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Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Instead of making a valuable contribution, redux, Carib, storm, Mitwah have failed to address the real issue at hand but use the easy way out by hollering racism. Their behaviour exposes a very serious problem. They failed to recognize the long term effects of the fact revealed in this OECD report. Not one single of these guys have a morale compass. Go figure.

Your silly noise is just from your pure undistilled racism. Do you know how many Indo men in GUyana are working away from home inthe "Bush" and the Islands, America, Canada etc., just to support their families back home? Are these Indo children not growing up similiarly in a single family home? Get off your racist singhasan and fix your moral compass.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Carib and redux can dance around this epidemic and will holler racism all day long but this OECD report is what is it... an epidemic defended by Carib and Redux.

Carib is fully aware of this problem as is redux no doubt.


But what we also know is that your interest in this topic is motivated solely by your need to demonize blacks.   Not every one who grows up out of wedlock fails.  In fact most do not.


And not every one who has a "father" whose main purpose in the family is to beat up every one else while drunbk succeeds.


zI can only wonder why you ignore the epidemic of alcoholism and spousal abuse which is quite common among many IndoCaribbean homes,  The high suicide rate as well, which I am sure is connected.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Why you caribj have to turn every discussion to Indian vs Blacks?  This is a discussion based on a report, it does not even mention Black Guyanese. Even though we know how many "child fathers" Afro Guyanese women have. 

We do so because people like you and others jump at every excuse to demonize blacks.

Tell you what druggie I have several cousins who grew up in female headed households.  EVERY ONE OF THEM is successful.


Ironically the ONLY failures are the ones who grew up in homes with father and mother present, but fighting.


So druggie one cannot infer that no married parents means that father is non existent, or that children do not find ways to cope against great odds.


Any more than two parents means a functioning home.


But this level of thinking is beyond you and your racist pals.


Now run along and make yourself useful by addressing the numerous problems faced by many Indo Guyanese families, father present, but drunk and abusive.  I suspect that if he wasn't there more stability will result with fewer ill effects.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Why you caribj have to turn every discussion to Indian vs Blacks?  This is a discussion based on a report, it does not even mention Black Guyanese. Even though we know how many "child fathers" Afro Guyanese women have. 

Banna, when lst you went Guyana.  Child fadda deh nuff wid dem lil c00l1es deezz daazz.

This is what I have been trying to tell them.


So busy trying to focus on the problems of blacks, not because they wish to help, but because they wish to u8se this as an excuse to practice their racism.


Indians as they urbanize are developing many social ills faced by blacks.


I am quite sure that Indo females, not raised to think of life alone with kids, as many black women know to be quite possible, will face MORE problems coping, especially with their sons.  The society being patriarchal, unlike the African matriarchal societies, leaves less room for groups of women to cooperate to raise families in the absence of reliable men.


But yuji will ignore this fact until some Indo gang attacks him when he visits Guyana, or RH for that matter, because not all of the robberies with guns in that place are due to blacks or Hispanics.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

It appears that you did not read the report.


I am always amused by racists like you who discover something in your rage to portray blacks in a poor light and then scream as if the fact that you raise this problem means that no one else talks about it.


FACT:  The whole premise of the One Million Man March, which was held almost 20 years ago was about the absent father syndrome.


FACT:  Not every kid born out of wedlock lacks a responsible father. Some fathers are involved, married or not.  And some MARRIED fathers have no interest in their kids.


FACT;  I am sure that you are unaware of the Eagle Academy schools which aim at raising responsible black males who will obtain a decent education, hopefully leading to a good career, increasing the chances that they will be seen as responsible mates by females who will then want to marry them, instead of seeing them mainly for inseminating purposes, and hoping that their useless bodies disappear afterwards.


Many other social organizations within the black community have similar goals.


So scream if you want about this as if no one acknowledges the problem.



Note that while SOME black people are trying to set up institutions to deal with the problem, NO ONE is acknowledging a family break down within segments of the IndoCaribbean community, except Asian Indians, who like you, use the social ills of a group as an excuse to despise them.  Oh yes there is much talk among Asian Indos about the poor educational outcomes of many IndoCaribs, their alcoholism, high divorce rate, and growing substance abuse.


Ironically as you ignore this problem, many Asian Indians are probably ignoring emerging problems within THEIR own community in their need to feel better than some one else.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am not surprised that the recently suspended Mitwah posts baseless claims. This article is a statement of facts.


