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Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see, the AFC propaganda machinery is at full throttle,going against their very conscience in defending that Councillor, who is also a teacher, who was allegedly with a male student in their underwear in his living quarters, instead of them condemning that unlawful act, they are trying to derail the thread and attempting to throw cold water on this very serious issue, for a party whose member is involved in such a crime, to say little to nothing about it, is indeed a grave matter of concern.

As usual, per your role as a PPP propagandist hack, you are inventing your own arguments to argue against. Where the hell in this thread did any support this fellow?


This is the kind of fodder you folks like to prime your propaganda machine. You are not truly doers. Were you concerned we would see similar aggressive drive to deride the accused in the Press.


Where were you when the Chinese lumber workers left close to a dozen of our under-aged native girls pregnant ( now with babies)? Note one of these girls was 11 years old! Instead of sanctioning the company  and forcing it at least to pay for the support of these children if they sent the fathers home. This government is duplicitous.


What this fellow did was wrong ( if he did it) and should feel the full burnt of the law because of the transgression.  It should not be political football.  The PPP has a history of neglecting abuse to our children so why is this one given such aggressive publicity? Well we all know. It is the coin with which you hope to purchse an ounce of morality without being truly moral about the matter.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are a staunch AFC supporter here and your defence of the man in this allegation stinks. Provide hard proof of your many other allegations. You hide behind a computer screen making serious allegations and cannot provide proof of any.


With new internet laws the long arm of the law will get you. So you hide behind your computer making baseless claims that cannot be proven. Bring us the proof and source.

You illiterate little man. I have not in any way defended this man except in your stupid little head, 


Braying like a sensationalist jackass does not change the meaning of my words in your favor so read and try to understand what I said before and stop making ridiculous claims.


What's your excuse for defending Kwame?

I would like to return the favour by calling you a complete dunce.  You lack proof and cannot back your baseless claims. The days of the AFC snake oil has long been smashed.

You are a blasted idiot.


Here's the question again, either answer it or get off the friggin forum you puke.



What's your excuse for defending Kwame?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by God:

The most potent brand in the nation. Get your supplies daily from NCN, GINA, the Chronicle, Guyana Times and most other sources of PPP latrine paper. 


This looks like Typical Toilet Paper KN trying to dodge and hide from the shameless and disgraceful action of one of their very own.

The only fool who is defending anyone here is you with your staunch support of your fellow butt boy Kwame. 


Don't fight with Coounscie now as he's also vying for Kwame's attention and that minimum wage check coming to him tomorrow for making his quota of posts on GNI.


Its clear to see, the AFC propaganda machinery is at full throttle,going against their very conscience in defending that Councillor, who is also a teacher, who was allegedly with a male student in their underwear in his living quarters, instead of them condemning that unlawful act, they are trying to derail the thread and attempting to throw cold water on this very serious issue, for a party whose member is involved in such a crime, to say little to nothing about it, is indeed a grave matter of concern.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see, the AFC propaganda machinery is at full throttle,going against their very conscience in defending that Councillor, who is also a teacher, who was allegedly with a male student in their underwear in his living quarters, instead of them condemning that unlawful act, they are trying to derail the thread and attempting to throw cold water on this very serious issue, for a party whose member is involved in such a crime, to say little to nothing about it, is indeed a grave matter of concern.

Did you make your quota of posts on GNI for this week? Kwame will punish you if you don't submit your sheet with enough posts listed. 

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see, the AFC propaganda machinery is at full throttle,going against their very conscience in defending that Councillor, who is also a teacher, who was allegedly with a male student in their underwear in his living quarters, instead of them condemning that unlawful act, they are trying to derail the thread and attempting to throw cold water on this very serious issue, for a party whose member is involved in such a crime, to say little to nothing about it, is indeed a grave matter of concern.

Did you make your quota of posts on GNI for this week? Kwame will punish you if you don't submit your sheet with enough posts listed. 

