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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
we cannot bury our heads in the sand while this number may pass 72 percent as time goes by.

What do you plan to do about it, other than using it as an excuse to pound your racism.


Focus on Indo  Caribbean boys in NYC if you want to do something useful.

Why holler racism ? This report is from the OECD and is of epidemic proportion. 

Why does this issue concern you? 

Like redux, you are running away and trying to hide from a OECD report of an epidemic. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
we cannot bury our heads in the sand while this number may pass 72 percent as time goes by.

What do you plan to do about it, other than using it as an excuse to pound your racism.


Focus on Indo  Caribbean boys in NYC if you want to do something useful.

Why holler racism ? This report is from the OECD and is of epidemic proportion. 

Why does this issue concern you? 

Like redux, you are running away from a OECD report of an epidemic. 

He is GNI's Usain Bolt.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
we cannot bury our heads in the sand while this number may pass 72 percent as time goes by.

What do you plan to do about it, other than using it as an excuse to pound your racism.


Focus on Indo  Caribbean boys in NYC if you want to do something useful.

Why holler racism ? This report is from the OECD and is of epidemic proportion. 

Why does this issue concern you?  


Tell you what?  Does an IndoCarib boy growing up in a home where his drunk father beats up his mother exist in a healthy environment.  Why do you think that suicides among IndoCarib males rank among the highest in the Americas?


It appears as if you have many problems at home....but you will ignore it as you pretend that all is well among Indo Caribs.


Another issue for you to ponder.  Chinese also came to the Caribbean as Indentures.  Their descendants have done MUCH BETTER than those of IndoCarib descent.   Why is that?  You both entered the Caribbean under the SAME circumstances.


Provide us with a credible report like the OECD epidemic report. Until then your are blowing smoke and trying to defend the 72 percent of African American males who run away from their obligations towards the mothers and children in the OECD report.



Additional fact.  In the USA until the 60s most kids were born within wedlock.


Note that prior to the 60s there were few blacks who were not poor.


In 2013 over 70% of blacks are not poor and indeed over 30% earn more than does the average white family.


So while single female households are clearly a problem there are not the only issue and obviously many kids who have grown up in these circumstances have over come those barriers. 


So focus on why Indo Caribbeans are failures when compared to their fellow indentures from China.  You cant blame slavery as you entered under the same circumstances as they did.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
we cannot bury our heads in the sand while this number may pass 72 percent as time goes by.

What do you plan to do about it, other than using it as an excuse to pound your racism.


Focus on Indo  Caribbean boys in NYC if you want to do something useful.

Why holler racism ? This report is from the OECD and is of epidemic proportion. 

Why does this issue concern you?  


Tell you what?  Does an IndoCarib boy growing up in a home where his drunk father beats up his mother exist in a healthy environment.  Why do you think that suicides among IndoCarib males rank among the highest in the Americas?


It appears as if you have many problems at home....but you will ignore it as you pretend that all is well among Indo Caribs.


Another issue for you to ponder.  Chinese also came to the Caribbean as Indentures.  Their descendants have done MUCH BETTER than those of IndoCarib descent.   Why is that?  You both entered the Caribbean under the SAME circumstances.


Provide us with a credible report like the OECD epidemic report. Until then your are blowing smoke and trying to defend the 72 percent of African American males who run away from their obligations towards the mothers and children in the OECD report.


Am I denying that many black kids grow up in sngle females headed households.  NO!!


I am querying why that concerns you.  I am also asking why are IndoCaribbean people failures when we compare you all with the indentures from China.  Yes you can say that the Portuguese were favored.  You cant say that about the Chinese.


It appears to me as if Indo Caribbean people have too many problems of their own to go worrying about others.


You are trying to cloud the issue here. This is a credible OECD report on the 72 percent of African American males who run away from their obligations towards the mothers and children in this report.


This is not fiction, this is fact. Until you address the issue of the 72 percent of males who run away from their obligations, you are blowing smoke.


We need credible reports, not speculation. How you address the issue in this report will add credibility to your argument.


BTW, we do not see 72 PERCENT of Indo Guyanese men running away from their obligations towards their children and the mothers of their children. Not one single credible report has been able to prove this. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
we cannot bury our heads in the sand while this number may pass 72 percent as time goes by.

What do you plan to do about it, other than using it as an excuse to pound your racism.


Focus on Indo  Caribbean boys in NYC if you want to do something useful.

Why holler racism ? This report is from the OECD and is of epidemic proportion. 

Why does this issue concern you?  


Tell you what?  Does an IndoCarib boy growing up in a home where his drunk father beats up his mother exist in a healthy environment.  Why do you think that suicides among IndoCarib males rank among the highest in the Americas?


It appears as if you have many problems at home....but you will ignore it as you pretend that all is well among Indo Caribs.


