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Former Member

A one-term Trump

Ryhaan Shah


By now the initial shock of Donald Trump winning the US presidency is subsiding and the political pundits are busy with prognostications as to what this means for America and the rest of the world.

Trump’s campaign of hate, bigotry, and the demonising of everyone including Mexicans and Muslims scripted his simple narrative of “Make America Great Again” which resonated with the white working class. They decoded and understood the message which came with Trump’s promise to build a wall at the Mexican border, to ban Muslims, and to bring back their jobs which had been shipped overseas.

He played to their fears and prejudices and they responded to the narrative which implied that there was a once golden age when everything was great for Americans and that this greatness has been lost to immigrants who are criminals and who have taken their jobs.

His supporters understood him clearly, and that the Ku Klux Klan endorsed Trump’s candidacy was no surprise. He did reject their endorsement when they too were simply responding to the Trump narrative and white supremacists are emboldened enough by his election to have started an online campaign of harassing Democrats in order to make them suicidal.

While Trump’s message spoke to his followers’ fears, it increased those of the other half the country. He gained the Electoral College votes needed to win the presidency but his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by a slim margin, reflecting the deep divide in America.

Young Democrats have taken to the streets in several cities to protest Trump’s election and have made over his campaign slogan to: “Make America Hate Again.” A few protests have grown riotous and the response from Trump’s surrogates that his victory speech, which spoke about uniting the country, cancels out the 18 months of his hate-filled campaign is very disingenuous.

In her gracious concession speech, Clinton reminded Americans of the democratic values of diversity, inclusiveness, and equality on which the country was founded. The US has stood as an example to the rest of the world as to how these values translate into progress and development.

But there is now great uncertainty in the US and abroad over Trump’s promised change. America’s allies are unsure about the future of NATO, and they are also unsure as to how Trump’s demagoguery and his admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin will affect US foreign policy.

Their uncertainty is underlined by Trump’s own remarks on the campaign trail that he would “bomb the s**t out of ISIS” and that he loves war.

Perhaps, he was simply playing to his supporters who view hawkishness and war mongering as strength. Perhaps, now that he will be fully briefed on US top secret information, he might begin to understand the complexity of world politics and the importance of maintaining the status quo vis a vis America’s alliances in Europe and Asia.

Perhaps, the weight of the job as the leader of the free world will have a sobering effect. Much will depend on who he chooses as his aides and advisors and, also, whether he will listen to their advice.

Trump’s victory speech was scripted. Reading from a teleprompter, he can sound reasoned and reasonable. However, his advisors will not be able to script every moment of the next four years. Off script, the real Trump emerges.

In that infamous “Access Hollywood” tape, he boasted that as a TV star he “can do anything” and went on to describe the grossest kind of grabbing and groping of women.

America voted for this man to be their president but here’s the rub: the anti-Trump protesters vow to make sure that he is a one-term president and the Democratic party is already looking to new leadership for their 2020 campaign.

For those elections, both the Republicans and Democrats will field fresh candidates. Trump might run for re-election but his success will depend on his performance in office and, given his character, half of America already expects that he will continue his vengeful, hateful divisiveness through his policies.

In four years, the US will have a chance at a do-over and could elect someone with the decency and principled character that most want in a leader. This is what makes America great again and again.

And this is what makes Guyana a continuing hellhole: at our next elections, we will again have the choice between two tired parties led by tired, old men who are immured in the politics of hate and division, and we will continue to vote for them as if our votes matter.

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Michael Moore, author of STUPID WHITE MEN, says Donald Trump may not even serve out his full term. Moore predicts that Trump will resign or he will be impeached. Moore had predicted that Trump would win the election.


I predicted on Saturday, November 12, 2016 that ...


A long shot prediction ...

"Donald Trump may be impeached during the first four years of his administration".

Title -- What kind of President will Trump be?

Source --



Alyuh keep on hoping.  Trump has confounded the "experts".  Trump said he is not a quitter, he is a winner.  Thus far he is proving himself to be correct!  Trump has every opportunity to be a 2-term prezzy!


Ba$e.....Trump cannot legislate (well he can't, but the Republican Congress won't) that American private sector bring their factories back to the homeland. That's not how America works. If Cobngress passes legislation to raise tariffs on goods imported here by American corporations that could be manufactured here, guess who pays - yers, heartland America in fly-over country who will not pay (a tax essentially) $100 for a $25 shirt. Hehehe.

