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Amral, the last two communication on the suicide thread comes close to enforcing censorship to the free flow of ideas and exchange of opinion. One act was to close the thread to further comments; and the other was to ask ASJ to stop some vendetta against the PPP.


Firstly if you think of ASJ's post and follow-up responses in that thread and other thread is attacking the PPP, then the best way to shut it down is to refute it with arguments, facts, and highly-respected opinion. I see no reference to the factors that lead to a thread to be shut down - race, pornography, criminal intent, etc. All I saw was a thread to highlight a terrible situation in Guyana that all of civic society acknowledges in Guyana.


I would suggest someone open a thread on suicide in Guyana, or use this thread, or you re-open ASJ's thread. With due respect.

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Originally Posted by Kari:

Amral, the last two communication on the suicide thread comes close to enforcing censorship to the free flow of ideas and exchange of opinion. One act was to close the thread to further comments; and the other was to ask ASJ to stop some vendetta against the PPP.


Firstly if you think of ASJ's post and follow-up responses in that thread and other thread is attacking the PPP, then the best way to shut it down is to refute it with arguments, facts, and highly-respected opinion. I see no reference to the factors that lead to a thread to be shut down - race, pornography, criminal intent, etc. All I saw was a thread to highlight a terrible situation in Guyana that all of civic society acknowledges in Guyana.


I would suggest someone open a thread on suicide in Guyana, or use this thread, or you re-open ASJ's thread. With due respect.

Kari, Like you love to read a big load of pure FILTH daily. Tell me which one of Asj Post make sense?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Kari, when you have a forum of your own, must run it to your likeness. When last you say thanks to GNI?

How relevant is this to my post?

How helpful is it?

Does it advance a discussion?

Are you not pained by the suicide rate in Guyana?

Are you not concerned over the sometimes lack of professionalism we see here?

What's the purpose of your response?

Is this the way to change my opinion on ASJ?

What do you know of how I think of the other nonsense ASJ posts?


Suicide – the bane of the society

March 29, 2014 | By | Filed Under Editorial 

Suicides are perhaps the most unexplained in today’s world. A recent study showed that in Guyana suicides are more prevalent in the agricultural communities. One reason offered was the fact that the victim has ready access to the various weedicides and insecticides.
But even before weedicides and insecticides became so prevalent, the people in the rural communities had access to rope, that length of hemp that is used most in the cattle industry. There is also a lot of rope used in the fishing industry but one does not hear about hangings among fishermen.
Eevery study concluded that people of Indian ancestry were more prone to committing suicide but this was not exclusively the case. The Ministry of Health is now expressing concern because of the prevalence. Very young people are now among the victims. The young commit the act because they want to hurt parents and relatives. Such is their anger that they do not even weigh the consequences.
We have had cases of young people killing themselves because the parent refused to accede to a request, be that request for money or some article of fashion. We have had the case of a girl killing herself because her mother refused to buy a pair of brand name footwear.
And if that is not bad enough, we have had the numerous alcoholics who kill themselves in a fit of pique. Far too often we see the police and press reports of a drunken man going home and losing his cool either because his mother cooked something that he did not like or because she did not give him money to feed some habit or the other.
We have had, too, suicides resulting from the failure of people to deal with some shocking results. We have had school children who through disappointment at one external examination or the other, simply committed suicide. The expert would conclude that the parents actually placed too much pressure on the child who simply could not live up to parental expectations.
Then there have been those who were diagnosed with some ailment or the other. The one ailment that precipitated numerous suicides was HIV/AIDS. The mere thought of the stigma and the discrimination drove many people over the edge.
But those things apart, we must now cope with another rash of suicide. This case is more than the individual killing himself; he or she targets children. Parents love their children so much that they would not wish any harm on them. Yet we now have a group that would actually kill their children.
Not that this is a new phenomenon.  Nearly two decades ago we had the mother who fed poison to her two children. The then Head of State immediately pronounced that he would not impose the death penalty on this woman, even if the court found her guilty of murder.
Then we had the father who hacked his three children to death. He is still awaiting his day in court. Just a fortnight ago there was the father who locked his children in a house and set the building alight. The mother and three of her children perished. One survived. And as if to answer the wishes of a vast section of the Guyanese society the architect of the blaze died in the Georgetown Public Hospital on Friday.
Now we must deal with the young mother—a mere twenty-one-year-old —who fed poison to her two young children and who then took a dose. She is still alive; the children are not.
The Ministry of Health has been talking a lot about training family members to recognize potential suicides. However, this does not seem to be working. We are still to see a meaningful training session. More so, we are still to see a family member coming forward to tell the authorities that he or she believes that a potential suicide is among the family.
And as for training, those we train as psychiatric nurses simply pack their bags and leave at the end of the training. And to compound the issue, we do not have many psychiatrists.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Amral, the last two communication on the suicide thread comes close to enforcing censorship to the free flow of ideas and exchange of opinion. One act was to close the thread to further comments; and the other was to ask ASJ to stop some vendetta against the PPP.


