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Ray posted:
Django posted:
Ray posted:

dude...both you and Bibi need to keep your personal shit off the board...

If i were you those threads should be deleted from the inception.

are they little children who need to find their respective corners, or they grown adults and should act their age?

True, their private lives shouldn't be exposed here. You have the authority to stop such disclosure.

Django posted:
Ray posted:
Django posted:
Ray posted:

dude...both you and Bibi need to keep your personal shit off the board...

If i were you those threads should be deleted from the inception.

are they little children who need to find their respective corners, or they grown adults and should act their age?

True, their private lives shouldn't be exposed here. You have the authority to stop such disclosure.

like I said, they are adults

Iguana posted:

@Former Member

An example is Ksazma's overt racism for over a week and dozens if not a hundred posts. No sanction from you. Posting of monkey pictures to represent black people from Dave, you finally acted. But Dave got the impression that was fine because Amral did it! You all need to get your shit together!

This site is viewed in many places as an Indo supremacist black hating site.  Even Bajans have cited it as evidence when they wanted to round up reasons why Indo Guyanese should have been tossed out of Barbados.  This in 2006 when Bajan police and immigration knocked on their doors before dawn and sent half naked people on LIAT flights nonstop to GY.

Ray posted:
Django posted:
Ray posted:

dude...both you and Bibi need to keep your personal shit off the board...

If i were you those threads should be deleted from the inception.

are they little children who need to find their respective corners, or they grown adults and should act their age?


No you joker, you are the moderator.  People could go off but you are the moderator to rein it in.  Look up the term “Moderator!”

And why did you and Amral allow the things that was being said of me when I had quit...not here!

So stop with your lies and pretense.  I was not here and YOU were taking part.  So shut up with your crap!

Ray posted:
Django posted:
Ray posted:
Django posted:
Ray posted:

dude...both you and Bibi need to keep your personal shit off the board...

If i were you those threads should be deleted from the inception.

are they little children who need to find their respective corners, or they grown adults and should act their age?

True, their private lives shouldn't be exposed here. You have the authority to stop such disclosure.

like I said, they are adults

How pathetic!!  But what to expect from “Moderators” who join in and post Blacks and monkey and laugh like hyenas!

How pathetic!!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Say what you please about DrugB. He is a hard-hitter and a painful thorn in the sides of many of you who consider yourselves an authority on politics and economics. DrugB is constantly being demeaned by some posters who resort to personal attacks whenever he counters their arguments. 

Really?  To most of us he is a sad pathetic clown, and a very ignorant one at that.  How often do you see me engaging him in serious dialogue?  I usually remind him to stop stressing himself out and go and find black vegetables that he can ingest. He is one step above Nehru, but far more entertaining so I don't block him.

caribny posted:
Iguana posted:

@Former Member

An example is Ksazma's overt racism for over a week and dozens if not a hundred posts. No sanction from you. Posting of monkey pictures to represent black people from Dave, you finally acted. But Dave got the impression that was fine because Amral did it! You all need to get your shit together!

This site is viewed in many places as an Indo supremacist black hating site.  Even Bajans have cited it as evidence when they wanted to round up reasons why Indo Guyanese should have been tossed out of Barbados.  This in 2006 when Bajan police and immigration knocked on their doors before dawn and sent half naked people on LIAT flights nonstop to GY.

If Bajans view this site as Indo supremacist black hating site then I am sorry to say they are terribly wrong. However, knowing you for the time you have been here I won't be surprised if this is a figment of your imagination that you want to become a reality with your constant pourings of misinformation with the sole objective blemishing the image of a part your country's population. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

dude...both you and Bibi need to keep your personal shit off the board...

Stop your bloody shameless pretense!

Dude, I am not that infantile crap for your partners

No, you are worse than her.  I understand her sometimes, but not you!

like I said, I aint yuh woman...I really don't need you to understand me

Django posted:
Ray posted:
Django posted:
Ray posted:

dude...both you and Bibi need to keep your personal shit off the board...

If i were you those threads should be deleted from the inception.

are they little children who need to find their respective corners, or they grown adults and should act their age?

True, their private lives shouldn't be exposed here. You have the authority to stop such disclosure.

If I make the appropriate animal analogy here, I know I will get banned!  But there is!

Ray posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

dude...both you and Bibi need to keep your personal shit off the board...

Stop your bloody shameless pretense!

Dude, I am not that infantile crap for your partners

No, you are worse than her.  I understand her sometimes, but not you!

like I said, I aint yuh woman...I really don't need you to understand me

Neither of you two racist and hacks should be moderators.  You seem not to understand your role!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many.

Like how Jagdeo's regime benefitted so many.  Black people got nothing from him.  The joke is that Indians didn't anything either, so insist its because blacks got everything.

and yet in the corridors of wealth Jaggy and his buddies lurk, pulling the NCV stunt to make sure that they take all. The stupid Coalition virtually handing the goodies to them.  I guess they think he will drop a few crumbs in their hands as he did with Corbin. 

Freddie K is already singing for his Jagdeo milk with a ruthless venom at that.  And we know this because suddenly everyone is bad..........except Jagdeo! His change was too sudden and extreme when a few weeks ago he was calling Jagdeo a scourge.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

If Bajans view this site as Indo supremacist black hating site then I am sorry to say they are terribly wrong. . 

Well they do and folks like you are to blame for this.  The endless screamings of "black man lazy, black man cyant run a cake shop". Blaming all the ills of Guyana on blacks.  Calling blacks a bunch of useless criminals whose only goal is to rape, rob and kill Indians.

Yes that was the chatter in those days and Bajans saw this and began to understand the Afro Guyanese living in Barbados a bit more.

That you fail to see this just proves how right they are because NONE of this was ever sanctioned the way that it would be on most responsible forums. 

The moderators even wail that they see no anti black racism here.  Even when Skeldon/Yuji screamed that they would kill any family member of theirs who marries a black person, and Ksazma bellowed that blacks are a scourge.


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