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Gilbakka posted:
randolph posted:

 This is the most absurd findings ever made by a UN team. Where is the empirical evidence to support such a claim. One cannot be blind to certain facts that there are pockets of racism against all ethnic groups in Guyana by a small minority.  Take for instance that an Indo employer will favor another Indo for a job likewise for an Afro employer. But systemic racism against Afro Guyanese seems to be the biggest joke. Everyone started out on the same level and it's by hard work, determination, self sacrifice, practicing good family values, living purposefully, investing in yourself, learning to balance life and many more values that can lead to success. Most Afro Guyanese are in the middle class than any other ethnic group, their literacy rate is the best, with the current Govt, they are heavily favored for all Public Service jobs by a ratio of approx 50:1. So these findings need to have some scientific methods and a comparative study should also be done for the other ethnic groups.

Randy, de UN team spent only 5 days in Guyana. Not all dat time was spent studying de praablem. I suppose they took time out for some calaloo and crab, saltfish and bake, plantain and duff, not forgetting mauby and swank. Still, in my opinion, they unearthed some surprising things.

My suspicion is that they came expecting to see Blacks living the high life under jackass Granger. On further inspection they saw the Indos living in decent homes while the Blacks were in run down neighborhoods fraught with crime. There prognosis was a knee jerk reaction for lack of a logical explanation. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Wah rass dis? Slop can boy telling we dat is black on black discrimination now in Guyana gwine on? Where is caribj, he will not believe this. 

The private sector is mainly Indian. Racists like you only want blacks as security guards, cashiers and other menial tasks.  Not in professional and management capacities.

FYI most jobs are in the private sector.

How did I know that eventually you would scream that the Indo man is to blame for Black suffering? This is the type of head in the sand reaction we expect from you, rather than showing your people the way to prosperity, you choose to blame Indo. Well my friend, this scenario is repeated all over the world, even in Africa where you can't blame the Indo. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

If these folks put as much effort as they put into excuse making into work ethics and pulling up by the boot straps instead, they would be ahead of everyone else. 

And here we go.  The screams of druggie of black laziness.  Remember next time you wail that you aren't a racist.

Where did I mention Blacks in general? I am speaking of the UN officials you racist. 

Drugb posted:

How did I know that eventually you would scream that the Indo man is to blame for Black suffering? .

OK druggie from tomorrow every single Indo in the USA and Canada who works in a white firm should be fired. except for those in menial capacities.   That should satisfy you given that you think that racism is OK.   I know you will run around screaming race when your job goes up in smoke when some one from Russia replaces you if they cannot find a white American who can/

I notice that you didn't deny that your family doesn't hire blacks in professional capacities.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

If these folks put as much effort as they put into excuse making into work ethics and pulling up by the boot straps instead, they would be ahead of everyone else. 

And here we go.  The screams of druggie of black laziness.  Remember next time you wail that you aren't a racist.

Where did I mention Blacks in general? I am speaking of the UN officials you racist. 

So caught in a trap of your own making you now pretend that you speak of the UN officials.  They seem quite employed and I am sure that they make a good living, so clearly you weren't referring to them.

Drugb posted:

My suspicion is that they came expecting to see Blacks living the high life under jackass Granger. On further inspection they saw the Indos living in decent homes while the Blacks were in run down neighborhoods fraught with crime. There prognosis was a knee jerk reaction for lack of a logical explanation. 

Druggie Randolph doesn't agree with you that life for black Guyanese is so dire and that they are at the bottom.

You and your little clique of racist oligarchs wish to fool yourselves that every Indian is rich and then when they end up in Barbados and Trinidad scrubbing toilets you then pretend that this isn't the case.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

How did I know that eventually you would scream that the Indo man is to blame for Black suffering? .

OK druggie from tomorrow every single Indo in the USA and Canada who works in a white firm should be fired. except for those in menial capacities.   That should satisfy you given that you think that racism is OK.   I know you will run around screaming race when your job goes up in smoke when some one from Russia replaces you if they cannot find a white American who can/

I notice that you didn't deny that your family doesn't hire blacks in professional capacities.

you are speaking to the choir. My business interest in Guyana have many loyal and well paid Blacks. In fact our family members are also Blacks and we make sure that they are employed and well rewarded.  Indo's pull themselves up by the bootstrap with help from family members, everyone pooling their money to help out. The Chinese and Jews also follow this same strategy. 

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:
. I usually take the kids to the Temple on major Hindu events.

