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Former Member

‎Guyana‎'s two major opposition parties have agreed to form an alliance to contest the May 11, 2015 general and regional elections, according to well-placed sources.

The sources intimatel‎y knowledgeable about the talks confirmed that David Granger of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) would be the presidential candidate. His prime ministerial running mate is Moses Nagamootoo of the Alliance For Change (AFC).

The major overnight sticking point of the percentage allocation of‎ cabinet posts appears to have been also resolved.

Up to after midnight Friday when the two sides met, AFC was holding on tenaciously to a 60/40 allocation in its favour.

Having given up on demanding the presidential candidacy, the AFC appeared to have succeeded in making other major demands in its quest to sell its long-held ambition to lead what it terms a pro-democracy alliance.

Up to the early hours of Saturday, the AFC appeared to have succeeded in getting other top posts including Head of the Presidential Secretariat, and the ministries of Home Affairs, Agriculture, Tourism and possibly Natural Resources.

The Guyana Trades Union Congress' (GTUC) General Secretary, Lincoln Lewis has since lashed out at AFC and APNU for attempting to subvert Guyana's constitution by agreeing that the Prime Minister would chair cabinet.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Komal Chand flatly and famously said he couldn't sell House Negro Lunchman to dem Coolies as the PPP/C candidate, and now dem jackasses dis think they can sell an ex-GDF Officer to dem same Coolies? didn't take long for one of the usual PNC suspects to find a friggin minor protocol issue about which jackass gets to "chair" these pro-forma Cabinet sessions where nothing happens except ratification of what has already been decided.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

hip hip hooray   hip hip hooray.   IT IS A NEW DAY IN GUYANA POLITICS.  THANK YOU PNC, THANK YOU KFC. .  Now the Guyanese People can Vote in Peace and harmony.

Mek sure yuh wipe properly....

Originally Posted by Nehru:

hip hip hooray   hip hip hooray.   IT IS A NEW DAY IN GUYANA POLITICS.  THANK YOU PNC, THANK YOU KFC. .  Now the Guyanese People can Vote in Peace and harmony.


I suppose you should be happy. If the PPP/C plays this smartly they could be the majority party again.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

hip hip hooray   hip hip hooray.   IT IS A NEW DAY IN GUYANA POLITICS.  THANK YOU PNC, THANK YOU KFC. .  Now the Guyanese People can Vote in Peace and harmony.

To the moon Guyana goes

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

hip hip hooray   hip hip hooray.   IT IS A NEW DAY IN GUYANA POLITICS.  THANK YOU PNC, THANK YOU KFC. .  Now the Guyanese People can Vote in Peace and harmony.

Mek sure yuh wipe properly....


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

hip hip hooray   hip hip hooray.   IT IS A NEW DAY IN GUYANA POLITICS.  THANK YOU PNC, THANK YOU KFC. .  Now the Guyanese People can Vote in Peace and harmony.


I suppose you should be happy. If the PPP/C plays this smartly they could be the majority party again.

Watch it deh bhai which side you leaning on.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

hip hip hooray   hip hip hooray.   IT IS A NEW DAY IN GUYANA POLITICS.  THANK YOU PNC, THANK YOU KFC. .  Now the Guyanese People can Vote in Peace and harmony.

To the moon Guyana goes

Yes Bhai, To the MOON and beyond, to Infinity and beyond.  God Bless guyana.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

hip hip hooray   hip hip hooray.   IT IS A NEW DAY IN GUYANA POLITICS.  THANK YOU PNC, THANK YOU KFC. .  Now the Guyanese People can Vote in Peace and harmony.


I suppose you should be happy. If the PPP/C plays this smartly they could be the majority party again.

The Guyanese People will make that decision on May11.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

hip hip hooray   hip hip hooray.   IT IS A NEW DAY IN GUYANA POLITICS.  THANK YOU PNC, THANK YOU KFC. .  Now the Guyanese People can Vote in Peace and harmony.


I suppose you should be happy. If the PPP/C plays this smartly they could be the majority party again.

The Guyanese People will make that decision on May11.


Bai, I've been following Guyanese political trends since 2000. And you don't know this but privately I predicted the PPP/C losing Parliament by 1 single seat AT LEAST to 3 at most and a minority PPP/C Presidency.


