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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC is the most shameless political party in Guyana's political history.



yuji, you don't have a moral right to condemn AFC corruption when every decent citizen knows that the PPP regime's corruption stinks to high heaven.

Having said that, I honestly feel the AFC owes its members and supporters some explanation. Sextus Edwards is not the first to level criticism at AFC financial affairs. There's a connection between smoke and fire.


More smokes and mirrors here by Gil.


When a General Secretary made these revelations, then there is no need for discussion. The AFC has proven to be the most corrupt party in Guyana's history.


Jail time is most appropriate action for those involved in this corruption scheme.


How come you are silent when it comes to corruption involving AFC members ?


Double standards anyone ?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC is the most shameless political party in Guyana's political history.



yuji, you don't have a moral right to condemn AFC corruption when every decent citizen knows that the PPP regime's corruption stinks to high heaven.

Having said that, I honestly feel the AFC owes its members and supporters some explanation. Sextus Edwards is not the first to level criticism at AFC financial affairs. There's a connection between smoke and fire.


More smokes and mirrors here by Gil.


When a General Secretary made these revelations, then there is no need for discussion. The AFC has proven to be the most corrupt party in Guyana's history.


Jail time is most appropriate action for those involved in this corruption scheme.


How come you are silent when it comes to corruption involving AFC members ?


Double standards anyone ?

Yugi why are you being an ass?


AFC leaders betray core values, principles – former GS


Former AFC General Secretary, Sixtus Edwards

Former AFC General Secretary, Sixtus Edwards

AFC/APNU coalition pact


…massive internal conflicts; more resignations expected


By Michael Younge


The Alliance For Change (AFC) has undermined its own core values and principles which appealed to thousands of Guyanese who were not willing to continue to give their support to the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) or the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) at the polls again.

The party has also destroyed the foundation which set it apart as a third force and choice for young people who wanted “real positive change” and “a new political culture” which would see those with murky hands and vendettas removed from the country’s governance structures in the future.



A Granger/Nagamootoo-led coalition will prevail

January 31, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

DEAR EDITOR, In this election season, as patriotic Guyanese, we must not allow this opportunity to slip by in light of the direction in which the inept and corrupt PPP regime is taking the country. We are speaking of a coalition government between APNU and the AFC led by two true patriots and sons of the soil, David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo. When all is said and done, these two real heroes would make it into the history books as the saviours of Guyana. History will show that these extraordinary men have put their lives on the line and stood up for not just themselves but risked their lives and their political future for the good of Guyana and for those mired in poverty. All the propaganda in the world cannot stop them because on May 11, the coalition will defeat the PPP, form the government, and change the course of history for Guyana. The leaders of APNU and the AFC will take the conscious responsibility to form a coalition for the progress of the people and society. It is said that nothing happens before its time and that God has the final say. However, in politics it is believed nothing happens by chance, but rather, someone has to cause something to happen, and so in this election year the leaders of APNU and the AFC are making things happen. Among other things, they will reduce corruption and crime, create employment for the youths and those who want to work, provide free post-secondary education to the poor, establish the Procurement Commission, and unlike the PPP regime, they will respect the Constitution and the rule of law and put the interests of the country and the people first. It is admirable to say the least, to see the peaceful and dignified approach by the opposition in making the ultimate sacrifice to save Guyana from the wretched PPP regime in 2015, and for Guyanese to live by the creed that they are each other’s brothers and sisters’ keepers. It comes as no surprise that the Movement towards a coalition government is growing in popularity and attracts the attention of everyone, including the PPP General Secretary, who spent half of his press conference last Monday talking about the coalition.  It shows that not only the General Secretary is desperate, but the entire the PPP cabal is afraid that they will lose the election. Why is the PPP General Secretary so concerned about the coalition or what APNU and the AFC do? Did he not say that the PPP will win the elections? The PPP is so nervous that it has embarked on vulgar, abusive, cuss-downs and character assassination of those who criticize them. They have become even more irrational and have totally lost touch with reality and with the people. Ramotar is a big failure, but for the PPP cabal to put Jagdeo to essentially head their election campaign shows that they are in ruin. Jagdeo has the most dismal record as president of Guyana. He is the most despised politician in Guyana. He has hurt so many people that no one wants to see him much less listen to his deceitful statements. He has done absolutely nothing positive for this country. He has destroyed Guyana environmentally, socially and economically. The leaders of the coalition will have to restore our beautiful nation after the election. In this election year, Guyanese must be concerned about the billions of dollars being spent without any oversight from Parliament which was dissolved by the do-nothing President since November 10 of last year and the millions that the cabal will take from the treasury and the foreign reserves for their election campaign. The PPP is a primitive and backward-thinking dictatorial political regime that lacks the ability to govern which is a big part of the lack of progress in Guyana. The PPP is immature and innately guttural and should not be re-elected to office on May 11. Asquith Rose Chandra Deolall Dr. Merle Spenser-Marks

