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Gilbakka posted:

I am concerned that in effect all these mushrooms will skive off critical PPP votes. ANUG, Shuman, Artiga-Charrandas (?).

I always said, since 2011, a hand-cuffed PPP and PNC are best for Guyana.  Let it be.  With absolute majority, they become reckless.  This collapse is precedent setting for Guyana.  Both the PPP and PNC must learn to work with smaller parties!

Dave posted:

Was hoping Ramkarran will rejoin the PPP.

Anyhow, Ramkarran has no grass root support, during his time with PPP, he thinks his political  purpose was in the office. They can rock the boat - APNU .  PPP remains the single vibrant majority party and is untouchable.

GNI should send a crew.

Ramkarran is the one with the most political experience. A two-term Speaker of the National Assembly and a member of the PPP for nearly 50 years, Ramkarran, a Senior Counsel, quit the PPP in 2012 after calling out the party on matters of corruption.

Writing in the PPP’s Mirror newspaper, he had said that corruption was pervasive and the government needed to do something about it. The PPP’s hierarchy blasted him for his stance which he did not resile from and instead chose to resign.

His weekly columns, mainly on political matters, are published in the Sunday Stabroek.


Bhai, why would Ramkarran return,  when the new-PPP blasted him.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Will this outfit not split PPP votes?

No mushroom party has a chance against the mighty PPP.  Or even the PNC.  Those two PNC strong men will pull PNC votes.  People y'all should be reading between the lines.  Not above the lines.

Dazz wuh people seh bout AFC, den dem bring down the PPP and now dem bring down the PNC.  What if Charrandas/Atiga join up Ralphy boi?

Meh Rasta cousin now thinking about launching his party, GUM.  Fuss action, legalize weed and make Veggy Rasta food VAT free.

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Will this outfit not split PPP votes?

No mushroom party has a chance against the mighty PPP.  Or even the PNC.  Those two PNC strong men will pull PNC votes.  People y'all should be reading between the lines.  Not above the lines.

Dazz wuh people seh bout AFC, den dem bring down the PPP and now dem bring down the PNC.  What if Charrandas/Atiga join up Ralphy boi?

Meh Rasta cousin now thinking about launching his party, GUM.  Fuss action, legalize weed and make Veggy Rasta food VAT free.

He would be a sitting duck if he ever returns to Guyana. Vulgah will guarantee his funeral.

yuji22 posted:

This party will take votes away from APNU but if Afros supporters stay loyal to their party then the Ralph’s FAPNU party cork duck. 

PPP consolidated their voting base and whalloped APNU by 54000 votes at LGE. 

PNC is headed into wilderness.  

PNC loyalist will rally around the PNC.  They will have a strong showing.  PNC is here to stay and will be formidable.  They will figure a way forward.  The PPP should not gloat too much.  We see how things can change quickly.

skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Will this outfit not split PPP votes?

No mushroom party has a chance against the mighty PPP.  Or even the PNC.  Those two PNC strong men will pull PNC votes.  People y'all should be reading between the lines.  Not above the lines.

Is Ramkarran still relevant at this age in his political career?

Ralph is her cousin and he might be able to pull away 5,000 votes from the PPP.

Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

This party will take votes away from APNU but if Afros supporters stay loyal to their party then the Ralph’s FAPNU party cork duck. 

PPP consolidated their voting base and whalloped APNU by 54000 votes at LGE. 

PNC is headed into wilderness.  

PNC loyalist will rally around the PNC.  They will have a strong showing.  PNC is here to stay and will be formidable.  They will figure a way forward.  The PPP should not gloat too much.  We see how things can change quickly.

Carib G made an excellent assessment that Blacks stay home when they are dissatisfied with their party. They did so for two successive LGE. Numbers don’t lie. The PNC is like a fish on land. They are headed into wilderness. 

No one is saying that that PPP will win Over a majority of black votes. Blacks vote based on race. The PPP only lost by 4500 votes during a time when the coalition was at its strongest. 

AFC is finished. 

The PPP won LGE by 54,000 votes. The PPP cannot be complacent and Jagdeo ain’t a stupid politician. 

The party that has the most worries right now is the PNC. 


