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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

, so when you start mouthing that a few speeches by Nagamootoo to Afro Audiences would move the needle, u sound like a low-rent politician who forgot what day/audience it is


Nagamootoo did not want to speak in front of black people because he was afraid that the PPP would raise Indian paranoia. 


He now proves the deepest fears of many Indians as he now jumps into bed with the enemy (the PNC).


Nagamootoo isn't going to be the president so he can continue to ignore blacks.  The PNC supporters fully know that he and the other AFCites will be kept under control.  It isn't their paranoia you ought to worry about.


The paranoia that you ought to worry about is the Indian paranioa.  Yes that same one which terrified him so much that he and Ramjattan boycotted that protest and yet Nigel Hughes and Patterson went.  Racial pandering and no way one can deny that it was.  If the AFC wanted a low profile at that event why does sending one of their best known speakers (Nigel Hughes) accomplish this.

i already slew this beast in another thread months ago . . . u don't get a mulligan

Originally Posted by redux:

i already slew this beast in another thread months ago . . . u don't get a mulligan

Such delusions of grandeur.  You slew no such thing as people as varied as Shaitaan, Kari and others are saying the same thing.  Nagamootoo messed up and has 2 months to dig himself out of a hole, or basically the AFC goes down the tubes.  They cannot campaign in PNC strongholds, and might lose support, maybe even be run out of PPP strongholds.

Originally Posted by Chief:

 Okay Carib J so you feel it is a bad union between APNU and AFC


What is your solution AS TO HOW THE OPPOSITION  can remove or win the PPP?

The correct strategy WOULD HAVE BEEN for the APNU to maximize its voter turn out in their strongholds. The AFC to focus on PPP strongholds to reduce the PPP vote, which is declining any way. And BOTH to tackle the Amerindian vote in Regions 1, 2, 7, 8 and 9.


But its too late now.


YOU need to advise me about how likely are disgruntled PPP voters  to support Granger as president.  Don't base it on the youths because they often don't vote.



Kari and other serious folks here are skeptical.  I don't attach any import to HM_Redux and Mitwah.  Gillbakka means well and I really do respect him, but I think that he is too idealistic for this world.


The only way that I see it is for Nagamootoo to attempt to show that Granger isn't the demon that many Indians might think that he is.  Nagamootoo isn't the presidential candidate so cannot campaign on the basis of having the strength to control the PNC.  So they will have to indicate that the PNC of 2015 isn't the one of 1973, 1985, or for that matter 2002, when PNC supporters were beating up PPP supporters.


If that doesn't work I don't know what will.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

i already slew this beast in another thread months ago . . . u don't get a mulligan

Such delusions of grandeur.  You slew no such thing as people as varied as Shaitaan, Kari and others are saying the same thing.  Nagamootoo messed up and has 2 months to dig himself out of a hole, or basically the AFC goes down the tubes.  They cannot campaign in PNC strongholds, and might lose support, maybe even be run out of PPP strongholds.

u have no idea whati am talking about do you?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

i already slew this beast in another thread months ago . . . u don't get a mulligan

Such delusions of grandeur.  You slew no such thing as people as varied as Shaitaan, Kari and others are saying the same thing.  Nagamootoo messed up and has 2 months to dig himself out of a hole, or basically the AFC goes down the tubes.  They cannot campaign in PNC strongholds, and might lose support, maybe even be run out of PPP strongholds.

u have no idea whati am talking about do you?

Don't worry you don't either.  You get stuck in the mud and when you do you focus on that and forget what the larger issue is.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

i already slew this beast in another thread months ago . . . u don't get a mulligan

Such delusions of grandeur.  You slew no such thing as people as varied as Shaitaan, Kari and others are saying the same thing.  Nagamootoo messed up and has 2 months to dig himself out of a hole, or basically the AFC goes down the tubes.  They cannot campaign in PNC strongholds, and might lose support, maybe even be run out of PPP strongholds.

u have no idea whati am talking about do you?

Don't worry you don't either.  You get stuck in the mud and when you do you focus on that and forget what the larger issue is.

larger issues will reveal themselves . . . i prefer to focus on what u actually post here

Originally Posted by redux:

larger issues will reveal themselves . . . i prefer to focus on what u actually post here

yes its easier for you to post nonsensical response to me than to show evidence that Shaitaan is wrong when he predicts that the AFC ha snow united the Indian vote AGAINST them.  And the AFC cannot get the black vote as they dear not compete against the PNC.


Will the AFC survive if the PPP wins as many now predict that it will?

