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Originally Posted by Cobra:

Amral, you're right what you did. Asj, as a moderator should show some example on the political forum. We, as members do moderate the board as we goes along and points out these falsifications. Amral, if the buck cannot stop with you, GNI is in for big trouble in little China. Also, never regret the action you take on anyone. I notice you can never please some members no matter what you do. Give them a day to walk in your shoes and see what they're made of. Asj's will no longer be respected if he continues to bash the PPP recklessly as he is doing. Some of the posters who are defending him are just as careless and irresponsible to call themselves Guyanese. They all belong to the hall of shame if you ask me. 

I would probably read more of what you write if you would just for once use proper English.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Amral:

ASJ title of his thread was that the PPP was at fault for the killings. That is why I edited the title and close the thread. I am not censoring anyone, but I will correct things from time to time when I spot them.  One thing I have noted is that members when reposting articles from KN news or other websites love to change the title of the heading. That in my opinion should be avoided since it leads to misinformation

Amral, you're right what you did. Asj, as a moderator should show some example on the political forum. We, as members do moderate the board as we goes along and points out these falsifications. Amral, if the buck cannot stop with you, GNI is in for big trouble in little China. Also, never regret the action you take on anyone. I notice you can never please some members no matter what you do. Give them a day to walk in your shoes and see what they're made of. Asj's will no longer be respected if he continues to bash the PPP recklessly as he is doing. Some of the posters who are defending him are just as careless and irresponsible to call themselves Guyanese. They all belong to the hall of shame if you ask me. are so pathetic.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Amral, you're right what you did. Asj, as a moderator should show some example on the political forum. We, as members do moderate the board as we goes along and points out these falsifications. Amral, if the buck cannot stop with you, GNI is in for big trouble in little China. Also, never regret the action you take on anyone. I notice you can never please some members no matter what you do. Give them a day to walk in your shoes and see what they're made of. Asj's will no longer be respected if he continues to bash the PPP recklessly as he is doing. Some of the posters who are defending him are just as careless and irresponsible to call themselves Guyanese. They all belong to the hall of shame if you ask me. 

You have an entire life to be an idiot, why not spare this minute?

People of your sort are hirelings, dumb dogs unable to bark, who see the wolf coming and flee or, rather, join up with the wolf,  today you have join up with the wolves.


Did you complain to Amral?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Amral:

If posters are going to repost articles they should stick to the title of the article and not change to suit their liking But I am not going to check every thread and fix, as it is some cannot even post a proper referring URL.


I am not going to stress with what is happening in Guyana.

Amral we (I) do not care if you stress with the happenings of Guyana or not,

we realise that your navel string is juk down in Canada, but one day we who loves Guyana would want to go back there and see it a better place, so we do whatever it takes to open the eyes of Officials so that Guyana can be a better place, we may use facebook,  and  communications link to convey messages to other Guyanese of the World.

All we want you to be is a fair official on GNI, make it a level playing field, not favoring the Corrupt PPP/C and be unjust to the views of the Opposition, no matter how you twist it here........that is what you are doing.

I only use that one instance to show you your error, but you chose to make futile and stupid excuses. Anyway that is your call.


Secondly, listen carefully to what I am trying to put foward, the heading that I chose, was my own there was no need to change my heading, and I did use the inner post and other arguments to support that headings, it was not the other way around. And then I was getting to the core issue of the post, that is of counseling and education which is lacking in Guyana.


So there was no need to close the thread,


All we are asking that you should appear to be fair, and not taking sides from one over the other. Honestly I believe that someone complain to you, but I cannot say for sure. But yet you go to my post and lock it down and there are other posts with the same infringements that you leave.


Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Amral, you're right what you did. Asj, as a moderator should show some example on the political forum. We, as members do moderate the board as we goes along and points out these falsifications. Amral, if the buck cannot stop with you, GNI is in for big trouble in little China. Also, never regret the action you take on anyone. I notice you can never please some members no matter what you do. Give them a day to walk in your shoes and see what they're made of. Asj's will no longer be respected if he continues to bash the PPP recklessly as he is doing. Some of the posters who are defending him are just as careless and irresponsible to call themselves Guyanese. They all belong to the hall of shame if you ask me. 

You have an entire life to be an idiot, why not spare this minute?

People of your sort are hirelings, dumb dogs unable to bark, who see the wolf coming and flee or, rather, join up with the wolf,  today you have join up with the wolves.


Did you complain to Amral?

You have stooped very low to go that far to call me names for my objection to something I see as willful and wrong as you did. No one is too little or big to be advised on wrong doing. FYI, I did not complain to Amral. I made my disagreement know on the thread that is now closed.