Are they Hindus?  That was the question.

I doubt it. There is a saying about "the hands that rock the cradle.......".. Hence if the mother is not a Hindu, then there is a high probability that the kids will not be Hindus. A Hindu mother would usually sing Hindu Hymns to the unborn in her womb. 

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
My business interest in Guyana have many loyal and well paid Blacks. In fact our family members are also Blacks and we make sure that they are employed and well rewarded.   

Hehehe!! Black baigan in Drugb family!! Wonders never cease!!

This is no secret, I have made this public for years. You, lilmohan and djangy are the frauds. You claim to love bigan but yet you don't have any in your lineage. 

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
My business interest in Guyana have many loyal and well paid Blacks. In fact our family members are also Blacks and we make sure that they are employed and well rewarded.   

Hehehe!! Black baigan in Drugb family!! Wonders never cease!!

This is no secret, I have made this public for years. You, lilmohan and djangy are the frauds. You claim to love bigan but yet you don't have any in your lineage. 


I claimed on GNI,my family are mixed,some of my Nieces and Nephews father is Afro.

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Hehehe!! Black baigan in Drugb family!! Wonders never cease!!

This is no secret, I have made this public for years. You, lilmohan and djangy are the frauds. You claim to love bigan but yet you don't have any in your lineage. 

Gilbakka is a modest student of history. There is now evidence, I have learned, that our earliest Indian ancestors originated in AFRICA. Coming closer home, some of my first and second cousins are married to blacks. Suh, me ent no fraud, Black-Baigan Bhai.

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Hehehe!! Black baigan in Drugb family!! Wonders never cease!!

This is no secret, I have made this public for years. You, lilmohan and djangy are the frauds. You claim to love bigan but yet you don't have any in your lineage. 

Gilbakka is a modest student of history. There is now evidence, I have learned, that our earliest Indian ancestors originated in AFRICA. Coming closer home, some of my first and second cousins are married to blacks. Suh, me ent no fraud, Black-Baigan Bhai.

That banna,got to double up the seat cushion.

kp posted:

Suddenly ,everybody want to say them got Black Afro family, as if them win the lottery. So Gill you have to go to Africa to trace your family root.

What would happen tomorrow morning if all the black Guyanese wake up and discover themselves transformed into coolies? I know you would say ask the coolies the same question about being black.

kp posted:

Suddenly ,everybody want to say them got Black Afro family, as if them win the lottery. So Gill you have to go to Africa to trace your family root.

Not me.  I have no black family.  I'm 110% coolie.  For thousands of years my ancestors have lived in East and South India.  The first ever to leave that region were the ones who crossed the kala paani to British Guiana.  I have the historical records and DNA test to prove that I am a proud coolie.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

Suddenly ,everybody want to say them got Black Afro family, as if them win the lottery. So Gill you have to go to Africa to trace your family root.

Not me.  I have no black family.  I'm 110% coolie.  For thousands of years my ancestors have lived in East and South India.  The first ever to leave that region were the ones who crossed the kala paani to British Guiana.  I have the historical records and DNA test to prove that I am a proud coolie.

Read this article



I don't believe that evolution crap about man has ancestors from Africa.

God created man in is own image. Most folks believe in god.

Most who do not believe in god and few who do, accept that Nonsense that Man has ancestors from Africa. They can accept that nonsense all day long.

My ancestors are from Bharat. Actual ancestors are Manu and Shatrupa.

They are from NOT Kobo and Hubu.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

I don't believe that evolution crap about man has ancestors from Africa.

God created man in is own image. Most folks believe in god.

Most who do not believe in god and few who do, accept that Nonsense that Man has ancestors from Africa. They can accept that nonsense all day long.

My ancestors are from Bharat. Actual ancestors are Manu and Shatrupa.

They are from NOT Kobo and Hubu.

Maybe you should study history/science...Civilization started in Africa

RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:

I don't believe that evolution crap about man has ancestors from Africa.

God created man in is own image. Most folks believe in god.

Most who do not believe in god and few who do, accept that Nonsense that Man has ancestors from Africa. They can accept that nonsense all day long.

My ancestors are from Bharat. Actual ancestors are Manu and Shatrupa.

They are from NOT Kobo and Hubu.

Maybe you should study history/science...Civilization started in Africa

The Evolution theory is not complete. They are still looking for the "missing link". It's still missing as of today.

skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:

I don't believe that evolution crap about man has ancestors from Africa.