Also think about this - Trump needs to get Congress funding to build a deportation Agency to round up and to fetch the cost of transporting millions of illegals to their home country. Boy, the chambers of Commerce all over this country will get on his case - well no, because the House Republicans will never vote for it - when the tomatoes and strawberries go unpicked and the chickens don't get procssed.

So the two Trump promises that won't be delivered - illegal immigration and manufacturing jobs return to the US - will be his demise in his first 2 years, let alone 4 (if he's not impeached for the pending court cases - as Bill Clinton was in his 2nd term). Also take insurance coverage away from his supporters who are beneficiaries of Obamacare  and boy see how they they will scream. This is why I say all along Trump is a North-East liberal New Yorker - a 3rd party candidate President-elect housed in the body of the GOP - whose main adversary will be House Republicans, not the Democrats.


So far, u and the other chap on here has been always wrong. Job creation will take place in the USA. Obama and the Clinton created 16 years of mess in the manufacturing sector. A new wave of industrialist are going to emerge with Trump's economic plans. Innovative to produce goods at reasonable cost. Americans are going work for a decent wage in the new economy. The current group of businesses wants cheap labour. America is not for them-they prefer Asians and Mexicans.

Taxes and Tariff prices them out of the market and create opportunities for local industries. Job creation would be like 25 people employed by millions of small companies selling on the internet.


Correct, these jokers don't know when to quit.  They have been grossly wrong and outdone every step of the way on every aspect and still trying to stay relevant by shoveling more horse sh1t!  Trump is a leader like America has not seen in decades and he will confound these naysayers.

The man has been elected less than a week ago and already beginning to prove himself a true leader with his picks and statements.  Trump will create a new world and a new world order, and the US will be way on top!!

Trump did exactly what he said he will do.  He remained quiet in his ground game, fill them with distractions and pounce on them just when they though they had it in the bag!  The Trump win will become the latest Harvard case study in politics, leadership and closing the deal!!

Kari, D2, D_G and the rest of you jokers, keep on catching up with the life and times!!  Swallow your pride you confounded Hillaryites, you have been thumped!!  And that Kari trying to stay in the news and above water!!

And Kari, I don't need to know how it works from you as you don't even seem to know how your very own head works!!  You are lost in your own tangled cob-web!!  You are on a totally different paradigm!!

Last edited by Former Member

Baseman 10 million jobs were created in the USA between Jan 2009 and now.  This compares to a new 1.5 million created between Jan 2001 and Jan 2009.

Under Clinton job creation was even better, with 23 million jobs created.

Baseman these are the facts, so continue to babble the lies that your KKK president tries to spread.

In fact why don't you explain why Trump is the first president in more than 70 years who they KKK has so greedily endorsed!  And in fact since he won the election there have been hundreds of bias incident directed towards Jews, blacks, Hispanics and Muslims.

Why this explosion of bigotry that hasn't occurred with the election of any President within living memory.


Kari I wouldn't call Trump a Northeast liberal, or he would be advocating gun control laws, and a fairer income tax policy, which he isn't.

In fact the Trump tax cuts will benefit only the top 1%.  So where is he going to find money to fund his so called infrastructure program (this is a question for baseman)?

Trump will be a cluster of confusion. He has selected a white supremacist racist and the head of the RNC as co equals in formulating Trump policy (including who gets hired).   BOTH will use Trump to their own ends, and as we all know the KKK is only what many GOP say, its just that the GOP doesn't broadcast this.

By involving his kids in this administration he has injected a gray line between that and his organization.  I can see the future which will have accusations that Trump is raiding the piggy bank, and enacting policy to benefit his own pocket.

I can see people getting dizzy, including Trump himself with all of the major policy changes which will occur mid sentence.

So how will jobs come back? Will the jobs that are bought back be performed by humans, or by robots?  In fact manufacturing jobs have been returning to the USA from China. But its robots which are getting the jobs.

As to leaving NAFTA, (which will have to occur if Trump wishes to put tariffs on Mexican goods).  Here is what will happen. US companies will move to Canada, and then source the mid level/ mid skill labor out of Mexico.  So the upper tier functions, which remain in the USA will go to Canada.

Baseman US companies are driven to show improved earnings. The pay packages of top management are driven by how well the stock performs, which is a pure earnings play.   Companies have been driving earnings by controlling their costs as they are often constrained in their ability to drive earnings.

This even applies to privately held firms like the Trump Organization. Yes I can see them already hurt as the wealthy Arabs boycott them, and the wealthy Euros and Americans don't want to be seen dead near them.  Baseman if you think that Trump will stop sourcing his uniforms out of Bangladesh you dream. Because his 2 satanic sons aren't taking a cut in pay!