Amral knows he's going down a path that rubs him. Let freedom at at last....thank God Almighty Freedom on GNI at last.....let's hear them bells ring - not shut down threads and whining about too much complaints about a political party. Heck, fight reasoned arguments with reasoned arguments; and not bring the hallmark of a closed society on GNI. It's all our brand too. With no posters there would be no forum. Acknowledge posters' equity too. Let common sense prevail.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Amral knows he's going down a path that rubs him. Let freedom at at last....thank God Almighty Freedom on GNI at last.....let's hear them bells ring - not shut down threads and whining about too much complaints about a political party. Heck, fight reasoned arguments with reasoned arguments; and not bring the hallmark of a closed society on GNI. It's all our brand too. With no posters there would be no forum. Acknowledge posters' equity too. Let common sense prevail.

Here comes the chicken and egg question. Without the forum there will be no member/poster either. Fact: GNI was here before all of us.

Originally Posted by Mars:

Amral is just like those old PPP comrades at Freedumb House. They try to stifle any form of dissent against the PPP by suing opposition activists who try to speak up, knowing that they have the Chief Justice in their pockets.  

Look how shameless you guys are to accuse Amral for doing his job to make legitimate correction on his own forum.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Amral is just like those old PPP comrades at Freedumb House. They try to stifle any form of dissent against the PPP by suing opposition activists who try to speak up, knowing that they have the Chief Justice in their pockets.  

Look how shameless you guys are to accuse Amral for doing his job to make legitimate correction on his own forum.

Stupidy Punce, shut yuh rass. I have the right to right to voice my opinion and I will not allow anyone to censor me. I will speak up when I see the moderator acting in a biased manner. Take a look at how many other threads are started each day on this forum by idiots like yourself making all kinds of false claims and Amral doesn't even say boo.  

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Kari, when you have a forum of your own, must run it to your likeness. When last you say thanks to GNI?

How relevant is this to my post?

How helpful is it?

Does it advance a discussion?

Are you not pained by the suicide rate in Guyana?

Are you not concerned over the sometimes lack of professionalism we see here?

What's the purpose of your response?

Is this the way to change my opinion on ASJ?

What do you know of how I think of the other nonsense ASJ posts?

You ask too many blasted questions like I am a stranger to this board.

I just gave you a chance to debunk the perception of how stupid you are - and you failed!

He can't help it. 

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Amral is just like those old PPP comrades at Freedumb House. They try to stifle any form of dissent against the PPP by suing opposition activists who try to speak up, knowing that they have the Chief Justice in their pockets.  

Look how shameless you guys are to accuse Amral for doing his job to make legitimate correction on his own forum.

Stupidy Punce, shut yuh rass. I have the right to right to voice my opinion and I will not allow anyone to censor me. I will speak up when I see the moderator acting in a biased manner. Take a look at how many other threads are started each day on this forum by idiots like yourself making all kinds of false claims and Amral doesn't even say boo.  

That's not an opinion. Go figure!

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Amral is just like those old PPP comrades at Freedumb House. They try to stifle any form of dissent against the PPP by suing opposition activists who try to speak up, knowing that they have the Chief Justice in their pockets.  

Look how shameless you guys are to accuse Amral for doing his job to make legitimate correction on his own forum.

Stupidy Punce, shut yuh rass. I have the right to right to voice my opinion and I will not allow anyone to censor me. I will speak up when I see the moderator acting in a biased manner. Take a look at how many other threads are started each day on this forum by idiots like yourself making all kinds of false claims and Amral doesn't even say boo.  

That's not an opinion. Go figure!

A wise man once said - 

“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”


Take his advice.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

ASJ has been crossing the limits of being a moderator. He should take a page or two from Ray and learn to behave the way a moderator should.


Moderators are held to higher standards.

You are full of poisonous refuse and insane foolishness.


I do have my political views, which might be different from yours.

If Amral wants to take the Moderator job away from me, then it is okay,

I spend 10 years on GNI and I contributed more than any dumb ass like you. In that ten years my points counts amounts to over 90,000 More than what a fool like you would able to accumulate in a lifetime.


But that is not the point, the point is I will always speak against this Corrupt PPP/C, too many poor people are suffering in Guyana to let them off the hook, whenever the chance affords me, moderator or not. I will point out their corruptions.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

ASJ has been crossing the limits of being a moderator. He should take a page or two from Ray and learn to behave the way a moderator should.


Moderators are held to higher standards.

You are full of poisonous refuse and insane foolishness.


I do have my political views, which might be different from yours.

If Amral wants to take the Moderator job away from me, then it is okay,

I spend 10 years on GNI and I contributed more than any dumb ass like you. In that ten years my points counts amounts to over 90,000 More than what a fool like you would able to accumulate in a lifetime.


