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Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

There should be no loyalty to party but to ideals!


* Loyalty to Ideals sounds good.


* But the Rev likes to keep things REAL.


* In Guyana, when it comes to elections there are currently 3 choices---the PPP, the AFC and the PNC.


* Carib correctly identifies the AFC as ambulance chasers; the folks in the PNC can't run cake shop; That leaves the PPP and right now 51% of Guyanese people are would choose the PPP.








Anybody pouring praise on Carib for his ill judged comments on the AFC is equally deranged. The 2014 electorate has been empowered by events in the last four years especially to figure out that only the AFC holds the winning cards.Mr T/Sir

you are a Scholar

and a Gentleman

CaribJ is a Racist Thug






* With the turmoil in the PNC party there is no way PNC supporters will turn out in the same numbers like they did in 2011.


* Now in the 2011 election the PNC received 139678 votes.


* If 10% of those 139,678 voters choose to stay at home in the upcoming election the PPP is absolutely guaranteed to win by a majority.






*Carib is 100% right! Those clowns are ambulance chasers.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:


The Republicans campaigned on one thing only - we are not Obama..

And obviously that was a winning strategy.  It motivated the GOP base to vote, and the Democratic base stayed home because they didn't care enough about Obama's record because it hasn't fundamentally changed their lives.  You fully well know that most of the gains of the recovery have gone to the most affluent, the vast majority of whom support people like Romney.


Yes jobs are being created, but what kind of jobs, and are the people who lost their jobs between 2007-10 regaining jobs with equivalent pay?  Given that they aren't why the shock that they didn't care enough to vote?


Turn out in the Obama coalition was LOWER than it was in 2010 so the excuse that they don't vote in mid terms is not valid.  In addition Hispanics delivered over 40% of the votes gained by some GOP winners, including the one who tossed out Udall in Colorado.


Obama deported more people than did Bush and so Hispanics rewarded him with either staying home, or in some cases, supporting the GIP candidate I much larger number than they usually do.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I also notice Caribyyyy yuh running like an old goat when I clearly tell you that Moses has more support in his own party than Granger has on any given night.


Swallow dat!!!!! Bwoyeeeeeeeee

HM any deranged idiot like you can make claims that more blacks will vote for Nagamootoo than they will for Granger. What destroys your argument is even in 2006, when many stayed home and some of the black middle class fled to the AFC (many have since left).   Corbin got the vast MAJORITY of the black votes.


When you address that fact you will cease looking like the Nehru type creature that you clearly are.


And you really ought to be concerned about the impact that racist and vulgar rants by your fellow PPP refugees Jalil and Mitwah, are making.  Many people who don't post read GNI and many in Guyana see the AFC as Indo party II. 


You are NOT helping your cause.  Indeed it appears as if your buddies Mitwah and Jalil might even be alienating your fellow AFCites.  You also when you made a broad based comment that the black AFC leaders were selfish.  These are the people who built the AFC, and comments like these don't help.

Originally Posted by caribny:

How come when I tell you that the PPP is going to remain a minority gov't and will eventually lose you don't listen.  The same level of analysis I bring about APNU and the AFC I also bring about the PPP.


* When you make sense the Rev will heap genuine praise on you. When you talk nonsense you will be disciplined.hahaha


* Anyway, the Rev in great spirits these days.


* My favorite political parties, the Republicans in the US and the PPP in Guyana, are firing on all cylinders.


* It's great to be a WINNER.





Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

CariBT tell us why Granger sold out lindens to the PPP and asked the PPP to raise electricity rates in linden?


Moses had to stand up for the people of Linden and reject that deal completely.

HM Kwame lover, why don't you ask Granger?   If Moses was really interested in Linden he would be pushing economic development so that these people wouldn't need electricity subsidies.


The AFC was an ambulance chaser looking for an opportunity.  Rather than retaining its focus on Linden to help develop real solutions for that town they have moved on.


I see you, like the PPP, prefer blacks to remain impoverished and dependent.  What they really need is access to opportunity so that they can improve their living standards by their own efforts. I see no evidence that the Nagamootoo led AFC has been any more involved in this than has APNU. 


I have stated many times, indeed long before the current Granger fiasco, that APNU needs to be part of a program to develop economic solutions both to the urban dwellers of G/town and Linden (its two largest bases of support) and to also attempt to develop a new base of support by helping the rice farmers with their problems.  


Indeed when there was a lengthy debate about APNU having to apologize to Indians in order to win their support (advocated by Chief and Kari) I said exactly that,

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
HM Kwame lover, why don't you ask Granger?   If Moses was really interested in Linden he would be pushing economic development so that these people wouldn't need electricity subsidies.


The AFC was an ambulance chaser looking for an opportunity.  Rather than retaining its focus on Linden to help develop real solutions for that town they have moved on.


I see you, like the PPP, prefer blacks to remain impoverished and dependent.  What they really need is access to opportunity so that they can improve their living standards by their own efforts. I see no evidence that the Nagamootoo led AFC has been any more involved in this than has APNU. 


I have stated many times, indeed long before the current Granger fiasco, that APNU needs to be part of a program to develop economic solutions both to the urban dwellers of G/town and Linden (its two largest bases of support) and to also attempt to develop a new base of support by helping the rice farmers with their problems.  


Indeed when there was a lengthy debate about APNU having to apologize to Indians in order to win their support (advocated by Chief and Kari) I said exactly that,

caribny, what's with the posing that opposition parties (in the impoverished PPP Guyana context) can independently implement meaningful economic development policies [see aove in bold]?


i am going to hazard a guess that u know this is empty shyte but u feel compelled to pad your anti-AFC polemic with intellectual dishonesty for cheap effect


seriously man, wtf . . .?

