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Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Here goes GNI's most famous black nationalist with his divisive politics. 

The fact remains that slavery was a good deal worse than was indenture.  You can jump and scream and act like a chimpanzee.

1.  Did Indian families risk being torn apart because a slave master wished to sell one of their members?  No.

2. Were Indians punished for practicing their culture as African slaves were?  No.

3.  Were Indians forced to work for no pay as African slaves were?  No.

4. When the Indians were allowed access to lands were these lands flooded out as were those that the blacks bought?  No.

5.  Did the planters collectively refuse to sell Indians land as they did to blacks when they worried that blacks were acquiring "too much" land?  No.  In fact some even facilitated land acquisitions to encourage them not to return to India.

So cease your rambling nonsense that slavery was better than indenture and that Indians suffered more.  Just now you will be screaming that the slaves all received loads of cash when Emancipation Day came.

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:


Guyana and CARICOM needs to take this case to Europe and seek reparatory justice from dem people, not demand from the Guyanese State to legitimize any form of forceful land grabbing.

Guyana's patrimony belongs to ALL Guyanese.


Surprisingly I actually agree with you and this. The ones who abused the former slaves no longer occupy Guyana nor do they have any beneficial interests in it. 

I happen to think that chatter about reparations is a waste of time as Europe is NOT going to engage in this and we lack the mechanisms to force them to do so.  It is the USA and Europe which control all of the multilateral systems of governance and NONE of them are going to accept financial culpability for the aftermath of the Transatlantic slave trade.

Yes this did have a bitter impact but demands for reparatory justice is futile.

By the way demands for reparation submitted by CARICOM INCLUDES that for the descendants of indenture as well as of the Indigenous populations, so reparation demand isn't just a black thing.

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:

Shouldn't they be going after African governments?


Its amazing how ignorant you are.

The various kingdoms which engaged in the slave trade no longer exist.  The modern nations have nothing to do with slavery.


Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
? If you are talking about Africans, why not let them go back to Africa and ask the chiefs who sold them into slavery for compensation? 


They cannot "go back to Africa" because no "Africans" live in Guyana.  What we have are people with diverse ethnic ancestry, some more African in ancestry than are others.  In addition they know nothing about the particulars even of their specific African ancestries.

The Africans who benefitted from slavery no longer exist and in fact the net impact of slavery on Africa was quite negative.  That some African elites were very important in this tragedy is a fact, but most of them lost out when direct European colonialism of Africa began.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:


Guyana and CARICOM needs to take this case to Europe and seek reparatory justice from dem people, not demand from the Guyanese State to legitimize any form of forceful land grabbing.

Guyana's patrimony belongs to ALL Guyanese.


Surprisingly I actually agree with you and this. The ones who abused the former slaves no longer occupy Guyana nor do they have any beneficial interests in it. 

I happen to think that chatter about reparations is a waste of time as Europe is NOT going to engage in this and we lack the mechanisms to force them to do so.  It is the USA and Europe which control all of the multilateral systems of governance and NONE of them are going to accept financial culpability for the aftermath of the Transatlantic slave trade.

Yes this did have a bitter impact but demands for reparatory justice is futile.

By the way demands for reparation submitted by CARICOM INCLUDES that for the descendants of indenture as well as of the Indigenous populations, so reparation demand isn't just a black thing.

If the last part of your paragraph is true, this information needs to be further explored, so that the leaders of the reparations movement can seek greater support...and alliance from other groups. 

But, as we seem to agree, the most the leaders of the reparation movement will get is an apology from the European states.


To come back to the topic, I should add that this plan by Eric and others is only going to aggravate the situation more because once the legislation is passed with the governments majority, the implementation plan will have a contributing effect on the racial problems...apparently Eric is unconcerned about this.

VishMahabir posted:

If the last part of your paragraph is true, this information needs to be further explored, so that the leaders of the reparations movement can seek greater support...and alliance from other groups. 

But, as we seem to agree, the most the leaders of the reparation movement will get is an apology from the European states.

Here is why reparation demands will fail.

1. Not only will the Caribbean squeal (that is almost 100% of the population given that we are all either descendants of slaves, indentures or Indigenous peoples) but then so will Ireland, India, and assorted former British colonies in Africa.  So will the Afrikaners of South Africa, as the British weren't nice to them either. Quite a bill which the UK cannot pay.

