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Home > NEWS > APNU+AFC Alliance showing signs of fracture — Dr Singh … says Alliance is about power, not about progress
A passionate Dr Ashni Singh addressing the De Abreu Street, Kitty, Georgetown rally on Thursday
A passionate Dr Ashni Singh addressing the De Abreu Street, Kitty, Georgetown rally on Thursday 

APNU+AFC Alliance showing signs of fracture — Dr Singh … says Alliance is about power, not about progress


DECLARING that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) is about progress for all Guyanese, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh has said he is proud to be associated with the ruling party and its work to transform Guyana. Contending that under the stewardship of the PPP/C the future of Guyana will be secured, Dr Singh on Thursday called on a De Abreu Street, Kitty, Georgetown gathering to not put trust in the Opposition.

 The gathering at De Abreu Street, Kitty, Georgetown rally

The gathering at De Abreu Street, Kitty, Georgetown rally

The PPP/C, he said, is about sound leadership and diversity, and the latter is reflected in its List of Candidates, heading into the May 11 Regional and General Elections.
The party attracted a number of new candidates, many of whom chose to join the party because of its track record and its vision for Guyana.
The same cannot be said of the A Partnership for National Unity+ Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Alliance’s List of Candidates, Dr Singh said.
The Alliance list, he pointed out, is made up of many old whining People’s National Congress (PNC) members. And of course, a few disgruntled ones who were once part of the PPP/C, but have now become bedfellows with their oppressors.
Theirs is no match to the PPP/C’s, he said, noting that the ruling party is not only about unity and diversity; it is dynamic and growing; it is a true representative of the people; and quite naturally, its List of Candidates represents the face of Guyana.
The PPP/C, he said, is proud of its work in transforming Guyana, its track record in Government and equally important, its name, as it has nothing to hide.
But not the PNC-controlled APNU, he said, pointing out that the party has been repeatedly changing its name to conceal its identity.
It was PNC, then PNCR, the PNCR-G, then APNU and is now APNU+AFC, and of late, recent happenings seem to indicate that the Alliance’s relationship is on a rocky ledge.
This, he said, is reflected in the recent decision by APNU to mount only APNU party flags in Georgetown communities.
According to him, it happened after APNU+AFC Deputy Leader Moses Nagamootoo failed dismally to attract a sizeable number of supporters at their rallies at Whim, Berbice and Anna Regina in Essequibo.
It was reported that Nagamootoo was summoned by Granger to explain his woeful support at the two major meetings where he could have hardly attracted 12 supporters, but is demanding 12 seats in Parliament.

Prominent Attorney-at-Law Euclin Gomes on the go

Prominent Attorney-at-Law Euclin Gomes on the go

These are not people who should be trusted, Dr Singh said, contending that they cannot even unite among themselves and can hardly decide on their name.
On this note, he said, there cannot be any clearer indication that the Alliance does not know what they stand for.
Expounding on this point, the Minister pointed to the APNU+AFC Valentine’s Day union, telling his audience that the marriage was about different positions and power, not about improving the lives of all Guyanese and continuing the development of Guyana.
Their priority, he said, is not about development and progress, it is about power, oppression and destruction.
It is reflected in their tenure in Government, he said, noting that basic food items were banned, and abuse was rampant.
Dr Singh said even when in Opposition, they had not changed, pointing out that they blocked the Amaila Falls Project and deprived Guyanese of cheap energy; voted down the construction of the specialty hospital, an institution that will provide care for the sick; and they chose not to support the Anti-Money Laundering Bill, whose non-passage will severely affect the image of Guyana.
These are not people who care about Guyana and the people of this country, he said, urging the electorate that when they vote on May 11, they must vote to stop this tyranny by the Opposition.
Prominent Attorney-at-Law Euclin Gomes, a new member on the PPP/C platform, said the PNC, which controls APNU, does not like to hear about history as they are trying desperately to hide their identity.
He said complacency among party supporters caused the PPP/C to lose the majority at the 2011 election, but they should not all let this happen in 2015.
They used their majority in the 10th Parliament, he said, to derail Government’s development agenda, and did so without reason. It was a show of power and that might is right, Gomes said.
The Attorney said a vote for the PPP/C in 2015 will not just be a vote to indicate support for the party, but it will be a vote to stop the Opposition’s nonsense in Parliament.
It will stop the APNU and the AFC from continuing their anti-developmental agenda, and protect the gains made by Guyana in the past 22 years.
The APNU+AFC Alliance had criticised the PPP/C List of Candidates, saying that it is made up of family and friends.

