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Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

Granger is poised to become a dictator worse than his idol Burnham.

He is dressed like a military dictator, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck.

yuji22, please show us a photo of ONE military dictator who dresses like Granger.

BTW, it's now 7:12AM and Gil is reporting for slop duty in GNI. Good morning to all sloppers and p-porters.

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Mitwah posted:

It's now 8:54AM and Mits reporting for duty

LATE on our SlopRegister. Penalty due. P-porter chief watching yuh:

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Mitwah posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Mitwah posted:

It's now 8:54AM and Mits reporting for duty

LATE on our SlopRegister. Penalty due.

Dat Bhai Yugi baaaaaaad baaaaaaaaad eh! Me taat me 6 mins early. 

P-porter chief watching yuh:
Current Visitors: 79 (8 members, 71 guests)

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President Granger visits IADB’s D.C Office

Georgetown, Guyana – (September 21, 2017) President David Granger on Thursday, met with the Chairman of the Council of Delegates of the Inter-American Defense Board (IADB), Brigadier-General Luis Rodríguez Bucio in Washington, D.C. The IADB, which is considered the oldest organisation dealing with military and defence matters in the world, recently, celebrated its 75th anniversary.

President Granger, in addressing the Council of Delegates expressed his appreciation for the invitation extended and took the opportunity to emphasise the need for the global community to focus its efforts towards mitigating the effects of global warming through the protection of the environment, people, and the perpetuation of peace.

He also noted with satisfaction, that the changing mission of the IADB took into consideration the need to protect the environment and to respond to natural disasters.
The main purpose of the IADB is to provide the Organisation of American States (OAS) and its member states with technical and educational advice and consultancy services on matters related to military and defense issues in the Hemisphere in order to contribute to the fulfillment of the OAS Charter. Currently, the IADB has 28 Member States and its structure is composed by the Council of Delegates, by the Secretariat and by the Inter-American Defense College, bringing together civilian and military representatives of various American countries.


Lemme help out Yugi22.

Here are some pics.


Picture or no picture, the Guyana-Venezuela territorial dispute has been dragging on too long. This problem transcends party politics. President Granger is meeting the UN Secretary General today to discuss it. It should be one move forward. 

Gilbakka posted:

Picture or no picture, the Guyana-Venezuela territorial dispute has been dragging on too long. This problem transcends party politics. President Granger is meeting the UN Secretary General today to discuss it. It should be one move forward. 

It's about time to settle the Territorial Dispute,

lots of black gold in Guyana and it should be extracted for the benefit of the people of Guyana,also the people will have to watch out for the "Kleptocrats"

Gilbakka posted:

@Django & @Mitwah: provocation ent got cure. Don't rile up His Excellence yuji22 so early. He's a late starter. Late to bed and late to rise make a man ....

Dumb, dumber, dumbest, stupidee and full ah stupidness 

Mitwah posted:

Yugi is not a man of substance. 

Perhaps yugiski would like an apology from you sayin he is not a man of substance. How can you say that after sayin the banna full ah shit?  Aint that a substance.?

Last edited by cain

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