2. It turns out that the compensation that the slave owners received was actually funded by loans. So the poor and lower middle class tax payers of the UK ended up being used to pay off hugely wealthy oligarchs.  So they will also demand reparations.  In  fact there has actually been mention of this should reparations to the Caribbean be made.

It is clear that slavery and indenture has created a horrendous legacy.  In Guyana the evidence is that only an elite group of Indians can claim to be better off than the masses of blacks.  Many in fact live in the same poverty and struggle that their black counterparts exist under.  Region 10 has more people with education and skills than does Region 6.  It falls behind Region 4, that propped up no doubt by G/T and its environs.

While slavery broke much of the black family structure, and with it creating many of the pathologies that we see today.  So too did extensive exposure to the cane fields also damage segments of the Indo population.

We should ask why are Indians in the Caribbean so much worse off than  their fellow indentures from Madeira and China.  The latter now often wealthier even than many of those descendants of slave owners who remain in the Caribbean.   Poverty is almost nonexistent within those groups, yet it remains an issue for many Indo Caribbean people.

The fact that the oligarchy of Guyana might now be mainly Indian lies more in the fact that the other ethnic groups fled Cheddi and Forbes.  in T&T its the whites and the Syrians who still rule the roost. 

Emphasis on the "success" of the Indian, while it might breed a level of racial superiority amongst those who need to feel superior to blacks, also ignores the fact that most Indians are NOT that well off and in fact need as much assistance as do blacks.

VishMahabir posted:

To come back to the topic, I should add that this plan by Eric and others is only going to aggravate the situation more because once the legislation is passed with the governments majority, the implementation plan will have a contributing effect on the racial problems...apparently Eric is unconcerned about this.

This is not going to get any where.  Right now Granger sounds like the Indo KKK as he screams that blacks are lazy.  He thinks that his salvation lies with the Amerindians who he hopes will help him deliver victory in 2020.  That of course assumes that he plans to run again.

I think he will be disappointed as I don't hear any groundswell of support for him from the Amerindians.  Their memories of abuse by the GDF during the Burnham era haven't been forgotten.

Today's APNU is no different from Burnham's PNC.  They have contempt for the black masses and view them as nothing other than tools to advance their interests. As under the Burnham era, where are the efforts to specifically encourage black owned businesses?  The fact that after 3 years of APNU rule that Eric still feels compelled to raise this just shows that nothing has changed.

VishMahabir posted:

But, as we seem to agree, the most the leaders of the reparation movement will get is an apology from the European states.

they have already provided their "regrets".  To apologize will suggest that contemporary Euro and US gov'ts are to blame, so that they will not do.

Better to develop a coherent plan to uplift the rural black/Indo poor and the urban black poor.

Calling them lazy drunks isn't the way to do this.  While I have no doubt that some merit this description I am always suspicious when entire groups are written off.

And in fact the PPP did the same when they justified the use of Chinese workers to build the Marriott.

Last edited by Former Member

I started a thread but was busy and could not respond.

It may appear that everyone is in agreement that 15,000 square miles of land for compensation is a pipe dream.

I am in agreement that there has to be a comprehensive plan to uplift the lives of ordinary Guyanese of all races by providing affordable housing, education, electricity and clean water.

Carib highlighted many injustices suffered by Blacks since emancipation and they have not been able to recover as a result of being stuck at the civil service though no fault of theirs since their lands were flooded by the estates.

As Indos, we must not forget to acknowledge the sacrifices of Blacks who paved the way for our foreparents and the least that we can do is to acknowledge injustices and correct them.

We must begin to undo wrongs committed in the past but whoever Governs Guyana must begin to govern for ALL Guyanese. We are a land of SIX races, One People, One Nation, One Destiny.

I am being more hopeful now as I hear positive things that I never heard before. There is hope for Guyana.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

Shouldn't they be going after African governments?


Its amazing how ignorant you are.

The various kingdoms which engaged in the slave trade no longer exist.  The modern nations have nothing to do with slavery.


Suh, why should white ppl of America and Britain bother with children of ex -slaves. The blacks of today are in no way bearing the scars of their forefathers.