Young Progressive Youth Organisation [PYO) member Lisa Takurdeen on the platform

Young Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO) member Lisa Takurdeen on the platform

But Gomes rebutted, saying that it is the democratic right of the Alliance to express their views no matter the soundness of it, contending that the PPP/C will not stop any young member who is willing to serve the party and the country.
The Alliance, he said, should look at itself, pointing out that not even their family members are willing to be on their List of Candidates.
Their Valentine’s Day cook-up from their love affair, he said, will get sour, and the PPP/C, with the generous support of the people, will be allowed to continue the development of Guyana.
Lisa Takurdeen, a resident on the Essequibo Coast and a University of Guyana Economics major, was also a new member mounting the platform of the ruling party.
Takurdeen, who performed exceptionally well at the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC), said under the PPP/C Administration, Guyana has been significantly transformed.
Importantly, she said, significant emphasis is being placed on education and youth development, noting that today the education sector is churning out more professionals than any time before in the history of Guyana.
Education, she said, opens the door for a brighter future, and the Government has recognised this, and has been pouring attention and investment in the education sector.
Branding herself a proud product of the education system designed by the PPP/C, Government, Takurdeen said the ruling party is the only party with a clear vision for Guyana.
The young woman urged the electorate to vote solidly for the PPP/C on May 11, so that development and progress can continue.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

If it took Granger this long  to realize that Moses conned him,

then he is a dunce.

Moses is the biggest Conman in Guyana's history.


PNC Indians must remember this, Granger is very cunning and will rightfully give the AFC Katahar as they sit on the opposition benches.


PNC is a knife and fork party.


So Yuji let's worry about what the AFC gets from the Coalition. That's our business, let's deal with that.


Shattie Singh should worry about his exit plan when the Coalition gets in as the Courts have ruled he illegally spent the govt.'s funds.


Nigel, Special Prosecutor, will go after him and the others.


How do these people even have the gall to show themselves in public, and pretend they are the good people?

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

So Yuji let's worry about what the AFC gets from the Coalition. That's our business, let's deal with that.


Shattie Singh should worry about his exit plan when the Coalition gets in as the Courts have ruled he illegally spent the govt.'s funds.


Nigel, Special Prosecutor, will go after him and the others.


How do these people even have the gall to show themselves in public, and pretend they are the good people?

Blah Blah


All of the loudmouths have prove zero of their claims so far. All that they can do is cut and paster hogwash from KN.


Eat your heart out, the PPP is headed for a landslide victory.


Get used to being a dirty PNC Indian, it will last for a very long time.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:

Did that Drunkie crash into anyone on the way home?


A passionate Dr Ashni Singh addressing the De Abreu Street, Kitty, Georgetown rally on Thursday
A passionate Dr Ashni Singh addressing the De Abreu Street, Kitty, Georgetown rally on Thursday 

Didn't you notice the mammoth crowd in the puny pic? Look here:

 The gathering at De Abreu Street, Kitty, Georgetown rally

yuji says PPP will get a landslide with these people.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

If it took Granger this long  to realize that Moses conned him,

then he is a dunce.

wow there was to much people in that picture for me to count,i bet when you drunk you can count how much in this large crowd of 5

Originally Posted by yuji22:

PPP is headed for a landslide victory.


PNC Indians, eat your hearts out because Granger will throw scraps at your like stray dogs.

na all them dog that name nehru belly full


The land is sliding from under the PPP/K.


