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Members of the United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent (seated). From left are Ahmed Reid, Sabelo Gumedze and Michal Balcerzak.

October 7,2017


After a five-day “fact-finding” visit to Guyana, the United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent has voiced concern over the human rights of Guyanese of African descent, who it says continue to experience racism and racial discrimination despite some efforts that have been made to address the situation.

Noted among the efforts made were the formation of the Guyana Reparations Committee, the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry to look into ancestral land matters and the implementation of President David Granger’s ‘Five Bs’ Initiative, which provides boats, buses, bicycles, breakfast and books to school children.

Presenting preliminary findings along with 36 accompanying recommendations at the conclusion of their visit yesterday were Sabelo Gumedze (of South Africa), Michal Balcerzak (Poland) and Ahmed Reid (Jamaica), who chaired a briefing at the United Nations Development Programme’s office.

“The working group studied the official measures taken and mechanisms to prevent systemic racial discrimination and to protect victims of racism, as well as responses to multiple forms of discrimination,” a statement provided by the group read.

Visits were made to Georgetown, Linden and Buxton, and consultations were done at the ministerial level and at the level of the civil society and regional democratic councils.

“The people of African descent all over the world are a victim group because of what happened in the past and we should acknowledge that. And as we have offered solutions to some of the challenges that Guyana is facing, we do hope and are positive that those recommendations will be taken on board, not only to polarise but to address some of the challenges that Guyana is facing,” Gumedze stated.

Some of the findings of the preliminary report are: that there are “serious deficiencies in the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights” by people of African descent; that persons of African descent are largely impacted by racial profiling by the Guyana Police force; there has been failure to investigate and provide justice in extra-judicial killings, particularly when Afro-Guyanese have been the target; that women of African descent face inequalities and multiple forms of discrimination because of their race, colour, gender and religious beliefs; and that the school curricula do not accurately reflect the contributions and history of people of African descent.

‘Without delay’

Noting that the prevention of racial discrimination is “enshrined in the constitution,” the group noted that while the 2003 revised constitution made for the appointment of institutions such as the Human Rights Commission and the Ethnic Relations Commission, the aforementioned are not functional.

As a result, among the recommendations were that these two commissions be “constituted without further delay” and that they be equipped with the necessary resources and powers to carry out their mandates.

The group also recommended the adoption of a National Action Plan against racial discrimination, with focus on structural racial discrimination, legislative reforms, accountability and the enforcement of anti-discrimination legislation in line with the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action.

Furthermore, it was recommended that the government work with civil society organisations in framing legislation pertaining to people of African descent, and also urged that they continue to play an active role in seeking reparatory justice for Afro-Guyanese.

Speaking to cultural identity, the group suggested that history be mandatory at both the primary and secondary levels, “thereby giving children of African descent a connection with their past and a sense of cultural identity,” and that a special curriculum recognising certain aspects of history such as the transatlantic trade be incorporated into both formal and informal educational teachings, at all educational levels.

It was also recommended that memorials be established to honour persons of African descent who have been victims of tragedies, with specific mention of sites of memory being established in Linden to mark the events of 1964 and 2012.

In the economic sphere, it was suggested that development funds be established to empower persons of African descent who “have been left behind” and that steps be taken to allow increased accessibility of affordable loans to businesspersons of African descent.

Many of the human rights issued outlined, though addressed specifically to persons of African descent, fit within general human rights laws, such as access to healthcare, having prisons and detention centers that meet international standards, and the right to an adequate standard of living.

“We are not a judicial body, but when we make recommendations, we are very positive that States and governments will take our recommendations forward because the issue of human rights is very critical to every state. The issue of racism, racial discrimination, Afrophobia and other related intolerance happens all over the world and States are the ones that have to play a critical role in ensuring that these social ills do not occur,” Gumedze said.

It was related that the group is still welcoming submissions from organisations and the government toward completing the report.

The final report will be presented in the mission report to the United Nations Human Rights Council in September, 2018.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Drugb posted:

Wah rass dis? Slop can boy telling we dat is black on black discrimination now in Guyana gwine on? Where is caribj, he will not believe this. 

"Twit" i knew someone will make such an observation,you head the pack.