Originally Posted by Chief:

Given the fact on how much race is playing in Guyana's election I think this is not the best call by the AFC.

  Their strategy of splitting the PPP vote was workable and may have positioned them well if APNU won, but then messed up.


But they abandoned it because Nagamootoo has a huge ego and the rest of the AFC lets him do what he wants.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Given the fact on how much race is playing in Guyana's election I think this is not the best call by the AFC.

  Their strategy of splitting the PPP vote was workable and may have positioned them well if APNU won, but then messed up.


But they abandoned it because Nagamootoo has a huge ego and the rest of the AFC lets him do what he wants.

you were against MONC because you preferred local gov't elections . . . naive because the PPP would not have held any, and we all know why


then APNU winning a plurality in the General elections became your ace . . . the people in the trenches didn't think so, which is why we are here


u are all over the place and so full of shyte

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Chief:

They should allowed the people to vote and then form the Government.

Chief, a post-election coalition is not allowed under the Constitution. However your point may be that the individual parties at this juncture is greater than a combined one. That is really the question I've asked myself from the time I heard of the possible pre-election coalition. will the AFC's strength be whittled away by an electorate that still thinks binary - blackman party and coolieman party?

Agreed, and its not often that I agree with you.

I don't agree. Don't you guys think the voters in Guyana would like to see the racial differences be squashed? This is the time to show it can be done. Rather than fighting it, embrace the dam thing.

Cainsta we can embrace it for all we want but racial voting has not been eroded in 2015 to the point where it's PPP or some form of the PNC. It's that simple.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by cain:

I don't agree. Don't you guys think the voters in Guyana would like to see the racial differences be squashed? This is the time to show it can be done. Rather than fighting it, embrace the dam thing.

Mention that to Guyanese audiences and they clap, and then go and vote race again.


They aren't voting hatreds.  They are voting FEARS and until the root causes of these fears are addressed this is what they will do.


So how does Nagamootoo now tell Indians that they must vote for Granger as the president?  They have feared the PNC all their lives, and many times Nagamootoo himself would have told them how bad  the PNC was.


So what now?  Did APNU drastically change from the time when Nagamotoo refused to address the first protest against proroguing?


Too many mixed signals and then you wonder why the electorate will be confused.

There's a lot of truth to what Caribny described - They are voting FEARS and until the root causes of these fears are addressed this is what they will do.


Guyanese (read that to be Indo-Guyanese in the main) will publicly decry the oligarchic PPP but will vote cup in the privacy of the voting booth.



Originally Posted by politikalamity:

Bad decision for AFC and APNU to form this coalition and for AFC to acquiesce the presidential candidate's position to the APNU.


As many have said already this coalition basically takes away that third party option and takes it back to the same old PPP vs PNC. In this time of distrust between the two main races in Gy, minority government is good. 


At least if the AFC had the presidential candidate's position the 18-35 age group who mostly wants noting to do with the racial politics would have still had a reason to vote, but now I expect them to stay away from voting in large numbers.


PPP will win because of that and also the fact that blacks tend to stay away from polling more than Indos because when PNC was in power they did nothing for them anyway, whereas Indos see there is a resurgence in the rice industry which was almost killed under the PNC. On account of this Indos in the rice industry have seen some kind of income increase under the PPP.


I posted a few days ago that the elections will be decided by the 18-35 yr demographic and still feel so in that they will now stay away and hand a majority victory to the PPP who will then have a free reign as opposed to now in a minority government.


With the outside chance that the APNU/AFC coalition wins a majority the corruption will continue because the PNC will call the shots. That is why the viable third party option was so important. 

As many have said already this coalition basically takes away that third party option and takes it back to the same old PPP vs PNC. In this time of distrust between the two main races in Gy, minority government is good.


Very cogently put.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

larger issues will reveal themselves . . . i prefer to focus on what u actually post here

yes its easier for you to post nonsensical response to me than to show evidence that Shaitaan is wrong when he predicts that the AFC ha snow united the Indian vote AGAINST them.  And the AFC cannot get the black vote as they dear not compete against the PNC.


Will the AFC survive if the PPP wins as many now predict that it will?

shaitaan "predicts" what will happen in May, and u want me to show "evidence" that he is "wrong" . . . hmmmmm?


bai, u should seriously consider therapy

Last edited by Former Member

The risk factors of voting for the AFC is what scares people. That risk have increased a thousand times since the AFC began to work vindinctively with the PNC against the gov't to exact revenge for old party issues. Given the long and disastrous history of the PNC in office and their brutal attacks on East Indians in recent times people have come hate them more than ever before. What materialized today is what the PPP have been warning about all along. 


