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Bossman is catching trumphism..why only suspend Nehru and not Cain too..


Bhai, dont waste energy is SHIT HEAD T.

cain posted:
Mr.T posted:

Nehru must have been raped by some of his drinking buddies last nite. He enjoyed the shit that came out of his ass,

his ass = his mouth.

As acertified SHIT HEAD, it means yuor head is always up yuh Kakahole, thus you smell and eat SHIT daily.  I dont expect you to understand.  In fact, how can you.

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Mr.T posted:

Nehru must have been raped by some of his drinking buddies last nite. He enjoyed the shit that came out of his ass,

Was it Blair who Buss yuh Cherry????? You once had Elton John over, how that went????

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alena06 posted:
cain posted:

Why don't yu go fk yrslf and stop with the SHIT talk you fkin arsehole.

Spoken like a real PNC champ.

It seems the only language the fool knows and if this is what it takes to stop his bullshit, so be it.

Where do you get the nonsense about PNC champ from?   

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Leonora posted:

You guys don't hold back, you just let loose with foul language. Students check this site for Guyana info. for their term papers. I'll alert Dr. Ishmael what's going on on his site.  

Hey hey hey, them also listening to the Trump tapes for term papers on the US elections!!

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cain posted:
alena06 posted:
cain posted:

Why don't yu go fk yrslf and stop with the SHIT talk you fkin arsehole.

Spoken like a real PNC champ.

It seems the only language the fool knows and if this is what it takes to stop his bullshit, so be it.

Where do you get the nonsense about PNC champ from?   

SHIT HEAD Cain you ate your own shit for Breakfast already or you still has your head stuck up your ass. How is the smell ???

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skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Why don't yu go fk yrslf and stop with the SHIT talk you fkin arsehole.

Cain bro, we can express ourselves without the implied F word. Is it really necessary to use the implied "F" word?

HEHEHE  He nah bin ah school far. He got kicked out at Kindergarten.  Plus SHIT tek ova his brain.

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skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Why don't yu go fk yrslf and stop with the SHIT talk you fkin arsehole.

Cain bro, we can express ourselves without the implied F word. Is it really necessary to use the implied "F" word?

We can also disagree with each other and not talk about shit all day. But I guess you haven't noticed that and the Admin turns a blind eye too.

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Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Why don't yu go fk yrslf and stop with the SHIT talk you fkin arsehole.

Cain bro, we can express ourselves without the implied F word. Is it really necessary to use the implied "F" word?

We can also disagree with each other and not talk about shit all day. But I guess you haven't noticed that and the Admin turns a blind eye too.

Mars, this board is full of shit. The admin does not want to impose dictatorial controls here(PNC). He gives the boys and girls freedom to express themselves. However, there are at times, he has to take control. If you watch football you will hear that announcers saying "the officials are letting the boys play".

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skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Why don't yu go fk yrslf and stop with the SHIT talk you fkin arsehole.

Cain bro, we can express ourselves without the implied F word. Is it really necessary to use the implied "F" word?

We can also disagree with each other and not talk about shit all day. But I guess you haven't noticed that and the Admin turns a blind eye too.

Mars, this board is full of shit. The admin does not want to impose dictatorial controls here(PNC). He gives the boys and girls freedom to express themselves. However, there are at times, he has to take control. If you watch football you will hear that announcers saying "the officials are letting the boys play".

All the SHIT HEADS as they were certified has to lash out since they were proven beyond reasonable doubt to be naive, dumb, stupid and slave like. They gave their hears and souls to the devil despite all the warnings given by Uncle Nehru and others. Now that reality is stepping in the SHAME and DISGRACE is taking over and hence the outbursts. The good thing is Uncle Nehru can handle them ten at a time.!!!!!!!!!!!

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Nehru posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:

We can also disagree with each other and not talk about shit all day. But I guess you haven't noticed that and the Admin turns a blind eye too.

Mars, this board is full of shit. The admin does not want to impose dictatorial controls here(PNC). He gives the boys and girls freedom to express themselves. However, there are at times, he has to take control. If you watch football you will hear that announcers saying "the officials are letting the boys play".

All the SHIT HEADS as they were certified has to lash out since they were proven beyond reasonable doubt to be naive, dumb, stupid and slave like. They gave their hears and souls to the devil despite all the warnings given by Uncle Nehru and others. Now that reality is stepping in the SHAME and DISGRACE is taking over and hence the outbursts. The good thing is Uncle Nehru can handle them ten at a time.!!!!!!!!!!!

That's because uncle Nehru is like an octopus.

That Mars suddenly want to talk with a clean tongue yet when they were cussing out the PPP boys, it was bacanal time, anything goes.  These clown cannot bear the shyte of the PNC!

