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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Hysterical screams? when you actually wake up and realize that Granger, Corbin, Vulgar, Bond and others are all sucking the PPP wood and being paid by the PPP then you gonna hear SCREAMS.


A hope yuh got ear plugs.

Find where I praise any one of them.  You can't so instead you resort to screams and wails.


Nagamootoo was selected to get more of the PPP vote.  You cannot deny that.  What evidence do you have that HE appeals to Afro Guyanese?  So they don't like Granger but they can do what they did in 2006. STAY HOME!  At the end of the day people vote for who heads the ticket, not what some people tell them to do. 

ah quit your lame whining and go give Comrade low Breed reverse a BJ and I doan mean a Bharrat Jagdeo...hehehehehe


Racist old goat.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

And yet you support them.  You are a PPPite so ought to be concerned about how corrupt the PPP is, especially as this threatens their very existence as their support base tires of them.


* Just like I support the Republican party in America in both good times and bad times, I also support the PPP in Guyana. It's called LOYALTY.


* Listen! I pride myself in being a bluntly honest man and I will not hesitate to say that the PPP is corrupt---crony capitalism is alive and well in Guyana.


* But the alternative to the PPP---the PNC and AFC---they are not fit to rule the country.




* You worry about that carib. The Rev already knows the PPP will win that next election by a majority and that's all that matters to me.



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You are in denial, The Guyanese people voted the PNC out of office.



Why don't you make yourself look less like a child with bipolr syndom by actually pointing out where I support the PNC.


Note to you.  Hoyte would have rigged elections in 1992 but had he done so the IMF, IDB, and the ABC nations told him that they would cut him out.


Indeed when he refused to rig the 1992 elections he earned the enmity of Hammie Green. Yes the SAME Hammi Green that you AFCites want to retain as mayor by supporting the PPPs plot not to hold LGE when you push the distracting MONC.


Tell you what.  If you think that blacks love Nagamootoo why don't you run him as mayor for G/town because he is NOT going to be president.


You really think that Cheddi forced Hoyte to host honest elections in 1992.  Cheddis is a clown who Burnham loved to bully.


ah quit your lame whining and go give Comrade low Breed reverse a BJ and I doan mean a Bharrat Jagdeo...hehehehehe


Racist old goat.


You are the one who is now angry, vulgar and manic in your hysteria.


Tell me how does this advance your point that black people love Nagamootoo.


I guess this is what being a PPP does as we see how you, rev, mitwah, and jalil behave

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Dumb and dumber what a pair.


You have pride? Who are you fooling?


The only thing you pride yourself on is being a low breed shunt.

refuses to explain why Nagamootoo is the presidential candidate but eagerly descends to vulgarity.

Moses is the most qualified person in the AFC today to be their Presidential candidate. He is most politically astute and he has garnered the most support from the AFC delegates who will vote for him to be the Presidential Candidate. He has already been endorsed by all members of the Management committee UNANIMOUSLY.


This is something no PNC or PPP leader can claim.


I hope this answers you question again.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:


Originally Posted by Kari:


If you agree with the above a likely outcome would be this

PPP          27 Seats          

APNU          26 Seats         

AFC          12 Seats                   


PPP/C retains the Presidency, barely, and the opposition increases its advantage in the National Assembly.




* But come next election the PPP will win by a majority.



Gilbakka: Glad you recognize that, Rev. It's your greatest talent too. Don't forget our friendly bet.






* The Rev prides himself in being a man of enormous warmth and self confidence.


* There is nothing you can say to me today that will offend me---nothing/nada/zilch.


* I must admit it's a great feeling to know not believe that the political party I support in the old country will regain their majority in the next election.


* Anyway gilbakka, you PNC/AFC boys can keep arguing among yourselves----the Rev will remain in fine spirits----the PPP will acquire a minimum of 51% in the next election.





  Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Dumb and dumber what a pair.


You have pride? Who are you fooling?


The only thing you pride yourself on is being a low breed shunt.

refuses to explain why Nagamootoo is the presidential candidate but eagerly descends to vulgarity.

Moses is the most qualified person in the AFC today to be their Presidential candidate. He is most politically astute and he has garnered the most support from the AFC delegates who will vote for him to be the Presidential Candidate. He has already been endorsed by all members of the Management committee UNANIMOUSLY.


This is something no PNC or PPP leader can claim.


I hope this answers you question again.

All your other dimwitted racist idiot sidekicks can do is keep repeating the same shit over and over again.


Nothing new, no originality. Jus the same dotishness over and over and over and over again. It is a tell tale indicator of the low breed.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Moses is the most qualified person in the AFC today .



