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Former Member

I just got off the phone with my friend Dwarka from Whim, Berbice who said that the AFC, Moses and Kemraj are not welcomed in Whim. He went on to say that they voted for the AFC in droves thinking that it will be an independent Party and keep the PPP honest. They expected the AFC to vote for good things brought forward by the PPP and vote against the bad things brought forward by the PPP. He said that most of the people of Whim are totally against what they have witnessed, that is the AFC joining forces with APNU since the 10th Parliament begun. He said that Ramjattan is right-the AFC is dead meat if an election is called.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

He said that Ramjattan is right-the AFC is dead meat if an election is called.


* Yuji has been posting the same thing for months now. His family in Berbice have all reported to him that Berbicians have soured on Moses.


 Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan betrayed Berbicians 



* Berbicians now know that Moses and Khemraj lied to them in 2011 about the AFC being an independent party. The AFC has been in bed with the PNC from day 1 of the 10th parliament.




* The 10.3% they received in 2011, they will never again match that. In fact they'd be lucky to pull 5% in the next election.


* Moses and the AFC have nothing going for them right now. Their last hope for glory was to bring the PPP down via no confidence.


* You know the rest of the story---Ramotar outsmarted them and dropped the prorogue in deh rass.




* In the next election, which will hopefully be in 6 months time, the PPP will regain their majority.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by kp:

The AFC will die in 2015, just like ROAR, UF, GUMP,PNC, and the rest. AFC are just cast off  and failures from other parties. Let's have a general election ASAP.


* Poster Baseman has been saying for a long time that the PPP will get 55% of the votes in the next election.


* I believe yuji's number is 54%


* The Rev will be pleased with 51%


* But with the turmoil in the PNC, many of their supporters will likely sit out the next election, and with Berbicians souring on the AFC, it looks like Baseman is on target.





Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I just got off the phone with my friend Dwarka from Whim, Berbice who said that the AFC, Moses and Kemraj are not welcomed in Whim. He went on to say that they voted for the AFC in droves thinking that it will be an independent Party and keep the PPP honest. They expected the AFC to vote for good things brought forward by the PPP and vote against the bad things brought forward by the PPP. He said that most of the people of Whim are totally against what they have witnessed, that is the AFC joining forces with APNU since the 10th Parliament begun. He said that Ramjattan is right-the AFC is dead meat if an election is called.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I just got off the phone with my friend Dwarka from Whim, Berbice who said that the AFC, Moses and Kemraj are not welcomed in Whim. He went on to say that they voted for the AFC in droves thinking that it will be an independent Party and keep the PPP honest. They expected the AFC to vote for good things brought forward by the PPP and vote against the bad things brought forward by the PPP. He said that most of the people of Whim are totally against what they have witnessed, that is the AFC joining forces with APNU since the 10th Parliament begun. He said that Ramjattan is right-the AFC is dead meat if an election is called.


Mits, you mek me hand fall Bhai. What do I have to gain by lying Pandit? Everyone of the politicians in Guyana from all the political parties looking out for Themselves rather than looking out for the Nation. They fighting among themselves rather than fighting for the country.The electorate did not send them to the National Assembly to fight among themselves.  


Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I just got off the phone with my friend Dwarka from Whim, Berbice who said that the AFC, Moses and Kemraj are not welcomed in Whim. He went on to say that they voted for the AFC in droves thinking that it will be an independent Party and keep the PPP honest. They expected the AFC to vote for good things brought forward by the PPP and vote against the bad things brought forward by the PPP. He said that most of the people of Whim are totally against what they have witnessed, that is the AFC joining forces with APNU since the 10th Parliament begun. He said that Ramjattan is right-the AFC is dead meat if an election is called.

The point is what have they witnessed? Were there any issues on which they could support the corrupt PPP? IF the people of whim insist they will not vote for the AFC then they have swallowed the PPP's blue pill of ignorance  and are still in the racist malaise that the PPP use to mask its corruopt practices.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

He said that Ramjattan is right-the AFC is dead meat if an election is called.


* Yuji has been posting the same thing for months now. His family in Berbice have all reported to him that Berbicians have soured on Moses.



 Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan betrayed Berbicians 



* Berbicians now know that Moses and Khemraj lied to them in 2011 about the AFC being an independent party. The AFC has been in bed with the PNC from day 1 of the 10th parliament.




* The 10.3% they received in 2011, they will never again match that. In fact they'd be lucky to pull 5% in the next election.


* Moses and the AFC have nothing going for them right now. Their last hope for glory was to bring the PPP down via no confidence.


* You know the rest of the story---Ramotar outsmarted them and dropped the prorogue in deh rass.




* In the next election, which will hopefully be in 6 months time, the PPP will regain their majority.



Every one of you sycophants are holding back the fear of the knowldege the PP stands a chance not merely of losing by a bigger majority but losing the plurality all together.


Pretending that they are anything beyond vile corrupt creatures is the lie you have to swallow. The PPP has made of indians complete kneebenders to a culture of lies and self deception. The poor people are cut asunder from their cultural moorings because they know they have a vile lot in office.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Every one of you sycophants are holding back the fear of the knowldege the PPP stands a chance not merely of losing by a bigger majority but losing the plurality all together.





* Did you say the PPP stand a chance to lose their plurality ?




* Read this:


He who refuses to do Arithmetic is doomed to talk nonsense.

* The arithmetic is as follows Stormy:


* The PPP got 48.6% of the votes in 2011.


* With the turmoil in the PNC---at least 10,000 of the 139,000 people who voted for them in 2011 will stay home.


* With the AFC turning out to be not an independent party but an extension of APNU---the AFC will lose half the 35000 votes they received in 2011.


* Put all that together and factor in the Because we care" $10,000 cash grants the PPP is sharing out all across Guyana and you have this:





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

He said that Ramjattan is right-the AFC is dead meat if an election is called.


* Yuji has been posting the same thing for months now. His family in Berbice have all reported to him that Berbicians have soured on Moses.


 Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan betrayed Berbicians 



* Berbicians now know that Moses and Khemraj lied to them in 2011 about the AFC being an independent party. The AFC has been in bed with the PNC from day 1 of the 10th parliament.




* The 10.3% they received in 2011, they will never again match that. In fact they'd be lucky to pull 5% in the next election.


* Moses and the AFC have nothing going for them right now. Their last hope for glory was to bring the PPP down via no confidence.


* You know the rest of the story---Ramotar outsmarted them and dropped the prorogue in deh rass.




* In the next election, which will hopefully be in 6 months time, the PPP will regain their majority.



One of my relatives told me that they are advising angry Berbicians to not bring out their cutlass when Moses and Ramjattan visit Whim. 


They will opt to use rotten eggs on Moses and Ramjattan the next time they dare to visit Whim.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Dandonna I am on the phone.... now talking to a PPP minister....he willing fuh give back the House with the pool if Moses and Ramjattan save them now.

Dandonna.....De Minista say aya saying he Thief and own House with pool and nuff land......but when he ask aya how Rohee got so much House rented out to the Chinese all aya Quiet.....Aya claim aya do not thief ......and Anil slip up and Admit he thief....but he put back after he get caught.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Stormy thinks he can influence the electorate in Guyana by writing like a philosopher from ancient Greece

I can influence those with reasonable minds not boot lickers, knee benders, crumb seekers and soup drinkers or any miscellany of sycophants and bigoted worms. I speak to sane, concerned, well intentioned and morally grounded people.


While politicians can travel to any place in Guyana, election results are a completely different outcome.


Also, while many individuals indeed believed and gave the AFC an opportunity with their votes thinking that it is an independent political organization, immediately after the 2011 elections, the AFC became solidly melded with the PNC.


AFC will still get votes to garner one or two seats in the next parliament, thanks to the proportional representation system.


In the meantime, indications are that the PPP/C will emerge as the winning organization with more than 50% of the votes in a free and fair elections.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I just got off the phone with my friend Dwarka from Whim, Berbice who said that the AFC, Moses and Kemraj are not welcomed in Whim. He went on to say that they voted for the AFC in droves thinking that it will be an independent Party and keep the PPP honest. They expected the AFC to vote for good things brought forward by the PPP and vote against the bad things brought forward by the PPP. He said that most of the people of Whim are totally against what they have witnessed, that is the AFC joining forces with APNU since the 10th Parliament begun. He said that Ramjattan is right-the AFC is dead meat if an election is called.