What I totally got wrong in 2011 was that the PPP/C would pretend it had a majority and attempt to rule as usual without accomodating the AFC in the Cabinet. That was the only part I got wrong in 2011.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and predict a PPP/C Minority Presidency and the real chance if they run a very good nasty campaign they can eek out a majority again. It's wholly within grasp.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

hip hip hooray   hip hip hooray.   IT IS A NEW DAY IN GUYANA POLITICS.  THANK YOU PNC, THANK YOU KFC. .  Now the Guyanese People can Vote in Peace and harmony.


I suppose you should be happy. If the PPP/C plays this smartly they could be the majority party again.

The Guyanese People will make that decision on May11.


Bai, I've been following Guyanese political trends since 2000. And you don't know this but privately I predicted the PPP/C losing Parliament by 1 single seat AT LEAST to 3 at most and a minority PPP/C Presidency.


What I totally got wrong in 2011 was that the PPP/C would pretend it had a majority and attempt to rule as usual without accomodating the AFC in the Cabinet. That was the only part I got wrong in 2011.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and predict a PPP/C Minority Presidency and the real chance if they run a very good nasty campaign they can eek out a majority again. It's wholly within grasp.

Nothing wrong with making predictions but I feel that is all it is a prediction. I personally leave it to the Guyanese People.  They are the best Judge and closer to the action.  May the best Party wins come May 11.


i wait now to hear from Prakash Ramjattan, David Granger, Moses Nagamootoo, Basil Williams and Nigel Hughes on whether the coalition plans to campaign on a platform of Constitutional reform

Originally Posted by redux:

in politics, the perfect should not be the enemy of the good


people of goodwill need now to stand up and be counted

This alliance will prove what the AFC is made of.  If the alliance loses and the PPP takes back the parliament the AFC have themselves only to blame.


Now Guyanese have two choices:


1.  PPP or


2.  APNU dominated alliance which includes the AFC.


There is no longer a place for those who like neither the PPP nor the PNC to register their protest votes.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

in politics, the perfect should not be the enemy of the good


people of goodwill need now to stand up and be counted

This alliance will prove what the AFC is made of.  If the alliance loses and the PPP takes back the parliament the AFC have themselves only to blame.


Now Guyanese have two choices:


1.  PPP or


2.  APNU dominated alliance which includes the AFC.


There is no longer a place for those who like neither the PPP nor the PNC to register their protest votes.

stop wringing your hands and make up your mind where u stand

Originally Posted by redux:

i wait now to hear from Prakash Ramjattan, David Granger, Moses Nagamootoo, Basil Williams and Nigel Hughes on whether the coalition plans to campaign on a platform of Constitutional reform

Ordinary people are too selfish to care about constitutional reform. And I mean ordinary people every where in the world.  Don't think that this will woo voters.



In addition there will be no reform unless the PPP comes on board.  Now maybe the PPP in opposition will suddenly realize how bad the constitution is. And maybe the APNU in power will be proud of what they did in 1978.  But one thing I do know is that unless BOTH the PNC and the PPP are on board, there will be no constitutional reform.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

in politics, the perfect should not be the enemy of the good


people of goodwill need now to stand up and be counted

This alliance will prove what the AFC is made of.  If the alliance loses and the PPP takes back the parliament the AFC have themselves only to blame.


Now Guyanese have two choices:


1.  PPP or


2.  APNU dominated alliance which includes the AFC.


There is no longer a place for those who like neither the PPP nor the PNC to register their protest votes.


Are you serious chap?


You really don't know the state of the Indian mind too well.


Dude, I can't possibly sell this shyte of a "coalition" to people I know.


You expect them more biased Coolies in Port Mourant who have to live with a PNC Government on May 12, 2015 to take a plunge right off Kaiteur?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

i wait now to hear from Prakash Ramjattan, David Granger, Moses Nagamootoo, Basil Williams and Nigel Hughes on whether the coalition plans to campaign on a platform of Constitutional reform

Ordinary people are too selfish to care about constitutional reform. And I mean ordinary people every where in the world.  Don't think that this will woo voters.


