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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I have a feeling that Cocaine has a man crush on GR. How wicked, he should know the man have wife and kid, but I suspect he playing with the dog to get to the puppy. Those pedos have all tricks up their sleeve.

You are a flaming F A G G O T, we now know this for sure.

You should get a month off for using that language. You're a filthy old man.

I wasn't even referring to cain, maybe he has a guilty conscience as evil folks think alike.

The other fellow Cocaine got he eye on gr lil bai, now gr got to hire security round the clock. 

I thought I was addressing can; healways comes out without warning. 

You are correct, he came out of the closet some time back and changed his handle.  He then progressed to stage 2 of his affliction, by joining mjuanita and the pedophile gang.

Just so you do not forget, you are an arse hole, a perverted one at that.
i have every dam post of yours where you mention the pedo word, you are a frigiin sicko who should be banned just for always being an ass and also spreading filthy lies you f-in creep.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Dude you are a little woss. I have endured the persistent assault from even you who do not know a damn about me yet claim you do. I do not use fabrication and distortions of the truth as a defense. I face it head on with my understanding of myself. Truth always wins. Try it and you will find less of an bother when others speak ill of you.


That way you would be defending from a virtuous and defensible position since it is one you know intimately rather than via a parade of nonsensical lies.

No amount of pleading will get me to drop my effective counter attack against the pedophile crew. They prepped you with talking points to get me to drop the counter offensive to no avail. 

You deal with your critics your way and I will deal with mine the best way possible. 

As for you enduring torment, that is a lie, how many times did I drive you into mental refuge from this forum over the years when you took self exile for months on end after I cornered you. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Dude you are a little woss. I have endured the persistent assault from even you who do not know a damn about me yet claim you do. I do not use fabrication and distortions of the truth as a defense. I face it head on with my understanding of myself. Truth always wins. Try it and you will find less of an bother when others speak ill of you.


That way you would be defending from a virtuous and defensible position since it is one you know intimately rather than via a parade of nonsensical lies.

No amount of pleading will get me to drop my effective counter attack against the pedophile crew. They prepped you with talking points to get me to drop the counter offensive to no avail. 

You deal with your critics your way and I will deal with mine the best way possible. 

As for you enduring torment, that is a lie, how many times did I drive you into mental refuge from this forum over the years when you took self exile for months on end after I cornered you. 

You driving anyone off the site is in your own imagination as with most things. I usually do not post much in August and September and seldom post from the middle of November to the end of the year out of habit.


At times I also go to my fatherinlaw's  cottage in the outer banks and only recently has the internet been reliable. When I do not post it is not because of you but because I cannot or because I do not care to given I am doing something more interesting.


You are everyone's football because you are such a delusional prick.  I hardly think anyone here read you for content. You are the joke.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

You driving anyone off the site is in your own imagination as with most things. I usually do not post much in August and September and seldom post from the middle of November to the end of the year out of habit.


At times I also go to my fatherinlaw's  cottage in the outer banks and only recently has the internet been reliable. When I do not post it is not because of you but because I cannot or because I do not care to given I am doing something more interesting.


You are everyone's football because you are such a delusional prick.  I hardly think anyone here read you for content. You are the joke.

The evidence is there, you actually admitted to needing to "take a break from the forum to recoup mentally" after a heated debate with me. This happened several times and I even commented on your weak mind.  


As you see I have found a solution to the pedophile insults, I now block them.  You were sent to bargain with me to unblock them, but to no avail.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"cain" are you condoning the alleged actions of the AFC Councillor/teacher?....your post speaks volumes

Nah I'm condoning nothing but you're still jealous it seems.


Anyway, what stupidness are you saying about my post speaks volumes, all I said was "Sounds as though you're jealous." how the rass does that mean that I am condoning the "alleged" actions of the man?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

You driving anyone off the site is in your own imagination as with most things. I usually do not post much in August and September and seldom post from the middle of November to the end of the year out of habit.


At times I also go to my fatherinlaw's  cottage in the outer banks and only recently has the internet been reliable. When I do not post it is not because of you but because I cannot or because I do not care to given I am doing something more interesting.


You are everyone's football because you are such a delusional prick.  I hardly think anyone here read you for content. You are the joke.

The evidence is there, you actually admitted to needing to "take a break from the forum to recoup mentally" after a heated debate with me. This happened several times and I even commented on your weak mind.  


As you see I have found a solution to the pedophile insults, I now block them.  You were sent to bargain with me to unblock them, but to no avail.

Do not construe needing to be away from here as being whittled down by the overwhelming tour de force of your reasoning. The absurdity that is you is now being caricatured everywhere on the board. No one thinks all your marbles are accounted for.


You do not have an argument. One would be more fruitful in looking for round squares as that is easier found than a valid argument from you.


What irritates me is your casual misuse of a serious term for your own personal gratification.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:

What irritates me is your casual misuse of a serious term for your own personal gratification.