God should answer this question. Check the number of PNC/AFC damage control posts by God for today. Ha Ha.


The PNC and AFC are now running on empty snake oil bottle. They have been on damage control mode lately.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC goon under the handle "God" is trying his/her best to divert this thread, and is attempting to sweep the region 8 AFC Councillor story of alleged "child molestation" under the carpet, the Guyanese populace aren't no fools, they can see straight through the cover of the AFC

This matter will come back to haunt them.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC goon under the handle "God" is trying his/her best to divert this thread, and is attempting to sweep the region 8 AFC Councillor story of alleged "child molestation" under the carpet, the Guyanese populace aren't no fools, they can see straight through the cover of the AFC

Has the person accused been charged with any crime or found guilty of a crime? I've already said that if the man is found guilty in a court of law, then he should face the long arms of justice. Are so so stupid that you don't understand what that means?


What happened to the investigation of your boss Kwame soliciting sex from the minor Julius?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see, the AFC propaganda machinery is at full throttle,going against their very conscience in defending that Councillor, who is also a teacher, who was allegedly with a male student in their underwear in his living quarters, instead of them condemning that unlawful act, they are trying to derail the thread and attempting to throw cold water on this very serious issue, for a party whose member is involved in such a crime, to say little to nothing about it, is indeed a grave matter of concern.

Did you make your quota of posts on GNI for this week? Kwame will punish you if you don't submit your sheet with enough posts listed. 

God should answer this question. Check the number of PNC/AFC damage control posts by God for today. Ha Ha.


The PNC and AFC are now running on empty snake oil bottle. They have been on damage control mode lately.


I've already said that if the man is found guilty in a court of law, then he should face the long arms of justice. Are you another moron that you don't understand what that means?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC propagandists are at full throttle, defending the alleged AFC region 8 Councillor/teacher at any cost, the Guyanese populace ain't no fools

Foul dragons do need to be slain but you are not the knight for this quest. Indeed the Guyanese populace are not dullards and that is why it is certainly not missed by them that the PPP are being duplicitous.


In the very sanctuary of sanctuary, the OP, you have a pedophile in residence  whom you worship and adore and bend the knees to. Certainly if this fellow in the AFC did as reported by you, then he will be shunned by the rest of us and offered up to the law to answer for his crimes. We do not bend the knees to pedophiles. Our morality comes from a different place.


The PPP on the other hand,  has a history of  complicity with perverts. Their pandit in residence and official spiritual adviser and now a deified patron saint of the party ( I bet you have a murti of him in your mandir)   was a well known molester of young women.  That is widely believed in the population and you can test that claim by asking the person sitting next to you if he or she is a truth teller.


Indeed, the Guyanese people are not dullards!

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Provide us with proof of your claim. Stop hiding behind a computer and making baseless claims.

Proof is in the pudding dummy....go ask your sister if she was ever in his presence and spoke to him in private. I am sure his palm print would be on her backside.

This has been reported to admin.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The person who is using the handle "Danyael" should be suspended by the admin, he/she desperately tired to derail the thread away from the AFC Councillor, when the bid failed he/she, got personal and abusive, this is totally against the code of conduct of this forum......DANYAEL SHOULD BE SUSPENDED!

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The person who is using the handle "Danyael" should be suspended by the admin, he/she desperately tired to derail the thread away from the AFC Councillor, when the bid failed he/she, got personal and abusive, this is totally against the code of conduct of this forum......DANYAEL SHOULD BE SUSPENDED!

 You think Odeen will hear you....amral and sunil already heard!

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see, the AFC propaganda machinery is at full throttle,going against their very conscience in defending that Councillor, who is also a teacher, who was allegedly with a male student in their underwear in his living quarters, instead of them condemning that unlawful act, they are trying to derail the thread and attempting to throw cold water on this very serious issue, for a party whose member is involved in such a crime, to say little to nothing about it, is indeed a grave matter of concern.