In addition there will be no reform unless the PPP comes on board.  Now maybe the PPP in opposition will suddenly realize how bad the constitution is. And maybe the APNU in power will be proud of what they did in 1978.  But one thing I do know is that unless BOTH the PNC and the PPP are on board, there will be no constitutional reform.

this is exactly the point


the coalition must campaign explicitly on the issue . . . how else will the people realize that it is in their interest?


that's what leadership means

Last edited by Former Member


The people must demand and instruct the leadership of the coalition alliance to take the high road to new horizons, not to rule, but govern; not to hide, but reveal; not to be dishonest, but to be honest; not to be immoral but moral, and not to rape the country.
Asquith Rose,  Chandra Deolall,  Dr. Merle Spenser-Marks
The writing will be on the wall for the AFC and APNU if they do not coalesce, February 14, 2015 | By  | Filed Under Letters
Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

This is the only way this could have gone...APNU would not have accepted Nagas to head the ticket

It's the best Guyanese can hope for


Let's see what happens

Agreed Ray. I tried earlier to explain to Bhai Shaitaan. Hopefully, we have a smooth and Peaceful Election.  Guyanese will make their decision May 11.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

This is the only way this could have gone...APNU would not have accepted Nagas to head the ticket

It's the best Guyanese can hope for


Let's see what happens

Agreed Ray. I tried earlier to explain to Bhai Shaitaan. Hopefully, we have a smooth and Peaceful Election.  Guyanese will make their decision May 11.


This is one of the most inexplicable political alliances I have ever witnessed or read of. It truly defies logic.


The AFC only benefits from this if they think they're in the WPA's spot of needing to mooch off of the PNC's vote to survive as a parliamentary party.


The AFC does not have (Carib Beer is right) a base. It is a ballot line for protest votes. It's nothing. The PPP has a vote bank. The PNC has a vote bank. The AFC has katahar on a good day. Now they just have katahar.


This is what happens with Guyanese political leaders. They all really really believe in the Maximum Leader Principle.


The 11% will vote for this monstrosity became me MOSES NAGAMOOTOO tell dem suh.


The PNC has essentially obliterated whatever possible advantage this marriage would have brought. They now have to find some Black seats for Nagamootoo, Hughes, Ramjattan et al.


Today alone was worth 1 to 2 seats (approximately 10k Indians) to the PPP/C.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Shaitaan, Can you see such a process slowly bringing inclusion Politics to Guyana??


No bai. This is not inclusion. This is the PNC using the AFC like a cheap w h o r e.


This is not even the kind of Coalition one negotiates for the sake of just having an Coalition.


I can't wait to read the more nauseating details of this Munich Agreement. So Moses may get to be called PM and "chair" Cabinet meetings. And wan AFC idiot can take Cabinet Minutes and hold a weekly Cabinet press conference and bore the illiterate press to death. And two morons can be called "Second VP" and "Third VP" unless APNU decides to cut them down to only 1 VP since the PM is technically "First VP" anyway.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
No bai. This is not inclusion. This is the PNC using the AFC like a cheap w h o r e.


This is not even the kind of Coalition one negotiates for the sake of just having an Coalition.


I can't wait to read the more nauseating details of this Munich Agreement. So Moses may get to be called PM and "chair" Cabinet meetings. And wan AFC idiot can take Cabinet Minutes and hold a weekly Cabinet press conference and bore the illiterate press to death. And two morons can be called "Second VP" and "Third VP" unless APNU decides to cut them down to only 1 VP since the PM is technically "First VP" anyway.

Guyana Times talking points for battam house consumption . . . why am i not surprised


"Munich" . . . really?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I hear you but I am willing to give the process a chance


Once again Fortuna favors the PPP/C because her opponents are just too schupid for their own good.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I hear you but I am willing to give the process a chance


Once again Fortuna favors the PPP/C because her opponents are just too schupid for their own good.

I think if the PPP wins it will be because of the Progress in the Country.  I know very many people who were extremely poor doing well AND they have no Political connections.


AFC + APNU as separate parties contesting the next General elections in Guyana would have prevailed in the Parliamentary allocation of seats by a 2 - 3 seat majority, while the PPP Presidential candidate would have won but with less margin than the last elections.


AFC + APNU as a coalition party will probably get less Parliamentary seats than the PPP. It will get even less now that Moses Nagamootoo is not the Presidential candidate. In the Presidential elections the PPP will prevail.


