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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am waiting to see the AFC Afro leader delivering his speech in Berbice.


This election will destroy the AFC.

Sorry, indeed many Berbicians are completely backward as you are.But a substantial majority, including me, are just not so obsessed with dalitdom. We have moved away from the constraints of tribalism to the modern plural world that accepts the commonality of our essential humanity. Shits like you will always live self deluded that you are more than you are when in reality you are less than you can be


Listen drunk buckman, drink some morse piwari, listen to the unofficial PPP mantra:






Dude, you are the definition of what is obscenely dull and ignorant. Being a racist will  not win you or the PPP friends . It will not make you wise either. The contrary will be highlighted that will drive even your Guava bush cousins for humiliating them.


Listen Buckman


The PPP is guaranteed a victory. You will pine away as the PPP wins another five years.




yuji says: "The PPP has secured the Native Votes."

yuji tells Danyael: "Listen drunk buckman, drink some morse piwari"

All Amerindians should see the contempt yuji shows towards them.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Danyeal" the self proclaim Atheist continues to fight the truth, in the event of any elections, the P.P.P/C would certainly be victorious.

it coming soon thanks to mose,you low life will try and stop it but it will not happen,think about how you people will pass your time in jail

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am waiting to see the AFC Afro leader delivering his speech in Berbice.


This election will destroy the AFC.

Sorry, indeed many Berbicians are completely backward as you are.But a substantial majority, including me, are just not so obsessed with dalitdom. We have moved away from the constraints of tribalism to the modern plural world that accepts the commonality of our essential humanity. Shits like you will always live self deluded that you are more than you are when in reality you are less than you can be


Listen drunk buckman, drink some morse piwari, listen to the unofficial PPP mantra:






Dude, you are the definition of what is obscenely dull and ignorant. Being a racist will  not win you or the PPP friends . It will not make you wise either. The contrary will be highlighted that will drive even your Guava bush cousins for humiliating them.


Listen Buckman


The PPP is guaranteed a victory. You will pine away as the PPP wins another five years.




yuji says: "The PPP has secured the Native Votes."

yuji tells Danyael: "Listen drunk buckman, drink some morse piwari"

All Amerindians should see the contempt yuji shows towards them.


And you may be classified as a Dirty Indian who support the AFC/PNC. 



Originally Posted by Danyael:

You celebrate the amorality of those diseased crooks. We abhor their corrupt ways.



* You are a PPP HATER and so it is understandable that you will be outraged and exasperated by all their actions and decisions.




* The real voters---the folks who reside in Guyana---they see David Granger for whom he really is---A PNC RIGGER and A BULLY. They also see him as a man who lacks moral principles. And they see him as a man with FALSE HUMILITY.




* The PPP will win the upcoming election by a majority and Guyana and Guyanese will joyfully celebrate.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This will be the unofficial PPP election mantra. It will work very effectively.




* One thing we know is a PPP majority victory is certain.


* The PPP HATERS will celebrate their beloved PNC/AFC bringing down the PPP government.


* But in the final analysis, the PPP will return with a majority win in the upcoming general election.






A guaranteed PPP majority will put AFC/PNC supporters here in a mental hospital. The PPP must build one right after the victory to accommodate AFC/PNC supporters.


51 percent is guaranteed, I see two or three percent more.

Last edited by Former Member



* The creeps, the sleazeballs, and the degenerates on GNI who support the AFC, you know who they are, they will call you names and post tons of obscenities.




* You and I know that the PPP will win by a majority.


* So let's be positive in our posts and excitedly look forward to a PPP victory.



Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Danyeal" the self proclaim Atheist continues to fight the truth, in the event of any elections, the P.P.P/C would certainly be victorious.

 I do not have to proclaim my atheism. It is a natural state into which all of us are born. It is you god deluded folks who have to declare which flavor of the divine you intend to believe.


I do admire your ability to refuse to look at the signs of your eminent defeat in the environment. You lie profanely, you steal compulsively, you practice race baiting as strategy and yet you believe the majority of the people who are looking in will see you as "winners"! I do not know anyone religious or not who have perfect understanding of the path to righteousness who deliberately take the evil one. That is what you are asking so I cannot say I wish you luck.

Originally Posted by Rev:



* The creeps, the sleazeballs, and the degenerates on GNI who support the AFC, you know who they are, they will call you names and post tons of obscenities.




* You and I know that the PPP will win by a majority.


* So let's be positive in our posts and excitedly look forward to a PPP victory.



Hahahahahahahah! I will leave YUgi and you to bugger each other. Keep on buggering. 