Originally Posted by Nehru:



They are Big Time Crooks as exposed by their own General Secretary.


Shame on the Crooks in the AFC.

Originally Posted by Nehru:



Gil blindly donates to the AFC. It is about time that he demand Independent Audited Financial Statements.


Bhai, you see how dem AFC boys are silent when corruption is exposed in their own party.


They have no shame.


To be fair, it's not only Sextus Edwards and Balwant Persaud who have questioned the AFC's financial accountability practice. Haseef Yusuf did it too. As I said before, where there is smoke there should be fire. The AFC owes its members at least an explanation and should address the issue honestly.

Balwant Singh says he will campaign for the PPP now. Fine.

If Balwant thinks, however, that the PPP is better and cleaner than the AFC where party finances are concerned, he is mistaken.

In all the PPP congresses I attended from 1971 to 1988, the PPP presented financial statements as required by the party constitution. Those statements gave a few items relating to revenues [mainly fundraising like corn house/bingo, gymkhana, fair, raffle, etc], a general description of expenditure and the difference, which was always a small amount.

For 28 years the PPP was in opposition and things were bad according to those financial statements, yet the party was able to pay all its staff and expand-renovate Freedom House. How did the PPP do it?

The truth is that the ruling Soviet Communist Party [Russia] was subsidizing the PPP with lots of money every year, but those sums were never disclosed in the party's financial statements to its members at congresses.

The PPP leadership got away with that deception. Moses Nagamootoo should know about the Soviet money and that's one skeleton he can take out of Freedom House closet.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Balwant, memory is short.

Burnhan use to say....No Big Thing....

One Door Shut ......another Door Open


PPP History

Comrades who left the PPP (1950- 1992)

Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham -

Also Known as Odo/ Fatboy/Stinker


Hamilton Green


Dr Reid


Sydney King - Also Known as Eusie Kuyana.

 4th of July Fireworks



Dr Mohamed Sahabadeen


Ambassador Insanally


Martin Carter


Vincent Teekah


Ranji Chandlisingh


Mohamed Saffee


Halim Majeed


Mohamed Nissar


Balwant Singh Rai


Ravi Dev


Batoram Rambarrack


Prem Misir


Pandit Sharma




This is Just a few on the Very Long List



Comrades who Join the PPP

and Got Top Jobs at Freedom House

and at Office of the President...



Odinga Lamumba -

Dangerous/Black PNC House of Israel Thug


Kwame McCoy -

Dangerous/Black PNC House of Israel Thug

+ B@tty Boy


Hamilton -

Dangerous/Black PNC House of Israel Thug


Philip Bynoe -

Dangerous/Black PNC Thug From Linden

+ Treason Accused

Crab louse Picture Slideshow 

Whiticka -

Dangerous/Black PNC Thug



Edgehill -


Dangerous/Black PNC Thug


Manniram -

PNC city Councilor... Member of CREEP

+ B@tty Boy




Eddie Boyer

PNC Financer....

Son-in-law of PNC CIA Agent Richard Ishmael.


Kit Nascimento

PNC Communication Expert

Cover-up PNC Rigged Elections & Jonestown

American Cockroach Illustration 

Norman McClean

Burnham Chief of Security

Head of National Service

Head of The GDF

Involved in Stealing Ballot Boxes

Walter Rodney Murder



So Burnham was Right


PPP Lost the Some of the

Brightest & Best in Guyana....

Between 1950 - 1992

And Can only attract

those Crab Louse

from the Bottom Of The Barrel

Between 1998 - 2015


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

To be fair, it's not only Sextus Edwards and Balwant Persaud who have questioned the AFC's financial accountability practice. Haseef Yusuf did it too. As I said before, where there is smoke there should be fire. The AFC owes its members at least an explanation and should address the issue honestly.

