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Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


The moral of this story is to not be wrang and strang and maybe some madman won't shoot you in your head for said wrang and strang behavior.

Where is it reported that the victims were wrong and strong?


It seems from numerous news reports that the victims were parking in his spot despite numerous complaints over lengthy periods of time to them personally and to their property manager from the murderer.


Look, no one is saying one should get shot in the head for being an ass. I just think it's disingenuous when we all pretend that we don't understand that this dude was dealing with some jackasses who happened to be Muslims and he lost it one day when they finally parked in his spot one time too many.


I wouldn't shoot a person in the head over a parking spot, but I live in NYC...I understand his frustration.

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

So how come when similar incidents happens and the Muslim is the perpetrator he is cslled a terrorist and when a non muslim is the perpetrator he is anything but a terrorist. And in the majority of cases the non muslim perpetrator is deemed to be a mental case before he is evaluated.

This is a parking dispute between neighbors gone bad. Seems a bit different to the contemporary standard definition of terrorism, don't you think?



It is a pity the victims cant tell their side of the story


They would have been able to if they didn't keep bothering and inciting the wrong man over his parking spot.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

. . . Where would our current events be without the biased media, the CIA, International Jews, and the Mossad?

whaderaas . . . wha kind of sick manoeuvre is this?


are you so bereft and idle that u need to manufacture talking points out of absolutely nothing to ride . . .


The word is "maneuver." We're in America. Only pretentious stupid people feel the need to resort to the British spelling without some highly specific context. This wasn't one of them.


I trust this finds favour, inter alia, with my Most Brittanic interlocutor.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


It seems from numerous news reports that the victims were parking in his spot despite numerous complaints over lengthy periods of time to them personally and to their property manager from the murderer.


Look, no one is saying one should get shot in the head for being an ass. I just think it's disingenuous when we all pretend that we don't understand that this dude was dealing with some jackasses who happened to be Muslims and he lost it one day when they finally parked in his spot one time too many.


I wouldn't shoot a person in the head over a parking spot, but I live in NYC...I understand his frustration.

Was this apartment either affiliated, associated or referred by the school? Was it located on property under the school jurisdiction?

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


It seems from numerous news reports that the victims were parking in his spot despite numerous complaints over lengthy periods of time to them personally and to their property manager from the murderer.


Look, no one is saying one should get shot in the head for being an ass. I just think it's disingenuous when we all pretend that we don't understand that this dude was dealing with some jackasses who happened to be Muslims and he lost it one day when they finally parked in his spot one time too many.


I wouldn't shoot a person in the head over a parking spot, but I live in NYC...I understand his frustration.

Was this apartment either affiliated, associated or referred by the school? Was it located on property under the school jurisdiction?


I don't know. They haven't gotten into the specifics of the parking dispute beyond what I already said. I'll post anything else I might come across.


And FYI, getting shot in parking disputes is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more common than getting shot for being Muslim.


P.S....this dude is a liberal atheist. Liberal atheists are not known for religious murders. He used his social media to bash all religions equally. Including Christians. Atheists tend to do that. Atheists are generally hostile to all silly beliefs about the man in the sky.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

. . . Where would our current events be without the biased media, the CIA, International Jews, and the Mossad?

whaderaas . . . wha kind of sick manoeuvre is this?


are you so bereft and idle that u need to manufacture talking points out of absolutely nothing to ride . . .

 The word is "maneuver." We're in America. Only pretentious stupid people feel the need to resort to the British spelling without some highly specific context. This wasn't one of them.


I trust this finds favour, inter alia, with my Most Brittanic interlocutor.

whatever senor red herring . . . i do confess to never quite coming to terms with the feel and look of "maneuver"


now that we got THAT 'important' shyte out of the way, care to deal . . .

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

. . . Where would our current events be without the biased media, the CIA, International Jews, and the Mossad?

whaderaas . . . wha kind of sick manoeuvre is this?


are you so bereft and idle that u need to manufacture talking points out of absolutely nothing to ride . . .

 The word is "maneuver." We're in America. Only pretentious stupid people feel the need to resort to the British spelling without some highly specific context. This wasn't one of them.


I trust this finds favour, inter alia, with my Most Brittanic interlocutor.

whatever senor red herring . . . i do confess to never quite coming to terms with the feel and look of "maneuver"


now that we got THAT 'important' shyte out of the way, care to deal . . .


So in reports and emails to your American colleagues, superiors, and subordinates you've just been throwing British words at them?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

. . . Where would our current events be without the biased media, the CIA, International Jews, and the Mossad?

whaderaas . . . what kind of sick manoeuvre is this?


are you so bereft and idle that u need to manufacture talking points out of absolutely nothing to ride . . .

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


I don't know. They haven't gotten into the specifics of the parking dispute beyond what I already said. I'll post anything else I might come across.


And FYI, getting shot in parking disputes is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more common than getting shot for being Muslim.