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ba$eman posted:
Nehru posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:

We can also disagree with each other and not talk about shit all day. But I guess you haven't noticed that and the Admin turns a blind eye too.

Mars, this board is full of shit. The admin does not want to impose dictatorial controls here(PNC). He gives the boys and girls freedom to express themselves. However, there are at times, he has to take control. If you watch football you will hear that announcers saying "the officials are letting the boys play".

All the SHIT HEADS as they were certified has to lash out since they were proven beyond reasonable doubt to be naive, dumb, stupid and slave like. They gave their hears and souls to the devil despite all the warnings given by Uncle Nehru and others. Now that reality is stepping in the SHAME and DISGRACE is taking over and hence the outbursts. The good thing is Uncle Nehru can handle them ten at a time.!!!!!!!!!!!

That's because uncle Nehru is like an octopus.

That Mars suddenly want to talk with a clean tongue yet when they were cussing out the PPP boys, it was bacanal time, anything goes.  These clown cannot bear the shyte of the PNC!

Dude, I do not curse anyone on this forum unless they attack me first and then it's anything goes. I can write properly without having to resort to low life cuss out behavior like some of the degenerates who carry on here on a daily basis. 

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skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Why don't yu go fk yrslf and stop with the SHIT talk you fkin arsehole.

Cain bro, we can express ourselves without the implied F word. Is it really necessary to use the implied "F" word?

Tell your idiot buddy who is constantly speaking in caps about SHIT, people read the forum and that s what they see in about every dam thread yes I will use whatever word I wish until the idiot ceases, until then fk it.

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cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Why don't yu go fk yrslf and stop with the SHIT talk you fkin arsehole.

Cain bro, we can express ourselves without the implied F word. Is it really necessary to use the implied "F" word?

Tell your idiot buddy who is constantly speaking in caps about SHIT, people read the forum and that s what they see in about every dam thread yes I will use whatever word I wish until the idiot ceases, until then fk it.

You are a SHIT HEAD so how else can I describe you???????????

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I think the Indo KKK are winning. The non-Indians on the site get irritated and resort to foul language, expressions of indian women being deflowered and personal negative comments.

They are overpowered, as a last means they become down right nasty. 

Nehru hang in there and come back wid a new set of "Attacked Words." Give them hell upon ur return.

yuji22 posted:
Stormborn posted:

how crude, brutish and completely incapable of understanding women a 

This sakawanki Jackass Stormwater Sewage needs to go back and grate some cassava. Spineless PNC crook and idiot.

As posted by alena.."Bossman is catching trumphism..why only suspend Nehru and not Cain too".


How about the post above by yugi, do you really think it is any better than anything I have said? This is the sort of bullshit that goes unchecked. I agree I sometimes go over the edge, but what I read here daily has become sickening. Here's something for you to work on seeing you like pulling up posts. Go into Nehru's profile, take a look at his posts then get back to me on mine.


I prefer to be a bit of a foul mouth than a bigot, anyday.

Last edited by cain
yuji22 posted:

It is unfair and unjust to suspend Nehru Bhai given cussman Cain's open and plain fisherwoman dirty cussing on GNI.

Cain = Mitwah on steroids.

Who could be more nasty than you? Mits can be liberal with his descriptions and Cain a bit salty but none of them lie like you skunks and that is enough to move even the Pope to some cussing.

Chief posted:
Stormborn posted:
Chief posted:

I do not believe in suspension.


No other means within the purview of the admin except spending lots of time editing posts. Rabid used to do that but you have to be here all the time.

Allow two big men to duke it out.


If they are both "big men" then one is a doddering fool....he writes only in caps and uses the same phrases over and over

ba$eman posted:
Amral posted:

Every dog has his/her day. In this case Nehru got what was long coming. Cain is guilty as well but he is not a constant issue as much as others

Cain is the only ole weed-head Putagee who we Indians can pounce on to take it out on.  I love beating up on that Putagee!!

I think he been smoking weed for a long time, even back in British Guiana. That is how he missed the true sense of what took place in the country. Stoned most of the time.

As for the other Indian bashing mixed blood people, they just full of hate. Some of them just like Donald the Trump.

ba$eman posted:
Amral posted:

Every dog has his/her day. In this case Nehru got what was long coming. Cain is guilty as well but he is not a constant issue as much as others

Cain is the only ole weed-head Putagee who we Indians can pounce on to take it out on.  I love beating up on that Putagee!!