I do not for a second disagree that black males face tremendous odds in the United States especially in areas of employment which contributes to the poverty level that is on par with some third world countries. Visit Schenectady New York and see for yourself.


But that is no excuse for 72 percent of single parents African American homes. This is an epidemic. 


Now take your racist excuse elsewhere. 

yuji which woman wants a man who has no job.  Deal with the issue of poor education for low income kids, as antabanta says, and then GRADUALLY this problem will be solved.


Now can you advocate for the many Indo Females who are beaten up by their husbands to the point where some are forced to flee, so left with raising these kids on their own?  Several people are telling you about this and you chose to ignore it.


Yuji your rant isn't about this problem which every black person is aware of, and many are trying to resolve.


Your rant is based on aneed to perpetuate a myth that the Indian is better than blacks, even though with each passing day the differences between the two groups narrows.   Not only are Indos bringing with them their problms from a rural patriarchal culture where women  were disrespected and alcoholism was a major problem.  But as they urbanize and as out of wedlock sex becomes the norm, more often it results in out of wedlock kids.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Many of these black men leave the black wife or the black girlfriend and their children and run off with a white woman. disgusting just to think about it. They are the major destroyers of the prosperous black family. There are some blacks who would write books about this and speak out about this.  Yet they do the same thing.   That is why I do not read some of these black writers any more and just stick to reading black writers such as Rodney and Achebe.

Myth.  Over 75% of black men who are married these days marry black women.


The issue is as follows;


1.  there are 2x as many educated black women as black men so many black women have no interest in marrying these men.  They will get pregnant and that chase the man out.


2.  More men than you think are INVOLVED with their kids.  Not married doesn't mean not interested.  In fact many of these families are no different from those where there has been a divorce.


3. Blacks in the USA, unlike the Caribbean, used to have high rates of marriage because slavery in the USA did not as actively discourage marriage as it did in the Caribbean.  From the late 50s as jobs for the unskilled began to disappear resulting in higher black male unemployment, and as welfare programs DISCOURAGED marriage, because welfare benefits were cut if there was a man in the house, this problem grew.  Not only among blacks but also PUERTO RICANS.  Two different groups, but yet a similar phenomenon. 



Unfortunately this has spread and has become culture, and until the issue of black male underperformance in education and employment is addressed I will see many black women being reluctant to marry these men, even as they want to become mothers.

Originally Posted by caribny:

We do so because people like you and others jump at every excuse to demonize blacks.

Tell you what druggie I have several cousins who grew up in female headed households.  EVERY ONE OF THEM is successful.


Ironically the ONLY failures are the ones who grew up in homes with father and mother present, but fighting.


So druggie one cannot infer that no married parents means that father is non existent, or that children do not find ways to cope against great odds.


Any more than two parents means a functioning home.


But this level of thinking is beyond you and your racist pals.


Now run along and make yourself useful by addressing the numerous problems faced by many Indo Guyanese families, father present, but drunk and abusive.  I suspect that if he wasn't there more stability will result with fewer ill effects.


You again reference your famous survey and ignore the tried and true scientific methods of determining statistical trends:

According to the census:

General Effects of the Single-Parent Household 
It has been found through varied research that children in single-parent homes generally fare worse than those homes with two parents. Statistically, in the United States, family structure does contribute to certain characteristics of a child's well being. For example, there is a prevalence of lower birthrates and higher death rates among infants when there is just one parent. Also, the number of children ages 15-17 in school and in good health is much lower in this group of children, and the number of children becoming pregnant at these ages is increasing. There are also signs that children who have gone through a divorce may have problems with depression, emotional stress, and difficulties in school. It has been found that adolescents from single-parent families were found to be three times more likely to be depressed than those living with two parents. Single parent homes are also associated with criminal activity in the U.S.A. Children from a single-parent household account for 72% of teenage murderers, 60% percent of people who commit rape crimes and are eleven times more likely to exhibit violent behavior. These statistics are astounding and the problems that accompany single-parenthood appear volatile.

Problems found in the single-parent household may not be because of the parent who raised these children, but can be linked to other things that are also related to single parenting. It has been pointed out that when there is only one parent, the family is often less well off financially and this is the main reason for so many family problems. Reports show that the effects of coming from a low-income family can include things like lower education levels, lower economic achievement and can result in leaving the child feeling isolated and lonely. Being a single parent and struggling for money often coincide. It is also true that children of one-parent households are generally less supervised, their actions are less monitored and there is usually less communication between the child and parent. It would appear that being a part of a single-parent household indicates a negative family environment. It should be said however that many single-parent families find a balance and successfully thrive in today's world.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Finally Carib is having a sensible debate. You have made some very strong arguments, many of which are true. The intention of this post was to have a civilized debate.