But that is not the point, the point is I will always speak against this Corrupt PPP/C, too many poor people are suffering in Guyana to let them off the hook, whenever the chance affords me, moderator or not. I will point out their corruptions.


No one has ever questioned your loyalty or dedication. 


What is being called into question here is your behaviour. 


Please take a page or two from Ray regarding professional conduct as a moderator.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

ASJ has been crossing the limits of being a moderator. He should take a page or two from Ray and learn to behave the way a moderator should.


Moderators are held to higher standards.

You are full of poisonous refuse and insane foolishness.


I do have my political views, which might be different from yours.

If Amral wants to take the Moderator job away from me, then it is okay,

I spend 10 years on GNI and I contributed more than any dumb ass like you. In that ten years my points counts amounts to over 90,000 More than what a fool like you would able to accumulate in a lifetime.


But that is not the point, the point is I will always speak against this Corrupt PPP/C, too many poor people are suffering in Guyana to let them off the hook, whenever the chance affords me, moderator or not. I will point out their corruptions.


No one has ever questioned your loyalty or dedication. 


What is being called into question here is your behaviour. 


Please take a page or two from Ray regarding professional conduct as a moderator.

You are so dumb and will remain dumb (maybe for the rest of your life) but one day you will live to regret it and then it will be too late.


Are you aware that I never ever asked GNI for a moderator job, this was  handed to me for being the best man that can do what the job calls for?


Many a time I have had the sad opportunity to read your foolishness, and I was itching to tell you what a jackass you are, but today I got that opportunity.


In appearance and words you simulate modesty, but you are so swollen with haughtiness, arrogance, pride, malice, villainy, rashness, superciliousness, ignorance, and stupidity that there is nothing to surpass you.


Go and figure dummy


Cool it, guys. Let reason prevail over raw emotion.

Every poster has a good point or two in this thread.

In my humble opinion, Amral/Admin should set clear guidelines regarding the verbatim reposting of newspaper reports and articles.

If, as Amral suggests, we must not change the original newspaper caption then so be it. The onus is on Admin and Moderator to enforce or remind, and this must be applied to all posters without favor or prejudice.

As a former certified and accredited journalist and editor, I can say that captions are arbitrary and not set in stone. Three newspapers may cover the same event, for instance, and each will print a different caption to accompany its report on the said event.

I have no problem with members reposting Guyana news reports under their own captions. Almost everyone does it here, whether we're pro-PPP or anti-PPP.

But I can understand that Amral wants to simplify things, meaning no change to original printed captions.

Let's agree on a compromise.

NOTE TO AMRAL: Your point about asj and vendetta against the PPP was somewhat harsh. There is equally vendetta against the political opposition here every day. Be fair, sir. All of us are patriots enjoying dual citizenship under the Burnham constitution. As Guyanese citizens let us support and promote political parties of our choice. Leave the arguments and judgements to us.


Posting the same headline from a newspaper headline is NOT enforced on other tightly moderated forums that I have posted on. Once the poster's headline is within with the forum guidelines and is on point with the article, it should be acceptable. A poster should also be able to voice his opinion and interpretation of what an article is stating. I've never heard of any rule dictating that the headline of a thread should be the same as any article posted. But then again, GNI is a backwards ass forum in comparison to the others that I've posted on. It's always at least a decade behind other non Guyanese forums where I've contributed.  

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:


NOTE TO AMRAL: Your point about asj and vendetta against the PPP was somewhat harsh. There is equally vendetta against the political opposition here every day. Be fair, sir. 

Amral is way out of line on this one. Many of the posters on this forum are strongly against one party or another. Singling out a poster and sending him a warning that he must restrict his posts against any party is just ridiculous.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Amral knows he's going down a path that rubs him. Let freedom at at last....thank God Almighty Freedom on GNI at last.....let's hear them bells ring - not shut down threads and whining about too much complaints about a political party. Heck, fight reasoned arguments with reasoned arguments; and not bring the hallmark of a closed society on GNI. It's all our brand too. With no posters there would be no forum. Acknowledge posters' equity too. Let common sense prevail.

Here comes the chicken and egg question. Without the forum there will be no member/poster either. Fact: GNI was here before all of us.

GNI and its posters are transactional. Take away the posters and there is no GNI. Take away the GNI and there WILL be posters - just on another site. So this is not about a chicken-and-egg situation - more like Amral being chicken!


