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Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:

Mr Balwant, don't even look at that stormborn, fella, he's sits his ugly fat rass in Washington AND fabricate lies. Obviously with  with deceitful intent. so its good to ignore that cow.


Carry on with your good work Mr. Balwant... we are with you.


This article nicely exposes the AFC crooks. Well done. They can huff and puff but they are all Crooks and criminals. Now harassing Mr. Yusuf with death threats.


Shame Shame AFC. Corruption


We also now see that Gerhard is a snake.

Fat pig D2/Storm, should get off his welfare butt and go outside and get some exercise.

He spends all day, yes all day posting nonsense.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:

Mr Balwant, don't even look at that stormborn, fella, he's sits his ugly fat rass in Washington AND fabricate lies. Obviously with  with deceitful intent. so its good to ignore that cow.


Carry on with your good work Mr. Balwant... we are with you.


This article nicely exposes the AFC crooks. Well done. They can huff and puff but they are all Crooks and criminals. Now harassing Mr. Yusuf with death threats.


Shame Shame AFC. Corruption


We also now see that Gerhard is a snake.

Fat pig D2/Storm, should get off his welfare butt and go outside and get some exercise.

He spends all day, yes all day posting nonsense.



Isn't it too early for alcohol? 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:

Mr Balwant, don't even look at that stormborn, fella, he's sits his ugly fat rass in Washington AND fabricate lies. Obviously with  with deceitful intent. so its good to ignore that cow.


Carry on with your good work Mr. Balwant... we are with you.


This article nicely exposes the AFC crooks. Well done. They can huff and puff but they are all Crooks and criminals. Now harassing Mr. Yusuf with death threats.


Shame Shame AFC. Corruption


We also now see that Gerhard is a snake.

Fat pig D2/Storm, should get off his welfare butt and go outside and get some exercise.

He spends all day, yes all day posting nonsense.

 Dude, what I do is no concern of yours. Further, I can be big as a house, in your minds eye and even that wont give you an edge. You are too lazy intellectually to craft studied opinions and with the moral moorings of a crab you are doomed to be a bottom feeder.


BTW, I do not know what welfare recipients have to worry about with you not caring about them. Even if I were indeed on the dole that would not make you smart or improve you ethical  outlook

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

Deal with the issue at hand and stop prattling about your inconsequential self. The issue is corruption in the AFC. Ramayya should be expelled, if waht is said is true. 


I guess we have to wait for the investigation. If he is found corrupt then he should be expelled. 

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

Deal with the issue at hand and stop prattling about your inconsequential self. The issue is corruption in the AFC. Ramayya should be expelled, if waht is said is true. 

 why should I worry about a man padding his expense report ( simply alleged) when I have a national org responsible for billions not offering accounting and treating the nation's asset as a private slush fund. Now that is corruption

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:

Mr Balwant, don't even look at that stormborn, fella, he's sits his ugly fat rass in Washington AND fabricate lies. Obviously with  with deceitful intent. so its good to ignore that cow.


Carry on with your good work Mr. Balwant... we are with you.


This article nicely exposes the AFC crooks. Well done. They can huff and puff but they are all Crooks and criminals. Now harassing Mr. Yusuf with death threats.


Shame Shame AFC. Corruption


We also now see that Gerhard is a snake.

Fat pig D2/Storm, should get off his welfare butt and go outside and get some exercise.

He spends all day, yes all day posting nonsense.

Yuji22, the same way people like to jump the gun on any and every accusation against the Govt, you should not do the same.  People will make all sorts of accusations but let the facts come out.  Remember, everyone thought OJ was guilty back in 1992.


Everyone need to be reasonable.


Thank you Baseman.

Tarron (TK) said that Gerhard is a nice guy, nice to him but Gerhard was never nice to me. Gerhard is a vindictive back stabber with a smile on his face. I have been a victim of him, so I know what I am talking.

This guy Gerhard knows how to play the diplomatic game, he can fool people with his words and smile. But many persons in the rank and file of the AFC do not like him, they would only whisper around the place because they are afraid of victimisation from Gerhard.


TK is saying that a party has the right to monitor their speakers speech, who monitored Freddie Kissoon, Nigel Hughes and Mark Benschop speeches? Only my speech was monitored because of Gerhard Ramsaroop's jealousy.

I am challenging TK and Gerhard, why no speakers in the last elections criticised APNU except me?

I was the only AFC speaker who criticised both the PPP and APNU whereas all the other speakers target only the PPP, Jagdeo and Ramotar personally.