Base, be careful now with Cain. One of the man's relatives might be the head of the UN replacing Ban Ki Moon. Rass, this gon give de man more powah to flaunt with . We bettah watch our words now. The man can be more popular than Trump with the women..not groping or forced tonguing though Bro Cain.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
ba$eman posted:
Amral posted:

Every dog has his/her day. In this case Nehru got what was long coming. Cain is guilty as well but he is not a constant issue as much as others

Cain is the only ole weed-head Putagee who we Indians can pounce on to take it out on.  I love beating up on that Putagee!!

Base, be careful now with Cain. One of the man's relatives might be the head of the UN replacing Ban Ki Moon. Rass, this gon give de man more powah to flaunt with . We bettah watch our words now. The man can be more popular than Trump with the women..not groping or forced tonguing though Bro Cain.

I'll take on you both with one hand behind my back and one holding my pipe.

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ba$eman posted:
Amral posted:

Every dog has his/her day. In this case Nehru got what was long coming. Cain is guilty as well but he is not a constant issue as much as others

Cain is the only ole weed-head Putagee who we Indians can pounce on to take it out on.  I love beating up on that Putagee!!

Base, be careful now with Cain. One of the man's relatives might be the head of the UN replacing Ban Ki Moon. Rass, this gon give de man more powah to flaunt with . We bettah watch our words now. The man can be more popular than Trump with the women..not groping or forced tonguing though Bro Cain.

I'll take on you both with one hand behind my back and one holding my pipe.

Exactly what I said. You feel you got more power now heh? Please wait until he is confirmed before yo go making powerful statements. Maybe you can ask him to table a motion to legalize pot in the entire world.

Chief posted:

I do not believe in suspension.


Likewise, I do not believe in suspensions.

Release Nehru from the purgatory of GNI suspension (cyant believe I just wrote that elevation of GNI ).

So if I read things correctly in the forum, among the frequent contributors, we have 1 Afro-Guyanese, 1 Portuguese-Guyanese, 1 Amerindian-Guyanese, and the remainder are In do-Guyanese who can be classified in divides such as, Muslims/Hindus (not much Christians), PPP/PNC-AFC.

So predictable!

Amral posted:

Every dog has his/her day. In this case Nehru got what was long coming. Cain is guilty as well but he is not a constant issue as much as others

Why is it Nehru got a week and CaribJ got months? Nerhu has never contributed a single paragraph of decent prose on an opinion he has on even a single issue since I know him. All he does is cuss and fuss like an old fishwife. At least Caribj writes in coherent sentences and have detailed opinions even if you do not agree with him. This fellow knows better but he prefers to insult and cuss yet you coddles him like a sick puppy and give Caribj the back of your hand. I want to know why

ba$eman posted:
Amral posted:

Every dog has his/her day. In this case Nehru got what was long coming. Cain is guilty as well but he is not a constant issue as much as others

Cain is the only ole weed-head Putagee who we Indians can pounce on to take it out on.  I love beating up on that Putagee!!

You cannot beat your willie much-less another person. The point is how do you know he is old and a weed head?

Kari posted:
Chief posted:

I do not believe in suspension.


Likewise, I do not believe in suspensions.


So chief and kari, how would the admin get a poster to stop their asinine posts in every thread and every post the same nonsense we've been seeing for god knows how long now? Discussions have become rum shop talk, that's not for everyone. 

Suspensions might not work but perhaps Banning would be more appropriate.

seignet posted:
ba$eman posted:
Amral posted:

Every dog has his/her day. In this case Nehru got what was long coming. Cain is guilty as well but he is not a constant issue as much as others

Cain is the only ole weed-head Putagee who we Indians can pounce on to take it out on.  I love beating up on that Putagee!!

I think he been smoking weed for a long time, even back in British Guiana. That is how he missed the true sense of what took place in the country. Stoned most of the time.

As for the other Indian bashing mixed blood people, they just full of hate. Some of them just like Donald the Trump.

Where do you think the word ganga owes its origin? Do you remember the old folk song with the indian fellow asking "missy gimmie wan shilling...ganja money"? It was more an indian pass time than a Portuguese pass time. It is not that I have anything against those smoking weed but you need to be informed as to who were using it before the rastas invented a religion just to get high.

Portuguese were wine makers and the ones coming to guyana especially. Their home world is the island of maderia has a class of wines named after it. I saw Funchal, on a trip home from around the cape and if my grand parents was from there I would say screw guyana and head back to my ancestral home. Plus the women are charming, easy on the eye and quick to smile.

No one hates indian yuo stupid old goat. One detests you backward, retrogressive humans who cannot survive except on labeling and categorizing the human genepool Not because we came from crap means we have to continue smelling up the world with our vile legacy. We take a shower, get some education ( not book learning but people skills) and reach for our place in the human family.

cain posted:
Kari posted:
Chief posted:

I do not believe in suspension.


Likewise, I do not believe in suspensions.