A party for 23 years has so very little credibility left.  No one believes any of their promises that they had 23 years to do but never did, and wants to use the same slogans in 2015 to fool the people.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

The land is sliding from under the PPP/K.


A party for 23 years has so very little credibility left.  No one believes any of their promises that they had 23 years to do but never did, and wants to use the same slogans in 2015 to fool the people.

the ppp remind me of when i was young and i use to hustle the girls,every time i do some thing bad they will say but you promise,and will i tell them promises is made to be broken 


How do they say things like "we will make UG the best in the world," " we will stop corruption,"  " we will fight crime," and they have been in charge for 23 years.


They built a new crime lab without DNA testing.  UG just came off a strike.  Ramotar has the NCN fraud report and doing nothing about it.


Do these people have any sense at all?

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

How do they say things like "we will make UG the best in the world," " we will stop corruption,"  " we will fight crime," and they have been in charge for 23 years.


They built a new crime lab without DNA testing.  UG just came off a strike.  Ramotar has the NCN fraud report and doing nothing about it.


Do these people have any sense at all?

you know i can understand  guyanese who is still refusing to accepted the facts that the ppp is incapable of developing guyana into a modern society,but what baffle me is the ones that live in a develop world and  experience what progress is all about and support the ppp,is this what you call blind trust 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

PPP is headed for a landslide victory.


PNC Indians, eat your hearts out because Granger will throw scraps at your like stray dogs.

Yugi, the PPP has to provide safety and security for its people. This is a big issue for people. For years the PPP has been promising this and not delivering. Instead the PPP gives away taxpayers money to members of the Police Force and GDF, in the form of large bonus's at Christmas and New Years time. The PPP has to start overhauling and do a complete reform od these two bodies. They have to balance the security forces. Many of these bribe takers break the laws they are supposed to protect and get away scotch free. 

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

The land is sliding from under the PPP/K.


A party for 23 years has so very little credibility left.  No one believes any of their promises that they had 23 years to do but never did, and wants to use the same slogans in 2015 to fool the people.

Gay, the PNC had 28 years. What did they have to show and did they have any credibility? You blind or wah?

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

The land is sliding from under the PPP/K.


A party for 23 years has so very little credibility left.  No one believes any of their promises that they had 23 years to do but never did, and wants to use the same slogans in 2015 to fool the people.

Gay, the PNC had 28 years. What did they have to show and did they have any credibility? You blind or wah?

The question is 'What did they do in 28 years'? They made Indians suffer.

They banned the staple diet of Indians and they used the soldiers to hunt for Labba.  They placed 95% afros in the civil service, army, police and teaching profession. The result was Guyana suffered. Guyana became like Uganda. Mitwah was proud.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
.has to start overhauling and do a complete reform od these two bodies. They have to balance the security forces. .

How do they do this?  Mandatory conscription of all Indian males between 18-30.  Is it that Indians are applying but not being allowed to join?  Furnish proof of this, or accept the fact that Indians don't want those jobs.

Originally Posted by TK:

Oh Lord...another rumor Cobra snake concocted.

TKbabu, Jagdeo is gone and there is still time for you to write another paper listing the evils of the PNC.  In 1992, you praised the PPP and Jagan. Your buddy Sase Singh did the same thing.   Rejoice and be exceedingly glad that the PPP is now running things.  God bless the PPP.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

Oh Lord...another rumor Cobra snake concocted.

TKbabu, Jagdeo is gone and there is still time for you to write another paper listing the evils of the PNC.  In 1992, you praised the PPP and Jagan. Your buddy Sase Singh did the same thing.   Rejoice and be exceedingly glad that the PPP is now running things.  God bless the PPP.


Jagdeo on the list. The man heading economic committee for Ramo .

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

PPP is headed for a landslide victory.


PNC Indians, eat your hearts out because Granger will throw scraps at your like stray dogs.