Bear in mind I was victimised and harassed by the PPP, in particular Clement "Goat na bite me" Rohee.


Gerhard and his sidekick, Salim Salahuddin Nausrudeen, had banned me from speaking at public meetings until Mr. Rafael Trotman took me to Kwakwani to speak on his platform. The ban was lifted when Freddie Kissoon insisted that he wants me to speak on the same platform with him and also when Rajendra Bissessar said he needed me and to hell with the ban.

Pradeep Bachan, the Region 5 Organiser said the people want me to go back at Region 5 and he organised many meetings at Region 5 for me to speak. Because of these pressures, Gerhard and his sidekick, Salim could not say anything and I recommenced my campaign.

Imagine they banned one of their own speakers without informing him or grant him a hearing, and these are the same people who are accusing the PPP of dictatorship.

How can you trust people like Gerhard, Salim Nausrudeen and now their backer Tarron Khemraj in a leadeship position in Guyana? They made a decision to ban me from speaking without informing me and they want power in Guyana.


TK did not spend much time in Guyana, just a few days and ran back to his hole in America. They want to live in America and Canada and win an election in Guyana.

The whole elections campaign was ill planned with no proper co-ordination. It was a disaster. It was like a family run business with Gerhard, his wife and Salim Salahudeen Nasrudeen in command. They were responsible for all the meetings and spending of money.


I must say I never received one dollar from the AFC but instead spent around G$200,000 from my own money. I do not want any refund , it is my contribution for what I thought was a good cause.

Many of us who spent our own money devoted time and labour, never even got a Thank You note from the so-called leadership.

One leader of the AFC asked this question of Mr. Yussuf (the whistleblower), " Ask him how much he contributed?". Now you do not measure a person's contribution in monetary form only, what about time and labour devoted and the votes he brought in?

Finally, I have no problem with any of the leaders or members of the AFC at this time except for Gerhard Ramsaroop and Salim Sallahudin Nausrudeen, as these are the two guys that victimized me in the AFC.

A few of the AFC executives are sympathising with me silently and I can understand why.


Originally Posted by Balwant Persaud:
TK is saying that a party has the right to monitor their speakers speech, who monitored Freddie Kissoon, Nigel Hughes and Mark Benschop speeches? Only my speech was monitored because of Gerhard Ramsaroop's jealousy.

I am challenging TK and Gerhard, why no speakers in the last elections criticised APNU except me?

I was the only AFC speaker who criticised both the PPP and APNU whereas all the other speakers target only the PPP, Jagdeo and Ramotar personally.


I dont know all the details to your issues however, I do/did have a big issue with the one-sided approach when it comes to criticizing the PNC/APNU.  Personally I felt we fell for a conspiracy, hook, line and sinker.  Its clear from the outcome that this was well orchestrated and we don't seem to get it.  I will never ever do anything to facilitate a slip-stream victory for the PNC and have guns and boots rule over Guyana.  However, a more accountable PPP is badly needed.

Originally Posted by Balwant Persaud:


This guy Gerhard knows how to play the diplomatic game, he can fool people with his words and smile. But many persons in the rank and file of the AFC do not like him, they would only whisper around the place because they are afraid of victimisation from Gerhard.


Well! Well! Well! It looks like my friend Yuji was right about Gerhard--yuji says that innocent looking Gerhard is a crafy, calculating, deceitful, sneaky and treacherous scoundrel--and those are exactly the charges Balwant Persaud is painting Gerhard with.


Balwant Persaud is not hiding behind a handle---the man has come here on this wonderful forum to expose AFC's executive Gerhard Ramsaroop and his sidekick Salim Salahuddin as swindlers, hustlers, and hanky-panky fraudsters.









Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by martin Carter:

Deal with the issue at hand and stop prattling about your inconsequential self. The issue is corruption in the AFC. Ramayya should be expelled, if waht is said is true. 

why should I worry about a man padding his expense report ( simply alleged) when I have a national org responsible for billions not offering accounting and treating the nation's asset as a private slush fund.


Now that is corruption



Corruption or alleged corruption - whether small or huge - are the same ==> corruption.


They must be addressed, regardless of size.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by martin Carter:

Deal with the issue at hand and stop prattling about your inconsequential self. The issue is corruption in the AFC. Ramayya should be expelled, if waht is said is true. 

D2 has always been an obstacle to progress. He will try his ought most best to divert good topics into nonsense. someone need to smack him. 

