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Originally Posted by God:

Coounscie, what's the latest update on this story? Was the teacher charged with a crime?


 This creep is not here to advise us of a moral infraction... and it is. He is here to tar and feather the AFC On account the person here accused is of the party.


Were these creeps concerned with the horrible affliction of trafficking and sexual slavery they would take steps to stop it where it exists all along the cost in the various and sundry drinking establishment and in the kayaboo of the mining areas.


These are amoral degenerates who have no moral moorings. It is not the immorality of this act that keeps him yammering like a fish gasping for oxygen in a weed filled pond. This is a Shylock asking for a pound of flesh.


Just over a year ago.......

The AFC's Gerhard Ramsaroop admitted that he pays an Amerindian family of four a total of $40,000 to $60,000 Guyana dollars per month to provide labour on his Flower farm. This amounts to $500 to $750 Guyana dollars per day, or $US2.25 to $US3.75 Isn't this hypocritical of an opposition politician who thinks the Government minimum wage of US$200 per month is repressive?
Added to that we are told that the Amerindian family of four which provides his labour live under less than favourable conditions along with 6 others on Gerhard's farm.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Just over a year ago.......

The AFC's Gerhard Ramsaroop admitted that he pays an Amerindian family of four a total of $40,000 to $60,000 Guyana dollars per month to provide labour on his Flower farm. This amounts to $500 to $750 Guyana dollars per day, or $US2.25 to $US3.75 Isn't this hypocritical of an opposition politician who thinks the Government minimum wage of US$200 per month is repressive?
Added to that we are told that the Amerindian family of four which provides his labour live under less than favourable conditions along with 6 others on Gerhard's farm.

This is a blatant lie. I know exactly what the man said and this is far from it.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"God" you have my blessings, provide your "proof"....

You creeps who are paid by the PPP to spread lies on the opposition twisted the man's words. First of all he was speaking about the wage of each person and then he listed many other benefits which he gives to his workers and which you propagandists failed to note.


He already exposed your lying ways on this thread.


They shamelessly copied a portion of what I said on this thread: and distorted it.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

No amount of damage control done by you "God" can erase the fact of his alleged exploitation of the indigenous citizens.....

The PPP exploits indigenous folks. It does so to the point it refuses to have them call themselves indigenous citizens! In 20 years it is yet to demarcate their lands.


Meanwhile it can allocate many thousands of square miles to every other foreign company that need to put down a stake to rape the land...I guess Amerinds do not have kick back cash. The present and past  assault on the APA mirrors that story. Is that not why the fake Amerindian association headed by peter persaud came into act as a foil against the one with real concern for the people.


Indians can take a cue from the PPP demolishing of GIFT to implant the Indian Arrival committee headed by their one that is a shadow of what they destroyed.


Originally Posted by Conscience:

"The Amerindian family of four which provides his labour live under less than favourable conditions along with 6 others on Gerhard's farm."

If you know that to be the case, why don't you pick it up with the relevant authorities in Guyana rather than wasting your time here on a board that very few read.  Most likely you are a liar.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"The Amerindian family of four which provides his labour live under less than favourable conditions along with 6 others on Gerhard's farm."

telling lies on Gerhard will not transform the PPP into saints in the eyes of the Amerind. You are scared shi..tless that they are calling you out on what you are...crooks... parasites feeding on them.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

GR tried desperately to do damage control, but the truth is already out there

You are a flipping dirtbag to try and discredit the man. GR is a much more decent human than all of the OP combined as of right now.

Did you say a decent human being? GR father live and die a PPP. Where is GR today? He is in Rum Jhaat evil's den.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

GR tried desperately to do damage control, but the truth is already out there

You are a flipping dirtbag to try and discredit the man. GR is a much more decent human than all of the OP combined as of right now.

Did you say a decent human being? GR father live and die a PPP. Where is GR today? He is in Rum Jhaat evil's den.

So what you are saying here is this. Everyone who is not a member of the corrupt PPP family is not a decent person.

If this is so, I'm on the side of those people not in the PPP crime family, call me indecent.


Furthermore, when Boyo was a member of the PPP party it did not have the House of Israel thugs and other corrupt members as we see now.

I don't think Boyo was still in the party when he passed on, you sure about this?


Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I have a feeling that Cocaine has a man crush on GR. How wicked, he should know the man have wife and kid, but I suspect he playing with the dog to get to the puppy. Those pedos have all tricks up their sleeve.

You are a flaming F A G G O T, we now know this for sure.

You should get a month off for using that language. You're a filthy old man.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

GR tried desperately to do damage control, but the truth is already out there

You are a flipping dirtbag to try and discredit the man. GR is a much more decent human than all of the OP combined as of right now.

Did you say a decent human being? GR father live and die a PPP. Where is GR today? He is in Rum Jhaat evil's den.

In his last year on the planet he spoke out against the rising greed and corrupt practices in the present PPP cartel. The gentleman, despite his decades of service to that party was on this very site being vilified by the PPP. I believe that is the reason Gerhard joined this site, to defend his father's reputation from the slander mongers in the party and their agents as the creep above. If you do a bit of research you can remove the mote from your eyes.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I have a feeling that Cocaine has a man crush on GR. How wicked, he should know the man have wife and kid, but I suspect he playing with the dog to get to the puppy. Those pedos have all tricks up their sleeve.