Poor white working class. Used and abused by their rich white peers. One day the white working class will learn that it is the black and Latino working class with whom they have more in common.  

The days when all whites celebrated unity under the shield of white skin is over. Rich whites prefer to hang out with rich blacks than they do with poor whites!  They aren't enough rich whites, so they fool the poor whites into imagining white racial solidarity. Then they implement policies which hurt poor whites.

So NAFTA isn't going any where!  As far as Trump (privately) is concerned if poor whites want work they can go to Mexico to get it!

Last edited by Former Member

Trump has no idea what he is getting into.  He might throw in the towel and resign before the first term is over, this is not like running his business and ordering folks around.  Looks like most of his campaign promises will be severely altered or NOT implemented. 

Or maybe he 'luckily' gets impeached. 


Looks like Christie gets 'KATAHAR' if this article is true..........

The New York Post

Trump said to be ‘disgusted’ with Chris Christie


Published: Nov 14, 2016 5:27 a.m. ET

<button class="social-button comment trackable">188</button>

New Jersey governor reportedly on the outs with Trump transition

Getty Images
Donald Trump stands on stage with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at a campaign rally in May.




President-elect Donald Trump is so disgusted with Chris Christie’s handling of the Bridgegate scandal that he’s kicking the New Jersey governor out of his inner circle, The Post has learned.

“Trump thought it was shameful that Christie didn’t take the fall for [convicted aide] Bridget Kelly,” said a source close to the transition team. “Trump is really angry that Christie is sending a soccer mom to jail. He believes 100 percent that Christie was behind it all.”

Christie’s former deputy chief of staff was convicted in federal court earlier this month along with former Port Authority executive Bill Baroni. They were charged with causing dangerous traffic tie-ups on the George Washington Bridge in September 2013 as political payback for Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich not endorsing Christie.



Kelly testified that Christie knew of the shutdown of several lanes of traffic, a charge Christie has repeatedly denied.

The former aides could face more than 20 years in jail.

“Trump really doesn’t like it when married women with kids get hurt in politics,” said the source. “Trump was pretty disgusted with Christie.”

Donald Trump's Possible Cabinet Picks

President-elect Donald Trump's transition team is racing to fill White House cabinet and key administration posts ahead of the businessman's inauguration in January. WSJ's Shelby Holliday reports on the top names being considered for Mr. Trump's cabinet. Photo: Getty Images.

Christie’s failure to take responsibility for Bridgegate was the final straw in an already eroding relationship, said a second source, who is close to the Trump campaign.

“She was a factor in the decision because Trump didn’t like seeing her crying,” the source said.

When Christie again denied all responsibility for Bridgegate in an interview with Charlie Rose on Monday, Trump’s frustration grew, the source said.

Tensions had been building for weeks between the two men, with some Trump insiders questioning Christie’s loyalty in the last month of the campaign, when it looked like Trump would lose.

Christie canceled appearances on Sunday shows after the “Access Hollywood” video of Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women was leaked on Oct. 7, the source said. He also failed to attend the second debate, and canceled campaigning with Trump in the last weekend of the race, the source said.

Christie was formally pushed aside Friday as chair of Trump’s transition team and the job given to Vice President-elect Mike Pence. Tech billionaire and loyal Trump supporter Peter Thiel, also added to the team Friday, will have a leadership role, the first source told The Post. Christie retains a token title of vice chair but no real role going forward, sources said.

Christie will now likely focus on what job he can get for himself in a new Trump administration. But a third source said the Trump team views him as virtually “unconfirmable” for a Cabinet-level post.

“They want to drain the swamp, and having Christie there is just plugging it up,” the source said. “He was tolerated in the past because he was viewed as a kind of nice Tony Soprano. But now that Trump is the president-elect those days are over.”

Some close to Trump regarded the New Jersey governor as “a stupid thug who really needed to go,” the transition-team source told The Post.

But Christie said in a statement Friday: “I am proud to have run the pre-election phase of the transition team along with a thoroughly professional and dedicated team of people. I want to thank President-elect Trump for the opportunity to continue to help lead in this next phase.”

A Christie spokesman did not return messages seeking comment Saturday.

The Trump campaign refused to comment.

Last edited by alena06

Amral be careful about eating that bug, quite a few had to eat bugs since Trump win.


D2 and Kari are no fools so srop braying.

To the others who are screaming about 2nd term for Trump, kindly chill.