Balwant Singh says he will campaign for the PPP now. Fine.

If Balwant thinks, however, that the PPP is better and cleaner than the AFC where party finances are concerned, he is mistaken.

In all the PPP congresses I attended from 1971 to 1988, the PPP presented financial statements as required by the party constitution. Those statements gave a few items relating to revenues [mainly fundraising like corn house/bingo, gymkhana, fair, raffle, etc], a general description of expenditure and the difference, which was always a small amount.

For 28 years the PPP was in opposition and things were bad according to those financial statements, yet the party was able to pay all its staff and expand-renovate Freedom House. How did the PPP do it?

The truth is that the ruling Soviet Communist Party [Russia] was subsidizing the PPP with lots of money every year, but those sums were never disclosed in the party's financial statements to its members at congresses.

The PPP leadership got away with that deception. Moses Nagamootoo should know about the Soviet money and that's one skeleton he can take out of Freedom House closet.




The AFC has Zero credibility left.


They cannot harp about corruption when there are revelations of massive amounts of money allegedly missing and yet the leadership refuse to account for it, refuse to provide audited financial statements in accordance to their own constitution and chastise those in the party who demand accountability.


Anyone in the AFC who question the abuse of funds are either kicked out, labelled a traitor or are forced to resign out of frustration.


Let us calla spade a spade.


The AFC's leadership should be ashamed of their endorsement of corruption in their own party.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

To be fair, it's not only Sextus Edwards and Balwant Persaud who have questioned the AFC's financial accountability practice. Haseef Yusuf did it too. As I said before, where there is smoke there should be fire. The AFC owes its members at least an explanation and should address the issue honestly.

Balwant Singh says he will campaign for the PPP now. Fine.

If Balwant thinks, however, that the PPP is better and cleaner than the AFC where party finances are concerned, he is mistaken.

In all the PPP congresses I attended from 1971 to 1988, the PPP presented financial statements as required by the party constitution. Those statements gave a few items relating to revenues [mainly fundraising like corn house/bingo, gymkhana, fair, raffle, etc], a general description of expenditure and the difference, which was always a small amount.

For 28 years the PPP was in opposition and things were bad according to those financial statements, yet the party was able to pay all its staff and expand-renovate Freedom House. How did the PPP do it?

The truth is that the ruling Soviet Communist Party [Russia] was subsidizing the PPP with lots of money every year, but those sums were never disclosed in the party's financial statements to its members at congresses.

The PPP leadership got away with that deception. Moses Nagamootoo should know about the Soviet money and that's one skeleton he can take out of Freedom House closet.




The AFC has Zero credibility left.


They cannot harp about corruption when there are revelations of massive amounts of money allegedly missing and yet the leadership refuse to account for it, refuse to provide audited financial statements in accordance to their own constitution and chastise those in the party who demand accountability.


Anyone in the AFC who question the abuse of funds are either kicked out, labelled a traitor or are forced to resign out of frustration.


Let us calla spade a spade.

So Burnham was Right


PPP Lost the Some of the

Brightest & Best in Guyana....


Between 1950 - 1992

And Now....

PPP Can only attract

those Crab Louse

from the Bottom Of The Barrel

Crab louse Picture Slideshow 

Between 1998 - 2015





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

To be fair, it's not only Sextus Edwards and Balwant Persaud who have questioned the AFC's financial accountability practice. Haseef Yusuf did it too. As I said before, where there is smoke there should be fire. The AFC owes its members at least an explanation and should address the issue honestly.

Balwant Singh says he will campaign for the PPP now. Fine.

If Balwant thinks, however, that the PPP is better and cleaner than the AFC where party finances are concerned, he is mistaken.

In all the PPP congresses I attended from 1971 to 1988, the PPP presented financial statements as required by the party constitution. Those statements gave a few items relating to revenues [mainly fundraising like corn house/bingo, gymkhana, fair, raffle, etc], a general description of expenditure and the difference, which was always a small amount.

For 28 years the PPP was in opposition and things were bad according to those financial statements, yet the party was able to pay all its staff and expand-renovate Freedom House. How did the PPP do it?