Another issue for you to ponder.  Chinese also came to the Caribbean as Indentures.  Their descendants have done MUCH BETTER than those of IndoCarib descent.   Why is that?  You both entered the Caribbean under the SAME circumstances.

Chinese were a small group and the few who made it pulled up the others.  Indians, especially Hindus, think in a class manner so hardly assist each other.  Couple that with the much larger population, you see it play out.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Like redux, you are running away and trying to hide from a OECD report of an epidemic. 

actually, decent people simply recoil @ 'discussing' anything of import with u and your GT retro [wannabe] white sheet & hood wearing cohort . . . that's all



If people like Mitwah, Raymond or Kari raised this topic I will sensibly discuss it with them because they have not shown themselves to be racists.


On the other hand Indo Nazis like you,  and druggie only want to hide the problems  that Indo Caribs face by trying to suggest that some one is worse off.


Even your fellow racist, baseman, doesn't join you in this.


Now address the high rates of alcoholism, spousal abuse, suicide, and incest that occurs within Indo Caribbean families.  Oh yes we do here about "uncle" who molests his brothers children.


There are rampant social problems within segments of the IndoCaribbean communities, both in NYC and in Tdad/Guyana.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Chinese were a small group and the few who made it pulled up the others.  Indians, especially Hindus, think in a class manner so hardly assist each other.  Couple that with the much larger population, you see it play out.

The smallness of the Chinese community would have made it harder for them to mobilize as a group as they had no clout. 


What we do know is that many of the social ills within the Indian population  In Guyana are much less apparent among the Chinese.  And yes among the social ills is a legacy of the caste system which results in extreme cruelty practiced by many Indo elites against Indo peasants.


Again tend to your own house before you worry about mine.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Like redux, you are running away and trying to hide from a OECD report of an epidemic. 

actually, decent people simply recoil @ 'discussing' anything of import with u and your GT retro [wannabe] white sheet & hood wearing cohort . . . that's all



If people like Mitwah, Raymond or Kari raised this topic I will sensibly discuss it with them because they have not shown themselves to be racists.


On the other hand Indo Nazis like you,  and druggie only want to hide the problems  that Indo Caribs face by trying to suggest that some one is worse off.


Even your fellow racist, baseman, doesn't join you in this.


Now address the high rates of alcoholism, spousal abuse, suicide, and incest that occurs within Indo Caribbean families.  Oh yes we do here about "uncle" who molests his brothers children.


There are rampant social problems within segments of the IndoCaribbean communities, both in NYC and in Tdad/Guyana.


Bottom line is this: 72 percent of African American males run away from their obligations towards their children and their mothers. This has nothing with racism this is report from the OECD. Stop blaming others and live up to your responsibilities. 


Kudos to those mothers who raise their children while the fathers run away from their responsibilities.


This is a social epidemic.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Like redux, you are running away and trying to hide from a OECD report of an epidemic. 

actually, decent people simply recoil @ 'discussing' anything of import with u and your GT retro [wannabe] white sheet & hood wearing cohort . . . that's all



If people like Mitwah, Raymond or Kari raised this topic I will sensibly discuss it with them because they have not shown themselves to be racists.


On the other hand Indo Nazis like you,  and druggie only want to hide the problems  that Indo Caribs face by trying to suggest that some one is worse off.


Even your fellow racist, baseman, doesn't join you in this.


Now address the high rates of alcoholism, spousal abuse, suicide, and incest that occurs within Indo Caribbean families.  Oh yes we do here about "uncle" who molests his brothers children.


There are rampant social problems within segments of the IndoCaribbean communities, both in NYC and in Tdad/Guyana.

Nah, some c00l1es gatt some real badness in dem rass.  In fact, some of them would do good looking at how some Afros live.  I always believe Afro women are resourceful and committed to their family.  If Afro men possess half those qualities, the Afro situation would have been very different.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


BTW, we do not see 72 PERCENT of Indo Guyanese men running away

The fact that they are in the house doesn't mean that they are responsible. You know how many are drunks and abusers and indeed their kids might be better off if they were not there.


You are fully aware that in rural Guyana many Indo wives have to get the pay from their husbands before their husbands drink it out.  And indeed might be beaten up for trying to do this.  I can never forget the first time I went to the Corentyne.  Early Saturday morning as the sun was coming up literally hundreds of men were passed out drunk.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


BTW, we do not see 72 PERCENT of Indo Guyanese men running away

The fact that they are in the house doesn't mean that they are responsible. You know how many are drunks and abusers and indeed their kids might be better off if they were not there.


You are fully aware that in rural Guyana many Indo wives have to get the pay from their husbands before their husbands drink it out.  And indeed might be beaten up for trying to do this.  I can never forget the first time I went to the Corentyne.  Early Saturday morning as the sun was coming up literally hundreds of men were passed out drunk.