Why?  Indeed his MONC tactic was "brilliant".  When we had the ABC nations and international funding agencies telling Ramotar that he had to host LGE if he wanted to be seen as leading a democratic gov't Moses let the air out of that balloon.  So no LGE. 


If Ramotar decides to waste time on MONC and APNU doesn't cooperate where will this MONC go?  Suppose 2 APNU MPs get sick even if a vote happens?



So what will your "brilliant" Nagamootoo do?


So we will have no LGE. The PPP will take over all the municipalities with appointed cronies, as these crumble.  They will most likely win when the MONC forces unscheduled national elections.  Assuming of course that they allow the vote and APNU cooperates.


If you thank that is brilliant I don't know what is wrong with you.


Nagamootoo is there for one purpose.  He can do what Ramjattan couldn't do and that is to deliver a rural Indian vote, weakening the PPP.  As of now the AFC doesn't care about the black vote.  They might regret that when black people stay home due to their distrust of Granger, Nagamootoo and Ramotar, giving the PPP back a majority gov't.


Your only response is to have a manic break down as you have no way to prove your point.  Scream that I am  racist all you want, as that seems to be all that you can do.

Last edited by Former Member

Moses would get more black votes than Granger any day. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Take comfort from the other racist PPP idiot, you two are a pair made in heaven. You are dying just like the PPP and PNC.


Go and hug up low breed Comrade Reverse he want some good ole racist lovin....


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

And yet you support them.  You are a PPPite so ought to be concerned about how corrupt the PPP is, especially as this threatens their very existence as their support base tires of them.


* Just like I support the Republican party in America in both good times and bad times, I also support the PPP in Guyana. It's called LOYALTY.


* Listen! I pride myself in being a bluntly honest man and I will not hesitate to say that the PPP is corrupt---crony capitalism is alive and well in Guyana.


* But the alternative to the PPP---the PNC and AFC---they are not fit to rule the country.




* You worry about that carib. The Rev already knows the PPP will win that next election by a majority and that's all that matters to me.



There should be no loyalty to party but to ideals!

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Moses would get more black votes than Granger any day. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Take comfort from the other racist PPP idiot, you two are a pair made in heaven. You are dying just like the PPP and PNC.


Go and hug up low breed Comrade Reverse he want some good ole racist lovin....


Yuh get nara? belly a hut nah?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Moses would get more black votes than Granger any day.


OK now I had my laugh for the day.  Let me laugh even more if you rant that Hughes will get more Indian votes than Ramotar.


Corbin got 34% of the votes in 2006.  Way more black votes than Trotman got. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

 Moses would get more black votes than Granger any day.


OK now I had my laugh for the day.  Let me laugh even more if you rant that Hughes will get more Indian votes than Ramotar.


Corbin got 34% of the votes in 2006.  Way more black votes than Trotman got. 

Moses would get more black votes than Granger any day.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Moses would get more black votes than Granger any day. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Take comfort from the other racist PPP idiot, you two are a pair made in heaven. You are dying just like the PPP and PNC.


Go and hug up low breed Comrade Reverse he want some good ole racist lovin....


Yuh get nara? belly a hut nah?

HM is now talking to himself!  Clear sign of emerging lunacy.  Must be to think that the majority of Afro Guyanese will vote for a PPP person which is what Nagamootoo is.

Last edited by Former Member

Black people do not want to vote for Granger. Go to Guyana go to Linden and ask them if they want Granger.


Granger own party wants him not. Black people do not want Granger. I can assure you a new elections with Hughes and Trotman campaigning for the AFC vigorously the PNC will be in deep shit.


Young people do not want to hear about come back home, they are fed up with Granger and the bankrupt ideology of the PNC.


Your racist lens sees every indian as PPP isnt that right?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

 Moses would get more black votes than Granger any day.


OK now I had my laugh for the day.  Let me laugh even more if you rant that Hughes will get more Indian votes than Ramotar.


Corbin got 34% of the votes in 2006.  Way more black votes than Trotman got. 

Moses would get more black votes than Granger any day.

OK it has already been established that you have deep psychological issues and no longer have any grasp of reality.


Relax and admit that the AFC has a focus on Indian votes because its main mission is to weaken the PPP.  Aside from the PPP the rest of us are quite happy with this, and wish them all the best success.  This is why Hughes stands down as he knows full well that as the presidential candidate he will drive those who supported Nagamootoo right back to the PPP.  As often as I have seen him described as a racist because he speaks on issues concerning Afro Guyanese.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Black people do not want to vote for Granger. Go to Guyana go to Linden and ask them if they want Granger.