So chief and kari, how would the admin get a poster to stop their asinine posts in every thread and every post the same nonsense we've been seeing for god knows how long now? Discussions have become rum shop talk, that's not for everyone. 

Suspensions might not work but perhaps Banning would be more appropriate.

I believe in the American First Amendment. This is a private club with membership, I understand.

I also believe that threads/posts that are unsavory - bigoted, racist, misogynistic, sexist, criminal, etc. - would die a swift death when ignored. Like the power of the purse the power of responses should be wielded instead of banning. You ignore them and they go away, even in treads with a number of useful contributions.

The only power the Admins should be exercising are caution and closure/deletion of threads that cross that line in the extreme.

the things are what is considered assinine posts is largely subjective. You cannot prosecute someone for their political beliefs no matter how unsavory it might be to you, but once it's used in the context of bigotry and personal insults then ignoring those posts would be better than making the determination of and banning someone.

Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Amral posted:

Every dog has his/her day. In this case Nehru got what was long coming. Cain is guilty as well but he is not a constant issue as much as others

Cain is the only ole weed-head Putagee who we Indians can pounce on to take it out on.  I love beating up on that Putagee!!

You cannot beat your willie much-less another person. The point is how do you know he is old and a weed head?

Hey hey, beating the willie is not always a bad thing.  Now, I only go on what he tend to post here.  I don't judge anyone other than that.  Is he truly a weed-head as he boast, his reference to being around during some long ago events, well I just back calc.  Maybe the Putagee just letting us on, but I just only be that.  And I don't mean it too serious either.

Anyway, I'm glad he is on GNI, he is the only Putagee man we can cuss out over Putagee misdeeds.  But I actually like the banna!!

Last edited by Former Member
Kari posted:
cain posted:
Kari posted:
Chief posted:

I do not believe in suspension.


Likewise, I do not believe in suspensions.


So chief and kari, how would the admin get a poster to stop their asinine posts in every thread and every post the same nonsense we've been seeing for god knows how long now? Discussions have become rum shop talk, that's not for everyone. 

Suspensions might not work but perhaps Banning would be more appropriate.

I believe in the American First Amendment. This is a private club with membership, I understand.

I also believe that threads/posts that are unsavory - bigoted, racist, misogynistic, sexist, criminal, etc. - would die a swift death when ignored. Like the power of the purse the power of responses should be wielded instead of banning. You ignore them and they go away, even in treads with a number of useful contributions.

The only power the Admins should be exercising are caution and closure/deletion of threads that cross that line in the extreme.

the things are what is considered assinine posts is largely subjective. You cannot prosecute someone for their political beliefs no matter how unsavory it might be to you, but once it's used in the context of bigotry and personal insults then ignoring those posts would be better than making the determination of and banning someone.

Oh lord, Mr diarrhea-of-the-mouth weighs in.

Stormborn posted:
Amral posted:

Every dog has his/her day. In this case Nehru got what was long coming. Cain is guilty as well but he is not a constant issue as much as others

Why is it Nehru got a week and CaribJ got months? Nerhu has never contributed a single paragraph of decent prose on an opinion he has on even a single issue since I know him. All he does is cuss and fuss like an old fishwife. At least Caribj writes in coherent sentences and have detailed opinions even if you do not agree with him. This fellow knows better but he prefers to insult and cuss yet you coddles him like a sick puppy and give Caribj the back of your hand. I want to know why

Because this is a freaking PPP site which offers free membership for all but privilege to PPP card holders.  Nuhru is a PPP card holder.

Leonora posted:
Drugb posted:
RiffRaff posted:

hey druggie...stop wishing death pon people...Andre alive and well

What is his new handle? Is the cainster now?  I suspected as such. 

Nehru told me Andre is Mars.  

Nehru was probably drinking heavily that weekend when he told you so. Mars is an original, there are no imitations.

Mars posted:
Leonora posted:
Drugb posted:
RiffRaff posted:

hey druggie...stop wishing death pon people...Andre alive and well

What is his new handle? Is the cainster now?  I suspected as such. 

Nehru told me Andre is Mars.  

Nehru was probably drinking heavily that weekend when he told you so. Mars is an original, there are no imitations.

Hello Andre, are you still working in an old age home for retired programmers? People at a party some years back told me that you had died from cancer. I stand corrected apparently. 

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Cain is good for a laugh, just like the other fellow Andre from years ago who I believe died. 

Andre is alive and well and the truth be told  would tell you his demise has been greatly exaggerated by a world class competitive fib teller.

This is what I was told, I saw him once when I raced nuff in 2003. Back then he looked like had one foot in the grave. So when someone mentioned that he had died, I was not surprised. 

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