Voting AFC is like taking a medication that will kill you faster than heal you.Why take it? 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Kari:

There's a lot of truth to what Caribny described - They are voting FEARS and until the root causes of these fears are addressed this is what they will do.


Guyanese (read that to be Indo-Guyanese in the main) will publicly decry the oligarchic PPP but will vote cup in the privacy of the voting booth.



 THIS IS A FACT and let me add Indians are more racists than blacks.


Kari my only hope is that the younger Indian generation, especially the educated ones will shift away from race and recognize that the PPP is a corrupt regime and hence vote against them.


Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The risk factors of voting for the AFC is what scares people. That risk have increased a thousand times since the AFC began to work vindinctively with the PNC against the gov't to exact revenge for old party issues. Given the long and disastrous history of the PNC in office and their brutal attacks on East Indians in recent times people have come hate them more than ever before. What materialized today is what the PPP have been warning about all along. 


Voting AFC is like taking a medication that will kill you faster than heal you.Why take it? 

This will be the PPP exact mantra for the next three months!!!


This reminds me of the old saying, the more shit you put on the wall , the more shall stick.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The people of Guyana will tell you that any government will be susceptible to corruption. Removing the PPP is absolutely no guarantee that there will be no corruption. On the contrary, the people of Guyana believes there will be more corruption if the opposition should run things. 

Had Moses not joined with APNU this would have been a head sell. Now you guys will sell the above wholesale. Someone will be buying.


Mr. Carib:

Don't know when last you went to Guyana.  When you check in at Caribbean Airlines, almost all Afro staff. Get into the plane almost all Afro staff. Reach Guyana airport, almost all staff are Afro.The entire Govt is largely Afro.


I met a lot of Indians in the country (Berbice area) who asked me to help them find jobs. 


When you  need a birth certificate, drivers license, transfer a car, get a passport, death certificate, whatever, you have to bribe an Afro worker, because Afros have the jobs.  Where you find Indians working in retail stores, they are woefully underpaid with no benefits.


So it's not like the PPP Jagdeoites took care of Indians and neglected Afros.

Under the PPP now, it's every race punishing.  The parasitic Jagdeoite PPP is only taking care of its new bourgeoisie friends, and throwing a bone here and there form time to time such as the $10,000 give aways.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Let's hope that we get one that put the people's and nation's interests first. I feel the people who voted for the AFC voted on issues and not race. This alliance is for democracy and national unity; changes to the Constitution should be their primary focus on their campaign trail.

Only partially. In both of the last two elections, the majority of votes came from the race of the presidential candidate in-spite of an similar platform.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Mr. Carib:

Don't know when last you went to Guyana.  When you check in at Caribbean Airlines, almost all Afro staff. Get into the plane almost all Afro staff. Reach Guyana airport, almost all staff are Afro.The entire Govt is largely Afro.


I met a lot of Indians in the country (Berbice area) who asked me to help them find jobs. 


When you  need a birth certificate, drivers license, transfer a car, get a passport, death certificate, whatever, you have to bribe an Afro worker, because Afros have the jobs.  Where you find Indians working in retail stores, they are woefully underpaid with no benefits.


So it's not like the PPP Jagdeoites took care of Indians and neglected Afros.

Under the PPP now, it's every race punishing.  The parasitic Jagdeoite PPP is only taking care of its new bourgeoisie friends, and throwing a bone here and there form time to time such as the $10,000 give aways.

you is a blind man you sure you know the difference between a black and a collie,go to customs house and lots of government building there is indians 

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

Does the Constitution allow for a Coalition period? I am not sure, just asking.

The Constitution allowed APNU to contest the 2011 elections.

APNU is a coalition of 10 political parties.

It submitted one candidates' list to GECOM to contest as one political "party".

This time around, APNU-AFC will submit one candidates' list under one "party name". They will announce that by Nomination Day.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Let's hope that we get one that put the people's and nation's interests first. I feel the people who voted for the AFC voted on issues and not race. This alliance is for democracy and national unity; changes to the Constitution should be their primary focus on their campaign trail.

Only partially. In both of the last two elections, the majority of votes came from the race of the presidential candidate in-spite of an similar platform.

It would be interesting to see how the populace of 21 -40 years will cast their ballot on May 11th. Hope they do come out.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Given the fact on how much race is playing in Guyana's election I think this is not the best call by the AFC.