Originally Posted by Rev:



* The creeps, the sleazeballs, and the degenerates on GNI who support the AFC, you know who they are, they will call you names and post tons of obscenities.




* You and I know that the PPP will win by a majority.


* So let's be positive in our posts and excitedly look forward to a PPP victory.



Imagine that; you admit the PPP are crooks but those who highlight their evil are sleazeballs etc! As I aid earlier, your capacity for self delusion is astounding!

Originally Posted by Rev:



* The creeps, the sleazeballs, and the degenerates on GNI who support the AFC, you know who they are, they will call you names and post tons of obscenities.




* You and I know that the PPP will win by a majority.


* So let's be positive in our posts and excitedly look forward to a PPP victory.




Thanks Rev


I am not surprised at what the AFC posters are displaying to the public. In fact, they have nothing of substance to offer Guyana and Guyanese.


I will keep firing my political ammunition but I will ignore the AFC/PNC thugs here. Last time around they sold snake oil, now they are trying to personally attack PPP supporters.


I will keep the mantra going:


Boots on the Ground Kick the AFC/PNC down.


I will have fun looking at these losers on election day:



images copy


Images (1)
  • images copy
Originally Posted by Rev:


Originally Posted by Danyael:

You celebrate the amorality of those diseased crooks. We abhor their corrupt ways.



* You are a PPP HATER and so it is understandable that you will be outraged and exasperated by all their actions and decisions.




* The real voters---the folks who reside in Guyana---they see David Granger for whom he really is---A PNC RIGGER and A BULLY. They also see him as a man who lacks moral principles. And they see him as a man with FALSE HUMILITY.




* The PPP will win the upcoming election by a majority and Guyana and Guyanese will joyfully celebrate.





It is a natural condition of virtuous people to abhor evil dummy. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* The creeps, the sleazeballs, and the degenerates on GNI who support the AFC, you know who they are, they will call you names and post tons of obscenities.




* You and I know that the PPP will win by a majority.


* So let's be positive in our posts and excitedly look forward to a PPP victory.




Thanks Rev


I am not surprised at what the AFC posters are displaying to the public. In fact, they have nothing of substance to offer Guyana and Guyanese.


I will keep firing my political ammunition but I will ignore the AFC/PNC thugs here. Last time around they sold snake oil, now they are trying to personally attack PPP supporters.


I will keep the mantra going:


Boots on the Ground Kick the AFC/PNC down.


I will have fun looking at these losers on election day:



images copy

It does not change the fact that you are an ass hole and Rev the depraved perv's lapdog.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Imagine that; you admit the PPP are crooks but those who highlight their evil are sleazeballs etc!


Danny boy!


* The PPP politicians have feasted heartily on the MILK & HONEY in the executive branch. The Guyanese people know this. It's not a secret. But the good people of Guyana will never elect a PNC RIGGER and a PNC BULLY like David Granger president.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* The creeps, the sleazeballs, and the degenerates on GNI who support the AFC, you know who they are, they will call you names and post tons of obscenities.




* You and I know that the PPP will win by a majority.


* So let's be positive in our posts and excitedly look forward to a PPP victory.




Thanks Rev


I am not surprised at what the AFC posters are displaying to the public. In fact, they have nothing of substance to offer Guyana and Guyanese.


I will keep firing my political ammunition but I will ignore the AFC/PNC thugs here. Last time around they sold snake oil, now they are trying to personally attack PPP supporters.


I will keep the mantra going:


Boots on the Ground Kick the AFC/PNC down.


I will have fun looking at these losers on election day:




Why would anyone be a loser if perchance those abominable crooks did indeed manage by some mysterious ruse manage to win the election?  Dude, evil never wins!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I will keep firing my political ammunition but I will ignore the AFC/PNC thugs here.




* That's what I meant--let us ignore the deviants and the slimebags who post on GNI. But we must mercilessly attack the scoundrels and scumbags like the 2 suru and duru of the AFC---Nagga man and rum jhatt. I have chosen to denigrate the RIGGER Granger for the time being.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I will keep firing my political ammunition but I will ignore the AFC/PNC thugs here.




* That's what I meant--let us ignore the deviants and the slimebags who post on GNI. But we must mercilessly attack the scoundrels and scumbags like the 2 suru and duru of the AFC---Nagga man and rum jhatt. I have chosen to denigrate the RIGGER Granger for the time being.



Both of you are morally bankrupt.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Imagine that; you admit the PPP are crooks but those who highlight their evil are sleazeballs etc!


Danny boy!


* The PPP politicians have feasted heartily on the MILK & HONEY in the executive branch. The Guyanese people know this. It's not a secret. But the good people of Guyana will never elect a PNC RIGGER and a PNC BULLY like David Granger president.