God created man in is own image. Most folks believe in god.

Most who do not believe in god and few who do, accept that Nonsense that Man has ancestors from Africa. They can accept that nonsense all day long.

My ancestors are from Bharat. Actual ancestors are Manu and Shatrupa.

They are from NOT Kobo and Hubu.

Maybe you should study history/science...Civilization started in Africa

The Evolution theory is not complete. They are still looking for the "missing link". It's still missing as of today.

They will be looking for a very long time because they theory is sheer BS.

Last edited by Former Member
RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:

I don't believe that evolution crap about man has ancestors from Africa.

God created man in is own image. Most folks believe in god.

Most who do not believe in god and few who do, accept that Nonsense that Man has ancestors from Africa. They can accept that nonsense all day long.

My ancestors are from Bharat. Actual ancestors are Manu and Shatrupa.

They are from NOT Kobo and Hubu.

Maybe you should study history/science...Civilization started in Africa

I could care less about Science and the BS about civilization or origin from Africa. These idiots are still looking for a "missing" link.

I have my answers in the Vedas. That is what I accept over any of that BS about Civilization in Africa.

Have you ever heard about: The Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) or Harappan Civilization ? Enough evidence that my foreparents always existed in India.

Others can speak for themselves. I could care less about what they think or believe, In fact, they can go on and on looking for the Missing Link. Evolution is sheer nonsense.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:

I don't believe that evolution crap about man has ancestors from Africa.

God created man in is own image. Most folks believe in god.

Most who do not believe in god and few who do, accept that Nonsense that Man has ancestors from Africa. They can accept that nonsense all day long.

My ancestors are from Bharat. Actual ancestors are Manu and Shatrupa.

They are from NOT Kobo and Hubu.

Maybe you should study history/science...Civilization started in Africa

I could care less about Science and the BS about civilization or origin from Africa. These idiots are still looking for a "missing" link.

I have my answers in the Vedas. That is what I accept over any of that BS about Civilization in Africa.

Have you ever heard about: The Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) or Harappan Civilization ? Enough evidence that my foreparents always existed in India.

Others can speak for themselves. I could care less about what they think or believe, In fact, they can go on and on looking for the Missing Link. Evolution is sheer nonsense.

All religious books are mostly fairy tales....they were written to keep mankind in check

RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:
RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:

I don't believe that evolution crap about man has ancestors from Africa.

God created man in is own image. Most folks believe in god.

Most who do not believe in god and few who do, accept that Nonsense that Man has ancestors from Africa. They can accept that nonsense all day long.

My ancestors are from Bharat. Actual ancestors are Manu and Shatrupa.

They are from NOT Kobo and Hubu.

Maybe you should study history/science...Civilization started in Africa

I could care less about Science and the BS about civilization or origin from Africa. These idiots are still looking for a "missing" link.

I have my answers in the Vedas. That is what I accept over any of that BS about Civilization in Africa.

Have you ever heard about: The Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) or Harappan Civilization ? Enough evidence that my foreparents always existed in India.

Others can speak for themselves. I could care less about what they think or believe, In fact, they can go on and on looking for the Missing Link. Evolution is sheer nonsense.

All religious books are mostly fairy tales....they were written to keep mankind in check

Then the Holy Quran, Bhagavad Gita and the Holy Bible are nonsense ?

You must be out of your mind. Evolution is utter nonsense.

You have every right to believe in what you do. But please do not present the nonsense of evolution as superior to the world's great holy scriptures.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:

I don't believe that evolution crap about man has ancestors from Africa.

God created man in is own image. Most folks believe in god.

Most who do not believe in god and few who do, accept that Nonsense that Man has ancestors from Africa. They can accept that nonsense all day long.

My ancestors are from Bharat. Actual ancestors are Manu and Shatrupa.

They are from NOT Kobo and Hubu.

Maybe you should study history/science...Civilization started in Africa

I could care less about Science and the BS about civilization or origin from Africa. These idiots are still looking for a "missing" link.

I have my answers in the Vedas. That is what I accept over any of that BS about Civilization in Africa.

Have you ever heard about: The Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) or Harappan Civilization ? Enough evidence that my foreparents always existed in India.

Others can speak for themselves. I could care less about what they think or believe, In fact, they can go on and on looking for the Missing Link. Evolution is sheer nonsense.

Yeah... people really care for your opinion because of the level of intelligence your posts indicate. You do realize there is substantial evidence of evolution?


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