Originally Posted by redux:

caribny, what's with the posing that opposition parties (in the impoverished PPP Guyana context) can independently implement meaningful economic development policies [see aove in bold]?


i am going to hazard a guess that u know this is empty shyte but u feel compelled to pad your anti-AFC polemic with intellectual dishonesty for cheap effect


seriously man, wtf . . .?

They control parliament so that excuse is tired.  Acting together the AFC APNU control the legislative process.  So what is preventing them from going on fact finding tours, collecting ideas from who they meet, discussing these ideas amongst themselves,  developing a plan and then going back out to the people to solicit their support.


Of what use are they if they can't do that.  No wonder so many Guyanese think that they are a waste of time and a bunch of bumbling idiots who let the PPP get away with what ever nonsense that they can come up with.


APNU is a party filled with stupidity and big egoes and the AFC is packed with ambulance chasers who can't follow through on a project. 


So what happened to the rice farmers? We haven't heard any more about this since trhat Essequibo riot.  Now one would think that the AFC, packed with lawyers, would be ensuring that these hard working people get paid, given the very valuable work that they have done raising rice to be 2nd behind gold.


The AFC got 7% and then 10%.  In 2011 you guys boasted that the AFC would get 35% and replace the PNC as the main opposition party.  Well we know how that ended.


Furnish evidence that they can now get 50%.  We all know that APNU is capped at 40%.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

caribny, what's with the posing that opposition parties (in the impoverished PPP Guyana context) can independently implement meaningful economic development policies [see aove in bold]?


i am going to hazard a guess that u know this is empty shyte but u feel compelled to pad your anti-AFC polemic with intellectual dishonesty for cheap effect


seriously man, wtf . . .?

They control parliament so that excuse is tired.  Acting together the AFC APNU control the legislative process.  So what is preventing them from going on fact finding tours, collecting ideas from who they meet, discussing these ideas amongst themselves,  developing a plan and then going back out to the people to solicit their support . . .

so . . .  this is your lameass response to my querying your nonsense regarding the opposition "implementing meaningful economic development policies" in PPP Guyana


banna u got more jokes than a comic book


[forgive my truncating your post; the cut part is your unoriginal, standard cussdown apropos nothing that apparently u find very cathartic . . . unfortunately, i and the few sane people here find it pathetic and quite boring]

Last edited by Former Member


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

caribny, what's with the posing that opposition parties (in the impoverished PPP Guyana context) can independently implement meaningful economic development policies [see aove in bold]?


i am going to hazard a guess that u know this is empty shyte but u feel compelled to pad your anti-AFC polemic with intellectual dishonesty for cheap effect


seriously man, wtf . . .?

They control parliament so that excuse is tired.  Acting together the AFC APNU control the legislative process.  So what is preventing them from going on fact finding tours, collecting ideas from who they meet, discussing these ideas amongst themselves,  developing a plan and then going back out to the people to solicit their support . . .

so . . .  this is your lameass response to my querying your nonsense regarding the opposition "implementing meaningful economic development policies" in PPP Guyana


banna u got more jokes than a comic book



Redux the AFC only got 10% last time even though the PPP and APNU ae no different than they are today. APNU is capped at 40% and will go no further, and face it the PPP only lost the majority by just over 1%, so can regain it if APNU is unable to get its people out.


So let APNU and the AFC continue to their laziness.  I didn't say implement. I said


1.  Go to the people.


2. Listen to their ideas.


3.  Develop a plan to help them.


4. Promote that plan which the PEOPLE had input into.


Neither the AFC nor APNU have done that.  BOTH have engaged in this notion that because "PPP bad we gun get di votes". Well many Guyanese are saying that ALL THREE are bad and they don't see why they should vote as it will change NOTHING! 


Elections are won, not because of how people feel, but who shows up to vote.  Political parties have to justify to the voters why they should get their vote and saying that the other guy is worse isn't going to cut it.


Increasingly Guyanese are not bothering to vote.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

APNU was delaying the  continued progress of the country.


The PNC had the Government for 28 years and didn't know how to build a country.

Dey delay de thiefing dankey. Dem didnt delay progress. 

The PNC stole US $2.5 billion dollars during 28 years of black rule,

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Meh see Ravi Dev does use de word plenty. Me muss me Dev then? 


* Nah! You are not Ravi Dev. You are Tarron Khemraj.


* By the way TK, why do you hate Nehru so much ? What did he do to you ?



Lard! Like TK still gat wan fan club yasuh! A goin to tell him foh post 5 bucktas foh GNI. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

If the PNC starts any kind of violence, they will hand the government to the PPP on a silver platter.. 

Well if that happens then both the PNC and the AFC will be outsmarted by the PPP, AGAIN.


The PPP is itching for scenes of blacks attacking Indians, and will manufacture this if they need to.  Both APNU and the AFc ought to know this, and to pre-empt this.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

If the PNC starts any kind of violence, they will hand the government to the PPP on a silver platter.. 

Well if that happens then both the PNC and the AFC will be outsmarted by the PPP, AGAIN.


The PPP is itching for scenes of blacks attacking Indians, and will manufacture this if they need to.  Both APNU and the AFc ought to know this, and to pre-empt this.



Carib, I told you that the PNC/APNU fell into the PPP trap. Let the riots begin.


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