This is a good old boy UN team. Probably designed to give the good old boys some work and some perks. The Polak and the Jamaican should examine white skin superiority attitudes in their own countries.


QUOTE: '“The working group studied the official measures taken and mechanisms to prevent systemic racial discrimination and to protect victims of racism, as well as responses to multiple forms of discrimination,” a statement provided by the group read.' ['official measures' refers to the coalition government. The UN team says el presidente is neglecting his own people somewhat. Is this why el indio Jagdeo got tight embraces in Linden this week?]

QUOTE: 'Noting that the prevention of racial discrimination is “enshrined in the constitution,” the group noted that while the 2003 revised constitution made for the appointment of institutions such as the Human Rights Commission and the Ethnic Relations Commission, the aforementioned are not functional.' [The ERC at least was functioning during the reign of el indio Jagdeo y el Ramotar. It was first headed by Bishop Randolph George and then Bishop Juan Edgehill.]


If these folks put as much effort as they put into excuse making into work ethics and pulling up by the boot straps instead, they would be ahead of everyone else. 

Last edited by Former Member

 This is the most absurd findings ever made by a UN team. Where is the empirical evidence to support such a claim. One cannot be blind to certain facts that there are pockets of racism against all ethnic groups in Guyana by a small minority.  Take for instance that an Indo employer will favor another Indo for a job likewise for an Afro employer. But systemic racism against Afro Guyanese seems to be the biggest joke. Everyone started out on the same level and it's by hard work, determination, self sacrifice, practicing good family values, living purposefully, investing in yourself, learning to balance life and many more values that can lead to success. Most Afro Guyanese are in the middle class than any other ethnic group, their literacy rate is the best, with the current Govt, they are heavily favored for all Public Service jobs by a ratio of approx 50:1. So these findings need to have some scientific methods and a comparative study should also be done for the other ethnic groups.

randolph posted:

 This is the most absurd findings ever made by a UN team. Where is the empirical evidence to support such a claim. One cannot be blind to certain facts that there are pockets of racism against all ethnic groups in Guyana by a small minority.  Take for instance that an Indo employer will favor another Indo for a job likewise for an Afro employer. But systemic racism against Afro Guyanese seems to be the biggest joke. Everyone started out on the same level and it's by hard work, determination, self sacrifice, practicing good family values, living purposefully, investing in yourself, learning to balance life and many more values that can lead to success. Most Afro Guyanese are in the middle class than any other ethnic group, their literacy rate is the best, with the current Govt, they are heavily favored for all Public Service jobs by a ratio of approx 50:1. So these findings need to have some scientific methods and a comparative study should also be done for the other ethnic groups.

Randy, de UN team spent only 5 days in Guyana. Not all dat time was spent studying de praablem. I suppose they took time out for some calaloo and crab, saltfish and bake, plantain and duff, not forgetting mauby and swank. Still, in my opinion, they unearthed some surprising things.


I feel sorry for the black people in Guyana.  Such suffering. This news should be hitting the international headlines everywhere and Trump should be sending in food, and clothes, and people to create jobs for these poor black people in Guyana.  Right Django?  Why would Granger do such a thing to his own people?

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

It's a tool the blacks use all the time, cry discrimination and you get what you want. The squeeky wheel get oiled.

But like you don't have oil for your tricycle. 


Bibi Haniffa posted:

I feel sorry for the black people in Guyana.  Such suffering. This news should be hitting the international headlines everywhere and Trump should be sending in food, and clothes, and people to create jobs for these poor black people in Guyana.  Right Django?  Why would Granger do such a thing to his own people?

Remember his wife is Chinese.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I feel sorry for the black people in Guyana.  Such suffering. This news should be hitting the international headlines everywhere and Trump should be sending in food, and clothes, and people to create jobs for these poor black people in Guyana.  Right Django?  Why would Granger do such a thing to his own people?

Apparently you have not read the article.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I feel sorry for the black people in Guyana.  Such suffering. This news should be hitting the international headlines everywhere and Trump should be sending in food, and clothes, and people to create jobs for these poor black people in Guyana.  Right Django?  Why would Granger do such a thing to his own people?

It will take a long time for him to reverse the situation that he inherited from Jagdeo and the PPP. He really underestimated their plight which you have acknowledged as bolded above.


kp posted:

It's a tool the blacks use all the time, cry discrimination and you get what you want. The squeeky wheel get oiled.