Last edited by Former Member

The recently no-confidence motion against APNU-AFC govt has given rise to new voices and ideas of inclusive government but taken a bite off PPP or PNC is the biggest challenge to reckon with. Since AFC has risen as the third force and fell, it discourages smaller parties to give similar hope to the people who are looking beyond the PPP or PNC for leadership. That said, inclusiveness is catching on and Guyanese are taking pro-active measures toward constitutional reform with the hope of having a unified government. 

yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

This party will take votes away from APNU but if Afros supporters stay loyal to their party then the Ralph’s FAPNU party cork duck. 

PPP consolidated their voting base and whalloped APNU by 54000 votes at LGE. 

PNC is headed into wilderness.  

PNC loyalist will rally around the PNC.  They will have a strong showing.  PNC is here to stay and will be formidable.  They will figure a way forward.  The PPP should not gloat too much.  We see how things can change quickly.

Carib G made an excellent assessment that Blacks stay home when they are dissatisfied with their party. They did so for two successive LGE. Numbers don’t lie. The PNC is like a fish on land. They are headed into wilderness. 

No one is saying that that PPP will win Over a majority of black votes. Blacks vote based on race. The PPP only lost by 4500 votes during a time when the coalition was at its strongest. 

AFC is finished. 

The PPP won LGE by 54,000 votes. The PPP cannot be complacent and Jagdeo ain’t a stupid politician. 

The party that has the most worries right now is the PNC. 


That's optimistic.  The biggest uniting force for Afros is a treacherous Indian.  That's how they see this.  They will put aside all differences and rally behind their leaders.  Ignore this at your own peril!

yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

This party will take votes away from APNU but if Afros supporters stay loyal to their party then the Ralph’s FAPNU party cork duck. 

PPP consolidated their voting base and whalloped APNU by 54000 votes at LGE. 

PNC is headed into wilderness.  

PNC loyalist will rally around the PNC.  They will have a strong showing.  PNC is here to stay and will be formidable.  They will figure a way forward.  The PPP should not gloat too much.  We see how things can change quickly.

Carib G made an excellent assessment that Blacks stay home when they are dissatisfied with their party. They did so for two successive LGE. Numbers don’t lie. The PNC is like a fish on land. They are headed into wilderness. 


Keep on thinking they will stay home after what occurred on Dec 21. 

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

This party will take votes away from APNU but if Afros supporters stay loyal to their party then the Ralph’s FAPNU party cork duck. 

PPP consolidated their voting base and whalloped APNU by 54000 votes at LGE. 

PNC is headed into wilderness.  

PNC loyalist will rally around the PNC.  They will have a strong showing.  PNC is here to stay and will be formidable.  They will figure a way forward.  The PPP should not gloat too much.  We see how things can change quickly.

Carib G made an excellent assessment that Blacks stay home when they are dissatisfied with their party. They did so for two successive LGE. Numbers don’t lie. The PNC is like a fish on land. They are headed into wilderness. 


Keep on thinking they will stay home after what occurred on Dec 21. 

Absolutely.  They know that staying at home for the LGE embolden the PPP to make this move!

Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Will this outfit not split PPP votes?

No mushroom party has a chance against the mighty PPP.  Or even the PNC.  Those two PNC strong men will pull PNC votes.  People y'all should be reading between the lines.  Not above the lines.

Is Ramkarran still relevant at this age in his political career?

Ralph is her cousin and he might be able to pull away 5,000 votes from the PPP.

That's wishful thinking that Ralph Ramkarran can go to sleep and wake up suddenly to take away 5,000 votes in a mere three months time. Guyanese are waking up to political realities.  

Baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I am concerned that in effect all these mushrooms will skive off critical PPP votes. ANUG, Shuman, Artiga-Charrandas (?).

I always said, since 2011, a hand-cuffed PPP and PNC are best for Guyana.  Let it be.  With absolute majority, they become reckless.  This collapse is precedent setting for Guyana.  Both the PPP and PNC must learn to work with smaller parties!

It will actually be good for Guyana if both the PPP and the APNU/AFC come in at under 50%.

Based on who I see here I will suggest that the AFC killed itself with that Charrandass Judas vote. Maybe he and Nagamootoo had a falling out.

The middle class vote (all races) might go to these guys.


PPP did not campaign and lied about constitutional reform. Believe me, even agreeing what specific reforms are necessary will bring great divisions in Guyana among the parties.

Instead of Jackass Ramkarran forming a party, he should have headed up a constructional reform committee including Jagdeo and Granger. That jackass stirred up a lot of controversy lately including the no confidence vote. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

This party will take votes away from APNU but if Afros supporters stay loyal to their party then the Ralph’s FAPNU party cork duck. 