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Don't need to when I have a fine paying job for life with no retirement requirement. Intellectually stimulating until the day I die ... don't have a boss to look over me ...

Incorrect !!!



TK is saying that a party has the right to monitor their speakers speech, who monitored Freddie Kissoon, Nigel Hughes and Mark Benschop speeches? Only my speech was monitored because of Gerhard Ramsaroop's jealousy.

I am challenging TK and Gerhard, why no speakers in the last elections criticised APNU except me?"


I am telling you that I was told on several occasions to not attack the PPP and be positive. Only talk about policy. Gerhard and Salim made the same comment to me several times. I never held it against any of them. Again, I hope there will be much more control in the future. I cannot answer for Mark and Freedie.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
I am done as I have little patience for stupid people.

Speaking to youself while looking in the mirror.



Actually I had you in mind.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Don't need to when I have a fine paying job for life with no retirement requirement. Intellectually stimulating until the day I die ... don't have a boss to look over me ...

Incorrect !!!

You mind naming my boss? Thank you.



This guy Gerhard knows how to play the diplomatic game, he can fool people with his words and smile. But many persons in the rank and file of the AFC do not like him, they would only whisper around the place because they are afraid of victimisation from Gerhard."



I discuss issues/ideas and not personality.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
I am done as I have little patience for stupid people.

Speaking to youself while looking in the mirror.

who is Tk calling stupid? remember he's alway with the stupid sides, whatever become of ROAR... roar once claimed that they had the brightest mind, the most educated people were campaigning for them. According to tk and ravi dev, they had the best political strategies... even  d2 were making a big deal about ROAR...

Originally Posted by Tar_K:


TK is saying that a party has the right to monitor their speakers speech, who monitored Freddie Kissoon, Nigel Hughes and Mark Benschop speeches? Only my speech was monitored because of Gerhard Ramsaroop's jealousy.

I am challenging TK and Gerhard, why no speakers in the last elections criticised APNU except me?"


I am telling you that I was told on several occasions to not attack the PPP and be positive. Only talk about policy. Gerhard and Salim made the same comment to me several times. I never held it against any of them. Again, I hope there will be much more control in the future. I cannot answer for Mark and Freedie.


while you were strategizing how to be diplomatic, Moses and ramjattan were busy with the malicious and vile agenda. are you all not  in the same boat?



I am challenging TK and Gerhard, why no speakers in the last elections criticised APNU except me?

I was the only AFC speaker who criticised both the PPP and APNU whereas all the other speakers target only the PPP, Jagdeo and Ramotar personally."


This is at best incorrect. I criticized PNC in my talks in Berbice and in Grove. Moses went after PNC in Enterprise (I was there). When you and I spoke on the WCD I cannot remember you going after PNC. Of course, the PPP was in power for 19 years and gave us ample bad policies to criticize. In my opinion it did not make sense to go after PNC who was out of power for 19 years.   



Now we hearing all the filth to come out of the AFC. And it will get worse, with Balwant and Yusuf being fearless. The spin doctors like Storm, TK and the rest will try to downplay things but we aint stupid. The leadership of the AFC is up to no good.

Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
I am done as I have little patience for stupid people.

Speaking to youself while looking in the mirror.

who is Tk calling stupid? remember he's alway with the stupid sides, whatever become of ROAR... roar once claimed that they had the brightest mind, the most educated people were campaigning for them. According to tk and ravi dev, they had the best political strategies... even  d2 were making a big deal about ROAR...



Hey...the thing is I can be with the PPP if I want but my choice is to help build up a third party. My world view and that of PPP just don’t mesh.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:


I am challenging TK and Gerhard, why no speakers in the last elections criticised APNU except me?

I was the only AFC speaker who criticised both the PPP and APNU whereas all the other speakers target only the PPP, Jagdeo and Ramotar personally."


This is at best incorrect. I criticized PNC in my talks in Berbice and in Grove. Moses went after PNC in Enterprise (I was there). When you and I spoke on the WCD I cannot remember you going after PNC. Of course, the PPP was in power for 19 years and gave us ample bad policies to criticize. In my opinion it did not make sense to go after PNC who was out of power for 19 years.   


nice defending tackle there Tk.


why do you get blind sided by apnu. remember they changed their name..its not pnc but apnu... why can't apnu policies be criticized?


i may hve to come back and answer my own question



How can you trust people like Gerhard, Salim Nausrudeen and now their backer Tarron Khemraj in a leadeship position in Guyana? They made a decision to ban me from speaking without informing me and they want power in Guyana."