Did you make your quota of posts on GNI for this week? Kwame will punish you if you don't submit your sheet with enough posts listed. 

I heard he like the punishment part, it does mek him bamsy get a sweet sting.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

No amount of red herring thrown into the discussion would derail the thread against the Region 8 AFC Councillor/teacher who was allegedly caught in his under garments with a male student in his living quarters, shame, shame,shame

Remember, the persons defending this behavior are part of the pedophile crew, they engage in the same behavior, oftentimes with each others own children. 


AFC chides ‘super salary syndrome’ for GuySuCo big wigs

June 12, 2013 | By | Filed Under News

AFC Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo

“You cannot throw bacon for the boys and bones to the workers,” was the response of Alliance for Change (AFC) Vice Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo, at the revelation that Chairman of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), Raj Singh  will be paid some $2.2M per month. Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh, this past week disclosed that GuySuCo will be paying its top man, no more than ÂĢ7,076 (G$2.2M) monthly. The AFC Vice Chairman during an interview with this publication yesterday rejected the notion and reminded that the company is currently, heavily dependent on government subsidy, but yet the “Donald Ramotar administration continues with its fat cat syndrome rewarding political operatives such as Raj Singh.” Nagamootoo said that the AFC is in no way opposed to appropriate remuneration for competent professionals and would also want to see expert investigations into the financial affairs of what he called a ‘failed state-owned corporation.’ According to Nagamootoo, just as it was unconscionable to be paying the company’s former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Errol Hanoman such an amount, it is equally reprehensible for the company to be paying its current Chairman a similar amount, when many times it cannot pay its workers. “We are of the view that this is a cash-strapped entity on its knees, living out of a beggar’s bowl held out to the taxpayers for bailouts in two consecutive years,” Nagamootoo said. He added that the position the company finds itself in is a poor example of “frugality and austerity” on the part of the administration. The AFC Vice Chairman said that all right-thinking Guyanese should come out in condemnation of the continued “super salary syndrome.” He said that this is even worse when placed in the context that Government had refused to pay a 10 per cent across the board increase to workers. “The fat cat syndrome in which the People’s Progressive Party Civic caught itself in order to butter its friends should be condemned.” Nagamootoo stressed that the AFC is not against paying appropriate salaries to people with specialized skills but rather, is against “rewards for political operatives like Raj Singh at the head of GuySuCo.” Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, while addressing a media briefing on Monday at his party’s Headquarters, Freedom House, had said that Singh, who currently serves as Acting Chairman of GuySuCo’s Board of Directors, is “eminently qualified” to head the cash-strapped entity. The Finance Minister told media operatives that Singh would be paid no more than the equivalent of the most recent substantive Chief Executive Officer of the Company. That position was held by Errol Hanoman, who resigned from the post in 2010. His contract offered by the sugar company stated, “Your annual remuneration while working in Guyana (including salary and pension allowance) will be paid by GuySuCo in Sterling. “Your initial salary (net of income tax and other statutory deductions payable in Guyana) will be at a rate of ÂĢ74,904 per annum, payable on a monthly basis. Your pension allowance will be paid with salary at the rate of ÂĢ9,942 per annum.” The Finance Minister was grilled on the ability of Singh to run the Corporation. He responded, “He is eminently qualified and has worked in sugar for a number of years at senior levels.” Dr Singh added that the Acting Chairman of the Board of Directors has worked in areas relevant to the management of large organizations, similar to that of GuySuCo.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

No amount of red herring thrown into the discussion would derail the thread against the Region 8 AFC Councillor/teacher who was allegedly caught in his under garments with a male student in his living quarters, shame, shame,shame

Remember, the persons defending this behavior are part of the pedophile crew, they engage in the same behavior, oftentimes with each others own children. 

You truly are a friggin sick pervert to keep these thoughts in your mind in just about every post.

Is it something from your past that haunts you or is it something ongoing?


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