PPP consolidated their voting base and whalloped APNU by 54000 votes at LGE. 

PNC is headed into wilderness.  

APNU will get the working class black votes. I will suggest to you that Charran Judas is the best news that the PNC got.  Those who never trusted the AFC Indos are now vindicated and the notion that "you cannot trust dem 'coolie'" will be even more deeply entrenched before.

Jagdeo should have gotten a black man to vote for his coup. An Indian motivates the black working class vote.

yuji22 posted:

PPP did not campaign and lied about constitutional reform.

The PPP wanted constitutional reform in 1992. Falling in love with the Burnham constitution they did nothing after that.

So those in the middle class who feel strongly about this will support these guys. They will not win, nor is there an intent for them to win.  I think that their goal will be to ensure that neither of the two largest contestants gets more than 50%.

If the PPP gets 49% they are back to where they were before 2015.

Prince posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Will this outfit not split PPP votes?

No mushroom party has a chance against the mighty PPP.  Or even the PNC.  Those two PNC strong men will pull PNC votes.  People y'all should be reading between the lines.  Not above the lines.

Is Ramkarran still relevant at this age in his political career?

Ralph is her cousin and he might be able to pull away 5,000 votes from the PPP.

That's wishful thinking that Ralph Ramkarran can go to sleep and wake up suddenly to take away 5,000 votes in a mere three months time. Guyanese are waking up to political realities.  

What's wrong with wishful thinking? Think of those McCain supporters in the last days of the election. What's there to loose or gain in holding a strong belief that Ralph could pull away some votes from the PPP and the PNC?


yuji22 posted:


Instead of Jackass Ramkarran forming a party, he should have headed up a constructional reform committee including Jagdeo and Granger. That jackass stirred up a lot of controversy lately including the no confidence vote. 

It was not up to Ramkarran to do it. Rather than pulling this stunt it was up to Jagdeo to do it. If the Coalition refused to cooperate THEN an NC would have been appropriate and he would have been able to ull together a cross ethnic alliance.

But he didn't.  Instead he is only about "we tek back de government from black man" and damn the consequences of hardening tribal lines and even a further deepening of the lines of ethnic distrust.

Jagdeo's whole mentality is tribal.  He sees Guyana as two tribes Indians (PPP) and Africans (PNC) and his plot is to capture the Amerindian bloc to ensure a majority.  He cannot see cross ethnic efforts to solve Guyana's problems.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

PPP did not campaign and lied about constitutional reform. Believe me, even agreeing what specific reforms are necessary will bring great divisions in Guyana among the parties.

Instead of Jackass Ramkarran forming a party, he should have headed up a constructional reform committee including Jagdeo and Granger. That jackass stirred up a lot of controversy lately including the no confidence vote. 

Bill for constitution reform consultations tabled

Twenty-six months after it took office and following breaches of its manifesto commitments, the APNU+ AFC government yesterday took a key step towards constitutional reform by tabling a bill for a consultative commission.

The Constitutional Reform Consultative Commission Bill 2017 was read a first time by Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo. Support from the opposition for it is seen as vital to the process moving ahead.

Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:

If there is one thing that we all agree on?, it is constitutional reform. APNU lied to Guyanese about constitutional reform. They paid the price for their dishonesty. 

The PPP also failed on constitutional reform under Jagdeo administration.

It was Anil who held it up this time after Moses filed his motion for the changes.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

This party will take votes away from APNU but if Afros supporters stay loyal to their party then the Ralph’s FAPNU party cork duck. 

PPP consolidated their voting base and whalloped APNU by 54000 votes at LGE. 

PNC is headed into wilderness.  

APNU will get the working class black votes. I will suggest to you that Charran Judas is the best news that the PNC got.  Those who never trusted the AFC Indos are now vindicated and the notion that "you cannot trust dem 'coolie'" will be even more deeply entrenched before.

Jagdeo should have gotten a black man to vote for his coup. An Indian motivates the black working class vote.

Hey hey hey, dem odda Indos lay down and spread.  Dem even back Volda.  Datt banna Charrandas seh no way Jose!!  Now alyuh vex up!

But I agree, a Black defection wudda be duh ting!  Datt million dollar would move nuff, Black and Coolie!

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