Firstly if you think of ASJ's post and follow-up responses in that thread and other thread is attacking the PPP, then the best way to shut it down is to refute it with arguments, facts, and highly-respected opinion. I see no reference to the factors that lead to a thread to be shut down - race, pornography, criminal intent, etc. All I saw was a thread to highlight a terrible situation in Guyana that all of civic society acknowledges in Guyana.


I would suggest someone open a thread on suicide in Guyana, or use this thread, or you re-open ASJ's thread. With due respect.

Kari, Like you love to read a big load of pure FILTH daily. Tell me which one of Asj Post make sense?

What an ignorant man you are.


Port Kaituma killer succumbsâ€Ķ14 days after burning wife and four children to death

March 29, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Lenus La Cruz, the father who torched his Port Kaituma house with his wife and four children inside, has succumbed to injuries he sustained while committing the crime.
The 50-year-old businessman, who suffered burns to his hands, legs and back, died at around 03:20 hrs yesterday at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation’s Burns Care Unit. Kaieteur News understands that his condition had worsened on Thursday.
It is unclear why the badly burned suspect was initially kept for some four days in the Port Kaituma Hospital, which lack the facilities to treat patients with such injures.

Lenus La Cruz

Lenus La Cruz

During the days spent at the GPHC, La Cruz, who was under police guard, refused to speak to persons including the nurses who were taking care of him.
A hospital source had told this publication “he is behaving as if he has mental issues. When the nurses talk to him, he just shakes his head or murmur but when his relatives are around him, he interacts with them, but again, he says nothing about the incident.”
La Cruz would have faced five counts of murder, and police had indicated that he would have appeared in court as soon as his condition improved.
It is alleged that he doused his heavily-grilled home at Port Kaituma with petrol on the night of March 14, last, before setting it alight with his wife, Lurlene La Cruz, 39, their daughters, Lea and Lavette La Cruz; sons Labron La Cruz, eight, and one-year-old Leven La Cruz trapped inside.
From reports received by Kaieteur News, the tragedy started when the 50-year old businessman, who was under the influence of alcohol, began to scream and curse while claiming that persons owed him money.
It is alleged that La Cruz went out of the building and switched his generator on and off. He then returned inside and began to bang on the bedroom door and demand that his wife open it.
When she refused, he allegedly shouted, “I going for the gas”.
He reportedly began pouring fuel through a bedroom window.
A relative had told Kaieteur News that Mrs. La Cruz told her 12-year-old daughter to go to the Port Kaituma Police Station and the child then fled from the building.
However, her report was treated with no urgency by the rank on duty.
The child returned home but by then the building was on fire. She reportedly then alerted other residents who tried in vain to douse the flames and free the victims from the heavily-grilled building.
The victims were laid to rest at Port Kaituma.
Some Port Kaituma residents had described Mr. La Cruz as a caring father, while a relative of his wife had alleged that he had subjected his spouse to physical abuse.
The 12-year-old survivor, who is being taken care of by Child Protection officials, had visited her injured father at the Port Kaituma Hospital, and had indicated that she had forgiven him.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Kari, when you have a forum of your own, must run it to your likeness. When last you say thanks to GNI?

How relevant is this to my post?

How helpful is it?

Does it advance a discussion?

Are you not pained by the suicide rate in Guyana?

Are you not concerned over the sometimes lack of professionalism we see here?

What's the purpose of your response?

Is this the way to change my opinion on ASJ?

What do you know of how I think of the other nonsense ASJ posts?

You ask too many blasted questions like I am a stranger to this board.


I've always said that this is a social problem that we can tackle with education. By education I mean that suicide-prone people would have a stake in someone's life so that they find it worth continuing to live. Now tak this principle and apply it to the rural agricultural profile. Let's say the sugar worker. As long as cane-cutting is their only hope, and it is a non-educative profession - to use a term loosely - then how much are we educating this vast swath of workers? Would they be equipped with the tools and inclination to go home and read a book to their kids, rather than soroo-doroo over dharoo and contemplate suicide? This is what a transformative vision (here's that word again with 5.2% growth) mean. And this Amral, is why you make the connection with a blatant failure of the PPP government of the day.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Kari, when you have a forum of your own, must run it to your likeness. When last you say thanks to GNI?

