The dude was born in the US. How you know they did not do a background check on the girl before she came here?
You should ask how come he was able to purchase guns legally, but then it's wasy to purchase guns in the US
The dude was born in the US. How you know they did not do a background check on the girl before she came here?
You should ask how come he was able to purchase guns legally, but then it's wasy to purchase guns in the US
Nehru, I will repeat what Chief said to you "Shutyuh sk0nt".
Warrior, go tek a cheap likka drink with Nehru.
The rest of the folks here are even-handed and sober about their posts, even T, as I would be apprehensive when near Middle Eastern people behaving suspiciously or furtively. The shooter's neighbor encapsulated the dilemma - act in a racially profiling way or risk a serious act ofterror.
The question is still to be answered - is this Islamic Terrorism (any talk of Allah-o-Akbar or death to the infidels or note about allegiance to ISIS or Al Qaeda) or workplace violence (guy got pissed at a Christmas party)?
What is known is that there were the assault rifles and bombs and possibly some planning.
Kari posted:Nehru, I will repeat what Chief said to you "Shutyuh sk0nt".
Warrior, go tek a cheap likka drink with Nehru.
The rest of the folks here are even-handed and sober about their posts, even T, as I would be apprehensive when near Middle Eastern people behaving suspiciously or furtively. The shooter's neighbor encapsulated the dilemma - act in a racially profiling way or risk a serious act ofterror.
The question is still to be answered - is this Islamic Terrorism (any talk of Allah-o-Akbar or death to the infidels or note about allegiance to ISIS or Al Qaeda) or workplace violence (guy got pissed at a Christmas party)?
What is known is that there were the assault rifles and bombs and possibly some planning.
Oh my..........................!!!!!!
If this was workplace violence he must have been very good at assembling so many bombs in so short a space of time.
The woman was from Pakistan apparently. An even more suspicious source of islamists. This looks like a plan hatched ages ago. The whole thing looks like a carefully planned terrorist cell using the baby as a cover to get easier access to a resident permit for one of the terrorists.
Kari posted:Nehru, I will repeat what Chief said to you "Shutyuh sk0nt".
Warrior, go tek a cheap likka drink with Nehru.
The rest of the folks here are even-handed and sober about their posts, even T, as I would be apprehensive when near Middle Eastern people behaving suspiciously or furtively. The shooter's neighbor encapsulated the dilemma - act in a racially profiling way or risk a serious act ofterror.
The question is still to be answered - is this Islamic Terrorism (any talk of Allah-o-Akbar or death to the infidels or note about allegiance to ISIS or Al Qaeda) or workplace violence (guy got pissed at a Christmas party)?
What is known is that there were the assault rifles and bombs and possibly some planning.
It depends on your definition of Islamic Terrorism. Would it be acts of violence carried out by Muslims or terrorist acts inspired by Islam or something else?
Mars posted:Kari posted:Nehru, I will repeat what Chief said to you "Shutyuh sk0nt".
Warrior, go tek a cheap likka drink with Nehru.
The rest of the folks here are even-handed and sober about their posts, even T, as I would be apprehensive when near Middle Eastern people behaving suspiciously or furtively. The shooter's neighbor encapsulated the dilemma - act in a racially profiling way or risk a serious act ofterror.
The question is still to be answered - is this Islamic Terrorism (any talk of Allah-o-Akbar or death to the infidels or note about allegiance to ISIS or Al Qaeda) or workplace violence (guy got pissed at a Christmas party)?
What is known is that there were the assault rifles and bombs and possibly some planning.
It depends on your definition of Islamic Terrorism. Would it be acts of violence carried out by Muslims or terrorist acts inspired by Islam or something else?
Excellent question Mars; and it goes to the heart of the exchanges with caribny and itaname.
You can look at life dogmatically or with an open mind. The open mind becomes closed when there is overwhelming evidence that one should shut out certain pathways in thinking.
Now to the question. I look at what is referred to as Islamic Terrorism or Islamic Terrorists as not defining the religion of Islam. It is true that these subhumans use the name of Islam to let the world know that it is their source, inspiration and calling that is Islam, but that doesn't make it so.
If all terrorists call themselves Islamic then those who are Islamic but do not think these terrorist acts represent Islam, they must speak out. Speaking out (1) against these scums of the planet, and (ii) defending Islam are not mutually exclusive aims. This is what those who look at what I post miss, and in turn they come across as bigoted.
Chief posted:Nehru posted:Kari posted:Nehru posted:RiffRaff
20 far
1 to 3 shooters
Is it the brothers again?????
You're a dumb ass
Who is the DUMB ASSNOW JACKASS. I know you crying they got wasted!!!
You TERRORIST sympathizer!!! Leave America!!!!
Fouck you yopu low life dag
You just like him, TERRORIST SYMPATHIZER. I hope your neighbors paying attention to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! American Traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is ISIS sympathizers on GNI now?
Cobra posted:Who is ISIS sympathizers on GNI now?