They told Granger to get out of the PNC.  They told the PPP that they remain solid PNC people.


Now you dream that they will support Nagamootoo with out exacting some conditions for themselves. 


Even YOU said that some of Granger's army buddies are telling him to take a hike.  Suppose he decides to retire, where does that leave your dream that Nagamootoo will be seen as a hero? 


Yes the same Nagamootoo who had NOTHING to say about Linden when he was still in the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:



Young people do not want to hear about come back home, they are fed up with Granger and the bankrupt ideology of the PNC, and the PPP and AFC which is why they will STAY HOME.



Your racist lens sees every black man is a PNC, if they don't dance to your tune and if they advocate for the rights of Afro Guyanese, which I unashamedly do, even if PPPItes like you think that to do so is racist.  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:



Young people do not want to hear about come back home, they are fed up with Granger and the bankrupt ideology of the PNC, and the PPP and AFC which is why they will STAY HOME.



Your racist lens sees every black man is a PNC, if they don't dance to your tune and if they advocate for the rights of Afro Guyanese, which I unashamedly do, even if PPPItes like you think that to do so is racist.  

Be creative that is the problem with all you old racists even the PPP ones you have no original ideas, you are now repeating what I said to you to me.


Ugghhhh that is called plagiarism you old racist goat.



 Footnote - Granger is not wanted in Linden. Granger struck a deal with the PPP to raise electricity rates in linden oh how the old fool's memory has gotten weak.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Moses is the most qualified person in the AFC today .



Why?  Indeed his MONC tactic was brilliant.  When we had the ABC nations and international funding agencies telling Ramotar that he had to host LGE if he wanted to be seen as leading a democratic gov't Moses let the air out of that balloon.


So we will have no LGE. The PPP will take over all the municipalities with appointed cronies, as these crumble and will most likely win when the MONC forces unscheduled national elections.


If you thank that is brilliant I don't know what is wrong with you.


Nagamootoo is there for one purpose.  He can do what Ramjattan couldn't do and that is to deliver a rural Indian vote, weakening the PPP.  As of now the AFC doesn't care about the black vote.  They might regret that when black people stay home due to their distrust of Granger, Nagamootoo and Ramotar, giving the PPP back a majority gov't.


Your only response is to have a manic break down as you have no way to prove your point.

CaribJ now I understand your is a Race Problem.....So I will talk your Language.......Black and Coolie.

You believe all Black people are Racist and they belong to the PNC....they will vote for no one else....and because of the problem with Granger Leadership  ..... And you are telling us all Black People with your mentality will stay home and refuse to vote.


So the Indians only will go to the polls and their votes will split between the PPP & AFC.


Now the Blacks will have no representation.....CaribJ if you are right....that's a Black people problem.....if they are so dumb to refuse to vote for any other party besides the PNC the really suffering from the "Purple Pants Disease" 


I do not agree with you if that is what you are saying......I think Black people are not as dumb as you believe.....and the will vote for any party that can help them. There are a lot of Brilliant Black People who do not need Granger or the PNC fuh anything.....and they will go out and form their own party or they will join any existing party that will help them....or that they can help.


I do not think you will find anyone to support your Racist Views.....

Guyanese will have 3 choices PPP , AFC and PNC/APNU.

But CaribJ is Boldly saying the choices are not PPP, AFC and PNC/APNU

CaribJ is telling us it will be

(1) Collie Party #1

(2) Collie Party #2

(3) Blackman Party (Which CaribJ is saying is a Dead Duck)


The only thing CaribJ has all wrong ......

is the AFC is a Multi-Race Party

Originally Posted by Kari:

The 2011 elections resulted in the following breakdown:

National Seats | Presidential votes | Percentage of votes cast         

PPP          19 Seats           166,340 votes            48.62%

APNU          16 Seats          139,678 votes          40.83%

AFC          5 Seats           35,333 votes          10.33%


Regional Seats

PPP          13 Seats                    

APNU          10 Seats                   

AFC            2 Seats                    




The 2006 elections resulted in the following breakdown: (this is only to show the trend)

National Seats | Presidential votes | Percentage of votes cast         

PPP          21 Seats           183,867votes             54.6%

APNU          13 Seats          114,608votes          34.0%

AFC          4 Seats           28,366 votes          8.4%


Regional Seats

PPP          15 Seats                    

APNU          9 Seats          

AFC          1 Seats




Here’s what’s important in 2015 if a snap election is held.