How relevant is this to my post?

How helpful is it?

Does it advance a discussion?

Are you not pained by the suicide rate in Guyana?

Are you not concerned over the sometimes lack of professionalism we see here?

What's the purpose of your response?

Is this the way to change my opinion on ASJ?

What do you know of how I think of the other nonsense ASJ posts?

You ask too many blasted questions like I am a stranger to this board.

I just gave you a chance to debunk the perception of how stupid you are - and you failed!

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Kari, when you have a forum of your own, must run it to your likeness. When last you say thanks to GNI?

How relevant is this to my post?

How helpful is it?

Does it advance a discussion?

Are you not pained by the suicide rate in Guyana?

Are you not concerned over the sometimes lack of professionalism we see here?

What's the purpose of your response?

Is this the way to change my opinion on ASJ?

What do you know of how I think of the other nonsense ASJ posts?

You ask too many blasted questions like I am a stranger to this board.

I just gave you a chance to debunk the perception of how stupid you are - and you failed!

Kari just score a home run!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

If people don't value their lives, there is not much any Govt can do. Education is one of the keys.

dum dum, when something like this happens here the immediate response is what social safety net missed the tragedy in the making. Mental health care is a responsibility of the state. Its social services like its judicial services are of worth only if the protect the people from criminals and the insane from themselves. It is not like the government does not know it has a crisis on its hands.


While one cannot blame the government directly one needs to know to what institution has this women reached out to or if she did or if there are avenues for these and similar people living on the margin of sanity for whatever reasons.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

If people don't value their lives, there is not much any Govt can do. Education is one of the keys.

dum dum, when something like this happens here the immediate response is what social safety net missed the tragedy in the making. Mental health care is a responsibility of the state. Its social services like its judicial services are of worth only if the protect the people from criminals and the insane from themselves. It is not like the government does not know it has a crisis on its hands.


While one cannot blame the government directly one needs to know to what institution has this women reached out to or if she did or if there are avenues for these and similar people living on the margin of sanity for whatever reasons.

Yes SHITHEAD, like you telling me something I don't know. The US spend BILLIONS on Mental Health and still thousands are affected yearly. OK SHITHEAD!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

If people don't value their lives, there is not much any Govt can do. Education is one of the keys.

dum dum, when something like this happens here the immediate response is what social safety net missed the tragedy in the making. Mental health care is a responsibility of the state. Its social services like its judicial services are of worth only if the protect the people from criminals and the insane from themselves. It is not like the government does not know it has a crisis on its hands.


While one cannot blame the government directly one needs to know to what institution has this women reached out to or if she did or if there are avenues for these and similar people living on the margin of sanity for whatever reasons.

Yes SHITHEAD, like you telling me something I don't know. The US spend BILLIONS on Mental Health and still thousands are affected yearly. OK SHITHEAD!!!

Let's put a social worker in each single parent home.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

If people don't value their lives, there is not much any Govt can do. Education is one of the keys.

dum dum, when something like this happens here the immediate response is what social safety net missed the tragedy in the making. Mental health care is a responsibility of the state. Its social services like its judicial services are of worth only if the protect the people from criminals and the insane from themselves. It is not like the government does not know it has a crisis on its hands.


While one cannot blame the government directly one needs to know to what institution has this women reached out to or if she did or if there are avenues for these and similar people living on the margin of sanity for whatever reasons.

Yes SHITHEAD, like you telling me something I don't know. The US spend BILLIONS on Mental Health and still thousands are affected yearly. OK SHITHEAD!!!

in every instance there is always blame on some social safety net that missed necessary cues. We see the same with the school shootings where the investigation is always on what could have been done and who missed what. I suggest you have only filth of whore houses in your head rather than good sense, Mental health is always about the community and its traps for people who would fall in not caught.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

If people don't value their lives, there is not much any Govt can do. Education is one of the keys.

dum dum, when something like this happens here the immediate response is what social safety net missed the tragedy in the making. Mental health care is a responsibility of the state. Its social services like its judicial services are of worth only if the protect the people from criminals and the insane from themselves. It is not like the government does not know it has a crisis on its hands.


While one cannot blame the government directly one needs to know to what institution has this women reached out to or if she did or if there are avenues for these and similar people living on the margin of sanity for whatever reasons.

Yes SHITHEAD, like you telling me something I don't know. The US spend BILLIONS on Mental Health and still thousands are affected yearly. OK SHITHEAD!!!

Let's put a social worker in each single parent home.