Stop this race name calling and post in a manner like you just did and then it adds a lot of credibility to what you say.


sooo . . . after being exposed as a low-life prevaricator WITHOUT FACTS, LEARNING or proper clothes, u slither back here calling for civil conversation


well let me tell u a little something mr yugee . . . you are morally and intellectually UNFIT to participate in, much less lead a "debate" on this subject


now, go find a copy of the "OECD report" in your local library and crawl back into your hole . . . try and read it this time; and be quiet u FRAUD!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am not surprised that the recently suspended Mitwah posts baseless claims. This article is a statement of facts.


I do not for a second disagree that black males face tremendous odds in the United States especially in areas of employment which contributes to the poverty level that is on par with some third world countries. Visit Schenectady New York and see for yourself.


But that is no excuse for 72 percent of single parents African American homes. This is an epidemic. 


Now take your racist excuse elsewhere. 

yuji which woman wants a man who has no job.  Deal with the issue of poor education for low income kids, as antabanta says, and then GRADUALLY this problem will be solved.


Now can you advocate for the many Indo Females who are beaten up by their husbands to the point where some are forced to flee, so left with raising these kids on their own?  Several people are telling you about this and you chose to ignore it.


Yuji your rant isn't about this problem which every black person is aware of, and many are trying to resolve.


Your rant is based on aneed to perpetuate a myth that the Indian is better than blacks, even though with each passing day the differences between the two groups narrows.   Not only are Indos bringing with them their problms from a rural patriarchal culture where women  were disrespected and alcoholism was a major problem.  But as they urbanize and as out of wedlock sex becomes the norm, more often it results in out of wedlock kids.

Yuji22, not sure I agree with you.  True, Blacks who get a good education and look a certain way do find great opportunities in the USA.  However, the vast majority (like with most races) who do not shine above the rest face immense hardship much more than their White or Asian counterparts.  For the average young Black kid who makes a little slip (like with many youths of all races), the predominantly racist White cops are waiting to "criminalize" them.  This has the effect of depriving them of governmental assistance for skills training to improve their lot in life.


I do believe however, Afros do have a much fairer chance in Guyana to better themselves within the context of Guyana.  Yes, there may be discrimination here and there, but no way is it as ingrained as the USA and many Indians are fighting the same struggles on a daily basis as their Afro counterparts.  Blacks should be thankful for the PPP and the progress being seen in Guyana.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Finally Carib is having a sensible debate. You have made some very strong arguments, many of which are true. The intention of this post was to have a civilized debate.


Stop this race name calling and post in a manner like you just did and then it adds a lot of credibility to what you say.


I am not saying anything different and you sir have not become a God to bl;ack people because you discovered something that we don't know, or are not concerned about.


What amuses me is that there are growing social pathologies among segments of the Indo Carib community but you wish to pretend otherwise.


Why don't you intelligently discuss that?  But when faced with obvious problems among Indo Caribs you say I play the race card and not you who raise this issue ONLY to further your mission of justifying your racism against blacks.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

We do so because people like you and others jump at every excuse to demonize blacks.

Tell you what druggie I have several cousins who grew up in female headed households.  EVERY ONE OF THEM is successful.


Ironically the ONLY failures are the ones who grew up in homes with father and mother present, but fighting.


So druggie one cannot infer that no married parents means that father is non existent, or that children do not find ways to cope against great odds.


Any more than two parents means a functioning home.


But this level of thinking is beyond you and your racist pals.


Now run along and make yourself useful by addressing the numerous problems faced by many Indo Guyanese families, father present, but drunk and abusive.  I suspect that if he wasn't there more stability will result with fewer ill effects.


You again reference your famous survey and ignore the tried and true scientific methods of determining statistical trends:

According to the census:

General Effects of the Single-Parent Household 
It has been found through varied research that children in single-parent homes generally fare worse than those homes with two parents. Statistically, in the United States, family structure does contribute to certain characteristics of a child's well being. For example, there is a prevalence of lower birthrates and higher death rates among infants when there is just one parent. Also, the number of children ages 15-17 in school and in good health is much lower in this group of children, and the number of children becoming pregnant at these ages is increasing. There are also signs that children who have gone through a divorce may have problems with depression, emotional stress, and difficulties in school. It has been found that adolescents from single-parent families were found to be three times more likely to be depressed than those living with two parents. Single parent homes are also associated with criminal activity in the U.S.A. Children from a single-parent household account for 72% of teenage murderers, 60% percent of people who commit rape crimes and are eleven times more likely to exhibit violent behavior. These statistics are astounding and the problems that accompany single-parenthood appear volatile.