Regional – the AFC gains votes in Regions 7, 8 and 9, and likely increase its Regional seats from 2 to 4 seats. More than likely the APNU holds and the PPP/C loses those 2 seats

National – With Moses in the leadership mix look for 2 seats in Region 6 and maybe 1 in Region 2 to be added to the AFC tally at the expense of the PPP/C. The APNU holds steady.


If you agree with the above a likely outcome would be this

PPP          27 Seats          

APNU          26 Seats         

AFC          12 Seats                   


PPP/C retains the Presidency, barely, and the opposition increases its advantage in the National Assembly. A pre-election coalition obviously changes the dynamic, as the PPP/C losses may not be that big with more stay-at-home rather than vote AFC.

This kind of reasoning and extravagant assumptions serve as  living proof that man can live without a brain-and even able to dump garbage on the internet.


This projection is inaccurate and I disagree respectfully. I would like to hear more of the AFC's fall out and disagreement of its members, and APNU internal conflicts that is still floating around. Not to mention the sharing of gold and silver among MP's must have some impact on election result. This projection is more of a convenience to one's belief.


Those who argue that the PPP's support will diminish in the next general elections are the ones who never acknowledged the dirty side of the opposition. To do so would make their assumption of the gov't's declining support highly questionable. The PPP's trouble in the last elections stemmed not necessarily from being a bad government unacceptable by international standards. It's trouble came about as a result of internal conflict over the determination of the party's presidential candidate. The well-known stalwart, Moses Nagamatoo, headed for PPP regions number 5 and 6 with his sorrowful message of how him and others were denied a fair chance. This angered many since all the blame was placed on Bharat Jageo, a man's whose elevation to top of the party was questioned in silence from inception. Whatever was bottled up in Moses and others just exploded when the moment arrived to determine who would be the next leader.

Bharat is now gone and Ramotar is at the helm. People will not vote based on old party bickering over the internal quarrels. Ramjattan and Moses have done enough to isolate themselves from the very disenchanted supporters who gave them a great deal of leverage in the parliament. The AFC has been using this leverage to stymie every effort the gov't makes to develop the country. Trust have broken down and executive members to rank and file have begun to flee the AFC. 

The AFC is at the end of its life cycle. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

 Footnote - Granger is not wanted in Linden. Granger struck a deal with the PPP to raise electricity rates in linden oh how the old fool's memory has gotten weak.

Did I tell you that he was.  Indeed I am telling you that black people will stay home and the PPP will romp home to victory as a result and then you can go back and beg them to let you RETURN to the PPP.


BTW your assertion that black AFC leaders, especially Trotman, are selfish was noted by the PNC folks in Linden.  Yes this is an ideal situation where PPP refugees arrive and brand people who set up the AFC as being selfish.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

(1) Collie Party #1

(2) Collie Party #2

(3) Blackman Party (Which CaribJ is saying is a Dead Duck)


The only thing CaribJ has all wrong ......

is the AFC is a Multi-Race Party

Yes we have HM Redux here screaming that black AFC leaders are selfish and that is why the AFC was right to renege on its ethnic rotation principle.


That doesn't look to me as being anything other than Indo party II.  If that is what the AFC is just admit to it, because this is how many now see it.  A viable alternative for PPP refugees to flock to.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Those who argue that the PPP's support will diminish in the next general elections

Indo party II will ensure that Indo party I loses some votes.  The only hope that the PPP has is if APNU implodes causing a large % of blacks to stay home, because as we all know every black who doesn't vote is in fact a vote for the PPP which wasn't going to get their vote any way.


So folks like HM will get their wish. The PPP takes over parliament, and the "selfish" Trotman is tossed out and then Nagamootoo begs the PPP to take him back.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

(1) Collie Party #1

(2) Collie Party #2

(3) Blackman Party (Which CaribJ is saying is a Dead Duck)


The only thing CaribJ has all wrong ......

is the AFC is a Multi-Race Party

Yes we have HM Redux here screaming that black AFC leaders are selfish and that is why the AFC was right to renege on its ethnic rotation principle.

He is right....Trotman refused to Step down....Yuh cant remember tha.....

so do not come here and preach about Ni@@er or Coolie Politices .....


That doesn't look to me as being anything other than Indo party II.

CaribJ....yuh hanging by yuh tail again.....AFC executives will decide their Party Affairs....and the are Multi-Race.....the are not collie as yuh saying....

yuh cant solve aya Blackman Problem in PNC .....but yuh want mek decision fuh AFC......

Haul yuh Black Racist Rass Da Side.....yuh Race politics do not apply to AFC.


  If that is what the AFC is just admit to it, because this is how many now see it.