Africans of the continent are more responsible for black slavery. Yet, gauging from my inter-action with West Africans, slavery is just dismissed. Atleast by the ordinary African, professors are different matter.

The same attitude towards Indo Carribbean by Indian nationals. 

yuji22 posted:

I started a thread but was busy and could not respond.

It may appear that everyone is in agreement that 15,000 square miles of land for compensation is a pipe dream.

I am in agreement that there has to be a comprehensive plan to uplift the lives of ordinary Guyanese of all races by providing affordable housing, education, electricity and clean water.

Carib highlighted many injustices suffered by Blacks since emancipation and they have not been able to recover as a result of being stuck at the civil service though no fault of theirs since their lands were flooded by the estates.

As Indos, we must not forget to acknowledge the sacrifices of Blacks who paved the way for our foreparents and the least that we can do is to acknowledge injustices and correct them.

We must begin to undo wrongs committed in the past but whoever Governs Guyana must begin to govern for ALL Guyanese. We are a land of SIX races, One People, One Nation, One Destiny.

I am being more hopeful now as I hear positive things that I never heard before. There is hope for Guyana.

You never heard them before because you were raised in a racist Hindutva world and taught that all black man are lazy and evil and that you, the Easter Lily Brahmin, were superior to these "animals".

You are also fully of braggadocio and arrogance in spite of being poorly educated and ignorant of Guyana, it's people, politics and history. A man pushing 50 and now you're starting to learn. SMFH

Don't get all hopeful. There are tens of thousands of rural Indians like you in Guyana. Right here on this small roll of contributors there are at least 10 racist Indians that you join with often. And the Indians who don't hold your racist view are villified by you and your clown posse daily.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
? If you are talking about Africans, why not let them go back to Africa and ask the chiefs who sold them into slavery for compensation? 


They cannot "go back to Africa" because no "Africans" live in Guyana.  What we have are people with diverse ethnic ancestry, some more African in ancestry than are others.  In addition they know nothing about the particulars even of their specific African ancestries.

The Africans who benefitted from slavery no longer exist and in fact the net impact of slavery on Africa was quite negative.  That some African elites were very important in this tragedy is a fact, but most of them lost out when direct European colonialism of Africa began.

Ok! Let me put it bluntly and in simple language. BLACKMAN IN GUYANA. They should find the countries their forefathers were enslaved from and demand maybe a goat or a cow for compensation. Imagine their forefathers were worth less than a goat or a cow? Maybe today they are worth about 10 goats and 20 acres of desert.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
? If you are talking about Africans, why not let them go back to Africa and ask the chiefs who sold them into slavery for compensation? 


They cannot "go back to Africa" because no "Africans" live in Guyana.  What we have are people with diverse ethnic ancestry, some more African in ancestry than are others.  In addition they know nothing about the particulars even of their specific African ancestries.

The Africans who benefitted from slavery no longer exist and in fact the net impact of slavery on Africa was quite negative.  That some African elites were very important in this tragedy is a fact, but most of them lost out when direct European colonialism of Africa began.

Ok! Let me put it bluntly and in simple language. BLACKMAN IN GUYANA. They should find the countries their forefathers were enslaved from and demand maybe a goat or a cow for compensation. Imagine their forefathers were worth less than a goat or a cow? Maybe today they are worth about 10 goats and 20 acres of desert.

That's is easy to say,digging deeply one may find that would be hard to find the their names and villages they were taken from.

Immigrants were recorded,it's much easier to trace the country and villages of origination.


The racist D2/Iguana has once again been exposed with his intense hate for Indos/Hindus. Racist Nationalists like him were shocked that Indos dare speak up for their rights and acknowledge wrongs against Afros.

D2/Iguana becomes more and more irrelevant with his constant racist shyte, lies and false accusations that he is peddling.

That park bench and door mouth to door mouth lifestyle had a very negative impact on D2/Iguana. The effects of such a lifestyle is reflected on how he sees Indos and their pride in maintaining their culture and dharma.

D2/Iguana cannot survive without the constant racist shyte and false accusations that he spew sat GNI. He is GNI's laughing stock with his 100 handles morphing from a sakawinki to an Iguana and god knows what next.


Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:

Suh, why should white ppl of America and Britain bother with children of ex -slaves. The blacks of today are in no way bearing the scars of their forefathers.