The posters have as much equity in GNI as the owners/Moderators. We do them a favor and not the other way around. The Internet is free buddy! Amral cannot muzzle opinions. He can shut down race hatred, bigotry, pornography and criminal intent, but he can't shut down freedom of expression. He can take his GNI and shove it if he continues to treat posters like ASJ with disdain. I don't give a shit about which political views he likes or doesn't like - suicide in Guyana is a problem he should be concerned about and not shut down discussion about it. What level of intelligence is that? I call on Amral to change this posture.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Amral knows he's going down a path that rubs him. Let freedom at at last....thank God Almighty Freedom on GNI at last.....let's hear them bells ring - not shut down threads and whining about too much complaints about a political party. Heck, fight reasoned arguments with reasoned arguments; and not bring the hallmark of a closed society on GNI. It's all our brand too. With no posters there would be no forum. Acknowledge posters' equity too. Let common sense prevail.

Here comes the chicken and egg question. Without the forum there will be no member/poster either. Fact: GNI was here before all of us.

GNI and its posters are transactional. Take away the posters and there is no GNI. Take away the GNI and there WILL be posters - just on another site. So this is not about a chicken-and-egg situation - more like Amral being chicken!


The posters have as much equity in GNI as the owners/Moderators. We do them a favor and not the other way around. The Internet is free buddy! Amral cannot muzzle opinions. He can shut down race hatred, bigotry, pornography and criminal intent, but he can't shut down freedom of expression. He can take his GNI and shove it if he continues to treat posters like ASJ with disdain. I don't give a shit about which political views he likes or doesn't like - suicide in Guyana is a problem he should be concerned about and not shut down discussion about it. What level of intelligence is that? I call on Amral to change this posture.

Right on.


GNI can die the minute the independent poster go away.


Would NURHU talk to Conscience and then YUJI.


Man, that would be one boring party.

Originally Posted by Kari:
- suicide in Guyana is a problem he should be concerned about and not shut down discussion about it. What level of intelligence is that? I call on Amral to change this posture.

Here is the deal.  So some might say black people take pressure by running mad, while Indians do so by suicide, so it isn't fair to compare Guyana with majority black societies like Jamaica or Barbados.


The problem is that when we compare Guyana with a society with similar demographics to us, Trinidad we stack MUCH higher.  Indians are a smaller % in Suriname (27% vs 43% in Guyana) so maybe that isn't a fair comparison, unless Javanese also have similar tendencies, which I cant speak towards.  we rank higher than they do as well.


The issue is that there is something peculiar about Guyana, in general, but also about the part of Guyana which is the base of the PPP, the Corentyne, which seems to foster suicides.  I don't have the data but I suspect that the Essequibo Coast, with its large Indian population, doesn't have the rate of suicide of Berbice.


So yes, the PPP ought to be concerned, and not blithely claim that they can't control what people do with their lives.  Apparently this is more evidence that Guyana doesn't seem to be the easiest place to live!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Amral is just like those old PPP comrades at Freedumb House. They try to stifle any form of dissent against the PPP by suing opposition activists who try to speak up, knowing that they have the Chief Justice in their pockets.  

Look how shameless you guys are to accuse Amral for doing his job to make legitimate correction on his own forum.

well the chief batty washer finish licking jagdeo batty now he ready to lick  AMRAL

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Amral is just like those old PPP comrades at Freedumb House. They try to stifle any form of dissent against the PPP by suing opposition activists who try to speak up, knowing that they have the Chief Justice in their pockets.  

Look how shameless you guys are to accuse Amral for doing his job to make legitimate correction on his own forum.

well the chief batty washer finish licking jagdeo batty now he ready to lick  AMRAL

Is there any positive thing you see in anyone who does support a governmnet of his or her choice..a government that you do not support? 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Amral is just like those old PPP comrades at Freedumb House. They try to stifle any form of dissent against the PPP by suing opposition activists who try to speak up, knowing that they have the Chief Justice in their pockets.  

Look how shameless you guys are to accuse Amral for doing his job to make legitimate correction on his own forum.

well the chief batty washer finish licking jagdeo batty now he ready to lick  AMRAL

Is there any positive thing you see in anyone who does support a governmnet of his or her choice..a government that you do not support? 

maybe i will be if the ppp government was positive 

Originally Posted by Kari:

Amral knows he's going down a path that rubs him. Let freedom at at last....thank God Almighty Freedom on GNI at last.....let's hear them bells ring - not shut down threads and whining about too much complaints about a political party. Heck, fight reasoned arguments with reasoned arguments; and not bring the hallmark of a closed society on GNI. It's all our brand too. With no posters there would be no forum. Acknowledge posters' equity too. Let common sense prevail.

Big mouth Kari-kuttah, you should complain about the Obama's NSA censorship and dictatorship.  I realize it's a challenge, but try stop being a clown.


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