Yugi, the PPP has to provide safety and security for its people. This is a big issue for people. For years the PPP has been promising this and not delivering. Instead the PPP gives away taxpayers money to members of the Police Force and GDF, in the form of large bonus's at Christmas and New Years time. The PPP has to start overhauling and do a complete reform od these two bodies. They have to balance the security forces. Many of these bribe takers break the laws they are supposed to protect and get away scotch free. 

 you and nehru go join the force all the crime will go away 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

Oh Lord...another rumor Cobra snake concocted.

TKbabu, Jagdeo is gone and there is still time for you to write another paper listing the evils of the PNC.  In 1992, you praised the PPP and Jagan. Your buddy Sase Singh did the same thing.   Rejoice and be exceedingly glad that the PPP is now running things.  God bless the PPP.


Jagdeo on the list. The man heading economic committee for Ramo .

I am sorry he took your job.   He left a legacy that is second to none in Guyana.  Guyana developed beyond belief..  


praise be unto him...

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

Oh Lord...another rumor Cobra snake concocted.

TKbabu, Jagdeo is gone and there is still time for you to write another paper listing the evils of the PNC.  In 1992, you praised the PPP and Jagan. Your buddy Sase Singh did the same thing.   Rejoice and be exceedingly glad that the PPP is now running things.  God bless the PPP.


Jagdeo on the list. The man heading economic committee for Ramo .

I am sorry he took your job.   He left a legacy that is second to none in Guyana.  Guyana developed beyond belief..  


praise be unto him...

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

Oh Lord...another rumor Cobra snake concocted.

TKbabu, Jagdeo is gone and there is still time for you to write another paper listing the evils of the PNC.  In 1992, you praised the PPP and Jagan. Your buddy Sase Singh did the same thing.   Rejoice and be exceedingly glad that the PPP is now running things.  God bless the PPP.


Jagdeo on the list. The man heading economic committee for Ramo .

I am sorry he took your job.   He left a legacy that is second to none in Guyana.  Guyana developed beyond belief..  


praise be unto him...

stay drunk if you get sober you might get a heart attack

Originally Posted by Amral:


First of all Mars I am more man than you since I post under my real name as I have nothing to hide.

Secondly where did I state that it is a rule, go back and read my comment.

You are the one claiming that I made it a rule. But if you want to call it a rule then so be it.

Thirdly threads on Political are more sensitive than others on Social.


When you change titles that can make the Forum liable and I get complaints I will take action.

Changing titles is one thing but putting a title that can be damaging is another thing.


APNU/AFC Alliance showing signs of fracture. Granger summoned Moses to explain his failure to attract a sizeable number of Indos at PNC meetings. Moses now in limbo, fire is on his tail to deliver. Granger feels conned by the AFC.



APNU+AFC Alliance showing signs of fracture — Dr Singh  … says Alliance is about power, not about progress

A passionate Dr Ashni Singh addressing the De Abreu Street, Kitty, Georgetown rally on Thursday

A passionate Dr Ashni Singh

addressing the De Abreu Street, Kitty,

Georgetown Massive PPP rally on Thursday .



 The gathering at De Abreu Street, Kitty, Georgetown rally

The gathering (8 Persons)

at De Abreu Street, Kitty, Georgetown rally.



Amral it seems yuji has changed the title of this topic to...

APNU/AFC Alliance showing signs of fracture. Granger summoned Moses to explain his failure to attract a sizeable number of Indos at PNC meetings. Moses now in limbo, fire is on his tail to deliver. Granger feels conned by the AFC.


Could this Be Damaging????




Can this make the Forum liable????


Is Yuji Breaking your Rules????



Yuji is so Stupid & Reckless....


Yuji show a Picture with

a Crowd of 8 Persons....

the size of  Kwame, Faiuze & Kushial total following....

and wants to compare a crowd of 8

 with the Thousands

showing up to hear from Moses.



Yuji yuh think

Granger scared

because of the PPP Crowd?

Originally Posted by simple:

Is Moses a double agent for the PPP/C? Check his cell phone for all calls.