Why don't you go to India and wail at those who fooled your ancestors that they would live in paradise if they went to cut cane in Guyana?  Those people were no better than the African elites who sold others into slavery.

Note that its a fallacy that African elites sold their own.  They didn't conceive of themselves as "Africans".  Even now Africans only develop this perspective when they leave Africa.  They sold people from nations that they were at war with.

Indians definitely bare the scars of indenture, given that on average they are considerably worse off than the Portuguese and Chinese who arrived in Guyana under the same circumstances. Slavery was even worse.

Iguana posted:
And the Indians who don't hold your racist view are villified by you and your clown posse daily.

Christopher Ram, Freddie Kissoon and others can cite specific instances of violence directed towards them because in the era of PPP rule they dared to raise issues of racism against blacks. Worse yet those Indians married to blacks. Called "Congo Lovers". 

Then they wonder why TK called those guilty of this behavior the brown bai KKK and I more closely defined it by renaming them Indo KKK.  Their behavior is uncannily like that of the racists of the Old South in their treatment of whites who abhorred bigotry towards blacks.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:

They should find the countries their forefathers

So where is Akwamu?  Because that was a slave trading empire in the 17/18th century and no doubt was responsible for the enslavement of many who ultimately ended up in Guyana.

Or the Oyo empire or that of Dahomey?

Nut head. None of these entities exist today, wiped out when Europe colonized Africa in the late 19th C.

Let me give myself as an example. Ancestral DNA shows that I am 85% African and 15% European.  The African ancestry comes from lands stretching from Senegal right through to Cameroon.

So where is my "homeland'?  How do I know which kingdom sold my ancestors. I don't even know who my ancestors are given that they were treated as cargo and literally weighed, just as if they were bags of sugar or cows?

If you aren't willing to discuss intelligently about the Transatlantic slave trade continue your screams of "black man gun kill ahbe!".

yuji22 posted:

The racist D2/Iguana has once again been exposed with his intense hate for Indos/Hindus.

the man admits to his Indian ancestry.  He is quite willing to discuss the Indian racism that he heard growing up and also the fact that Indo Guyanese are rife with pathologies, given their history of indenture, as are blacks, with their legacy of slavery.

Because he is honest about raising discussions about Indians who is a "racist".

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

The racist D2/Iguana has once again been exposed with his intense hate for Indos/Hindus.

the man admits to his Indian ancestry.  He is quite willing to discuss the Indian racism that he heard growing up and also the fact that Indo Guyanese are rife with pathologies, given their history of indenture, as are blacks, with their legacy of slavery.

Because he is honest about raising discussions about Indians who is a "racist".

This fool Yugli thinks I and someone named D2 are the same person. I'm also Ronan, Redux, etc. He's seeing ghosts. This poorly educated fool can't go point / counterpoint or argue based on facts. His style is to buze down. Kinda hard to do if you don't know who the person is. Hilarious stuff with his clown!

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

The racist D2/Iguana has once again been exposed with his intense hate for Indos/Hindus.

the man admits to his Indian ancestry.  He is quite willing to discuss the Indian racism that he heard growing up and also the fact that Indo Guyanese are rife with pathologies, given their history of indenture, as are blacks, with their legacy of slavery.

Because he is honest about raising discussions about Indians who is a "racist".

This fool Yugli thinks I and someone named D2 are the same person. I'm also Ronan, Redux, etc. He's seeing ghosts. The fool can't go point / counterpoint or argue based on facts. His style is to buze down. Kinda hard to do if you don't know who the person is. Hilarious stuff with his clown!

Hey hey yuh come down fram yuh tree. Ah goin and liff lil weight while meh strap up meh goodie. When a come back a will deal wid yuh. Eat some zeb grass leaf till meh come back...hey hey hey...

Labba posted:

Hey hey yuh come down fram yuh tree. Ah goin and liff lil weight while meh strap up meh goodie. When a come back a will deal wid yuh. Eat some zeb grass leaf till meh come back...hey hey hey...

LMFAO!!!!! Lay off de conga pump while yuh at de gym padna!

Iguana posted:

This fool Yugli thinks I and someone named D2 are the same person. I'm also Ronan, Redux, etc. He's seeing ghosts. This poorly educated fool can't go point / counterpoint or argue based on facts. His style is to buze down. Kinda hard to do if you don't know who the person is. Hilarious stuff with his clown!