Yes AFC not Interesting in Becoming a Blackman Party....

They are Happy as a Multi-Racial Guyanese Party.....

and So far only one Sakiwinki Jumping up.....we do not see others. 


A viable alternative for PPP refugees to flock to......

Watch this Black Racist $kunt....J yuh fl*cking eyes really past coolie calling them refugee.....

Granger right chase all aya Black Racist Sakiwinki out Monkey Mountain......

Aya gon get vex if people call aya Sakiwinki Pick-Pocket Thief-man or Kick-down-Door Bandits.....

You calling Decent Guyanese...... Refugee.

PNC really in a bad shape.....

De 10% Sakiwinki Pick-Pocket Thief-man ....and.... Kick-down-Door Black Racist Bandits "J" and Purple Shoes.

gon mek de 90% Decent Blackpeople and others in the Party look bad......

Originally Posted by Rev:


Originally Posted by Kari:


If you agree with the above a likely outcome would be this

PPP          27 Seats          

APNU          26 Seats         

AFC          12 Seats                   


PPP/C retains the Presidency, barely, and the opposition increases its advantage in the National Assembly.




* Karimullah can delude himself all he wants---that is his prerogative---he can day dream all he wants.


* But come next election the PPP will win by a majority.



Katakari is a schoolboy caught up in theoretics and believe if he rants loud and long enough, it becomes fact.  I notice he lying low that Obama got a 2nd round of licks.  That banna still live in a class room world.  What a clown.


Baseman, obviously you have read nothing of what I posted on the US mid-terms. So read first before you claim anybody's hiding. Your party left the Black President who you hate with a racist passion with a country that was going to the dogs and he brought it back to its rightful place with tremendous successes against an obstructionist GOP.


The Republicans campaigned on one thing only - we are not Obama. When pressed they said the election is a repudiation of Obama's policies. When asked what policy, it's hamanamanamanamanamana......


Joni Ernst the new Michelle Bachman said one thing in her campaign that she castrated pigs on her farm in Iowa and she will make Washington squeal - squeal like a pig: Appalachia.


The Staten Island Repub who faces 21 Federal indictment and threatened on TV to throw a reporter off a balcony was elected.


The voters voted for ballot issues like legalize pot and same sex marriage yet voted candidates on the same ballots who are against those very things. Go figure.


Put a monkey in last week's elections with an "R" after his or her name and you bet he or she will be elected. Dems treated Obama and all his successes like strangers. Terrific news on health care costs and coverage, employment, gas prices, petroleum production, troops not engaging in other people's civil war, etc. Al Gore showed the way - run away from Clinton's successes and lose. The Dem this year followed.


The Repubs ran on nothing and now that they have to govern they want to work with Obama - not to make him a one-term President. They presented no campaign policies in tis election and kept quiet on immigration and all the social wedge issues they've lost the American public on.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

There should be no loyalty to party but to ideals!


* Loyalty to Ideals sounds good.


* But the Rev likes to keep things REAL.


* In Guyana, when it comes to elections there are currently 3 choices---the PPP, the AFC and the PNC.


* Carib correctly identifies the AFC as ambulance chasers; the folks in the PNC can't run cake shop; That leaves the PPP and right now 51% of Guyanese people are would choose the PPP.







Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

There should be no loyalty to party but to ideals!


* Loyalty to Ideals sounds good.


* But the Rev likes to keep things REAL.


* In Guyana, when it comes to elections there are currently 3 choices---the PPP, the AFC and the PNC.


* Carib correctly identifies the AFC as ambulance chasers; the folks in the PNC can't run cake shop; That leaves the PPP and right now 51% of Guyanese people are would choose the PPP.







Anybody pouring praise on Carib for his ill judged comments on the AFC is equally deranged. The 2014 electorate has been empowered by events in the last four years especially to figure out that only the AFC holds the winning cards.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

There should be no loyalty to party but to ideals!


* Loyalty to Ideals sounds good.


* But the Rev likes to keep things REAL.


* In Guyana, when it comes to elections there are currently 3 choices---the PPP, the AFC and the PNC.


* Carib correctly identifies the AFC as ambulance chasers; the folks in the PNC can't run cake shop; That leaves the PPP and right now 51% of Guyanese people are would choose the PPP.


Mr. T: Anybody pouring praise on Carib for his ill judged comments on the AFC is equally deranged. The 2014 electorate has been empowered by events in the last four years especially to figure out that only the AFC holds the winning cards.


* The Rev's in good spirits these days, and will let Mr. T's "deranged" remarks slide.



Last edited by Former Member

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