The truth is that the ruling Soviet Communist Party [Russia] was subsidizing the PPP with lots of money every year, but those sums were never disclosed in the party's financial statements to its members at congresses.

The PPP leadership got away with that deception. Moses Nagamootoo should know about the Soviet money and that's one skeleton he can take out of Freedom House closet.




The AFC has Zero credibility left.


They cannot harp about corruption when there are revelations of massive amounts of money allegedly missing and yet the leadership refuse to account for it, refuse to provide audited financial statements in accordance to their own constitution and chastise those in the party who demand accountability.


Anyone in the AFC who question the abuse of funds are either kicked out, labelled a traitor or are forced to resign out of frustration.


Let us calla spade a spade.

So Burnham was Right


PPP Lost the Some of the

Brightest & Best in Guyana....


Between 1950 - 1992

And Now....

PPP Can only attract

those Crab Louse

from the Bottom Of The Barrel

Crab louse Picture Slideshow 

Between 1998 - 2015





Jagdeo got in Bed with Kwame around 2000.

Part of the Corbin Deal


In 1992 & 1997 Election

Kwame was in PNC street Demonstrations....

Burning Regent Street Indian Business....


Yet you back pnc


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

To be fair, it's not only Sextus Edwards and Balwant Persaud who have questioned the AFC's financial accountability practice. Haseef Yusuf did it too. As I said before, where there is smoke there should be fire. The AFC owes its members at least an explanation and should address the issue honestly.

Balwant Singh says he will campaign for the PPP now. Fine.

If Balwant thinks, however, that the PPP is better and cleaner than the AFC where party finances are concerned, he is mistaken.

In all the PPP congresses I attended from 1971 to 1988, the PPP presented financial statements as required by the party constitution. Those statements gave a few items relating to revenues [mainly fundraising like corn house/bingo, gymkhana, fair, raffle, etc], a general description of expenditure and the difference, which was always a small amount.

For 28 years the PPP was in opposition and things were bad according to those financial statements, yet the party was able to pay all its staff and expand-renovate Freedom House. How did the PPP do it?

The truth is that the ruling Soviet Communist Party [Russia] was subsidizing the PPP with lots of money every year, but those sums were never disclosed in the party's financial statements to its members at congresses.

The PPP leadership got away with that deception. Moses Nagamootoo should know about the Soviet money and that's one skeleton he can take out of Freedom House closet.




The AFC has Zero credibility left.


They cannot harp about corruption when there are revelations of massive amounts of money allegedly missing and yet the leadership refuse to account for it, refuse to provide audited financial statements in accordance to their own constitution and chastise those in the party who demand accountability.


Anyone in the AFC who question the abuse of funds are either kicked out, labelled a traitor or are forced to resign out of frustration.


Let us calla spade a spade.

So Burnham was Right


PPP Lost the Some of the

Brightest & Best in Guyana....


Between 1950 - 1992

And Now....

PPP Can only attract

those Crab Louse

from the Bottom Of The Barrel

Crab louse Picture Slideshow 

Between 1998 - 2015





Jagdeo got in Bed with Kwame around 2000.

Part of the Corbin Deal


In 1992 & 1997 Election

Kwame was in PNC street Demonstrations....

Burning Regent Street Indian Business....


Yet you back pnc



since PNC got rid of Kwame & Lamumba


Slow Fiah Mo Fiah Stop...


Look wha happen in Essequibo now...

73 Year Old Indian Woman who Praying everyday

for Peace, Progress & Prospirity....

Get Rape & killed by them Thugs...


PPP tell dem Old lady

Yuh can Dress like if yuh going Mandir

But must come Mash with Kwame & Lamumba


Guyana's ruling party targeting young voters through Mashramani

  • Thursday, 19 February 2015 23:18
  • Dem Ole Lady look like dem
  • Dress fuh go de Mandir...
  • Ramotar Tell them
  • "Come out and Mash"


President Donald Ramotar addressing a gathering at the Progressive Youth Organisation's [PYO) Mash Camp event.

President Donald Ramotar addressing a gathering at the Progressive Youth Organisation's (PYO) Mash Camp event.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Rohee say Do not worry about Crime...
Na talk about de 73 year old Indian woman
who was Rape & Killed in Essequibo.
All Aya Come and leh
Kwame & Lamumba whine up pu aya...
Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Jalil, will you be there eyeing up the 70 year olds? PNC is getting rid of the PPP supporters.  