So why not tell us what kind of support that the AFC has?  Avoid "PPP bad" because that can translate into people simply not voting.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

While politicians can travel to any place in Guyana, election results are a completely different outcome.


Also, while many individuals indeed believed and gave the AFC an opportunity with their votes thinking that it is an independent political organization, immediately after the 2011 elections, the AFC became solidly melded with the PNC.


AFC will still get votes to garner one or two seats in the next parliament, thanks to the proportional representation system.


In the meantime, indications are that the PPP/C will emerge as the winning organization with more than 50% of the votes in a free and fair elections.

The AFC joining with the PNC is not a bad thing.


It may become a watershed moment for the country and Guyanese.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Stormy thinks he can influence the electorate in Guyana by writing like a philosopher from ancient Greece





* Stormy suffers from self delusion and other kinds of delusion.



Let me get this, a pretentious girly man is conjuring  mental deficiency for me! Look to yourself, you dildo collecting, purse fancying sissified clown! It takes more than self delusion to see good in the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The PPP cannot continue to con the people of Guyana with their 21.7% unemployment rate and other bullshit.


They cannot continue to steal from Guyanese while they give themselves 200 Million dollar pension packages and they steal money to a tune of 6 million dollars to buy sperm.

All true but that doesn't guarantee a APNU or AFC votes.  People can opt not to vote instead of waiting in line to vote for parties which they might believe have anything to offer.  APNU and AFC had best not get complacent.


The pressure is too intense in Guyana right now. Indians along with all other races are suffering in Guyana. For the first time in many years the Toshaos after their national council in Georgetown spoke out in unison against the PPP. They did so through a smaller group in 2011 this is the first time they have come out swinging.


The people in GY are feeling the squeeze, If the opposition does a better job in region 4 and 3 the PPP is in deeper shit.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I just got off the phone with my friend Dwarka from Whim, Berbice who said that the AFC, Moses and Kemraj are not welcomed in Whim. He went on to say that they voted for the AFC in droves thinking that it will be an independent Party and keep the PPP honest. They expected the AFC to vote for good things brought forward by the PPP and vote against the bad things brought forward by the PPP. He said that most of the people of Whim are totally against what they have witnessed, that is the AFC joining forces with APNU since the 10th Parliament begun. He said that Ramjattan is right-the AFC is dead meat if an election is called.


Mits, you mek me hand fall Bhai. What do I have to gain by lying Pandit? Everyone of the politicians in Guyana from all the political parties looking out for Themselves rather than looking out for the Nation. They fighting among themselves rather than fighting for the country.The electorate did not send them to the National Assembly to fight among themselves.  


and this include the ppp 


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

He said that Ramjattan is right-the AFC is dead meat if an election is called.


* Yuji has been posting the same thing for months now. His family in Berbice have all reported to him that Berbicians have soured on Moses.


 Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan betrayed Berbicians 



* Berbicians now know that Moses and Khemraj lied to them in 2011 about the AFC being an independent party. The AFC has been in bed with the PNC from day 1 of the 10th parliament.




* The 10.3% they received in 2011, they will never again match that. In fact they'd be lucky to pull 5% in the next election.


* Moses and the AFC have nothing going for them right now. Their last hope for glory was to bring the PPP down via no confidence.


* You know the rest of the story---Ramotar outsmarted them and dropped the prorogue in deh rass.




* In the next election, which will hopefully be in 6 months time, the PPP will regain their majority.



One of my relatives told me that they are advising angry Berbicians to not bring out their cutlass when Moses and Ramjattan visit Whim. 


They will opt to use rotten eggs on Moses and Ramjattan the next time they dare to visit Whim.

yuji, not only Whim has rotten eggs. When your people decide to throw rotten eggs on Moses and Ramjattan, others will throw rotten eggs on Ramo, Rohee, Priya, Gail, Irfaan, etc.