Other than yourself ..hmmm doan really know.
Nehru posted:You just like him, TERRORIST SYMPATHIZER. I hope your neighbors paying attention to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! American Traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nehru, you're wasting time banging on your keyboard about who's a sympathizer of terrorists. No one on this forum would even lend you a moment of credibility on this. I said that caribny and Itaname were helping ISIS by spreading division and distrust among decent people whose religion is Islam and have nothing in common with how it's being abused by ISIS and Al Qaeda to cause terror to all and sundry.
Chief posted:Nehru posted:You just like him, TERRORIST SYMPATHIZER. I hope your neighbors paying attention to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! American Traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You sayin he does forget?
cain posted:Chief posted:Nehru posted:You just like him, TERRORIST SYMPATHIZER. I hope your neighbors paying attention to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! American Traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You sayin he does forget?
Seems like!
How you doing Cainster? When you coming through to the big apple.
This is religion on religion. Why else would people who profess Islam would kill westerners. I just listened to a Muslim guy on CNN. The same line is always expressed, "there are 1.6 billion muslims in the world. He continued to express that christians kill christians. He is justifying the reason for the murdered.
The USA should arrest his baxside and deport him immediately. He will never work in trying to solve the problem. This fella continue to be confused, he expressing the idea of a muslim community and that Americans should not lay blame but come together to find solutions.
This chaps, continued to blame Russia, ISIS and god knows who else for people with muslim names who kills non-muslims.
The reality, this is a 500 years war. Even today, the crusades are remembered-800 years later. And it din happen in Pakistan or Guyana.
seignet posted:This is religion on religion. Why else would people who profess Islam would kill westerners. I just listened to a Muslim guy on CNN. The same line is always expressed, "there are 1.6 billion muslims in the world. He continued to express that christians kill christians. He is justifying the reason for the murdered.
The USA should arrest his baxside and deport him immediately. He will never work in trying to solve the problem. This fella continue to be confused, he expressing the idea of a muslim community and that Americans should not lay blame but come together to find solutions.
This chaps, continued to blame Russia, ISIS and god knows who else for people with muslim names who kills non-muslims.
The reality, this is a 500 years war. Even today, the crusades are remembered-800 years later. And it din happen in Pakistan or Guyana.
Seig Heil you're just a bigot.
RiffRaff posted:With all the mass shootings in the US, why would this one be the last straw?
Was it the last straw in Sandy Hook? or Virginia? or Oregon? Charleston?
or because this killer happen to be a Muslim, it becomes the last straw?
The problem is that these militant Muslims are making it very difficult for the rest of us to go through our days normally. MSNBC pointed out that Americans die by gun violence 50X more than by any terrorist act but that does nothing to alleviate us from the burden of these militants. These acts are hurting us and no amount of beautiful preaching can overcome the acts of these people.
Chief posted:cain posted:Chief posted:Nehru posted:You just like him, TERRORIST SYMPATHIZER. I hope your neighbors paying attention to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! American Traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You sayin he does forget?
Seems like!
How you doing Cainster? When you coming through to the big apple.
When the place get safe an' dem dam people...(u know who ah mean, right) cool down.
ksazma posted:RiffRaff posted:With all the mass shootings in the US, why would this one be the last straw?
Was it the last straw in Sandy Hook? or Virginia? or Oregon? Charleston?
or because this killer happen to be a Muslim, it becomes the last straw?
The problem is that these militant Muslims are making it very difficult for the rest of us to go through our days normally. MSNBC pointed out that Americans die by gun violence 50X more than by any terrorist act but that does nothing to alleviate us from the burden of these militants. These acts are hurting us and no amount of beautiful preaching can overcome the acts of these people.
these militant Muslims.......this sounds very caribny-ish. Why, oh why, must we call these people Muslims? They are NOT Muslims, Kzaazz. If they are then your religion must be given another name, because you are not a terrorist.
Kari posted:ksazma posted:RiffRaff posted:With all the mass shootings in the US, why would this one be the last straw?
Was it the last straw in Sandy Hook? or Virginia? or Oregon? Charleston?
or because this killer happen to be a Muslim, it becomes the last straw?
The problem is that these militant Muslims are making it very difficult for the rest of us to go through our days normally. MSNBC pointed out that Americans die by gun violence 50X more than by any terrorist act but that does nothing to alleviate us from the burden of these militants. These acts are hurting us and no amount of beautiful preaching can overcome the acts of these people.
these militant Muslims.......this sounds very caribny-ish. Why, oh why, must we call these people Muslims? They are NOT Muslims, Kzaazz. If they are then your religion must be given another name, because you are not a terrorist.
They are not Muslims ok. So kari sage of sages, I beseech thee, in which religion will they now be placed?
Cainsta, these people (sorry, subhumans) are of no religion. They have an ideology - beheadings, suicides; killing innocents in the most horrific ways, etc. - that come from some fictitious apocalyptic end-of-world grande finale. Does that seem like religion to you?
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