Why? Binary politics will kick in as usual - the PPP vs PNC narrative is still strong unfortunately. It will be more PNC than AFC in the minds of voters. Disenchanted supporters will simply stay home and not defect to the other party.


The AFC needed to remain as a separate political entity in the elections. Tnhey probably would have increased their percentage of the votes from 10% to closer to 20% and given momentum to a 3rd party in the Guyanese narrative and would have made a post-election combination more a weapon in dismantling the PPP-PNC binary narrative that has dominated Guyana's politics since the inception. I believe that we needed one more election cycle to get Guyanese accustomed to a combination-party style alliance where the PNC image would have given way to a new one. This move will only set back the process and make those who wait for the demographics to change (emigration of Indians and a more racially-mixed population) more antsy.


AFC has lost its way. It's been all about Moses Nagamootoo, who seems to be very self-centered and full of himself. And Ramjattan, he seems to be acting like Moses' water boy.


With APNU holding the "presidential position", it can do anything if the coalition were to win. The President has the power to dismiss any minister. So if AFC thinks it will prevent the PNC from doing what it did to the UF by "controlling" key ministries, it is delusional.


As I see it, this is the end of the road for AFC.



Originally Posted by Spice Girl:

AFC has lost its way. It's been all about Moses Nagamootoo, who seems to be very self-centered and full of himself. And Ramjattan, he seems to be acting like Moses' water boy.


With APNU holding the "presidential position", it can do anything if the coalition were to win. The President has the power to dismiss any minister. So if AFC thinks it will prevent the PNC from doing what it did to the UF by "controlling" key ministries, it is delusional.


As I see it, this is the end of the road for AFC.




My Dear,


You ever get the feeling you're surrounded by mad people whenever you deal with Guyanese?

Originally Posted by Spice Girl:

AFC has lost its way. It's been all about Moses Nagamootoo, who seems to be very self-centered and full of himself. And Ramjattan, he seems to be acting like Moses' water boy.


With APNU holding the "presidential position", it can do anything if the coalition were to win. The President has the power to dismiss any minister. So if AFC thinks it will prevent the PNC from doing what it did to the UF by "controlling" key ministries, it is delusional.


As I see it, this is the end of the road for AFC.



The comments about Moses and Nagamootoo aside (and I disagree with those), you do state an important fact about the powers of the President.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Maybe the AFc and APNU know something we don't


You mean that Indian people living in Guyana are somehow eager to demit power as a race in favor of the Black nationalist party?


Or maybe Indians are naturally a gambling people who would trade their somewhat difficult existence for the total unknown that is the return of the PNC to Government?


You may be right dude but somehow I'm not so sure we've turned any proverbial corners (Blacks or Indians)

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

in politics, the perfect should not be the enemy of the good


people of goodwill need now to stand up and be counted

This alliance will prove what the AFC is made of.  If the alliance loses and the PPP takes back the parliament the AFC have themselves only to blame.


Now Guyanese have two choices:


1.  PPP or


2.  APNU dominated alliance which includes the AFC.


There is no longer a place for those who like neither the PPP nor the PNC to register their protest votes.

stop wringing your hands and make up your mind where u stand

 I will not vote in this election so where I personally stand is irrelevant.


What you ought to be discussing is where the people who will ACTUALLY vote stand on this issue.


Will the Indians who voted for Nagamootoo when he left the PPP now still support him as a member of a PNC gov't, should they win.  This will be what the PPP will surely scream at them, so how will they vote as a result?


This election will be determined by three factors.


1.  If APNU can excite its base with the prospects of real victory, and so getting them registered and voting.  It is known that voting in PNC strongholds has been depressed since 2001 when the PNC won 166k votes (as many as the PPP won in 2011).


2.  Whether AFC retains its Indian base which it obtained in Regions 5 and 6, and expand it into Regions 2, 3, and rural 4.


3.  Whether the Amerindians will bother to vote, or whether only those who do as their tochaos tells them to, will vote.


These are the facts that you ought to focus on.  Not what you think is right or wrong, because what you think isn't what others think, and it is the ACTUAL voters who will determine the result.  NOT ideologues like you.


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