If rotten eggs are your kinda politics, you shouldn't complain when reciprocation time comes.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Stormy thinks he can influence the electorate in Guyana by writing like a philosopher from ancient Greece

I can influence those with reasonable minds not boot lickers, knee benders, crumb seekers and soup drinkers or any miscellany of sycophants and bigoted worms. I speak to sane, concerned, well intentioned and morally grounded people.

sorry my friend none  of those in the ppp

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Let me get this, a pretentious girly man is conjuring  mental deficiency for me! Look to yourself, you dildo collecting, purse fancying sissified clown! It takes more than self delusion to see good in the PPP.


ha ha ha ha ha


* 6 months from now the PPP will have a resounding victory at the polls and you short man Stormy will remain a blabbermouth and a windbag on GNI.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Let me get this, a pretentious girly man is conjuring  mental deficiency for me! Look to yourself, you dildo collecting, purse fancying sissified clown! It takes more than self delusion to see good in the PPP.


ha ha ha ha ha


* 6 months from now the PPP will have a resounding win and you short man Stormy will remain a blabbermouth and a windbag.



you wishing for 6 months,not going to  happen 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I just got off the phone with my friend Dwarka from Whim, Berbice who said that the AFC, Moses and Kemraj are not welcomed in Whim. He went on to say that they voted for the AFC in droves thinking that it will be an independent Party and keep the PPP honest. They expected the AFC to vote for good things brought forward by the PPP and vote against the bad things brought forward by the PPP. He said that most of the people of Whim are totally against what they have witnessed, that is the AFC joining forces with APNU since the 10th Parliament begun. He said that Ramjattan is right-the AFC is dead meat if an election is called.


So why not tell us what kind of support that the AFC has?  Avoid "PPP bad" because that can translate into people simply not voting.

Go do you own polling. Your PNC destroyed Guyana. People not voting, that's their right.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Let me get this, a pretentious girly man is conjuring  mental deficiency for me! Look to yourself, you dildo collecting, purse fancying sissified clown! It takes more than self delusion to see good in the PPP.


ha ha ha ha ha


* 6 months from now the PPP will have a resounding win and you short man Stormy will remain a blabbermouth and a windbag.



you wishing for 6 months,not going to  happen 

You guys better listen to Ms. Cleo.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Let me get this, a pretentious girly man is conjuring  mental deficiency for me! Look to yourself, you dildo collecting, purse fancying sissified clown! It takes more than self delusion to see good in the PPP.


ha ha ha ha ha


* 6 months from now the PPP will have a resounding win and you short man Stormy will remain a blabbermouth and a windbag.



you wishing for 6 months,not going to  happen 

You guys better listen to Ms. Cleo.

Who is miss cleo eddie lame or Kwame? or would dat be Edghill?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Stormy thinks he can influence the electorate in Guyana by writing like a philosopher from ancient Greece





* Stormy suffers from self delusion and other kinds of delusion.



Grandiose Delusions!

Heheheheh! GNI two girly men jerking off each other.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Let me get this, a pretentious girly man is conjuring  mental deficiency for me! Look to yourself, you dildo collecting, purse fancying sissified clown! It takes more than self delusion to see good in the PPP.


ha ha ha ha ha


* 6 months from now the PPP will have a resounding win and you short man Stormy will remain a blabbermouth and a windbag.



you wishing for 6 months,not going to  happen 

You guys better listen to Ms. Cleo.

Who is miss cleo eddie lame or Kwame? or would dat be Edghill?

Sase , go skin you battie in the mirror and you will see who is Ms. Cleo.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Let me get this, a pretentious girly man is conjuring  mental deficiency for me! Look to yourself, you dildo collecting, purse fancying sissified clown! It takes more than self delusion to see good in the PPP.


ha ha ha ha ha


* 6 months from now the PPP will have a resounding win and you short man Stormy will remain a blabbermouth and a windbag.



you wishing for 6 months,not going to  happen 

You guys better listen to Ms. Cleo.

Who is miss cleo eddie lame or Kwame? or would dat be Edghill?

Sase , go skin you battie in the mirror and you will see who is Ms. Cleo.

Is dat de instructions you does give to your man and your man in law?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Stormy thinks he can influence the electorate in Guyana by writing like a philosopher from ancient Greece





* Stormy suffers from self delusion and other kinds of delusion.



Grandiose Delusions!

Heheheheh! GNI two girly men jerking off each other.

you dare call rev a man


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