We both know the truth about your mental breakdowns, I have no desire to chastise you for being weak of mind so I will defer to your delusion that you left of your own accord.


As for the pedophile reference, you would only be irritated if you had personal experince either as a victim or a repentant perpetrator.  It server my purpose to lash back at my enemies.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

What irritates me is your casual misuse of a serious term for your own personal gratification.

We both know the truth about your mental breakdowns, I have no desire to chastise you for being weak of mind so I will defer to your delusion that you left of your own accord.


As for the pedophile reference, you would only be irritated if you had personal experince either as a victim or a repentant perpetrator.  It server my purpose to lash back at my enemies.

 You apparently know more of the imaginary me as does skeldonbai and ASI. I have ho responsibility for your collective delusions.


The word is being flagged by the security agencies dedicated to finding these predators. Your casual reference to others being pedophile just because you think you can win in a mud fight wastes their time. I shows you do not take the matter seriously.


Originally Posted by Danyael:

 You apparently know more of the imaginary me as does skeldonbai and ASI. I have ho responsibility for your collective delusions.


The word is being flagged by the security agencies dedicated to finding these predators. Your casual reference to others being pedophile just because you think you can win in a mud fight wastes their time. I shows you do not take the matter seriously.


I derive your profile based on the clues revealed by your blunders; the saki winki is a bird reference, the Episcopal church in Guyana, and ignorance of common Guyanese words, call me Sherlock. 


You are such a liar, pedophile do not refer to them selves using this word.  But if in the wildest instance this is true, then it was all worth the while if they are investigated for this behavior. Payback is a bytch. ahahaha

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 You apparently know more of the imaginary me as does skeldonbai and ASI. I have ho responsibility for your collective delusions.


The word is being flagged by the security agencies dedicated to finding these predators. Your casual reference to others being pedophile just because you think you can win in a mud fight wastes their time. I shows you do not take the matter seriously.


I derive your profile based on the clues revealed by your blunders; the saki winki is a bird reference, the Episcopal church in Guyana, and ignorance of common Guyanese words, call me Sherlock. 


You are such a liar, pedophile do not refer to them selves using this word.  But if in the wildest instance this is true, then it was all worth the while if they are investigated for this behavior. Payback is a bytch. ahahaha

I seethe almost full moon has already launched you into a hyper  lunatic. That is clearly the only logical thing you can be called.  What am I a liar about? Do you not think that if there are increased traffic with the word being the cause that would not cause a flag somewhere? Why would any be calling others by that word if they do not believe there is substance there. But alas they did not compensate for a nut. You simply think it is a fun thing to call another because you can "win" against them calling you mr goodee! You are indeed an ass.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I seethe almost full moon has already launched you into a hyper  lunatic. That is clearly the only logical thing you can be called.  What am I a liar about? Do you not think that if there are increased traffic with the word being the cause that would not cause a flag somewhere? Why would any be calling others by that word if they do not believe there is substance there. But alas they did not compensate for a nut. You simply think it is a fun thing to call another because you can "win" against them calling you mr goodee! You are indeed an ass.


Apparently you are paranoid, you believe the relevant authorities are scanning web traffic for pedophile references. I suspect they would be more concerned with photo images and covert secret language common among the perverted like the pedophile gang. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Danyael you should be ashame of yourself, for publicly defending a Councillor/teacher who was caught in an alleged compromising position in his living quarters with a male student..

I am telling you that they report is that you lie and this is payback for the report that the PPP was using our children in child labor. I would believe my contacts than you since I know you lied on another notable Amerind brother only last week.There is always two sides to be sorted out and this one will.



Still need a comment


Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend

Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend


The son of a government minister has allegedly assaulted his ex-girlfriend, leaving her with a swollen right eye and tender head just days before she had been due to give birth to their baby.

27-year old Vanisha Seenauth alleged that Robeson Benn Jr. barged into her home during the pre-dawn hours of Sunday when she opened the door and assaulted her...... she was allegedly assaulted in public by Benn.




AFC Councillor Clyde Edwards accused of sleeping with underage boy

An Alliance for Change(AFC) Councillor of the Region 8 Regional Democratic Council(RDC) who is also a teacher at the Mahdia Secondary School and chairman of the region's education committee was caught sleeping with a male underage student. Clyde Edwards was caught in the teacher's quarters of the Mahdia Secondary School sleeping with the lad. They were both clad only in their underpants. The incident which took place in May is currently the subject of an investigation by education officials and was being kept low key by several of Edwards' colleagues.

He has since been sent on administrative leave after the matter became public and the incident is being investigated by the police



Still need a comment. Lacking none from you I will begin to bring all the comments across the net on this issue right here. You are required to make a comment or be exposed as just the usual PPP hypocrite. Your morality is opportunistic. If you cannot get a political have none.


Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend

Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend


The son of a government minister has allegedly assaulted his ex-girlfriend, leaving her with a swollen right eye and tender head just days before she had been due to give birth to their baby.

27-year old Vanisha Seenauth alleged that Robeson Benn Jr. barged into her home during the pre-dawn hours of Sunday when she opened the door and assaulted her...... she was allegedly assaulted in public by Benn.




An Alliance for Change(AFC) Councillor of the Region 8 Regional Democratic Council(RDC) who is also a teacher at the Mahdia Secondary School and chairman of the region's education committee was caught sleeping with a male underage student. Clyde Edwards was caught in the teacher's quarters of the Mahdia Secondary School sleeping with the lad. They were both clad only in their underpants. The incident which took place in May is currently the subject of an investigation by education officials and was being kept low key by several of Edwards' colleagues.

He has since been sent on administrative leave after the matter became public and the incident is being investigated by the police


Teacher in alleged misconduct probe to remain on Region 8 Council- AFC

Teacher in alleged misconduct probe to remain on Region 8 Council- AFC

A teacher of the Mahdia Secondary School, in whose living quarters was seen a male student sleeping, would not be asked to step aside from the Region Eight Council until the outcome of a probe, officials of the Alliance For Change (AFC) said Wednesday.

Chief Education Officer Olato Sam has said that the teacher has been sent on administrative leave pending the findings of a police investigation.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The same news outside (demwaves) you're using as your source, its the same news outside that publish the article of the AFC Councillor/teacher

 I never use demwaves...never posted one news story from them. Additionally, they seldom are the primary to a story. It is often one they take from the news pool.

Those sexual deviants in the teaching professionPDFPrintE-mail
Written by   
Tuesday, 25 June 2013 21:26

THE recent shocking revelation of a male under-aged student located in the living quarters of his class teacher, clad only in his underwear together with the latter, underlines the embarrassingly sad reality that this time-honoured profession is peopled by sexual deviants, whose interest are focused primarily on satisfying their carnal lusts on their young charges, rather than preparing their minds for their future life’s vocation. Not for the first time, this most recent case involving a male teacher is indeed a surprise, given the large numbers of such professionals whose services were terminated, and arraigned before the courts. Among the numbers, would have been a former Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) president, for a similar incident allegedly committed external of the school environment. One may refer to another such case that had taken place on the West Coast of Berbice, almost two years ago, where an educator was alleged to have had carnal knowledge of one of his female students. This case assumed high-profiled proportions, when a party of policemen led by a now retired police commander, descended on the West Coast Berbice school where they arrested the alleged perpetrator. This prompt action by Law Enforcement authorities elicited comments from the current GTU Head that were less than forthcoming, given the pivotal seat of union leadership he holds. As far as this union president was concerned, such a measure as arresting the teacher at the school was undesirable, as it would have caused trauma to the general school population in attendance. Certainly, it was, and still is, the GTU president’s duty to defend the rights of his union members. One is sure that it was this promise that won him the leadership. However, there are some things that he needed to have appreciated relative to such an incident, since as far as is known – there has not been a response from the GTU on this recent incident that suggests inappropriate conduct and intent, on the part of the teacher, allegedly involved.  This union leader should be reminded that it is the right of Law Enforcement to act promptly, in pursuing and apprehending any such suspect wherever he/she may be. In fact, rather than levelling the claim of traumatisation of the students, he ought to have commended the police for their promptness in securing the arrest of the suspect. Given the increasing frequency of this deviant behaviour, what has he done to impress upon his male union members, especially, that their role as educators is to mould the nation’s children in the classroom along scholastic lines and not in any other undesirable form, or elsewhere; and that any such conduct is a departure from agreed custom and practice, hence a betrayal of trust, as is definitely the case in all of these shameful incidents. What has he done since the commencement of his stewardship in correcting this most immoral of behaviour prevalent among his male membership? For the Education Minister, Ms Priya Manickchand and her ministry, this report would have been a huge setback, against the background of the many initiatives that she would have spearheaded, to curb this threat to the nation’s young, inclusive of the nation’s thousands of students. One may recall the monumental ‘Stamp It Out’ campaign she pioneered, that gave birth to the ‘Sexual Offences Legislation’, one of the most comprehensive pieces of legislation that has been promulgated to date, in this nation. To this latest report, Minister Manickchand has voiced her thorough displeasure, and made it clear that her ministry will support condign measures to be taken against the educator.   Finally, the GTU president did allege traumatisation to the students of that West Berbice School. But, does he know of the immense mental anguish that the student victims do experience; or of the desultory light that is continuously cast upon the other morally upright educators and the profession, because of the lecherous conduct of their other colleagues; of the lowering of moral standards in general; and of the ministry’s numerous strategies having to be constantly revised to meet the threat of the daily sexual onslaught that is committed on the nation’s children?


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