P.S....this dude is a liberal atheist. Liberal atheists are not known for religious murders. He used his social media to bash all religions equally. Including Christians. Atheists tend to do that. Atheists are generally hostile to all silly beliefs about the man in the sky.

You may note that I have not jumped on the Muslim angle as motivation. That is because the investigation does not conclusively state such. Likewise none of the articles that I saw make any reference to the victims parking in what is the shooter's officially assigned parking. So your comment that the victims were wrong and strong s without merit.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

You may note that I have not jumped on the Muslim angle as motivation. That is because the investigation does not conclusively state such. Likewise none of the articles that I saw make any reference to the victims parking in what is the shooter's officially assigned parking. So your comment that the victims were wrong and strong s without merit.


I note that you're not joining the Islamophone Posse Comitatus.


Here is a BBC article about these people parking in this dude's two RESERVED parking spots:

Last edited by Former Member

Check out the anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist, pro Islamic terrorism, and anti-white "supremacist" social media rants of the victims.


They didn't deserve to get killed at all. But getting killed over a parking spot should not be grounds for deification. These are the so-called "peaceful" Muslims.


I can totally see how these anti-white anti-West anti-American anti-Israel anti-Jew Muslims could not bring themselves to respect the very reasonable requests of their infidel Christian neighbor to his property rights.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Check out the anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist, pro Islamic terrorism, and anti-white "supremacist" social media rants of the victims.


They didn't deserve to get killed at all. But getting killed over a parking spot should not be grounds for deification. These are the so-called "peaceful" Muslims.


I can totally see how these anti-white anti-West anti-American anti-Israel anti-Jew Muslims could not bring themselves to respect the very reasonable requests of their infidel Christian neighbor to his property rights.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Check out the anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist, pro Islamic terrorism, and anti-white "supremacist" social media rants of the victims.


They didn't deserve to get killed at all. But getting killed over a parking spot should not be grounds for deification. These are the so-called "peaceful" Muslims . . .

"deification" huh . . . when u got nothing, just make shyte up, eh?


i suggest u take time out to also look up the word "courage" when contemplating the punk in the mirror flexing over the corpses of murdered innocents


btw, Charles C. Johnson is not looking for interns . . . he likes keeping all the 'donated' money for himself

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Check out the anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist, pro Islamic terrorism, and anti-white "supremacist" social media rants of the victims.


They didn't deserve to get killed at all. But getting killed over a parking spot should not be grounds for deification. These are the so-called "peaceful" Muslims . . .

"deification" huh . . . when u got nothing, just make shyte up, eh?


i suggest u take time out to also look up the word "courage" when contemplating the punk in the mirror flexing over the corpses of murdered innocents


btw, Charles C. Johnson is not looking for interns . . . he likes keeping all the 'donated' money for himself


Holy Brahmanical Cow Chap,


I once had a stalker sweethoman many moons ago but she was down right normal compared to you


I yearn for the days of **** who would at least disappear once in a blue moon

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Check out the anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist, pro Islamic terrorism, and anti-white "supremacist" social media rants of the victims.


They didn't deserve to get killed at all. But getting killed over a parking spot should not be grounds for deification. These are the so-called "peaceful" Muslims . . .

"deification" huh . . . when u got nothing, just make shyte up, eh?


i suggest u take time out to also look up the word "courage" when contemplating the punk in the mirror flexing over the corpses of murdered innocents


btw, Charles C. Johnson is not looking for interns . . . he likes keeping all the 'donated' money for himself


Holy Brahmanical Cow Chap,


I once had a stalker sweethoman many moons ago but she was down right normal compared to you


I yearn for the days of **** who would at least disappear once in a blue moon

rev used to complain bitterly too . . . sunlight is a bitch for cockroaches


i understand

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
rev used to complain bitterly too . . . sunlight is a bitch for cockroaches


i understand


I would be more than happy to respond to intelligent (even semi-intelligent) dialogue. When you're ready, I'll be here.

good, then STFU and "not" respond . . . arite?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
rev used to complain bitterly too . . . sunlight is a bitch for cockroaches


i understand


I would be more than happy to respond to intelligent (even semi-intelligent) dialogue. When you're ready, I'll be here.

good, then STFU and "not" respond . . . arite?


What a perfect example of a little troll on an online site. Your responses are so beyond infantile, I am truly at a loss for words except to patronize you and wish you the best.


I can't even lose my temper with you. You're just too childish.


8 o' clock in the forenoon and a grown man is trying to pick an online cuss down. You must have personal issues bai.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
rev used to complain bitterly too . . . sunlight is a bitch for cockroaches


i understand


I would be more than happy to respond to intelligent (even semi-intelligent) dialogue. When you're ready, I'll be here.

good, then STFU and "not" respond . . . arite?


What a perfect example of a little troll on an online site. Your responses are so beyond infantile, I am truly at a loss for words except to patronize you and wish you the best.


I can't even lose my temper with you. You're just too childish.

yah yeah yeah . . . so u doan like people looking under your skirt


good! that's why i am here


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