  Their strategy of splitting the PPP vote was workable and may have positioned them well if APNU won, but then messed up.


But they abandoned it because Nagamootoo has a huge ego and the rest of the AFC lets him do what he wants.

You are so full of the stuff that comes out of the bull behind. You should stick to your cockroach herding. To the PNC, you are not worth as much as the Betamax.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

It is what it is right now so let's put every effort to ger a new government come May 11th.


Who is the PPP candidate for pRIME mINISTER

There will be a new Govt Bhai:THE NEW AND IMPROVE PPP GOVT.

With a large majority...

the ppp importing help what happen them collie a shit in the cup

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Mr. Carib:

Don't know when last you went to Guyana.  When you check in at Caribbean Airlines, almost all Afro staff. Get into the plane almost all Afro staff. Reach Guyana airport, almost all staff are Afro.The entire Govt is largely Afro.


I met a lot of Indians in the country (Berbice area) who asked me to help them find jobs. 


When you  need a birth certificate, drivers license, transfer a car, get a passport, death certificate, whatever, you have to bribe an Afro worker, because Afros have the jobs.  Where you find Indians working in retail stores, they are woefully underpaid with no benefits.


So it's not like the PPP Jagdeoites took care of Indians and neglected Afros.

Under the PPP now, it's every race punishing.  The parasitic Jagdeoite PPP is only taking care of its new bourgeoisie friends, and throwing a bone here and there form time to time such as the $10,000 give aways.

you is a blind man you sure you know the difference between a black and a collie,go to customs house and lots of government building there is indians 

Add Indians as bosses for all these blacks.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

It is what it is right now so let's put every effort to ger a new government come May 11th.


Who is the PPP candidate for pRIME mINISTER

There will be a new Govt Bhai:THE NEW AND IMPROVE PPP GOVT.

With a large majority...

the ppp importing help what happen them collie a shit in the cup

No substance to your postings. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

It is what it is right now so let's put every effort to ger a new government come May 11th.


Who is the PPP candidate for pRIME mINISTER

There will be a new Govt Bhai:THE NEW AND IMPROVE PPP GOVT.

With a large majority...

the ppp importing help what happen them collie a shit in the cup

No substance to your postings. 

keep up to date and read the news 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Given the fact on how much race is playing in Guyana's election I think this is not the best call by the AFC.

  Their strategy of splitting the PPP vote was workable and may have positioned them well if APNU won, but then messed up.


But they abandoned it because Nagamootoo has a huge ego and the rest of the AFC lets him do what he wants.

you were against MONC because you preferred local gov't elections . . . naive because the PPP would not have held any, and we all know why


then APNU winning a plurality in the General elections became your ace . . . the people in the trenches didn't think so, which is why we are here


u are all over the place and so full of shyte

True..this chap can't make his mind up.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Let's hope that we get one that put the people's and nation's interests first. I feel the people who voted for the AFC voted on issues and not race. This alliance is for democracy and national unity; changes to the Constitution should be their primary focus on their campaign trail.

Only partially. In both of the last two elections, the majority of votes came from the race of the presidential candidate in-spite of an similar platform.

It would be interesting to see how the populace of 21 -40 years will cast their ballot on May 11th. Hope they do come out.

This could make quite a difference. This segment wouldn't be holding grudges as the older goats, they see what's happening now and they want to know where do they stand in the future.

Not some goddam bull shit that occurred half a century ago by ignoramuses.


Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Given the fact on how much race is playing in Guyana's election I think this is not the best call by the AFC.

  Their strategy of splitting the PPP vote was workable and may have positioned them well if APNU won, but then messed up.


But they abandoned it because Nagamootoo has a huge ego and the rest of the AFC lets him do what he wants.

you were against MONC because you preferred local gov't elections . . . naive because the PPP would not have held any, and we all know why


then APNU winning a plurality in the General elections became your ace . . . the people in the trenches didn't think so, which is why we are here


u are all over the place and so full of shyte

So the PPP will take back parliament.  You happy because Indians aren't going to vote APNU.


1. LGE was way past due.  If APNU and the AFC controlled parliament but couldn't force the PPP to host LGE what use are they.


2.  APNU might have won a plurality if the AFC separately split the PPP vote.  And indeed AFC supporters like TK and Gerhard thought so when they moved to APNU.


3.  Now that the AFC is no longer an entity and its a straight APNU vs. PPP fight PPP wins, and takes back the house.



Essentially the joke is on YOU.  Nagamootoo was a PPP spy sent to destroy the AFC, because if he isn't then he must have some serious issue.


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