Until you can provide a report like the OECD report, you are blowing smoke and are defending the actions of the 72 percent of African American men who run away from their obligations towards the women and children in the report.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Chinese were a small group and the few who made it pulled up the others.  Indians, especially Hindus, think in a class manner so hardly assist each other.  Couple that with the much larger population, you see it play out.

The smallness of the Chinese community would have made it harder for them to mobilize as a group as they had no clout. 


What we do know is that many of the social ills within the Indian population  In Guyana are much less apparent among the Chinese.  And yes among the social ills is a legacy of the caste system which results in extreme cruelty practiced by many Indo elites against Indo peasants.


Again tend to your own house before you worry about mine.

Oh, ya, mi doz always talk bout this crap. I juss get mad when blacks beat and rob the poor struggling man cuz he is Indian.  Deh gatt wealthy blacks, but they prefer to target Indians.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Nah, some c00l1es gatt some real badness in dem rass.  In fact, some of them would do good looking at how some Afros live.  I always believe Afro women are resourceful and committed to their family.  If Afro men possess half those qualities, the Afro situation would have been very different.

Here is the rub.  The system of slavery destroyed the black family in the Caribbean and indeed from the beginning most blacks were born out of wedlock.  So the women knew that they had t0o try for themselves.



There are enough social problems among poor Indo Caribs so I am surprised that folks here worry about people who they hate.


Clearly their motive is to maintain a fallacy that social problems aren't a serious issue among poor Indos.  We all know better than that.



So either we intelligently discuss the social problems of BOTH Indo and Afro Carib people are we stop this.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Oh, ya, mi doz always talk bout this crap. I juss get mad when blacks beat and rob the poor struggling man cuz he is Indian.  Deh gatt wealthy blacks, but they prefer to target Indians.

So when Indos beat up and rob other Indos whats your excuse.  You know that the exclusive victims in Guyana of Indo criminals are other Indos because they are too afraid to attack blacks.


And in Berbice Indo on Indo crime is an increasing problem.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
up literally hundreds of men were passed out drunk.


Until you can provide a report like the OECD report, you are blowing smoke and are defending the actions of the 72 percent of African American men who run away from their obligations towards the women and children in the report.

So why don't you provide a report which explains why IndoGuyanese are no better off financially on average than are blacks (that is what the PPP says).  And why Chinese Guyanese are much better off.


Yes we can see the damage that slavery did to the black family.  What ever damage that indenture did would have impacted BOTH Indians and Chinese.


Yet Chinese Guyanese are way better off than their Indo counterparts.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Nah, some c00l1es gatt some real badness in dem rass.  In fact, some of them would do good looking at how some Afros live.  I always believe Afro women are resourceful and committed to their family.  If Afro men possess half those qualities, the Afro situation would have been very different.

Here is the rub.  The system of slavery destroyed the black family in the Caribbean and indeed from the beginning most blacks were born out of wedlock.  So the women knew that they had t0o try for themselves.



There are enough social problems among poor Indo Caribs so I am surprised that folks here worry about people who they hate.


Clearly their motive is to maintain a fallacy that social problems aren't a serious issue among poor Indos.  We all know better than that.



So either we intelligently discuss the social problems of BOTH Indo and Afro Carib people are we stop this.

Stop blaming slavery, you have been out of it for centuries and most follow the bible and the principles of the 10 commandments, yet you do what it says you should not.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

We are all free men living in 2013.


So why are IndoGuyanese no better off than AfroGuyanese on average, at least according to the PPP.


Why is alcoholism, spousal abuse and suicides much more a problem among Indos than among Afros.



Untilo you furnish data that says that Indo Caribs are doing perfectly I will continue to hammer this on you.  You are perfectly aware of these problems, but your self hatred seeks to find some one who you can feel better than.  This does NOT change the fact that there are many social problems among Indo Caribbean people.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
up literally hundreds of men were passed out drunk.


Until you can provide a report like the OECD report, you are blowing smoke and are defending the actions of the 72 percent of African American men who run away from their obligations towards the women and children in the report.

So why don't you provide a report which explains why IndoGuyanese are no better off financially on average than are blacks (that is what the PPP says).  And why Chinese Guyanese are much better off.


Yes we can see the damage that slavery did to the black family.  What ever damage that indenture did would have impacted BOTH Indians and Chinese.


Yet Chinese Guyanese are way better off than their Indo counterparts.



I have nothing to prove to you since the OECD report identifies 72 percent of African American males who run away from obligation towards their children and their mothers.


The report did not identify Indo American males as running away from their obligation. 


Address the 72 percent of African American males who run away from their obligations and stop dancing around the facts of this report.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Stop blaming slavery,.

The culture of the African of the Americas is rooted in slavery as its starting point so you cannot discuss it w/o this reference.