If he survive his first term without not resigning or being impeached, then let's take a look after that.


This Trump is starting to piss me off. He is planning to flood the supreme Court with right wing nuts. Imagine a woman get rape by a rapist and she have to give birth to the baby. This is not what I voted for.

Last edited by Prashad

Amral be careful about eating that bug, quite a few had to eat bugs since Trump win.


D2 and Kari are no fools so srop braying.

To the others who are screaming about 2nd term for Trump, kindly chill.

If he survive his first term without not resigning or being impeached, then let's take a look after that.


They were both wrong and write sheer crap.  Kari craves the spotlight and D2 just act out some unmet need!  They are both clowns.

You are a bit smarter as you did express concerns over a Trump win, which you view as realistic!  Baseman always thought Trump had a winning formula but grew apprehensive after the Conventions.  The last month was good and steady and some optimism returned.  I must admit, I was not sure it was enough to turn it around!

Hail TRUMP!!


Ba$eman wrote:

And Kari, I don't need to know how it works from you as you don't even seem to know how your very own head works!!  You are lost in your own tangled cob-web!!  You are on a totally different paradigm!!


Basement, it's better to remain silent that let people know how empty you are. You obviously are reacting to my comments on Trump's promises to those who did not think Hillary spoke to them - Trump cannot pass legislation, he can only sign Bills into law; Trump cannot spend money that Congress does not give him. That's where the realities of governance come into play. Trump was bedazzled by Obama when he had his hour-and-a-half conversation at the White House last Thursday. Obama gave him, not only a performance of his charisma , but the realities of Presidential powers and limits of powers.

So all you could do is write incomprehensive babble. I will seek to engage you though as I do Guyanese to raise their level of understanding of matters around them. That way you can speak sensibly to people you associate with.


Kari's advise makes him an excellent candidate as Jackass Granger's advisor.

After all, all of Kari's Presidential election predictions were no better than that of a Jackass.

Ha Ha !

Last edited by Former Member


They were both wrong and write sheer crap. Kari craves the spotlight and D2 just act out some unmet need! They are both clowns.

The only clowns here is one who decidedly voted againt his interest because  his fear of black people tempers everything. You are a royal ass who will see that your pretend KKK hoodie cannot hide the fact you are a brown person and will be treated with all the indignities that brown people will have to endure given the heightened xenophobia massaged by the racist  who will be white house

Last edited by Former Member

Trump has been very liberal in the past when it comes to social issues. But I think he feels he now owe the political extreme right and right wing people like Ryan lots for getting him elected. Which is just BS. If he continues down this extreme right wing social conservative path instead of focusing on the real issues like the imperial ambitions of the Red and Republic of China together with the imperial ambitions of Arab white supremacy then I hope that he is a one term president.

Last edited by Prashad

When we were sreaming our lungs out you guys were not listening. All you and your PPp Coolies  were hearing is that he will ban Muslims.

He will put  stick  inn all you ass.

Last edited by Chief


It's a pity you did not take your own advise into consideration before you cast your vote.

The underlying  support by many coolies both from India and Guyana towards Trump is their hatred for Muslims and Blacks.

Elections are over ,now deal with the reality and stop shedding tears about " this is not what I voted  for"

It is exactly that what you voted for , a stick up your colored ass.



Chief the White Arab will call you brother now so that you can fight his wars for him. But when he gets the power then he will kick your brown ass. I am brown and proud. Brown pride world wide.

Last edited by Prashad

He will put  stick  inn all you ass.

Not sure who you referring to deh Chief.  Baseman backed the Trumpster then and still now.  He does intend to tighten the leash on the Wahabs and their friends.  You see who he choosing for Secretary of State, Rudi Gulliani.  I hope he takes Steven King as head of Homeland Security. 

Last edited by Former Member

I do ot like a lot of things about Rudy especially his blind and wild support for Israel.  Guiliani worked with Muslims before. when he was Mayor of NY.

On 9.11 he sent a police patrol car to every Mosque to protect us. 

Like I said before I will wait and see who direction  they will heading.



Dummy D (square), check who posted the homo thing, is yuh fullah fren Chiefsta!!.

I responded to what you had in your original post as your tripped all over yourself to generate a post. Don't blame me for your confusion. I do not have friends here.



Just like all who voted for Trump, you folks did not know who you voted for.


He is actually turning out just what I hoped for!!  I expect he would reach out and soften the tone, but he would carry a big stick to lash who play da fool!!

Hail TRUMP!!


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