You worked in the area and should know better. I bet you would not tell your bosses it was the fault of a stupid woman that drove her to murder. They would have fired your silly ass.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

If people don't value their lives, there is not much any Govt can do. Education is one of the keys.

dum dum, when something like this happens here the immediate response is what social safety net missed the tragedy in the making. Mental health care is a responsibility of the state. Its social services like its judicial services are of worth only if the protect the people from criminals and the insane from themselves. It is not like the government does not know it has a crisis on its hands.


While one cannot blame the government directly one needs to know to what institution has this women reached out to or if she did or if there are avenues for these and similar people living on the margin of sanity for whatever reasons.

Yes SHITHEAD, like you telling me something I don't know. The US spend BILLIONS on Mental Health and still thousands are affected yearly. OK SHITHEAD!!!

Let's put a social worker in each single parent home.

You worked in the area and should know better. I bet you would not tell your bosses it was the fault of a stupid woman that drove her to murder. They would have fired your silly ass.

It has nothing to do with fault, it is a matter of self-esteem, education and economic conditions. Then some don't have any problem with that and still do it. It is obviously a complicated matter.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

If people don't value their lives, there is not much any Govt can do. Education is one of the keys.

dum dum, when something like this happens here the immediate response is what social safety net missed the tragedy in the making. Mental health care is a responsibility of the state. Its social services like its judicial services are of worth only if the protect the people from criminals and the insane from themselves. It is not like the government does not know it has a crisis on its hands.


While one cannot blame the government directly one needs to know to what institution has this women reached out to or if she did or if there are avenues for these and similar people living on the margin of sanity for whatever reasons.

Yes SHITHEAD, like you telling me something I don't know. The US spend BILLIONS on Mental Health and still thousands are affected yearly. OK SHITHEAD!!!

Let's put a social worker in each single parent home.

You worked in the area and should know better. I bet you would not tell your bosses it was the fault of a stupid woman that drove her to murder. They would have fired your silly ass.

You fail to realise that even though social service is available to all, when one is determined to end his/her life, he/she finds a way of doing it. Social service cannot monitor a person 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Social service cannot force one to be checked in an institution for mental health problems. There is the rights of the individual. You can call people stupid ass and all the names you could find in your vocabulary; I will not stoop your worm level.


ASJ title of his thread was that the PPP was at fault for the killings. That is why I edited the title and close the thread. I am not censoring anyone, but I will correct things from time to time when I spot them.  One thing I have noted is that members when reposting articles from KN news or other websites love to change the title of the heading. That in my opinion should be avoided since it leads to misinformation

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

If people don't value their lives, there is not much any Govt can do. Education is one of the keys.

dum dum, when something like this happens here the immediate response is what social safety net missed the tragedy in the making. Mental health care is a responsibility of the state. Its social services like its judicial services are of worth only if the protect the people from criminals and the insane from themselves. It is not like the government does not know it has a crisis on its hands.


While one cannot blame the government directly one needs to know to what institution has this women reached out to or if she did or if there are avenues for these and similar people living on the margin of sanity for whatever reasons.

Yes SHITHEAD, like you telling me something I don't know. The US spend BILLIONS on Mental Health and still thousands are affected yearly. OK SHITHEAD!!!

Let's put a social worker in each single parent home.

You worked in the area and should know better. I bet you would not tell your bosses it was the fault of a stupid woman that drove her to murder. They would have fired your silly ass.

You fail to realise that even though social service is available to all, when one is determined to end his/her life, he/she finds a way of doing it. Social service cannot monitor a person 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Social service cannot force one to be checked in an institution for mental health problems. There is the rights of the individual. You can call people stupid ass and all the names you could find in your vocabulary; I will not stoop your worm level.

indeed they cannot. Thea can however address the underlying needs and given the resources available to them offer her a path to recovery. If no one is there in a professional sense to assess needs. Social services can indeed recommend a person be removed from society to a mental care institution if the are deemed a threat. They are the first rung of the ladder of protection in this area.


I do not call you what you do not reveal yourself to be. You are a bigot and a nasty worm who hide problems rather than investigate its spources as is necessary.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Amral:

ASJ title of his thread was that the PPP was at fault for the killings. That is why I edited the title and close the thread. I am not censoring anyone, but I will correct things from time to time when I spot them.  One thing I have noted is that members when reposting articles from KN news or other websites love to change the title of the heading. That in my opinion should be avoided since it leads to misinformation

If you are going to shut asj thread for misleading headings then what about the headings about other thread of those who support the Corrupt PPP/c


You can check the original headings and then check what they have here and you will see where you are appearing to be one sided

Originally Posted by Amral:

ASJ title of his thread was that the PPP was at fault for the killings. That is why I edited the title and close the thread. I am not censoring anyone, but I will correct things from time to time when I spot them.  One thing I have noted is that members when reposting articles from KN news or other websites love to change the title of the heading. That in my opinion should be avoided since it leads to misinformation

Thanks for the follow-up Amral, and  not to get in to a debate or belabor the point, but why should there be a direct correlation between a newspaper article and what the poster intends to be the focus of discussion (D_G's PPP posts about Pakistan aside ). And if the title is amended shouldn't the contents of the posts be relevant in determining whether a thread should be closed or not?