Problems found in the single-parent household may not be because of the parent who raised these children, but can be linked to other things that are also related to single parenting. It has been pointed out that when there is only one parent, the family is often less well off financially and this is the main reason for so many family problems. Reports show that the effects of coming from a low-income family can include things like lower education levels, lower economic achievement and can result in leaving the child feeling isolated and lonely. Being a single parent and struggling for money often coincide. It is also true that children of one-parent households are generally less supervised, their actions are less monitored and there is usually less communication between the child and parent. It would appear that being a part of a single-parent household indicates a negative family environment. It should be said however that many single-parent families find a balance and successfully thrive in today's world.

So druggie indications that there is a growing problem among Indo caribs should concern you.  But it doesn't.  Why?


Note that it was baseman who has said that there is this growing problem among Guyanese Indians so if you dispute this argue with him.


also saying that 73% of certain crimes come from single families reveals nothing unless you show that the vast majority of kids in this situation are this way.   Clearly not the case or NYC would be like Baghdad.


From my experience the kids from divorced families are way more emotionally scarred so you should also be addressing this phenomenon.

Originally Posted by baseman:
 Blacks should be thankful for the PPP and the progress being seen in Guyana.

How come you know more about Guyanese blacks than 90%+ do?  If they feel that the PPP has been bad for them then you should respect their opinion.  It is highly unusual for 90% of a group to have an opinion unless there is some validity for it.


You are just like the blacks who claim that Indians should be happy with Burnham, given that his banning of items jump started their businesses, and the corrupt nature of the officialdom allowed many to CHEAPLY get away with this.


Baseman I remember the crowds getting tax clearance to leave Guyana.  Morning mixed crowd.  Afternoon it was mainly blacks who were called back in to be interviewed prior to getting such clearance.  In those days blacks didn't understand that bribery was essential.  Indians knew this, being the outsider group.


As to the USA.  Two kids walking down the street with weed.  White kid gets stopped. Cop (does not matter which race) pats him on the back and warns him to be careful.  MIDDLE CLASS black kid is treated like a thug and now has a criminal record, which he cannot erase if he is over 18. 


The bulk of the INITIAL arrests of black youths are for NONVIOLENT crimes.   Of course exposure to the criminal system and diminished opportunities due to a criminal record leads more than a few to graduate towards violent crime.

Originally Posted by caribny:

So druggie indications that there is a growing problem among Indo caribs should concern you.  But it doesn't.  Why?


Note that it was baseman who has said that there is this growing problem among Guyanese Indians so if you dispute this argue with him.


also saying that 73% of certain crimes come from single families reveals nothing unless you show that the vast majority of kids in this situation are this way.   Clearly not the case or NYC would be like Baghdad.


From my experience the kids from divorced families are way more emotionally scarred so you should also be addressing this phenomenon.

When I lash you with the statistics you run to change the subject, now you making claims about Indians based on a claim from Baseman. I don't consider hearsay as fact, show me the statistics and I will concede. Meanwhile stop making excuses and take a lesson from stalwarts such as Bill Cosby who understand and acknowledge the problems in your community. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
 Blacks should be thankful for the PPP and the progress being seen in Guyana.

How come you know more about Guyanese blacks than 90%+ do?  If they feel that the PPP has been bad for them then you should respect their opinion.  It is highly unusual for 90% of a group to have an opinion unless there is some validity for it.


Baseman response

How you explain 99% Afro support for the PNC in all it's time on power, even when (as you claim) Blacks were suffering as much and even worse than Indians?  Connect the dots!


You are just like the blacks who claim that Indians should be happy with Burnham, given that his banning of items jump started their businesses, and the corrupt nature of the officialdom allowed many to CHEAPLY get away with this.


Baseman I remember the crowds getting tax clearance to leave Guyana.  Morning mixed crowd.  Afternoon it was mainly blacks who were called back in to be interviewed prior to getting such clearance.  In those days blacks didn't understand that bribery was essential.  Indians knew this, being the outsider group.