Gyam some moe. I wonder if they cry discrimination in Africa. They have a whole continent and yet they complain. WOW!!!

Django posted:

Members of the United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent (seated). From left are Ahmed Reid, Sabelo Gumedze and Michal Balcerzak.

October 7,2017,  Source

After a five-day “fact-finding” visit to Guyana, the United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent has voiced concern over the human rights of Guyanese of African descent, who it says continue to experience racism and racial discrimination despite some efforts that have been made to address the situation.

Another opportunity for the United Nations "experts" to be on a vacation and cobble a report with no sense of the real issues.

Perhaps, they are unaware that Afro_Guyanese existed before the 1830's in the then British Guiana.

Also, they were totally unaware that the PNC was the government for 28 years -- 1964 to 1992.

Last edited by Former Member
22154548_1440269732759759_3209322385561190116_n%5B1%5DBibi Haniffa posted:

I feel sorry for the black people in Guyana.  Such suffering. This news should be hitting the international headlines everywhere and Trump should be sending in food, and clothes, and people to create jobs for these poor black people in Guyana.  Right Django?  Why would Granger do such a thing to his own people?

UN has concluded that Afro Guyanese are suffering under the AFC/PNC.

No wonder Afros are hugging up Bharat in Linden. Look how they miss Bharat. Big, Big hugs and love up for him.

Granger will be kicked out in 2020 AND sign a book deal like Obama and leave Afro Guyanese high and dry.


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Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I feel sorry for the black people in Guyana.  Such suffering. This news should be hitting the international headlines everywhere and Trump should be sending in food, and clothes, and people to create jobs for these poor black people in Guyana.  Right Django?  Why would Granger do such a thing to his own people?

UN has concluded that Afro Guyanese are suffering under the AFC/PNC.

No wonder Afros are hugging up Bharat in Linden.

Don't fool yourself and get too excited Yujji. If there is a riot, they will not hesitate to take down the coolie. Election time, they vote their own, no matter if they are hungry and dem belly "buss wid fraff".

yuji22 posted:
22154548_1440269732759759_3209322385561190116_n%5B1%5DBibi Haniffa posted:

I feel sorry for the black people in Guyana.  Such suffering. This news should be hitting the international headlines everywhere and Trump should be sending in food, and clothes, and people to create jobs for these poor black people in Guyana.  Right Django?  Why would Granger do such a thing to his own people?

UN has concluded that Afro Guyanese are suffering under the AFC/PNC.

No wonder Afros are hugging up Bharat in Linden. 

I see only BJ doing the hug up for the foto. 

Last edited by Mitwah
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I feel sorry for the black people in Guyana.  Such suffering. This news should be hitting the international headlines everywhere and Trump should be sending in food, and clothes, and people to create jobs for these poor black people in Guyana.  Right Django?  Why would Granger do such a thing to his own people?

UN has concluded that Afro Guyanese are suffering under the AFC/PNC.

No wonder Afros are hugging up Bharat in Linden.

Don't fool yourself and get too excited Yujji. If there is a riot, they will not hesitate to take down the coolie. Election time, they vote their own, no matter if they are hungry and dem belly "buss wid fraff".

Skelly Bhai, Pressure is hitting them now. Never miss the water until the well runs dry.

Only the violent arm of the PNC remains in Linden. Bharat will take Linden this time around.



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Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:
22154548_1440269732759759_3209322385561190116_n%5B1%5DBibi Haniffa posted:

I feel sorry for the black people in Guyana.  Such suffering. This news should be hitting the international headlines everywhere and Trump should be sending in food, and clothes, and people to create jobs for these poor black people in Guyana.  Right Django?  Why would Granger do such a thing to his own people?

UN has concluded that Afro Guyanese are suffering under the AFC/PNC.

No wonder Afros are hugging up Bharat in Linden. Look how they miss Bharat. Big, Big hugs and love up for him.

I see only BJ doing the hug up for the foto. 

Mits, you are seeing that you want to see and so do I. We will see in 2020.

yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I feel sorry for the black people in Guyana.  Such suffering. This news should be hitting the international headlines everywhere and Trump should be sending in food, and clothes, and people to create jobs for these poor black people in Guyana.  Right Django?  Why would Granger do such a thing to his own people?