You are a flaming F A G G O T, we now know this for sure.

You should get a month off for using that language. You're a filthy old man.

I wasn't even referring to cain, maybe he has a guilty conscience as evil folks think alike.

The other fellow Cocaine got he eye on gr lil bai, now gr got to hire security round the clock. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I have a feeling that Cocaine has a man crush on GR. How wicked, he should know the man have wife and kid, but I suspect he playing with the dog to get to the puppy. Those pedos have all tricks up their sleeve.

Dude, one does not need to be a psychologist to grasp you do have a persisting and underlying pathological dysfunction. This pathological preoccupation with harmonizing any perception of error of judgement etc with pedophilia has to be predicated self analysis arising from personal experience. We are indeed sorry for your trauma but please, spare us the details.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Dude, one does not need to be a psychologist to grasp you do have a persisting and underlying pathological dysfunction. This pathological preoccupation with harmonizing any perception of error of judgement etc with pedophilia has to be predicated self analysis arising from personal experience. We are indeed sorry for your trauma but please, spare us the details.

Why would you protect the pedophile gang?  They harassed me for years, now I lash them back. Why weren't you chiding them and share the same analysis on how they were preoccupied with goady and determined that it was a self analysis? Maybe you too share that dark secret. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Dude, one does not need to be a psychologist to grasp you do have a persisting and underlying pathological dysfunction. This pathological preoccupation with harmonizing any perception of error of judgement etc with pedophilia has to be predicated self analysis arising from personal experience. We are indeed sorry for your trauma but please, spare us the details.

Why would you protect the pedophile gang?  They harassed me for years, now I lash them back. Why weren't you chiding them and share the same analysis on how they were preoccupied with goady and determined that it was a self analysis? Maybe you too share that dark secret. 

 I do not know there is such a gang that needs protection except in your imagination.  No one can harass you with lies or manufactured information. Everyday I see people assuming things about me but why should their silly preoccupation bother me? Do you think that you insisting I am white means anything? I see my reflection and listen to my internal identification cues to self identity in a gestalt and know it instinctively so you are the one with the problem not me.


Also, let me cue you in and you can investigate it yourself; people use terms and concepts and refer to events in their world persistently only if it is actually a part of their world. Do you ever hear me assigning every pathological concept a compartment under the heading "pedophilia"?


Do a search on the word here and you will find less than 20 instances of its usage in the past two years. I bet you exceed that in an increment of 100 if we search your profile. That speaks to something there in you not me.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I have a feeling that Cocaine has a man crush on GR. How wicked, he should know the man have wife and kid, but I suspect he playing with the dog to get to the puppy. Those pedos have all tricks up their sleeve.

You are a flaming F A G G O T, we now know this for sure.

You should get a month off for using that language. You're a filthy old man.

I wasn't even referring to cain, maybe he has a guilty conscience as evil folks think alike.

The other fellow Cocaine got he eye on gr lil bai, now gr got to hire security round the clock. 

I thought I was addressing can; he always comes out without warning. 

Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I have a feeling that Cocaine has a man crush on GR. How wicked, he should know the man have wife and kid, but I suspect he playing with the dog to get to the puppy. Those pedos have all tricks up their sleeve.

You are a flaming F A G G O T, we now know this for sure.

You should get a month off for using that language. You're a filthy old man.

I wasn't even referring to cain, maybe he has a guilty conscience as evil folks think alike.

The other fellow Cocaine got he eye on gr lil bai, now gr got to hire security round the clock. 

I thought I was addressing can; healways comes out without warning. 

You are correct, he came out of the closet some time back and changed his handle.  He then progressed to stage 2 of his affliction, by joining mjuanita and the pedophile gang.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 I do not know there is such a gang that needs protection except in your imagination.  No one can harass you with lies or manufactured information. Everyday I see people assuming things about me but why should their silly preoccupation bother me? Do you think that you insisting I am white means anything? I see my reflection and listen to my internal identification cues to self identity in a gestalt and know it instinctively so you are the one with the problem not me.


Also, let me cue you in and you can investigate it yourself; people use terms and concepts and refer to events in their world persistently only if it is actually a part of their world. Do you ever hear me assigning every pathological concept a compartment under the heading "pedophilia"?


Do a search on the word here and you will find less than 20 instances of its usage in the past two years. I bet you exceed that in an increment of 100 if we search your profile. That speaks to something there in you not me.

Why would my usage of the word bother you? Just skip over these posts if it bothers you. But I sense an ulterior motive, apparently the pedophile gang made up of cocaine, mjuanita, jaliki, worryer,carifesta and redunce, begged you to be a commissary to plead on their behalf so I would have mercy and stop the pedophile exposure. You go back to these folks and tell them to issue an apology and I will reconsider.  They started it and now they can't take the heat.  