Moses stated publicly....

he was being Bombarded with phone Calls

from All the Top PPP Crab Louse & Funny Fellas.....

they wanting to know if they Qualify

for one of the Two Minister's Position

that will offered in the new govt

 to PPP members who are not involved in Crime & Corruption.



We have seen Minister Resigning from the PPP.


Liz Harper refusing to

Debate Moses & the AFC-APNU Alliance.


Sugar Workers & Rice Farmers

walking away from PPP and Supporting Moses.


 Granger been Receiving Calls

from them Black Thugs

& Election Riggers...




Phalorie Joe












& Bobby

Granger tell them

"Aha Stay in Rat Batty"


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by simple:

Is Moses a double agent for the PPP/C? Check his cell phone for all calls.

Moses stated publicly....

he was being Bombarded with phone Calls

from All the Top PPP Crab Louse & Funny Fellas.....

they wanting to know if they Qualify

for one of the Two Minister's Position

that will offered in the new govt

 to PPP members who are not involved in Crime & Corruption.



We have seen Minister Resigning from the PPP.


Liz Harper refusing to

Debate Moses & the AFC-APNU Alliance.


Sugar Workers & Rice Farmers

walking away from PPP and Supporting Moses.



Liz is going to withdraw due to "stress".  Jagdeo will with loud screams "agree" to consent to be the PM candidate.  He will claim reluctance and that he had hoped that another candidate couilod be found, but, as a "loyal" Guyanese, albeit one quite content to sell off Guyana to Punjabi farmers and Chinese eco rapists, he will agree to help the nation in its "hour of need".



Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

How do they say things like "we will make UG the best in the world," " we will stop corruption,"  " we will fight crime," and they have been in charge for 23 years.


They built a new crime lab without DNA testing.  UG just came off a strike.  Ramotar has the NCN fraud report and doing nothing about it.


Do these people have any sense at all?

you know i can understand  guyanese who is still refusing to accepted the facts that the ppp is incapable of developing guyana into a modern society,but what baffle me is the ones that live in a develop world and  experience what progress is all about and support the ppp,is this what you call blind trust 

Well, warrior, it baffles me too. But we have to recognize the truth of a well-known proverb: you can take a man out of the bush but you cannot always take the bush out of the man. Life outside Guyana has not cleansed the racial mindset of all non-resident Guyanese. That reality is evident in this forum.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

How do they say things like "we will make UG the best in the world," " we will stop corruption,"  " we will fight crime," and they have been in charge for 23 years.


They built a new crime lab without DNA testing.  UG just came off a strike.  Ramotar has the NCN fraud report and doing nothing about it.


Do these people have any sense at all?

you know i can understand  guyanese who is still refusing to accepted the facts that the ppp is incapable of developing guyana into a modern society,but what baffle me is the ones that live in a develop world and  experience what progress is all about and support the ppp,is this what you call blind trust 

Well, warrior, it baffles me too. But we have to recognize the truth of a well-known proverb: you can take a man out of the bush but you cannot always take the bush out of the man. Life outside Guyana has not cleansed the racial mindset of all non-resident Guyanese. That reality is evident in this forum.

Those fellas are into the Jagan Cult. Note I did not say PPP. There is no PPP. It is Ramotar, Jagdeo, friends and family.


If people are in the Jagan cult, they would be anti PPP Jagdeoite - the antithesis of Jaganism.


If you want paganism, follow Moses and Ramjattan and the Coalition.


We want a Guyana that is strong, clean, prosperous, safe, that we can feel proud to visit and take our relatives and friends on vacation.  


Most Guyanese once they have left, have never gone back because of fears for their safety, and the general nastiness. 

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:



If you want paganism, follow Moses and Ramjattan and the Coalition.



Did you really mean to say that?


I note you cite Moses and Ramjattan.  You think they will run the coalition and APNU will just follow orders?

Last edited by Former Member

Sorry. That should be Jaganism, not paganism.


The spellcheck on this forum really messes me up.  It substitutes all kinds of words when you are typing. Have to be more careful.


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