Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Mara:
The point is, if Indians can see what was a peaceful exercise of a civic prerogative as reason to take to the skirts of the PPP then they are not being reasonable. Further, this protest is not unexpected. It is what happens at elections time and what is predictable. The good thing this time is there were none of the habitual violence .
The PPP and the PNC are the same in terms of how they look at the world. If the PNC gets there with the same autocratic powers they will steal. To view any exercise on one side or the other as reasonable is itself unreasonable. One therefore let the exercises and the rituals and the processions play out and hope that in the act of decision making in the new circumstance, the expected adversarial relationships distill some reason. Again, I care little about who claim and hold sacred their sense of victimization. If truth be told, the majority claims of these two groups subverted and subjugated the only group with natural patrimony in the state. Their greedy grasping practices marginalized these people and ignored Annex C of the independence agreement completely. The corrupt PPP as the PNC before them. insist that they have too much land for their numbers ( as if we asked so many to come!)
We therefore need reason, fair government, a balanced system and a constitution that will not allow any racial group to exercise authoritarian power.
I care little for the sentiments of Indians if blacks take to the streets. Their fear is the reason blacks are there as well since it is their fear of Indian dominance that motivates their actions. We have to take the racial motivations out of politics and convert it into communal conversation spaces. The PPP did not see fit to take us into an new era. They accept the fact blacks will take to the streets and saw that as a minor inconvenience and one they can control hence the regimentation and water cannon in advance of the election. The idea that blacks in the streets means a reversion to the dominance of the PPP is simply playing the same game.
The dynamics has changed. There are three parties in a plural arrangement. Decision making in pluralities can stalemate or they can do wonderful things. I am betting on wonderful things
Not only Indians but all reasonable people are expected to be guided by past experiences in charting their course and avoiding pit falls ahead, and in this instance, apprehension and preemptive actions may have indeed been the deterring factor against those accustomed to and hell bent on
"habitual violence"When reasonable thinking folks cannot use their senses to judge and pronounce on what is fair,just and reasonable, then we are truly in a sad state of affair and I don,t believe we are any way close to that state of helplessness as yet. For the first time,
"the exercises, the rituals and the processions" did not end up in mayhem for the masses and it was most certainly not a benevolent gesture on the part of those accustomed to their "habitual violence" Never before has there been a political climate in Guyana that is more conducive to
"reason, fair government, a balanced system and a constitution that will not allow any racial group to exercise authoritarian power' but old dogs have to be first and foremost, weaned of their old dirty tricks if ever we are to accomplish anything different. For the first time in our history, the JOPP command the majority in Parliament and that is where changes will occur and all battle must be fought. Give the masses a break from the same old same old!