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Cain meh fren.....i live waayyyyy west of toronto.....and the only time i go to the east end is to visit relatives and they usually have plenty homecooked no need to ever go to a restaurant.


the only time i ever went to a restaurant in that area was when i had the pleasure of meeting several GNI members for dinner....once!


Maybe Chami need to organize another one of these and make sure Cain is invited!

Originally Posted by Villagebelle:

Cain meh fren.....i live waayyyyy west of toronto.....and the only time i go to the east end is to visit relatives and they usually have plenty homecooked no need to ever go to a restaurant.


the only time i ever went to a restaurant in that area was when i had the pleasure of meeting several GNI members for dinner....once!


Maybe Chami need to organize another one of these and make sure Cain is invited!

Oh rant, I missed this. SO VB, if you doan go to restaurants ( I rarely do) we should meet up at your relatives out here, no?

Originally Posted by Chief:

Chineese today.

Highly recommended Chef Yu, good food at reasonable price, located in the Garment District, 520 8th Ave.

Chief, I worked at 520 8th Ave in the 90s. The garment district has changed tremendously. Lunch used to cost $2.50 in those days.


I had Nordic food at Fika's in the Financial district - pan-seared scallops. The Scandinavians know how to present food.


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