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Amral:

ASJ title of his thread was that the PPP was at fault for the killings. That is why I edited the title and close the thread. I am not censoring anyone, but I will correct things from time to time when I spot them.  One thing I have noted is that members when reposting articles from KN news or other websites love to change the title of the heading. That in my opinion should be avoided since it leads to misinformation

If you are going to shut asj thread for misleading headings then what about the headings about other thread of those who support the Corrupt PPP/c


You can check the original headings and then check what they have here and you will see where you are appearing to be one sided

This is a fair point Amral.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Amral:

ASJ title of his thread was that the PPP was at fault for the killings. That is why I edited the title and close the thread. I am not censoring anyone, but I will correct things from time to time when I spot them.  One thing I have noted is that members when reposting articles from KN news or other websites love to change the title of the heading. That in my opinion should be avoided since it leads to misinformation

If you are going to shut asj thread for misleading headings then what about the headings about other thread of those who support the Corrupt PPP/c


You can check the original headings and then check what they have here and you will see where you are appearing to be one sided


God loves arseholes this is why he made so many of them. The one who started the afc-coffin thread is an arsehole so he is probably loved and do no wrong.

Originally Posted by Amral:

ASJ title of his thread was that the PPP was at fault for the killings. That is why I edited the title and close the thread. I am not censoring anyone, but I will correct things from time to time when I spot them.  One thing I have noted is that members when reposting articles from KN news or other websites love to change the title of the heading. That in my opinion should be avoided since it leads to misinformation

So how come you allow Conscience and Yugi22 to get away with it? You have also the Rev to do same. I think, ASJ thread was apt. He created the heading to start the discussion. There was no need to close the thread after you changed the heading.

Originally Posted by Amral:

If posters are going to repost articles they should stick to the title of the article and not change to suit their liking But I am not going to check every thread and fix, as it is some cannot even post a proper referring URL.


I am not going to stress with what is happening in Guyana.

Amral we (I) do not care if you stress with the happenings of Guyana or not,

we realise that your navel string is juk down in Canada, but one day we who loves Guyana would want to go back there and see it a better place, so we do whatever it takes to open the eyes of Officials so that Guyana can be a better place, we may use facebook,  and other communications link to convey messages to other Guyanese of the World.

All we want you to be is a fair official on GNI, make it a level playing field,

not favoring the Corrupt PPP/C and be unjust to the views of the Opposition,

no matter how you twist it here........that is what you are doing.

I only use that one instance to show you your error, but you chose to make futile and stupid excuses. Anyway that is your call.


Secondly, listen carefully to what I am trying to put foward, the heading that I chose, was my own there was no need to change my heading, and I did use the inner post and other arguments to support that headings, it was not the other way around.


So there was no need to close the thread.


All we are asking that you should appear to be fair, and not taking sides from one over the other. Honestly I believe that someone complain to you, but I cannot say for sure. But yet you go to my post and lock it down and there are other posts with the same infringements that you leave.

Originally Posted by Amral:

ASJ title of his thread was that the PPP was at fault for the killings. That is why I edited the title and close the thread. I am not censoring anyone, but I will correct things from time to time when I spot them.  One thing I have noted is that members when reposting articles from KN news or other websites love to change the title of the heading. That in my opinion should be avoided since it leads to misinformation

Amral, you're right what you did. Asj, as a moderator should show some example on the political forum. We, as members do moderate the board as we goes along and points out these falsifications. Amral, if the buck cannot stop with you, GNI is in for big trouble in little China. Also, never regret the action you take on anyone. I notice you can never please some members no matter what you do. Give them a day to walk in your shoes and see what they're made of. Asj's will no longer be respected if he continues to bash the PPP recklessly as he is doing. Some of the posters who are defending him are just as careless and irresponsible to call themselves Guyanese. They all belong to the hall of shame if you ask me. 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

So how come you allow Conscience and Yugi22 to get away with it? You have also the Rev to do same. I think, ASJ thread was apt. He created the heading to start the discussion. There was no need to close the thread after you changed the heading.

That is because he accepts that Conscience, Yugi22 and the Rev are nut cases. He has totally given up on them.


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