Again, the PPP by their corrupt practices of crony capitalism, ethnic nepotism, friends and family enrichment are as profound riggers as any. Those practices all create a odious diseased class that is ever ready to defend their crooked gains!


However, the common man, the distressed young and the clear eyed intellectual class knows who are the crooks and these will be that margin that puts an end to the PPP's flagrant corrupt practices.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

They are also looking in the same direction.......failed and rejected politicians.

You are a complete moron. Those in the PPP ranks sat as the losing team for 3 decades. When good people removed the dictator they assumption was they will be a new direction. Given these are the new crooks what you do think are the available options to good people? But then again I am speaking to a racist and a moron so I know the answer


New York caseâ€ĶRamroop gifted Sanata complex despite failing employment requirement

June 22, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Court papers trace linkages between New GPC, TVG, Guyana Times

The veil of secrecy over New GPC Inc. is slowly lifting with the company admitting in a New York court this month

Dr. Ranjisinghi “Bobby” Ramroop

Dr. Ranjisinghi “Bobby” Ramroop

that it was employing just 138 workers, at the end of 2012. The company also admitted that it shared a common principal with the Guyana Times newspaper and TVG 28â€Ķ Dr. Ranjisinghi “Bobby” Ramroop. And owning New GPC would be Atlantic Investments Incorporated and the National Industrial Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). Atlantic Investments also has Ramroop as a principal while NICIL is a Government-owned company charged with overseeing investments for the state. NICIL has a 10 per cent stake in New GPC. The number of staffers employed by New GPC would be significant as its parent company, Queens Atlantic Incorporated Inc. (QAII), had promised to provide up to 1200 jobs with the acquisition of the Sanata complex. It has been several years now since that that acquisition New GPC, the largest supplier of pharmaceuticals to the Government has been in news in recent years after revelations that all was not right with those drug purchases. With questions over the procurement procedures used in granting New GPC the contracts to supply drugs, the spotlight was thrown on its close relationship with the Ministry of Health and Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation and former President Bharrat Jagdeo. Questions over the cost of certain drugs being paid for by Government led to a court action in August 2012 by New GPC against Kaieteur News both in Guyana and in the US suing for US$1M.  The company said it suffered because of the publications and even lost overseas business and customers. Initially, New GPC had objected to several questions being asked by lawyers for Kaieteur News, eventually asking Judge Joan Kenney, in the New York court, to have the answers remain confidential. However, the Judge denied the request and last month ordered that the answers be provided within 20 days. New GPC was unable to provide evidence that it lost market overseas. It was also unable to explain what it understood by “Sole Sourcing”, a method used Government to award the billions in drugs supply contracts to New GPC, almost exclusively. According to the court documents provided, the names of the officers and directors of New GPC supplying the answers were Ramroop, Paul Fredericks, C.C.H, and Rudolph Collins, C.C.H. New GPC denied it owned, operated, or sponsored any public events in 2012. The Opposition has been incensed over the arrangements between Government and New GPC and its other sister companies.

Bharrat Jagdeo

Bharrat Jagdeo

For this year alone, Government is set to spend upwards of $5B for drug purchases. Last year, Guyana spent $4.69B.  The drugs bills would represent half of the total Ministry’s budget of $10B. Drug purchases have accounted for a large chunk of the Ministry of Health’s expenses with New GPC in 2011 being awarded almost 80 per cent of the $13B expended. The Opposition parties in the National Assembly have expressed alarm over the developments with members of its Public Accounts Committee arm, clashing during examinations of the 2010 Auditor General’s report. Hotly debated also was how the Ministry did not follow competitive bidding processes and as such allowed $1.252B in contracts to be granted to New GPC to deliver drugs in 2010. Last December, the pre-qualification period expired and Government immediately moved to invite companies to apply. However, local suppliers and the Opposition again criticized the “unfair” conditions which included among other things, large spaces for storage and evidence that it supplied hundreds of millions of dollars in drugs. The conditions, in effect, tipped the scales in favour of New GPC. Ramroop is said to be close friends to Jagdeo.