I did not ban you because I deliberately stayed away from administrative and day to day issues in the AFC. I was just not interested. My job was to coordinate the Action Plan and advise on economic issues. Sorry I did not ban you and I mentioned I enjoyed your speeches.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Don't need to when I have a fine paying job for life with no retirement requirement. Intellectually stimulating until the day I die ... don't have a boss to look over me ...

Incorrect !!!

You mind naming my boss? Thank you.

Immaterial yet again.


You have a boss, who has a boss, who also has a boss ... etc., etc., etc..



TK did not spend much time in Guyana, just a few days and ran back to his hole in America. They want to live in America and Canada and win an election in Guyana."

---------- is well known I cannot get a job in Guyana. The order is out that UG, BOG or MOF must never hire me. So I had to return to US after the election. I made several trips to Guyana in the year leading up to the election and my job required that I spend only 9 days before the Nov 28 election. I was only providing back up to the people who actually live there.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Don't need to when I have a fine paying job for life with no retirement requirement. Intellectually stimulating until the day I die ... don't have a boss to look over me ...

Incorrect !!!

You mind naming my boss? Thank you.

Immaterial yet again.


You have a boss, who has a boss, who also has a boss ... etc., etc., etc..


Stupid man…we don’t have bosses in my line of work. We have colleagues.


Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Don't need to when I have a fine paying job for life with no retirement requirement. Intellectually stimulating until the day I die ... don't have a boss to look over me ...

Incorrect !!!

You mind naming my boss? Thank you.

Immaterial yet again.


You have a boss, who has a boss, who also has a boss ... etc., etc., etc..


Stupid man


we don’t have bosses in my line of work.


We have colleagues.

Your profound level of speaking. 


BALWANT: "I must say I never received one dollar from the AFC but instead spent around G$200,000 from my own money. I do not want any refund , it is my contribution for what I thought was a good cause.

Many of us who spent our own money devoted time and labour, never even got a Thank You note from the so-called leadership.

One leader of the AFC asked this question of Mr. Yussuf (the whistleblower), " Ask him how much he contributed?".



Thank you for the 200K. It helped to create history and forced a minority government. Often we cannot quantify contributions. But I am glad you can quantify yours. There have been many brave folks who contributed hundreds of thousands of US$. These brave folks were also told how to campaign yet they are not on GNI cursing out. Dr Somar and Dr Shamir contributed immensely more than anyone else (hundreds of thousands of US$). These two guys have class because they have reasons to come here and curse others…yet they stay quiet. Business people in Guyana contributed greatly but I cannot mention their names here. Hey…I also spent over 200K for my stay for the election campaign. Hotels, meals and transport while in Guyana. Add to that my air ticket was more than US$700. Then there is the concept of opportunity cost. I could have finished my book by now had it not been for the election. I lost sales and am only now getting to it. I lost consulting work because of the election.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Don't need to when I have a fine paying job for life with no retirement requirement. Intellectually stimulating until the day I die ... don't have a boss to look over me ...

Incorrect !!!

You mind naming my boss? Thank you.

Immaterial yet again.


You have a boss, who has a boss, who also has a boss ... etc., etc., etc..


Stupid man


we don’t have bosses in my line of work.


We have colleagues.

Your profound level of speaking. 



Plato bhai...yuh must try bettah than that...LOL!

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Don't need to when I have a fine paying job for life with no retirement requirement. Intellectually stimulating until the day I die ... don't have a boss to look over me ...

Incorrect !!!

You mind naming my boss? Thank you.

Immaterial yet again.


You have a boss, who has a boss, who also has a boss ... etc., etc., etc..


Stupid man


we don’t have bosses in my line of work.


We have colleagues.

Your profound level of speaking. 



Plato bhai...yuh must try bettah than that...LOL!

It is an extremely long path, but hopefully you will overcome your childish fixations and behaviour.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:

BALWANT: "I must say I never received one dollar from the AFC but instead spent around G$200,000 from my own money. I do not want any refund , it is my contribution for what I thought was a good cause.

Many of us who spent our own money devoted time and labour, never even got a Thank You note from the so-called leadership.

One leader of the AFC asked this question of Mr. Yussuf (the whistleblower), " Ask him how much he contributed?".