UN has concluded that Afro Guyanese are suffering under the AFC/PNC.

No wonder Afros are hugging up Bharat in Linden.

Don't fool yourself and get too excited Yujji. If there is a riot, they will not hesitate to take down the coolie. Election time, they vote their own, no matter if they are hungry and dem belly "buss wid fraff".

Skelly Bhai, Pressure is hitting them now. Never miss the water until the well runs dry.

Only the violent arm of the PNC remains in Linden. Bharat will take Linden this time around.


Not going to happen. These people don't care if they starve.

Drugb posted:

Wah rass dis? Slop can boy telling we dat is black on black discrimination now in Guyana gwine on? Where is caribj, he will not believe this. 

The private sector is mainly Indian. Racists like you only want blacks as security guards, cashiers and other menial tasks.  Not in professional and management capacities.

FYI most jobs are in the private sector.

Prashad posted:

This is a good old boy UN team. Probably designed to give the good old boys some work and some perks. The Polak and the Jamaican should examine white skin superiority attitudes in their own countries.

They didn't suggest that racism was unique to Guyana.

Drugb posted:

If these folks put as much effort as they put into excuse making into work ethics and pulling up by the boot straps instead, they would be ahead of everyone else. 

And here we go.  The screams of druggie of black laziness.  Remember next time you wail that you aren't a racist.

yuji22 posted:
22154548_1440269732759759_3209322385561190116_n%5B1%5DBibi Haniffa posted:

I feel sorry for the black people in Guyana.  Such suffering. This news should be hitting the international headlines everywhere and Trump should be sending in food, and clothes, and people to create jobs for these poor black people in Guyana.  Right Django?  Why would Granger do such a thing to his own people?

UN has concluded that Afro Guyanese are suffering under the AFC/PNC.

No wonder Afros are hugging up Bharat in Linden. Look how they miss Bharat. Big, Big hugs and love up for him.

Granger will be kicked out in 2020 AND sign a book deal like Obama and leave Afro Guyanese high and dry.

That isn't a hug.  That is  Jagdeo grabbing onto a woman who is in total shock. Her body is leaning away and her hands aren't around him.

Rather than describing solid plans to develop Linden and to improve the lives if those who live in that town, something that he did NOT do when he was in power, he thinks that stupid picture taing opportunities will increase his support.

Well Jagdeo made it a practice of humping black women in public when he was president and they didn't vote for him.  They ran through the streets celebrating when the PPP lost.

So clearly they didn't see how the PPP helped them improve their lives.

80% of the bauxite workers lost their jobs thanks to Jagdeo.  They had to leave Linden and get into gold mining and forestry in order to survive. Many also having to flee to the Islands as well.


skeldon_man posted:

Not going to happen. These people don't care if they starve.

They certainly starved when Jagdeo causes 80% of the bauxite workers to lose their jobs.  So if they are still starving this is nothing new.

Prashad posted:

Hindustan needs to be present in Linden. Pandits need to introduce Afro Guyanese brothers and sisters in Linden to the religion.

Hindus are Christianizing in droves in Guyana. Why would non Hindus join when Hindus are leaving.

In 1970 40% of the population were Hindus.  Now a mere 25% are.  The population is almost the same now as it was then.

Btw are your kids Hindus?  Is your wife?

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
. Election time, they vote their own, no matter if they are hungry and dem belly "buss wid fraff".

Please explain why Indians voted for the PPP and fled Guyana.  The Indo population declined more rapidly under PPP rule than it did under Burnham. 

If the PPP was so good why then didn't Indos return to Guyana from Suriname, Venezuela and the Caribbean?  They didn't and in fact more fled to those places.

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Hindustan needs to be present in Linden. Pandits need to introduce Afro Guyanese brothers and sisters in Linden to the religion.

Hindus are Christianizing in droves in Guyana. Why would non Hindus join when Hindus are leaving.

In 1970 40% of the population were Hindus.  Now a mere 25% are.  The population is almost the same now as it was then.

Btw are your kids Hindus?  Is your wife?

The wife was brought up in an Anglican Christian home but she does not go to Church. I usually take the kids to the Temple on major Hindu events.


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