Baseman's response

You see, most blacks those days who flocked there were huksters.  They did give bribes to the IRD guys, better believe.  The reason they came afternoon is due to most being from GT (Huksters).  The Indians came from far far away and wanted to ensure they got through and can get back home before nightfall.  Many arrived at 5am and waited outside for the "gate" to open.


As to the USA.  Two kids walking down the street with weed.  White kid gets stopped. Cop (does not matter which race) pats him on the back and warns him to be careful.  MIDDLE CLASS black kid is treated like a thug and now has a criminal record, which he cannot erase if he is over 18. 


The bulk of the INITIAL arrests of black youths are for NONVIOLENT crimes.   Of course exposure to the criminal system and diminished opportunities due to a criminal record leads more than a few to graduate towards violent crime.


Baseman responds

Yes, this was what baseman mentioned in his post.  Please re-read if you mis-understood.  Such harassment NEVER happens in Guyana.  Afros and very well off in Guyana.  Infact, many Indians complain about harassment from the mostly Afro police force though this has subsided somewhat recently.

Please see my "blue" responses above, once again, baseman calls it like it is.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Where is that congenital racist Yugi22?

Wow, you awfully quiet on my post above.  Why you pick on Yugi22, is me post.

I am not picking on Yugi. He is awfully quiet on his demonizing of the black man. You are actually doing well with countering Caribj, who has presented some very  valid arguments.  I am a bit busy with a couple of wakes.


I am having bhaigan choka and fat roti for brekky.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Where is that congenital racist Yugi22?

Wow, you awfully quiet on my post above.  Why you pick on Yugi22, is me post.

I am not picking on Yugi. He is awfully quiet on his demonizing of the black man. You are actually doing well with countering Caribj, who has presented some very  valid arguments.  I am a bit busy with a couple of wakes.


I am having bhaigan choka and fat roti for brekky.

Bai, yuh mek mi belly bunn diss early marnin.  One day, me you and Caribj should hook up for some baigan choka and roti, but I-man prefer clap roti (paratha as we say in Guyana).

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Baseman response

How you explain 99% Afro support for the PNC in all it's time on power, even when (as you claim) Blacks were suffering as much and even worse than Indians?  Connect the dots!





Baseman's response

You see, most blacks those days who flocked there were huksters.  They did give bribes to the IRD guys, better believe.  The reason they came afternoon is due to most being from GT (Huksters).  The Indians came from far far away and wanted to ensure they got through and can get back home before nightfall.  Many arrived at 5am and waited outside for the "gate" to open.





Baseman responds

Yes, this was what baseman mentioned in his post.  Please re-read if you mis-understood.  Such harassment NEVER happens in Guyana.  Afros and very well off in Guyana.  Infact, many Indians complain about harassment from the mostly Afro police force though this has subsided somewhat recently.

Please see my "blue" responses above, once again, baseman calls it like it is.

1.  There have been several instances of blacks being harassed and brutalized by the police and army.  A UG student killed several years ago.  POlice breaking down and destroying the property of elderly black people.  The infamous Linwood Creek incident where several blacks men were slaughtered and we have yet to have any serious discussion. 


Baseman AfroGuyanese are fast becoming a powerless minority group in Guyana as blacks are in the USA. And when this fact is made there are those wlike you who scream genocide against Indians to discredit any serious discussion of this topic.


2.  I see that you believe that the elections of the 70s and 80s wedre not rigged so that one can claim that the votes were valid and so one can then claim that the PNC was indeed the victor.  I personally saw what happened in several of these elections.  Empty polling stations all day and buses filled with "voters" driving around AFTER these places were closed.  Indeed in 1973 it was estimated that only 15% of the electorate voted, and surely not all would have voted PNC.


3. I can see that you didn't not know how the system worked.  One had to go to the IRD in the morning to determine whether they had to pull your file and interview you in the afternoon, or whether you IMMEDIATELY got your tax clearance.  Those brought back in the afternoon were mainly blacks.  But you never had to be interviewed so you didn't know how it worked. 


the point is that Burnham was happy to let Indos  who hated the PNC to leave Guyana.  He wanted to harass black malcontents and this is the system that he used for blacks who were not favored party people (including YSM blacks).


As far as Burnham was concerned the Indos could do what ever they wished as he had no interest in them, except for a few like the Luckhoos, Kissoons, etc.  Its like how people in Guyana tolerate stray dogs, except when they get in the way. He felt that he owned blacks and that he needed to constantly remind us of this.


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