Thank you for the 200K. It helped to create history and forced a minority government. Often we cannot quantify contributions. But I am glad you can quantify yours. There have been many brave folks who contributed hundreds of thousands of US$. These brave folks were also told how to campaign yet they are not on GNI cursing out. Dr Somar and Dr Shamir contributed immensely more than anyone else (hundreds of thousands of US$). These two guys have class because they have reasons to come here and curse others…yet they stay quiet. Business people in Guyana contributed greatly but I cannot mention their names here. Hey…I also spent over 200K for my stay for the election campaign. Hotels, meals and transport while in Guyana. Add to that my air ticket was more than US$700. Then there is the concept of opportunity cost. I could have finished my book by now had it not been for the election. I lost sales and am only now getting to it. I lost consulting work because of the election.

Originally Posted by Balwant Persaud:

Thank you Baseman.

Tarron (TK) said that Gerhard is a nice guy, nice to him but Gerhard was never nice to me. Gerhard is a vindictive back stabber with a smile on his face. I have been a victim of him, so I know what I am talking.

This guy Gerhard knows how to play the diplomatic game, he can fool people with his words and smile. But many persons in the rank and file of the AFC do not like him, they would only whisper around the place because they are afraid of victimisation from Gerhard.


TK is saying that a party has the right to monitor their speakers speech, who monitored Freddie Kissoon, Nigel Hughes and Mark Benschop speeches? Only my speech was monitored because of Gerhard Ramsaroop's jealousy.

I am challenging TK and Gerhard, why no speakers in the last elections criticised APNU except me?

I was the only AFC speaker who criticised both the PPP and APNU whereas all the other speakers target only the PPP, Jagdeo and Ramotar personally.

Bear in mind I was victimised and harassed by the PPP, in particular Clement "Goat na bite me" Rohee.


Gerhard and his sidekick, Salim Salahuddin Nausrudeen, had banned me from speaking at public meetings until Mr. Rafael Trotman took me to Kwakwani to speak on his platform. The ban was lifted when Freddie Kissoon insisted that he wants me to speak on the same platform with him and also when Rajendra Bissessar said he needed me and to hell with the ban.

Pradeep Bachan, the Region 5 Organiser said the people want me to go back at Region 5 and he organised many meetings at Region 5 for me to speak. Because of these pressures, Gerhard and his sidekick, Salim could not say anything and I recommenced my campaign.

Imagine they banned one of their own speakers without informing him or grant him a hearing, and these are the same people who are accusing the PPP of dictatorship.

How can you trust people like Gerhard, Salim Nausrudeen and now their backer Tarron Khemraj in a leadeship position in Guyana? They made a decision to ban me from speaking without informing me and they want power in Guyana.


TK did not spend much time in Guyana, just a few days and ran back to his hole in America. They want to live in America and Canada and win an election in Guyana.

The whole elections campaign was ill planned with no proper co-ordination. It was a disaster. It was like a family run business with Gerhard, his wife and Salim Salahudeen Nasrudeen in command. They were responsible for all the meetings and spending of money.


I must say I never received one dollar from the AFC but instead spent around G$200,000 from my own money. I do not want any refund , it is my contribution for what I thought was a good cause.

Many of us who spent our own money devoted time and labour, never even got a Thank You note from the so-called leadership.

One leader of the AFC asked this question of Mr. Yussuf (the whistleblower), " Ask him how much he contributed?". Now you do not measure a person's contribution in monetary form only, what about time and labour devoted and the votes he brought in?

Finally, I have no problem with any of the leaders or members of the AFC at this time except for Gerhard Ramsaroop and Salim Sallahudin Nausrudeen, as these are the two guys that victimized me in the AFC.

A few of the AFC executives are sympathising with me silently and I can understand why.


So all of this backbiting is because you feel slighted by Gerhard? That he denied you, for whatever reason, speaking positions he immediately became a hatchet man on par with Hamilton green! And because TK said he was nice you felt it within your purview to denigrate his profession, his education and his achievement? You are truly something!

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

Now we hearing all the filth to come out of the AFC. And it will get worse, with Balwant and Yusuf being fearless. The spin doctors like Storm, TK and the rest will try to downplay things but we aint stupid. The leadership of the AFC is up to no good.

What is there to spin in all of this reeking bilge being dispensed? Obviously, you folks are suddenly deficient in critical faculties wen those low lives in the PPP are like flaunting obscene wealth as the raid the nations till like Morgan sacking Port Royal. Again you moron, which of these formerly poor assed hand to mouth fools can demonstrate they made their wealth other than looting our country? Surely they did not come by it on their salaries!

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

What all this shows is that the AFC is corrupt. When they come to Corentyne  we will put them to answer these questions.

Why is that? Are just the Indo  people smart enough to ask the proper  questions?


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