Your way of expressing yourself is radically different from D2.  Now I know that stormborn and D2 are the same people. NOT you!

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

Suh, why should white ppl of America and Britain bother with children of ex -slaves. The blacks of today are in no way bearing the scars of their forefathers.


Why don't you go to India and wail at those who fooled your ancestors that they would live in paradise if they went to cut cane in Guyana?  Those people were no better than the African elites who sold others into slavery.

Note that its a fallacy that African elites sold their own.  They didn't conceive of themselves as "Africans".  Even now Africans only develop this perspective when they leave Africa.  They sold people from nations that they were at war with.

Indians definitely bare the scars of indenture, given that on average they are considerably worse off than the Portuguese and Chinese who arrived in Guyana under the same circumstances. Slavery was even worse.

I turn out good. Praise! be to God, THE ALMIGHTY. I know His Son. 

Burnham in Obeah and Granger is Burnham Obeah follower.

Nigerians sey dah nah good, is a curse upon the generations. Could it be that is why Guyana Blacks were enslaved? 

And dey still being lead by jhumbie followers-another enslavement. This time by the Black elites of Guyana. 

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

The racist D2/Iguana has once again been exposed with his intense hate for Indos/Hindus.

the man admits to his Indian ancestry.  He is quite willing to discuss the Indian racism that he heard growing up and also the fact that Indo Guyanese are rife with pathologies, given their history of indenture, as are blacks, with their legacy of slavery.

Because he is honest about raising discussions about Indians who is a "racist".

He is a fake indian. If he has black blood in him, then he is black. Black ppl counts that blood far superior than the other mixed blood. 

His anti-indo sentiments makes my pure indian blood boils.

Iguana posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

The racist D2/Iguana has once again been exposed with his intense hate for Indos/Hindus.

the man admits to his Indian ancestry.  He is quite willing to discuss the Indian racism that he heard growing up and also the fact that Indo Guyanese are rife with pathologies, given their history of indenture, as are blacks, with their legacy of slavery.

Because he is honest about raising discussions about Indians who is a "racist".

This fool Yugli thinks I and someone named D2 are the same person. I'm also Ronan, Redux, etc. He's seeing ghosts. This poorly educated fool can't go point / counterpoint or argue based on facts. His style is to buze down. Kinda hard to do if you don't know who the person is. Hilarious stuff with his clown!

You are all the same person. Write exactly the samething for the past 20 odd years.

Your hate shines. 

caribny posted:
Iguana posted:

This fool Yugli thinks I and someone named D2 are the same person. I'm also Ronan, Redux, etc. He's seeing ghosts. This poorly educated fool can't go point / counterpoint or argue based on facts. His style is to buze down. Kinda hard to do if you don't know who the person is. Hilarious stuff with his clown!

Your way of expressing yourself is radically different from D2.  Now I know that stormborn and D2 are the same people. NOT you!

Not being an Indian under attack you wouldn.t know. Your senses align with his bcz you all of the same thought on the subject.

You tink we are backward and have no business to be in Guyana.

You are a sensible guy and points are well noted. This other person is more of an indian racist than you. I doan see you as a racists, only as someone who tries to shame us for percieved bad behaviour.

caribny posted:
Iguana posted:

This fool Yugli thinks I and someone named D2 are the same person. I'm also Ronan, Redux, etc. He's seeing ghosts. This poorly educated fool can't go point / counterpoint or argue based on facts. His style is to buze down. Kinda hard to do if you don't know who the person is. Hilarious stuff with his clown!

Your way of expressing yourself is radically different from D2.  Now I know that stormborn and D2 are the same people. NOT you!

masterful disguise. D2 is an intelligent chap, I bet he takes alot of time to craft his posts. He said he is retired, he gat lots oof time.

seignet posted:

Nigerians sey dah nah good, is a curse upon the generations.

Nigerians are quick to put juju on each other.  In fact a few years ago they put juju on you when you screamed that black Guyanese should be cursed to remain in poverty.

I have been to those Nigerians churches and I can assure you that lots of juju goes on.  They call it "demon" but its the same thing.

seignet posted:

You tink we are backward .