New York caseâ€ĶRamroop gifted Sanata complex despite failing employment requirement

June 22, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Court papers trace linkages between New GPC, TVG, Guyana Times

The veil of secrecy over New GPC Inc. is slowly lifting with the company admitting in a New York court this month

Dr. Ranjisinghi “Bobby” Ramroop

Dr. Ranjisinghi “Bobby” Ramroop

that it was employing just 138 workers, at the end of 2012. The company also admitted that it shared a common principal with the Guyana Times newspaper and TVG 28â€Ķ Dr. Ranjisinghi “Bobby” Ramroop. And owning New GPC would be Atlantic Investments Incorporated and the National Industrial Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). Atlantic Investments also has Ramroop as a principal while NICIL is a Government-owned company charged with overseeing investments for the state. NICIL has a 10 per cent stake in New GPC. The number of staffers employed by New GPC would be significant as its parent company, Queens Atlantic Incorporated Inc. (QAII), had promised to provide up to 1200 jobs with the acquisition of the Sanata complex. It has been several years now since that that acquisition New GPC, the largest supplier of pharmaceuticals to the Government has been in news in recent years after revelations that all was not right with those drug purchases. With questions over the procurement procedures used in granting New GPC the contracts to supply drugs, the spotlight was thrown on its close relationship with the Ministry of Health and Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation and former President Bharrat Jagdeo. Questions over the cost of certain drugs being paid for by Government led to a court action in August 2012 by New GPC against Kaieteur News both in Guyana and in the US suing for US$1M.  The company said it suffered because of the publications and even lost overseas business and customers. Initially, New GPC had objected to several questions being asked by lawyers for Kaieteur News, eventually asking Judge Joan Kenney, in the New York court, to have the answers remain confidential. However, the Judge denied the request and last month ordered that the answers be provided within 20 days. New GPC was unable to provide evidence that it lost market overseas. It was also unable to explain what it understood by “Sole Sourcing”, a method used Government to award the billions in drugs supply contracts to New GPC, almost exclusively. According to the court documents provided, the names of the officers and directors of New GPC supplying the answers were Ramroop, Paul Fredericks, C.C.H, and Rudolph Collins, C.C.H. New GPC denied it owned, operated, or sponsored any public events in 2012. The Opposition has been incensed over the arrangements between Government and New GPC and its other sister companies.

Bharrat Jagdeo

Bharrat Jagdeo

For this year alone, Government is set to spend upwards of $5B for drug purchases. Last year, Guyana spent $4.69B.  The drugs bills would represent half of the total Ministry’s budget of $10B. Drug purchases have accounted for a large chunk of the Ministry of Health’s expenses with New GPC in 2011 being awarded almost 80 per cent of the $13B expended. The Opposition parties in the National Assembly have expressed alarm over the developments with members of its Public Accounts Committee arm, clashing during examinations of the 2010 Auditor General’s report. Hotly debated also was how the Ministry did not follow competitive bidding processes and as such allowed $1.252B in contracts to be granted to New GPC to deliver drugs in 2010. Last December, the pre-qualification period expired and Government immediately moved to invite companies to apply. However, local suppliers and the Opposition again criticized the “unfair” conditions which included among other things, large spaces for storage and evidence that it supplied hundreds of millions of dollars in drugs. The conditions, in effect, tipped the scales in favour of New GPC. Ramroop is said to be close friends to Jagdeo.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Getting your ass whupped so you took the spamming to avoid getting more licks! Will not help.

 Sissy D2


Yuji will take on all of the AFC/PNC supporters on this board and throw then in the Berbice river.


Take a close look at their homosexual posts. You are the only poster on the opposition side that can put up a few minor arguments and even those are not worthy of Yuji's response.


Listen, A PPP victory is guaranteed. Get used to it. Danny Boy.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Getting your ass whupped so you took the spamming to avoid getting more licks! Will not help.

 Sissy D2


Yuji will take on all of the AFC/PNC supporters on this board and throw then in the Berbice river.


Take a close look at their homosexual posts. You are the only poster on the opposition side that can put up a few minor arguments and even those are not worthy of Yuji's response.


Listen, A PPP victory is guaranteed. Get used to it. Danny Boy.

Dude,  "sissy" is just the name calling you dim wits need to hide behind when you get trashed for your nonsense.


You do not know the definition of an argument and it shows. Declaring the PPP will win ( for example) is not an argument but a wish.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Getting your ass whupped so you took the spamming to avoid getting more licks! Will not help.

 Sissy D2


Yuji will take on all of the AFC/PNC supporters on this board and throw then in the Berbice river.


Take a close look at their homosexual posts. You are the only poster on the opposition side that can put up a few minor arguments and even those are not worthy of Yuji's response.


Listen, A PPP victory is guaranteed. Get used to it. Danny Boy.

Gwan da side. You support buggery and *****ry.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

what is the definition of victory? if it is the 51 percent, you lie.


Kish 52 percent is a more accurate number. I will stick with 52 percent.

AFC at 4 percent

PNC at 39 percent.


Boots on the Ground Kick the AFC/PNC down


A vote for the AFC = A vote for PNC


PNC = Riggers

Computing probability is not like playing with blocks. You do not get to place them together by color


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