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 I do not know there is such a gang that needs protection except in your imagination.  No one can harass you with lies or manufactured information. Everyday I see people assuming things about me but why should their silly preoccupation bother me? Do you think that you insisting I am white means anything? I see my reflection and listen to my internal identification cues to self identity in a gestalt and know it instinctively so you are the one with the problem not me.


Also, let me cue you in and you can investigate it yourself; people use terms and concepts and refer to events in their world persistently only if it is actually a part of their world. Do you ever hear me assigning every pathological concept a compartment under the heading "pedophilia"?


Do a search on the word here and you will find less than 20 instances of its usage in the past two years. I bet you exceed that in an increment of 100 if we search your profile. That speaks to something there in you not me.

Why would my usage of the word bother you? Just skip over these posts if it bothers you. But I sense an ulterior motive, apparently the pedophile gang made up of cocaine, mjuanita, jaliki, worryer,carifesta and redunce, begged you to be a commissary to plead on their behalf so I would have mercy and stop the pedophile exposure. You go back to these folks and tell them to issue an apology and I will reconsider.  They started it and now they can't take the heat.  

It does not bother me. It ought to bother you because it speaks to  a scatterbrained and perverse quality of your fabrications. That you still see merit in it means I am not off track. You are a nut. These ceaseless lies is not a matter of character or moral deficit. You are a lunatic.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 I do not know there is such a gang that needs protection except in your imagination.  No one can harass you with lies or manufactured information. Everyday I see people assuming things about me but why should their silly preoccupation bother me? Do you think that you insisting I am white means anything? I see my reflection and listen to my internal identification cues to self identity in a gestalt and know it instinctively so you are the one with the problem not me.


Also, let me cue you in and you can investigate it yourself; people use terms and concepts and refer to events in their world persistently only if it is actually a part of their world. Do you ever hear me assigning every pathological concept a compartment under the heading "pedophilia"?


Do a search on the word here and you will find less than 20 instances of its usage in the past two years. I bet you exceed that in an increment of 100 if we search your profile. That speaks to something there in you not me.

Why would my usage of the word bother you? Just skip over these posts if it bothers you. But I sense an ulterior motive, apparently the pedophile gang made up of cocaine, mjuanita, jaliki, worryer,carifesta and redunce, begged you to be a commissary to plead on their behalf so I would have mercy and stop the pedophile exposure. You go back to these folks and tell them to issue an apology and I will reconsider.  They started it and now they can't take the heat.  

It does not bother me. It ought to bother you because it speaks to  a scatterbrained and perverse quality of your fabrications. That you still see merit in it means I am not off track. You are a nut. These ceaseless lies is not a matter of character or moral deficit. You are a lunatic.

Don't try to rain on my parade, I finally got under these bullies skin after enduring years of harassment. Now they send you like a shoe shine boy to beg me to stop. Before you cast a stone at me, walk a mile in my shoes, enduring harassment by the pedophile gang. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 I do not know there is such a gang that needs protection except in your imagination.  No one can harass you with lies or manufactured information. Everyday I see people assuming things about me but why should their silly preoccupation bother me? Do you think that you insisting I am white means anything? I see my reflection and listen to my internal identification cues to self identity in a gestalt and know it instinctively so you are the one with the problem not me.


Also, let me cue you in and you can investigate it yourself; people use terms and concepts and refer to events in their world persistently only if it is actually a part of their world. Do you ever hear me assigning every pathological concept a compartment under the heading "pedophilia"?


Do a search on the word here and you will find less than 20 instances of its usage in the past two years. I bet you exceed that in an increment of 100 if we search your profile. That speaks to something there in you not me.

Why would my usage of the word bother you? Just skip over these posts if it bothers you. But I sense an ulterior motive, apparently the pedophile gang made up of cocaine, mjuanita, jaliki, worryer,carifesta and redunce, begged you to be a commissary to plead on their behalf so I would have mercy and stop the pedophile exposure. You go back to these folks and tell them to issue an apology and I will reconsider.  They started it and now they can't take the heat.  

It does not bother me. It ought to bother you because it speaks to  a scatterbrained and perverse quality of your fabrications. That you still see merit in it means I am not off track. You are a nut. These ceaseless lies is not a matter of character or moral deficit. You are a lunatic.

Don't try to rain on my parade, I finally got under these bullies skin after enduring years of harassment. Now they send you like a shoe shine boy to beg me to stop. Before you cast a stone at me, walk a mile in my shoes, enduring harassment by the pedophile gang. 

Dude you are a little woss. I have endured the persistent assault from even you who do not know a damn about me yet claim you do. I do not use fabrication and distortions of the truth as a defense. I face it head on with my understanding of myself. Truth always wins. Try it and you will find less of an bother when others speak ill of you.


That way you would be defending from a virtuous and defensible position since it is one you know intimately rather than via a parade of nonsensical lies.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Don't try to rain on my parade, I finally got under these bullies skin after enduring years of harassment . . . Before you cast a stone at me, walk a mile in my shoes, enduring harassment by the pedophile gang

hee hee hee heee . . .


seriously folks, dis drugabeer is a pathetic piece of work . . . ah peeing mehself with laff hay


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