Don't flatter yourself.  The fact that I consider you and Nehru to be backward doesn't extend to people like GTAngler, VishMahabir and others, even baseman.  The fact that I don't agree with much of what they say doesn't mean that I lack respect for them.

I do however lack respect for you as you write as if you are in a juju induced trance.

So I disrespect you because you are you.  Not because you are Indian.

seignet posted:

He is a fake indian. If he has black blood in him, then he is black. Black ppl counts that blood far superior than the other mixed blood. 

His anti-indo sentiments makes my pure indian blood boils.

The only connection that D2 has with blacks is that his wife is one.  He doesn't claim to have African ancestry.  That he doesn't view himself as being superior to blacks is something that you can learn from.

Confused as you are by that juju induced hazing and you still think that you are better than blacks.

caribny posted:
Iguana posted:

This fool Yugli thinks I and someone named D2 are the same person. I'm also Ronan, Redux, etc. He's seeing ghosts. This poorly educated fool can't go point / counterpoint or argue based on facts. His style is to buze down. Kinda hard to do if you don't know who the person is. Hilarious stuff with his clown!

Your way of expressing yourself is radically different from D2.  Now I know that stormborn and D2 are the same people. NOT you!

Don't be a jackass, he is d2 parading as a lizard, just like you being an Indian parading as a blackman just to feel their pain. I suggest a better way to feel the blackman's pain is to bend over. 

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

He is a fake indian. If he has black blood in him, then he is black. Black ppl counts that blood far superior than the other mixed blood. 

His anti-indo sentiments makes my pure indian blood boils.

The only connection that D2 has with blacks is that his wife is one.  He doesn't claim to have African ancestry.  That he doesn't view himself as being superior to blacks is something that you can learn from.

Confused as you are by that juju induced hazing and you still think that you are better than blacks.

Now and forever I consider you to be a Black skont, whether you are a wannabe one or not.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

You tink we are backward .

Don't flatter yourself.  The fact that I consider you and Nehru to be backward doesn't extend to people like GTAngler, VishMahabir and others, even baseman.  The fact that I don't agree with much of what they say doesn't mean that I lack respect for them.

I do however lack respect for you as you write as if you are in a juju induced trance.

So I disrespect you because you are you.  Not because you are Indian.

What do you write that has merit. Really.

seignet posted:

Now and forever I consider you to be a Black skont, whether you are a wannabe one or not.

Look at this old "church man" cussing up a storm! And tomorrow yuh gon shout Hallelujah and praise Jesus wid de same nasty mouth while yuh huggin' up dem Nigerians. Damn old hypocrite!

Labba posted:

Hey hey yuh come down fram yuh tree. Ah goin and liff lil weight while meh strap up meh goodie. When a come back a will deal wid yuh. Eat some zeb grass leaf till meh come back...hey hey hey...

..yuh ain't come back yuh goadie get caught in de leg press machine!

Iguana posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey yuh come down fram yuh tree. Ah goin and liff lil weight while meh strap up meh goodie. When a come back a will deal wid yuh. Eat some zeb grass leaf till meh come back...hey hey hey...

..yuh ain't come back yuh goadie get caught in de leg press machine!

Doh is druggie gat good sack foh me own. Hey hey hey...squattin doan knot up me own. Yuh worry wid how much land Mr Dr Dr Dr Dr Eric and Mr Best go give yu...not me ball pack. Mek sure dey doan give yuh wan piece swamp. Hey hey hey...

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Iguana posted:

This fool Yugli thinks I and someone named D2 are the same person. I'm also Ronan, Redux, etc. He's seeing ghosts. This poorly educated fool can't go point / counterpoint or argue based on facts. His style is to buze down. Kinda hard to do if you don't know who the person is. Hilarious stuff with his clown!

Your way of expressing yourself is radically different from D2.  Now I know that stormborn and D2 are the same people. NOT you!

Don't be a jackass, he is d2 parading as a lizard, just like you being an Indian parading as a blackman just to feel their pain. I suggest a better way to feel the blackman's pain is to bend over. 

D2 morphed from a Sakawinki to a Lizard. GNI evolution process in place. D2 has over 100 handles here. He can run and try to hide behind a lizard but his DNA is all over GNI.

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