Of course Indians entered Guyana w/o this handicap, and yet the PPP shows data indicating that they are no better off/ WHY???????   You didn't have to figure out how to create a positive culture out of one based on pathologies, a shave blacks throughout the Americas.


When you can indicate that Indians, Chinese and Portuguese are doing the same then you can talk about blacks.


I suggest to you that you deal with why Indians  are at the bottom with the blacks, and Chinese and Portuguese are above them.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I have nothing to prove to you since the OECD report identifies 72 percent of African American males who run away from obligation towards their children and their mothers.


The report did not identify Indo American males as running away from their obligation. 


Address the 72 percent of African American males who run away from their obligations and stop dancing around the facts of this report.

Of course you do not want to deal with the numerous problems faced by young Indo Caribs in the USA.  You will try to live vicariously through Asian Indians who are way more successful, and indeed the very failure of Indo Guyanese to perform to levels which will enable them to respect  you is why they reject you.


I suggest that you ask yourself why Asian Indians get very upset if their kids hang around with Indo Caribs and why they don't see you all as any better than blacks.


But you will prefer to feel better than blacks by focusing on our problems and ignoring yours.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Stop blaming slavery,.

The culture of the African of the Americas is rooted in slavery as its starting point so you cannot discuss it w/o this reference.


Of course Indians entered Guyana w/o this handicap, and yet the PPP shows data indicating that they are no better off/ WHY???????   You didn't have to figure out how to create a positive culture out of one based on pathologies, a shave blacks throughout the Americas.


When you can indicate that Indians, Chinese and Portuguese are doing the same then you can talk about blacks.


I suggest to you that you deal with why Indians  are at the bottom with the blacks, and Chinese and Portuguese are above them.

Keep dancing. Not once have you addressed or acknowledged the fact in the report of the 72 percent of African American males who literally run away from their obligations towards their children and mothers in the OECD report.


Stop dancing and stop defending the actions of the 72 percent of African American males identified in the report. God bless the brave single mothers who toil to raise these children in the absence of the fathers and father figure in their homes.


This is a social epidemic.

Originally Posted by Stinger:
So is de presence of drunkard indo fathers



Tell you what.  I am sure that kids with no fathers in the house do better than those whose drunk fathers beat up their mothers every night.


No wonder Asian Indians run away from these Indo Caribs.  I mean look how many of their songs revolve around glorifying alcoholism.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
So is de presence of drunkard indo fathers



Tell you what.  I am sure that kids with no fathers in the house do better than those whose drunk fathers beat up their mothers every night.


No wonder Asian Indians run away from these Indo Caribs.  I mean look how many of their songs revolve around glorifying alcoholism.

Bai, I cannot agree with you more.  Indian movies, chutney music, life imitates art.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are trying to cloud the issue here. This is a credible OECD report on the 72 percent of African American males who run away from their obligations towards the mothers and children in this report.


This is not fiction, this is fact. Until you address the issue of the 72 percent of males who run away from their obligations, you are blowing smoke.


We need credible reports, not speculation. How you address the issue in this report will add credibility to your argument.


BTW, we do not see 72 PERCENT of Indo Guyanese men running away from their obligations towards their children and the mothers of their children. Not one single credible report has been able to prove this. 

actually,some stick around cause of religious and family reasons, then beat the wife as punishment


yugee: ". . . 72 percent of African American males who literally run away from their obligations towards their children and mothers in the OECD report."



tendentious LIE by the big mouth, uneducated ['Brahmin'] bigot yugee . . . there is no such "FACT" implied or stated in the OECD Report!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Carib and redux can dance around this epidemic and will holler racism all day long but this OECD report is what is it... an epidemic defended by Carib and Redux.

ahmmm . . . bring your FACTS from the report [i've read it] to support this LIE:


yugee: ". . . 72 percent of African American males who literally run away from their obligations towards their children and mothers in the OECD report."

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Carib and redux can dance around this epidemic and will holler racism all day long but this OECD report is what is it... an epidemic defended

oww bai, me throat too sore from allergies/cold to "holler" . . . just bring yuh FACTS from the report [i've read it] to support this LIE, arite:


yugee: ". . . 72 percent of African American males who literally run away from their obligations towards their children and mothers in the OECD report."



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Why you caribj have to turn every discussion to Indian vs Blacks?  This is a discussion based on a report, it does not even mention Black Guyanese. Even though we know how many "child fathers" Afro Guyanese women have. 

"discussion" my arse . . . this is a 2-year old report on public policy, economics, and changing family structures in OECD countries whose data,  conclusions and prescriptions were distorted by liars, bigots and FOOLS here [drug_b take a triple bow] to create fodder for a chant down of blackman so that some can feel better about the tiefman ethnocracy they support in Guyana

Last edited by Former Member

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