefully INCAPABLE of credibly meeting my challenge . . . and i issue the same challenge TODAY


shouldn't be too difficult to find the thread(s) where u claim to have properly articulated the "constitutional safeguards," nah suh bai? . . . I've been on GNI only for about 3 years


and yes, i think i did introduce the term "Indian hegemony" to the board . . . what of it, you mealy-mouthed bigot?

WHERE IS that weasel, coward, LIAR baseman . . . hmmmm?


i understand he emerged from witness protection and was last seen doing a pitch perfect imitation of conscience on another thread


or juuust maybe he self-castrate and "block" meh . . . har de har har har har har! 

Yes, you criticized my views of a separation of the military from politics as an attempt at "Indian Hegemony".  You see, baseman is a productive and busy man, I don't sit all day here shooting the breeze.  It seems you, on the other hand, is a welfare couch-potatoe with little to do when your wife goes off to work.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . As for who I want to see president, I have always said, let there be constitutional safeguards to "hard-stop" another axis of evil between the PNC and GDF, and you believe me, I will give a hard look at the PNC.

baseman, i have challenged you many times to properly articulate what this nonsense means in the real word; all you have been able to do in response is grin stupidly and mumble what amounts to 'u know . . . ?'


well bai, abee doan have access to the key fuh decrypt de code of alyuh tiefman primitives and Indo racists populating the higher echelons of the PPP . . . u need to help us out

I did several times and you angrily referred to it as "Indian Hegemony".  Remember that term, your introduced it to this board.

LIAR! . . . you have been spectacularly and shamefully INCAPABLE of credibly meeting my challenge . . . and i issue the same challenge TODAY


shouldn't be too difficult to find the thread(s) where u claim to have properly articulated the "constitutional safeguards," nah suh bai? . . . I've been on GNI only for about 3 years


and yes, i think i did introduce the term "Indian hegemony" to the board . . . what of it, you mealy-mouthed bigot?

WHERE IS that weasel, coward, LIAR baseman . . . hmmmm?


i understand he emerged from witness protection and was last seen doing a pitch perfect imitation of conscience on another thread


or juuust maybe he self-castrate and "block" meh . . . har de har har har har har! 

Yes, you criticized my views of a separation of the military from politics as an attempt at "Indian Hegemony".  You see, baseman is a productive and busy man, I don't sit all day here shooting the breeze.  It seems you, on the other hand, is a welfare couch-potatoe with little to do when your wife goes off to work.

as with most bigots who necessarily reside in the lowest IQ percentiles, you are a poor LIAR with the guile of a cartoon clown . . . your feeble attempt to run-n-hide is noted!


amusing that u manage to find endless hours over more than a decade (i understand) to post all manner of kwamesque PPP nonsense and retrograde race filth on GNI, but when challenged on your cowardice and LIES, u beg off like a lil biatch - whining that u are a "productive man" too 'beeezy' to spend a minute or two with the "search" button to find your OWN WORDS to defend your OWN HONOR . . . hmmm? 


i guess barrat and de tiefman posse dem nat paying fuh u to spend time wid 'nonsense' like dat . . . nah suh bai?

Originally Posted by redux:

as with most bigots who necessarily reside in the lowest IQ percentiles, you are a poor LIAR with the guile of a cartoon clown . . . your feeble attempt to run-n-hide is noted!


amusing that u manage to find endless hours over more than a decade (i understand) to post all manner of kwamesque PPP nonsense and retrograde race filth on GNI, but when challenged on your cowardice and LIES, u beg off like a lil biatch - whining that u are a "productive man" too 'beeezy' to spend a minute or two with the "search" button to find your OWN WORDS to defend your OWN HONOR . . . hmmm? 


i guess barrat and de tiefman posse dem nat paying fuh u to spend time wid 'nonsense' like dat . . . nah suh bai?

I tell you, you said it, and admitted to introducing the term "Indian Hegemony".  It was directly a result of that position I took.  You can talk all the crap, you know the truth and what's in your head.  This is why th GDF cadres were so upfront on th campaign trail in 2011.  Clearly, they see themselves as an integral part of the political power structure.  Well, they were under the PNC and that will NOT be allowed to return ever again.


December 6, 2012 8:34 AM

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Banna, alyuh cyant fool people or pull wool over anyone's eyes.  Why you think PNCites on this site get incensed at the suggestion of the removal of the GDF from politics.  Redux referred to my suggestion as "Indian Hegemony", what ever that means . . .

nailing a[nother] bold faced LIE by GNI's low-rent Goebbels . . . real antiman runnings


show we bai

You did, but unlike you, I have no time to go dig it up.  You referred to my suggestion of a separation of military from politics as a ploy at "Indian Hegemony"...I remember your term clearly. This ties into the PNC mantra during the campaign.

OF COURSE "you have no time to go dig it up" u lil antiman . . . "it" doesn't exist.


However, i did (and do) indeed call you (and others) out for supporting "Indian hegemony" in Guyana . . . your memory is VERY clear on that point - the reasons are multifarious and manifest.


more to your 'claim' . . ., on several occasions (couple days ago, no less), i have asked you to explain YOUR "separation of [the] military from politics"  [theoretically a good thing] appeal which i describe as bogus in the existing Guyana context; not surprisingly, you have failed to explain . . .


let me simplify . . . your "suggestion" lacks meaning; it is a fraudulent piece of war propaganda that injects gratuitous menace to any situation where the PPP has to cede power. I cited it as weak blather to cover your ideological racism


now go manufacture another one you shameless LIAR 



the [above] tap dance from last year by a cornered baseman . . . eerily familiar no? 


dis un-clever, bigot cockroach firmly believes that if u repeat a lie/DODGE often enough, people will get tired of pointing out the lack of clothes and let u be . . . me nat like dat bai, i mix with pit bull


six months later . . . this is still my CHALLENGE punk:


"[re constitutional safeguards to "hard-stop" another axis of evil between the PNC and GDF] baseman, i have challenged you many times to properly articulate what this nonsense means in the real word; all you have been able to do in response is grin stupidly and mumble what amounts to 'u know . . . ?'


well bai, abee doan have access to the key fuh decrypt de code of alyuh tiefman primitives and Indo racists populating the higher echelons of the PPP . . . u need to help us out."


keep dancing deh lil man . . . de music MUST stop sometime

Last edited by Former Member

When I read some of CaribNY'S writings about Burnham I get the feeling that he may really be Burnham's outside child who may have received a large bag of rice flour from Burnham and told never to come back.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Indo Trinis are LESS racist than Indo Guyanese are.  Yes racism does exist but no where near the level that it does among Guyanese Indians, and TRini Indos can tell you how shocked they are that Guyanese parents undermine their own grand kids if they are half black.   Even yesterday I was hearing a woman who was saying that her parents criticize her because " she married that black man and all her kids came out black, black, black".  No matter that the kids are bright as heel.


Such nonsense is less common in Trinidad.

Hhahahaha, still playing good Indian, bad Indian I see. Your racism runs deep, you may not be able to redeem yourself in two lifetimes. hahahaha

Druggie the worst I say about Indians as that you all are clannish.  Even you admit this when you compare how douglas are treated by blacks and Indians.


You however spend all day trying to show that blacks are inferior.  Together with your fellow racists, baseman (though he seems to be trying to reform), skeldon, rev, and yuji.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

When I read some of CaribNY'S writings about Burnham I get the feeling that he may really be Burnham's outside child who may have received a large bag of rice flour from Burnham and told never to come back.

Another one who loves Burnham.


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