Let us calla spade a spade.

So Burnham was Right


PPP Lost the Some of the

Brightest & Best in Guyana....


Between 1950 - 1992

And Now....

PPP Can only attract

those Crab Louse & Pubic Louse

from the Bottom Of The Barrel

Crab louse Picture Slideshow 

Between 1998 - 2015


Bhai Skeldon....

is Odo say....

aya collecting

All Dem Pubic Louse


Yuh dotish yuh know...


how yuh compare

Kwame, Lamumba & Manni to Moses, Ramjatan or Ralph

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Jalil, will you be there eyeing up the 70 year olds? PNC is getting rid of the PPP supporters.  

Next you all will hear Hammilton Greene resign from the PNC.


Let us say good riddance to all of these people.  The destroyed Guyana and is time for them to WALK the plank.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Balwant Persaud accusing others of falsifying financials? How ironic. Isn't this the same man who was accused of defrauding immigration clients out of money?

God does not like ugly....and that is an ugly fellow. He forgot what the PPP tried to do to him. He insisted they are consummate liars who fabricated all sorts of deceptive strategies to try to jail him   If in his darkest hour he sought out the AFC simply as a shield then who wants fair weather friends? Let him go.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

To be fair, it's not only Sextus Edwards and Balwant Persaud who have questioned the AFC's financial accountability practice. Haseef Yusuf did it too. As I said before, where there is smoke there should be fire. The AFC owes its members at least an explanation and should address the issue honestly.

Balwant Singh says he will campaign for the PPP now. Fine.

If Balwant thinks, however, that the PPP is better and cleaner than the AFC where party finances are concerned, he is mistaken.

In all the PPP congresses I attended from 1971 to 1988, the PPP presented financial statements as required by the party constitution. Those statements gave a few items relating to revenues [mainly fundraising like corn house/bingo, gymkhana, fair, raffle, etc], a general description of expenditure and the difference, which was always a small amount.

For 28 years the PPP was in opposition and things were bad according to those financial statements, yet the party was able to pay all its staff and expand-renovate Freedom House. How did the PPP do it?

The truth is that the ruling Soviet Communist Party [Russia] was subsidizing the PPP with lots of money every year, but those sums were never disclosed in the party's financial statements to its members at congresses.

The PPP leadership got away with that deception. Moses Nagamootoo should know about the Soviet money and that's one skeleton he can take out of Freedom House closet.




The AFC has Zero credibility left.


They cannot harp about corruption when there are revelations of massive amounts of money allegedly missing and yet the leadership refuse to account for it, refuse to provide audited financial statements in accordance to their own constitution and chastise those in the party who demand accountability.


Anyone in the AFC who question the abuse of funds are either kicked out, labelled a traitor or are forced to resign out of frustration.


Let us calla spade a spade.


The AFC's leadership should be ashamed of their endorsement of corruption in their own party.

lets call you a moron because a moron is a moron.


Press Release from the Office of Balwant Persaud

I support the call by Mr. Muhammad of the USA for an apology from the Guyana Government for wrongful arrest.

I am also asking the Guyana Government and Mr. Clement Rohee, the Minister of Home Affairs for an apology to me for the following wrong doings on their part:


Placing trump up charges against me two years ago which were all dismissed in the Magistrate’s Court.


Depriving me of my freedom by arresting and questioning me earlier this month for a refugee case I won in Canada.


Many Guyanese are in the same position as myself and Mr. Muhammad but are too scared to come forward for fear of more victimization. The State is abusing its powers by arresting and even charging innocent people before carrying out a proper investigation. The police and ruling politicians are just acting on rumours and hearsays. They should investigate a complaint thoroughly before depriving a person of their liberty.


In my case recently, the Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee publicly threatened me of an arrest in the media and he did carried out his threat. Like Mr. Muhammad I did not commit an offence or breach any laws in Guyana, yet I was deprived of my freedom at the command of a politician.

It is time we put a stop immediately to this abuse of powers by the ruling politicians and the police or Guyana would be heading for sad state of affairs that we would not be able to control.
Who knows which innocent citizen will be next?


I am awaiting an apology from the Government of Guyana, the Guyana Police and the Home Affairs Minister.


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